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View Full Version : Day 43 Experience, Body limbs problem

7th April 2008, 07:50 PM
hey everyone, i just got done with day 43 and i just wanted to post on what all happened. i was completely relaxed and the breathing work was excellent. arm/leg energy stimulation was great. third eye trance along with visualization was good. now came the rope exit method. i was sitting in a hard back chair doing this method, i tried previously with my bed but i wanted to try it with the chair, since the book really never mentioned in which one i should try it in. well, im pretty good with visualization so i kept climbing the rope. i wasnt feeling much, and i remembered about how i had to speed it up in order to get more stimulation. well i started to climb it faster and i could feel my body getting very light. my heart was pounding and my eyes were going crazy behind my eyelids. i kept pushing it, but then i felt like my actually limbs were lifting off the ground and i did not want to interfere with it. when i awoke from it, i had noticed that my foot was indeed coming off the floor and it wasnt my energy body foot. i really need some help here for tomorrows practice, since im thinking about trying it while lying down, but the problem is with my limbs coming off the surface. how can i make sure that my actual physical body parts are relaxed and on the floor while i do exit techniques? i can relax my body very good, but just annoys me when i try to visualize coming out of my body that my physical body parts do those things like lifting off the floor. thanks! :)

7th April 2008, 07:56 PM
Do a bit more preliminary work (ebody loosening) before starting with rope, when prestimulating spend a little more time on your legs, and finally, don't hurry the rope method. Keep it slow, and if you feel the leg thing happening put them back down physically.

7th April 2008, 08:03 PM
is there anyway to tell the difference between my actual body going off of the ground and my energy body?? im in martial arts, so its not that difficult to hold my legs up. it just annoys me since i want to know that feeling of becoming light and going out of my body, but then realize it was just my physical body, makes me sad :( so any tips to distinguish the two would be great

7th April 2008, 09:10 PM
I have no good answer to this, since I found that I feel both sets at the same time. Maybe you can do on purpose what I had happen to me by accident (or HS design) I dreamed once that I had my energy body legs separate from my regular legs, and I could feel both sets at the same time, but I could only see one set. Once you feel this, you can tell just from feeling it.
Something to do which may help, is, on another occasion (like just before you 'officially' do an attempt) Sit somewhere, and imagine lifting your legs (how it would feel) without moving your actual legs. If you need to, put something over them, and concentrate in lifting your astral legs without moving your actual legs.
Another thing to do (when you decide to sleep) is to ask your Higher Self with help with this, like giving you a dream like the one I had. This may go a long way in breaking down a belief-based barrier that may happen with this. (You know, the old "you can't be in two places at the same time" belief that can get in the way of some of the experiences you can have).

Btw and ps, sounds like you have awesome abs if your legs are going up no problem like that. :wink:

7th April 2008, 09:24 PM
lol thanx for the compliment. idk, i just didnt see a real good explanation in the book (or if i missed it) on if you are supposed to feel two places at once, or feel completely detached from your body, so maybe just could describe the sensation of the energy body limbs so i know that "hey, these are my energy body limbs not my physical limbs"

7th April 2008, 10:30 PM
lol thanx for the compliment. idk, i just didnt see a real good explanation in the book (or if i missed it) on if you are supposed to feel two places at once, or feel completely detached from your body, so maybe just could describe the sensation of the energy body limbs so i know that "hey, these are my energy body limbs not my physical limbs"
Well, your problem doesn't happen to everyone.
How the ebody limbs feel is the same as the regular ones only lighter. That doesn't really help with the legs, though.