View Full Version : Taking in energy via the heart chakra

22nd April 2008, 02:03 PM
For the past couple of days I've had some interesting sensations around my heart chakra. I'm not going to go into the whole background, but to put it very, very succinctly, I've always kept my heart behind a locked door, and while I can and do share and give, I rarely lower my defences in order to receive. This keeps me "safe" in some sense, but it's not a good balance. I was only shown this in the past couple of days.

And since I realised this and made the deliberate effort to "open the door", so to speak, things have been happening materially and also energetically. I have periods where I feel like I'm sucking in energy at a tremendous rate, and it's in or around my heart chakra, and sometimes flows downward into the solar plexus and second chakra. It feels exactly like that laboured breathing someone does when they've been underwater a bit too long or similar, when they suck in the air like they're gulping it down, only it's energy. I'm pulling it in from the space around me and also the Divine is involved in pumping it into me. Earlier it was pulling so hard it was both pleasurable and painful at the same time (felt like my ribs were actually being pushed on from the inside, very strange feeling, and I'm sure it wasn't physical).

I've been told repeatedly that my power base, my "centre", if you will, is my heart, so I guess this makes some sense, but I was unaware that energy could be drawn in this way in big vacuuming gulps directly to the heart chakra (I did know energy could be taken in via the chakras, though).

I'm not sure what I'm asking, if anything. Maybe I just wanted to share. It feels quite remarkable, and I can sense colours around the heart chakra now (sort of indigo blue at the moment, but flashes of emerald green, which I presume is from the chakra, itself).

Thoughts appreciated if you have some. Otherwise you can just nod and say, "Hmmm." That's okay, too. ;)

22nd April 2008, 04:09 PM
*Nods* Hmmm.....
Sounds like you're doing 'breath of fire', instinctively. Ready for another K episode?

22nd April 2008, 04:16 PM
*Nods* Hmmm.....

Sounds like you're doing 'breath of fire', instinctively.
I had to go and look that up. No, I'm breathing pretty normally. The sucking in of air was a metaphor to describe the sucking up of energy in big, vacuuming gulps (that's stopped for the moment, but I think I'm still taking in energy to the heart chakra in a more sedate manner).

Ready for another K episode?
Yes. I'm panting for it. I have this really deep, deep inner need for spiritual enlightenment. I mean, it's really intense.

Here's another metaphor. It's like being really, really hungry, and being able to smell the food, and hoping it's coming soon because you're starved...

So, yes, bring on the Kundalini. I'm ready for it. ;)

22nd April 2008, 05:11 PM
I've really been enjoying reading your posts, OlderWiser. You truly are at a beautiful point in your journey and I have been nodding and hmm-ing a lot.

Before I had Kundalini I had some major solar plexus energy stuff happening, exactly like what you are describing.

i look forward to reading more about your experiences.