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View Full Version : Ways & Methods of Reaching AP

6th April 2008, 11:39 PM
I'm starting this topic, to have, and give others an open mind on techniques and ways of reaching Astral Projection.
Please post a reply here describing the TECHNIQUE you use to purposefully, and consciously leave your body. Please, describe it VERY CLEARLY, so I, and everyone else who has trouble with this, will understand it and can try it.
Also describe how long you've been trying, and how many methods & ways it took untill you reached a conclusion.
Thank you!

8th April 2008, 12:41 AM
I swim through the waters of my imagination until my astral limbs are free. From there it's a peice of cake; just toss and turn like you're on fire.
Cool. I like the fact that you discovered these techniques. :D
My question is, HOW do you get to trance??
Another question: If we're deprived of mental energy, or the power the control what we think and stuff, or we're too sleepy, could that make us fall asleep and loose control too easy??

8th April 2008, 05:13 AM
I strongly recommend "emotional genius" and "the power of now" for getting a right relationship with your emotions. If you're punching walls, i can guarantee you that your repressed emotions are stored in your muscles, making them way too tense too get into a solid trance. Don't worry tho, you're not alone on the human boat. g'luck and keep trying.

Thanks a LOT Micheal I really appriciate the advice. 8)
What's Message or self message that you were talking about? I don't get that...

12th April 2008, 05:25 PM
ok, I started this topic so people who look at it can see different techniques and methods so can someone please just put techniques and methods in here instead of just regular chat? I mean thanks for everything you guys told me, but I would like to have people post their knowledge about techniques up here.

13th April 2008, 05:45 AM
What's Message or self message that you were talking about? I don't get that...
May I politely ask if English is perhaps not your first language? I've seen several places on the boards here where you ask for definitions of words or phrases that I thought were fairly common English terminology, which is why I'm asking.

Also, it's fairly easy to look up definitions of common words via Google. You just go to http://www.google.com/ and type "definition massage" (just as one example) and you should turn up plenty of information. It can save a lot of time doing it that way, as you don't have to wait for someone to reply here on these boards. You can just find out on your own. It can certainly decrease frustration and help you work out what you want to know. :)

18th April 2008, 09:41 PM
Also, it's fairly easy to look up definitions of common words via Google. You just go to http://www.google.com/ and type "definition massage" (just as one example) and you should turn up plenty of information. It can save a lot of time doing it that way, as you don't have to wait for someone to reply here on these boards. You can just find out on your own. It can certainly decrease frustration and help you work out what you want to know. :)

Whose frustrated?
The reason why I'm asking for the definition here, is because I believe that the people that are members on this forum are more educated about these things. I felt that I couldn't trust random information on Google, or not all the way trust atleast. Here is my question:
Wouldn't it have been easier just to simply tell me the definition instead of writing all that? Thanks for helping me out, and for the good will, but as I explained, I have my reasons for posting this stuff here.
English IS my second language, and you couldn't possibly offend me by guessing that :)