View Full Version : Ear pain from energy work?

9th March 2008, 10:51 PM
I get headaches from energy work. I have read that these will pass eventaully. What about ear pain? One of my ears feels like there is pressure pushing out on the ear drum from the inside. Kind of like when you are on an airplane and your ears need to pop.

Could this also be from energy work?

10th March 2008, 12:18 AM
I suppose that it's in the realm of possibility but I tend to think it's from fluid buildup as in 'coming down with a cold', or a change in pressure due to changing weather. Of course energy work makes you more self aware and you notice physical things quicker than if you didn't.
But in anything physical you should get checked out by a medical professional.

13th March 2008, 10:55 AM
I am beginning to think that the best medical professional is mother nature. Doctors tend to want to medicate...this has a place, but not nearly as much as precribed. Self awareness (mind, body and spirit) is the best elixir going!

Of course I will still visit my medical doc from time to time, but not nearly as much as I used to. Since my recent spiritual awakening, my outlook on this has totally changed (I used to be someone that went to the doc over everything).

13th March 2008, 11:01 AM
You can try this: Observe the pain. Don't judge it, don't try to avoid it, don't panic about it, just get aware of it without instinctively looking the other way. Might be hard in the beginning, because pain is easy to observe but we have the trained reflex of aversion.

As you do this, how does it feel? Does it change over time? Where is it exactly? Don't settle for a simple answer, just keep on going (without torturing yourself). Try to be relaxedly aware of it.

Take good care,