View Full Version : Do you reincarnate after death?

6th March 2008, 09:50 PM
I bet this topic will be moved, because it is seemingly answered by RB in the past.

However, as described in Astral Dynamics, I cannot see why or how the people in the spirit world, surrounded by angels with ♥♥♥♥♥ets, maintaining their personality, would ever come back and reincarnate.

yet, i understand reincarnation is non-linear, so does that mean I am actually dead right now, and I am in the afterlife right now?

And what survives into the afterlife? Isnt it the false ego anyway?

Robert Bruce
5th November 2008, 08:39 AM

A very good question.

What transpires during the afterlife is largely shaped by your belief system.

Angels, you will find, are fairly universal....beings of light.

When persons die, they are active in real time for up to a month or so. This varies a lot, depending on available energy and beliefs.

After this, persons generally fall asleep and dream their lives in every detail, over and over, until it is completely processed and understood.

This may involve considerable time in an afterlife belief construct, in one of the heavens.

Then, depending on ones beliefs and spiritual advancement, an aspect of persons will reincarnate.

If you look at what you are and how you are constructed, you'll find there are many aspects to you. Your egoic self, your higher self, and the conscious 'you' that you know best. Which aspect goes where is a complex issue, not easily answered.

What actually happens seems to vary greatly, again dependent upon ones belief system and ones spiritual acumen and advancement. Many people undergo a kind of recycling process. They live, they die, they dream and process life, their spiritual consciousness substance somehow evolves, or is recycled.

There is something called The Soul. This is an aspect of being that is brought into existence through life experience and spiritual thought and practice. I think new souls may undergo many lives, possibly as animal as well as human, sharing a kind of group soul. This continues until souls are formed. Then, I think they begin to reincarnate in the way most people believe they do.

The partisan view of reincarnation is a very simple explanation for a very complex process. It is fair enough as a rule of thumb, but it does not cover the more complex possibilities involved.

Life is all about possibilities.....
