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View Full Version : I need a ray of hope about the future

29th February 2008, 07:02 AM
I have been battling Schizophrenia for the past 8 or so years of my life. For the past 5 years, I have been on top of it, and in control. Recently my symptoms have returned. Basically I hear things such as my name being repeated constantly, or negative things about me on the top of any background noise.

Things seem to be falling apart.

In a separate topic in the Energy Work forum I have mentioned how these symptoms returned after practicing energy work as part of a martial art.

For the past two days 'the voices' have been plaguing me. I am unsure about whether there is some kind of imbalance in my mind or whether it is my soul that is sick.

What I am curious about is this - do you think a mental illness such as Schizophrenia is a physical illness (due to something going wrong in the brain), or a spiritual illness?

And, if it is a spiritual illness, what can be done to "fix" it? (If that is even possible).

It all started when I took LSD about 8 years ago. This was when I encountered some kind of entity (or it could have been an aspect of my subconscious mind) which started saying negative things about me. I was bullied through most of my years at school, so this is where I feel it all started.

I feel like God has deserted me - if there is a God then why should people suffer so much.

Basically, I need a ray of hope about the future. A whole lifetime is a long time to suffer like this (and I have many many years ahead of me).

How can I heal? Would it be helpful seeing some kind of energy healer, or is medication the only thing I can rely on?

29th February 2008, 10:50 AM
Well, this site and its staff recommend to stay on medication as prescribed by a medical practitioner.

Have you sought therapy for the bullying issues? If you feel your soul is vulnerable due to emotional upset and turmoil in the past or negative mental self-image, a therapy is surely a way to go to ease this - and if there are vulnerabilities to get rid off them as well. Therapy can be coordinated and monitored with the practitioner prescribing medication, and can help remove the painful and negative emotions you might feel.

If you start to heal your emotions, energetic healing is not a quick fix. In some way you have to deal with it. Having the help of a compassionate and experienced counselour might go a long way to heal your past and ease your suffering.

If you are truly troubled by an entity, which you cannot know as LSD can induce almost anything without enabling the mind to judge what is real and what is not, healing your emotions can help protect you from any kind of emotional attack. It's like sealing off entry points for any kind of psychic attack.

For emotional healing to ease your situation, it does not matter whether you are troubled by an entity or by a shadow self / your subconscious mind. Whether internal or external, the emotional wounds seem to expose you to trouble. Whether an entity takes advantage of a weakness in you or your soul reels under its own pain, emotional healing will build strength to do away with both.

Take good care,

29th February 2008, 12:19 PM
I have been battling Schizophrenia for the past 8 or so years of my life. For the past 5 years, I have been on top of it, and in control. Recently my symptoms have returned. Basically I hear things such as my name being repeated constantly, or negative things about me on the top of any background noise.

Things seem to be falling apart.

In a separate topic in the Energy Work forum I have mentioned how these symptoms returned after practicing energy work as part of a martial art.

For the past two days 'the voices' have been plaguing me. I am unsure about whether there is some kind of imbalance in my mind or whether it is my soul that is sick.

What I am curious about is this - do you think a mental illness such as Schizophrenia is a physical illness (due to something going wrong in the brain), or a spiritual illness?

And, if it is a spiritual illness, what can be done to "fix" it? (If that is even possible).

It all started when I took LSD about 8 years ago. This was when I encountered some kind of entity (or it could have been an aspect of my subconscious mind) which started saying negative things about me. I was bullied through most of my years at school, so this is where I feel it all started.

I feel like God has deserted me - if there is a God then why should people suffer so much.

Basically, I need a ray of hope about the future. A whole lifetime is a long time to suffer like this (and I have many many years ahead of me).

How can I heal? Would it be helpful seeing some kind of energy healer, or is medication the only thing I can rely on?First, you heal yourself. Any Healer or doctor will only alleviate chronic symptoms to allow you (or your body/mind gestalt to heal itself. This doesn't mean we don't need their assistance on occasion - it's hard to focus on healing through blinding pain, or get fresh air when you can't leave a bed.

As I said in my reply to your other post, my words are my opinion, based on living a life & keeping my eyes open for what works. This is not the stance of either Robert Bruce nor of AD. We find our own ways in the world & their & mine may only meet on occasion. Yours may not meet with mine at all. In other words, some people need to look for assistance outside themselves, but from what I've experienced, the world around us is our creation & the only one who can change that world, for better or worse, is the person at the centre of it.

Second. the diagnosis comes from a field (psychiatry) that steadfastly, in the face of evidence to the contrary, continues to believe & promote the idea that brain chemistry is everything. That humans can be defined & adjusted if only we understood the brain well enough. Biology & 50 years of drugging people to supposedly cure them would maybe suggest they actually don't know beans from brains. Biology has reached a bit of an impasse when they look at cells.

Cells do their work based on instructions they receive from outside. People think of DNA as somehow being the brains of a cell, but that simply isn't the case - DNA is a blueprint, a set of instructions. It gets used by a cell when the cell gets told to do so - from outside. There's the problem; it's always from outside. eventually you get back up the chain of command to where a cell, for no apparent reason, kicks off a chain of events. Hard-core biology is coming face to face with the idea that our bodies are controlled by a field that exists both inside & outside the body itself. Psychiatry can't deal with this at all because it is entrenched in the idea that we are our brains & basic chemistry can explain all we do.

