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View Full Version : Day 1 experience

9th April 2008, 01:50 AM
I'd like to share an experience I just had doing exercise #5 on page 22.

I'm new to this program, however, I'm not new to meditation or energy work. Either way, this experience was new and unique to me.

As I was doing the exercise, I felt a knot building in some of the deeper tissue in my mid-forearm, and began dealing with it like i would deal with any other energy blockage. But the knot worsened and as my muscles cramped in my forearm, they started pulling hard on some muscles in my palm and my thumb. somehow I had a realization that i wasn't scrubbing the knot in my arm, the knot was in my mind.

My consciousness changed in a way that I can't explain, after somehow i tried to put my awareness on the knot in the arm in my mind, and the knot dissolved right away. I was seeing and feeling my arm in a new way, as a universe inside a long tube, made of stars and space. It felt and appeared that way. It seemed that i no longer had an arm, just awareness of this space-tube. the stars brightness increased steadily as the energy sensations intensified; the light of the stars extending outward, appearing and feeling as thousands of needles made of light, coming out of where my arm would be. it was dazzlingly beautiful, and i was overwhelmed with a strange bliss. the needle light expanded until it was dense yellow light, which turned slowly into much "denser" white light, creamy white and heavy, thick...no longer humming or vibrating in a detectable way, but creating this feeling of really really high heat, though my skin actually never got warmer.

What began as tingles turned into crushing pressure (not painful, just intense) and white light. After some time, I opened my eyes because i had to see if i still had my arm.

I wonder if i will develop an imbalance if i don't do something like this with my right arm?

9th April 2008, 09:49 AM
No, I don't think so.

In a certain sense you don't "develop" your energy body, you just clean it. Any imbalance is already there, and what your body brings to your attention is what your body "thinks" needs to be done.

Blockage is not as simple as the word suggests. It is the opposite of letting go, your body, soul and mind hold on unto something in that spot. Each of this aspects can be dominant, determining how you experience the blockage and how you resolve it.

In this case you directly did what the Daoists called "Ice to Water, Water To Inner Space" (softening and fully dissolving a blockage). They say, "there is as much space within as there is without". Enjoy it. You touched deeply within yourself. :D

See also here:

viewtopic.php?f=46&t=11627 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=11627) (especially the second page)
viewtopic.php?f=46&t=9353 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=9353)

Take good care,