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View Full Version : Sleep is getting harder to get!Help!

11th February 2008, 01:57 PM
I need your opinion on this.I am unable to take naps in the daytime and now I can't sleep at night either! Last night before I went to bed I noticed this energy in me and it felt like a wave in my left side.I went to bed and the energy started to extend to my back and my body felt numb and my legs restless but I couldn't move anything.Later on I felt the energy getting stronger and a lot of time passed and I was still awake.Then I turned on my left side and felt what I think was Kundalini go up from my lower spine to my head and then there was this sensation in my head.I can't say that it was not pleasant but I never felt probed like that before.I was paralyzed and could not move and tried to tell it to stop but no words came out.Was this Kundalini or could have been something else.No heat like before,no freight train no noise and no lights.I was finnaly able to fall asleep after 4am.Please help ! :shock: :?

11th February 2008, 02:45 PM
Are you currently doing energy work? Energy work, especially in the evenings, can have impact on your ability to sleep.

Take good care,

11th February 2008, 08:01 PM
No,I'm not doing energy work.I was able to sleep today for 4 hours.Had some weird dreams though.I think I was sleep deprived for a very long time.I feel much better.I have so much energy all the time that I can't really relax. :lol:

11th February 2008, 10:28 PM

you might really want to do many grounding activities. I mean, the reason why energy work can disturb the sleep is because it can - well - energize you. :) Excess energy beyond what your system can use could be the troublemaker here. If you are naturally charged, maybe because of ongoing changes of spontaneous nature, grounding might help you get rid of agitation and find more sleep.

Grounding includes releasing the excess energy through your feet into the ground. Do physical activities. Try eating a heavy meal (but not too late). Work out to make your body sleepy.

Maybe that helps with the sleep.

Take good care,