The voices could be for many reasons. But you own your life & your body. YOU are the inhabitant of your life in this reality & nothing else has more power, in your reality, than you. Banish fear & learn all you can. You are the one who can decide what is going on and most definitely, you are the only one who can deal with it. Demons, Negs & psychiatrists alike are all only guessing about You & Your life.

With will & determination you can regain your ability to learn & to know & work out, for yourself, what is going on in your life. But it begins with knowing, deep inside, that YOU and ONLY YOU are the soul in control of your beingness.

So there is your hope. YOU can find a way through this. You can reach out for help & work it all through so you come out the other side a better person, in your own definition, than you were. You own your universe & you can live your life as you always wanted it to be because you are more than chemicals & more than any possible brain defect. Did you know there are people who have achieved a University degree who have less than 10% of the brain that most people have?

Find your path, reach out for the assistance you need, & make yourself new.

All the best

29th February 2008, 12:49 PM
It is absolutely possible to transcend mental illness. I've done it, and I know plenty of other people who have done so. How to go about doing that depends very much on the individual person, but with the sincere intent to overcome it and the determination to keep working to do so, it can absolutely be done.

I won't even list all of the mental/emotional junk I've had to sort through (in another thread I have mentioned Bipolar Disorder, which, by the way, I no longer have for some reason, despite it supposedly being an illness that never goes away), but suffice it to say it's been considerable.

It took me many years to get to where I can honestly say I'm not mentally ill, but I did get there. I did it with a combination of faith, therapy, medical intervention, and some sort of dogged determination to be whole and functional.

Yes, it can be done. Transcendence is entirely possible.

I wish you healing and peace. Blessings.

1st March 2008, 07:26 AM
The thing is, I felt I had transcended it. I had been having my medication reduced slowly over time, and each time I remained well. I had had my medication reduced about a week ago, and had been fine for the first five days, so I attributed my state of unwellness to the energy work, which appeared to have triggered it. Now, I believe it was the reduction in medication that caused it. I guess I just reached the limit where the medication stops being effective after reducing it below a certain point.

I felt that I had conquered my illness and could eventually not need medication at all. I was wrong. At least for the time being, I am still reliant on it, perhaps even for the rest of my life.

I have come a long way, however. I have given up drugs and alcohol. I haven't touched the stuff for over 5 years now. I have given up coffee too because it caused certain health issues. And recently I have given up cigarettes. It is a struggle, but I am getting there.

I would like to approach the problem as a spiritual matter rather than a physical one. Psychiatrists and the like can never know what is REALLY going on inside someone's head - they can only speculate. It's like saying "The moon is yellow" having only seen it from afar but never explored it up close.

What can I do to heal my soul? Any other suggestions? Would something like meditation, relaxation exercises, or NEW energy work be worth looking into?

At this point in my life I really feel like going to see a psychic or energy worker or the like to get some sense of direction for the future. I'm kind of wandering aimlessly in a fog in the wastes at the moment.

1st March 2008, 11:36 AM
What can I do to heal my soul? Any other suggestions? Would something like meditation, relaxation exercises, or NEW energy work be worth looking into?

Speaking for myself only, I've found meditation to be extremely helpful in managing my issues, specifically for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Panic/Anxiety Disorder, but that's only the tip of the iceberg. Meditation has given me a great deal of insight into myself and my life and my soul.

That being said, I still recommend that you keep up with the medical side of it. It's really hard to meditate or do serious energy work when you're being distracted by voices or bouncing off the walls in a manic state or so depressed you're suicidal or any other symptom of mental illness. ;)

I'm a big believer in using the medication to keep stuff stable and calm while doing the spiritual work for healing and growth and progress. In time, scaling back the medication may just come totally naturally as you heal spiritually. (That's pretty much what happened with me.)

I do send you blessings and healing, and hope. :)

1st March 2008, 04:19 PM
The thing is, I felt I had transcended it. I had been having my medication reduced slowly over time, and each time I remained well. I had had my medication reduced about a week ago, and had been fine for the first five days, so I attributed my state of unwellness to the energy work, which appeared to have triggered it. Now, I believe it was the reduction in medication that caused it. I guess I just reached the limit where the medication stops being effective after reducing it below a certain point.

I felt that I had conquered my illness and could eventually not need medication at all. I was wrong. At least for the time being, I am still reliant on it, perhaps even for the rest of my life.

I have come a long way, however. I have given up drugs and alcohol. I haven't touched the stuff for over 5 years now. I have given up coffee too because it caused certain health issues. And recently I have given up cigarettes. It is a struggle, but I am getting there.

I would like to approach the problem as a spiritual matter rather than a physical one. Psychiatrists and the like can never know what is REALLY going on inside someone's head - they can only speculate. It's like saying "The moon is yellow" having only seen it from afar but never explored it up close. But psychiatrists and the like have had lots of experience in dealing with patients that have symptoms like yours. They may not suffer from the same problems (and that is not quite accurate, some have) but they have experience with many patients, if they are any good.

