View Full Version : Numerous questions from an energy newbie

26th February 2008, 01:29 PM
I am very interested in the healing aspects of energy work. I take a holistic approach to health and think that this could be an avenue that I have been overlooking. Not to mention in the past few months I have really seemed to have had a "spiritual awakening" and have been researching things such as meditation, reiki, chi kung, and now energy work. I recently started meditating and immediately recognized the benfits of this practice for me. I am probably going to start practicing chi kung (specifically zhan zhuang). I thought that doing some energy work prior to starting might be a good complement and help me to progress more quickly in my chi kung practice.

So I start reading the book and practicing warming up the hands, feet, ect. Start using energy balls. Everything in the book up to about page 40. By the way, while I meditate, I also scan my body awareness from the left side of the head down my body, then back up the right side of my body. Anyway, soon after starting the energy work, I start getting some pain behind my eyes and in my head. So I skip forward in the book (probably not smart) to the grounding section. One day I do a shower energy dump. Today I do a bath energy dump. However, I don't have an hour to spend in the tub and I don't have sea salt. So I used Epsom Salt. Epsom Salt has magnesium in it and is very relaxing to the body. I also threw in some colloidal oatmeal (Aveena bath solution) as it is also relaxing to the skin. After letting the bath drain, I took a cold shower. This seemed to alleviate the pains in my head to a large extent.

My questions:

1. Is it OK to use Epsom salt in an energy dump rather than Sea salt? Anyone else tried this?

2. Is it normal for newbies to get head pains (behind and above the eyes specifically)?

3. Do you think that energy work and Chi Kung will be a nice complement?

4. I am presently in the middle of what I call a "healing crisis" (the body using all means possible to dump massive amounts of toxins out of the system). Should I wait until this has subsuded to continue starting energy work or might this help to speed up the process?

5. Any advice you might give to a newbie?

26th February 2008, 01:59 PM
2. Is it normal for newbies to get head pains (behind and above the eyes specifically)?

These could be blockages. It is okay to skip ahead and look at Robert's chapter about energy blockages to learn more.

Do you have a visually demanding job or other occupation involving the eyes strongly? Do you look at computer screen and/or the telly a lot?

Also "behind and above the eyes" describes the region in which the 3rd eye and its secondary structures are located. You might be blocked in this chakra.

3. Do you think that energy work and Chi Kung will be a nice complement?

"Qi Gong" or "Chi Kung" is the Chinese term for "energy work". Depending on the Qigong exercise you do that is just another exercise to move your energy. It depends on the exercises you do which will complement. It depends on your energetic makeup and specific problems what exercises will be most effective for you. Experimenting with different exercises can help here.

4. I am presently in the middle of what I call a "healing crisis" (the body using all means possible to dump massive amounts of toxins out of the system). Should I wait until this has subsuded to continue starting energy work or might this help to speed up the process?

Energy work can increase the release of toxins. It helps clear the body. It might be advisable to first clear yourself of toxins to make room for the additional release of toxins energy work can incur.

5. Any advice you might give to a newbie?

Limit practice time sharply in the beginning, or you might experience the equivalent of sore muscles and similar pains in your system. Start with little, like 10 minutes, and increase. Do only practise until you feel strain, and then stop. Increase in 5 minutes increments, and stay within the "comfort zone", and progress will usually be smooth and without side effects. Your energy body needs time to develop - you are consciously exercising it for the first time.

If you find that you can increase your practise time without problem or ill effect - congratulations. You have a natural ability. :)

Take good care,

26th February 2008, 02:09 PM
Thank you.

By the way, I look at a computer screen all day long at work. And usually 30 minutes to an hour of TV as well. So yes, lots of "screen time" for my eyes.

Be well :)

26th February 2008, 02:28 PM
By the way, I look at a computer screen all day long at work. And usually 30 minutes to an hour of TV as well. So yes, lots of "screen time" for my eyes.

Behind each eye is an energy center, I guess where the nerves connect into the eye ball. I read this energy center can be blocked due to "visual stress" (as you described) and doing gentle (!) energy work on it can help to unblock this and reduce aforementioned "visual stress".

How does it feel? Awkward? Uncomfortable? Dense? Painful? Sharp pain?

BTW, I think a movement Qigong exercise might complement well with Robert's energy work.

Take good care,

26th February 2008, 02:40 PM
The pain is not intense, but awkward. Hard to describe actually. The location is around each temple, around the brow, as well as slightly behind the eyes.

Thanks again!

26th February 2008, 03:02 PM
The pain I often find within blockage is a feeling I'd rather avoid but can bear if I want to. Bearable. Often feeling tense and hard.

The regions you describe are associated at least with the Third Eye as its supporting structures, maybe with mental stress, too.

You can use Robert's tips on energy blockages to clean them, for example, but be gentle, and it might be advisable to drop any energies you free this way into the ground below your feet.

Take good care,

26th February 2008, 10:08 PM
One thing to add: When you have overstimulated higher chakras (and headaches can be a symptom of this) you should make sure you include a lot of base center work in your routine, make sure you practice a lot of grounding type exercises. Balance is always important.

Astral Exorcist
27th February 2008, 03:08 AM
From my experience taking baths has chlorine and that funny salt evaporating and meeting your eye. Getting it irritated and damaging it a very little. Enough to get eye pain after taking the bath.