What can I do to heal my soul? Any other suggestions? Would something like meditation, relaxation exercises, or NEW energy work be worth looking into? We can give you all kinds of advice about meditation, relaxation or energy work, but please realize that these types of endeavors are designed to expand awareness, and it seems to me that what you are suffering is just that- so it seems to me that seeking more control is good, but you will also have a case of more expanded awareness, and at this point I don't see how this can be beneficial for you.

At this point in my life I really feel like going to see a psychic or energy worker or the like to get some sense of direction for the future. I'm kind of wandering aimlessly in a fog in the wastes at the moment. This is the thing- it seems to me that you are not in the best of condition to seek advice about a matter that no one here is expert at. I certainly hope that you are going to your doctor and still taking whatever medication you're supposed to be on.

This is a general warning to all: This poster has expressed a desire for guidance, however no one here, except for any psychologists that may be reading this forum, has any expertise at all on diagnosing mental or emotional illness. I do not want to see anyone trying to influence someone who is coming for guidance to stop seeing a medical professional or to stop taking prescribed medication. This will be met with swift and possibly final action. I hope this is very clear.

2nd March 2008, 02:33 AM
I would just like to say that I have been on my medication for over 5 years now and have no intention of stopping from taking it. I have been having small reductions in dosage under my doctor's advice - who I see quite often.

All I wanted was some ideas on what is going on spiritually, rather than just treating the problem in a one-sided way - e.g. taking medication and doing that alone and nothing else to try and fix the problem.

2nd March 2008, 03:19 AM
That's fine- you can try whatever you think is going to work for you. But I had to say it.

13th March 2008, 06:29 AM
I have this too sometimes after I read books. I never knew that it was known as Schizophrenia. Its not really a prob for me, as I get it after reading some books, esp. on kundalini n related, but not otherwise.
It also happens to me sometimes when I am between being awake and sleeping.

Maybe try experimenting a little- reading books may increase or decrease it.
believe me, its going to go away in time. actually your beleiving may make it go away
ask your higher self to do what is required, and to guide you. maybe this will work.

you say these returned after some energy work, so these could be due to some energy imbalances,try doing some yoga or something like that everyday, and maybe some breathing exercices. Its never bad to do some of these

try to do some of those exercices to increase your concentration, like trying to imagine something very detailed, and like that.

and ofcourse- take your medicines. that's something that you just can't avoid.

as far as your opinions about god, believe me he is there and everything is all right.
I had to look into the dictionary to see what deserted means, but anyways, he has not deserted you.
and souls don't get 'sick'.

trust me, you are going to be all right soon. I am sending some healing energies.

22nd March 2008, 03:31 PM
I am not a doctor.

I am not a healer.

But I am someone that is presntly being healed and beginning to study different energy modalities.

First of all, there is nothing wrong with YOU. Tell yourself that you are a wonderful person. Being positive and optimnistic is SO important. Your illness is probably a combination of differernt imbalances...energy, spiritual, nutritional and physical. In order to effectively treat your condition, you may need more than one doctor, guide or healer.

The best combination for me has been an "East meets West" approach. I think this approach can best treat the whole organism. A good doctor can probably find ther right combination of drugs such as lithium or whatever that can keep your symptoms in check. An accupuncturist can look for blockages of energy and help to relieve. An energy healer can also help in that area. Do you exercise at all? Mild to moderate exercise is good for just about anyone. Circulating your blood and energy is important to good health. Finally, your nutrition could be WAY off, accumulating toxins and negative energy in your system. A good Naturopath or even Nutritionist might be able to help in this area.

So please don't give up. You just haven't found the right combination yet. Be creative. Think outside the box. Use all the resources that are available to you and be patient. Most everything that happens in Nature happens slowly over time. Don't expect an over night cure.

Blessings to you!

30th March 2008, 06:52 AM
Hi everyone. Thanks for the kind words.

Its been a while since my initial posts, so I thought I would provide an update.

Everything is pretty much back to normal. In hindsight I now realize that the symptoms were returning due to a reduction in my medication, NOT due to the energy work. Also I had given up smoking at the same time as reducing my medication, so that would have exacerbated things as well.

Now that I am back on my initial dosage, everything has balanced back out. It took some time, but it did happen.

These days the only time that I get symptoms are after a long day at work (10+ hours) if I decide to, say, go out for dinner after work. If I go out into a social environment after I have been working all day, the voices of lots of people nearby talking overlap and it seems as if they are all talking about / commenting about me. This causes my mind to create a separate reality in which it seems as if everyone nearby is talking about me, when in reality they are doing nothing of the sort. Usually what happens is this goes on for say 10 or 20 minutes, but then I snap out of it and everything goes back to normal. It is generally quite unpleasant and associated with a lot of anxiety and poor self-esteem. Hence, why I don't like going out and socializing much at all.

I put it all down to being worn out mentally and physically after a stressful, long day at work. In terms of managing my illness, this is the last hurdle I need to overcome.

Any suggestions?