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View Full Version : Recurring Hypnagogic Images- Does this happen to you?

8th December 2005, 09:38 PM
This is something that has been happening to me- I don't know if it even belongs on here but I couldn't find any other spot, so here it is:
Maybe a couple of years ago I was meditating and got into the hypnagogic state- and started seeing the images flash by- but one image was different- it was a few drops of liquid falling into a surface as you would see it from the top from about a 45 degree angle- you see the drop fall, the ripples on the surface extend out and you see about 3 drops, then you focus, and the whole scene goes away. It looks like a "negative" image- the drops and ripples look light (white/pink) and the background looks dark (dark pink, the color of your eyelids). Even though the colouring is not realistic the look of it is. (It's like watching a movie in sepia-negative.) I have had the same imagery in the hypnagogic state now at least three times this year that I remember. It is always the same which is why I'm wondering if it's something physical going on in my optic nerve or eyeballs. So, is this something that happens to others?

8th December 2005, 10:08 PM
I don't see that image but I think I know what you are experiencing regarding the colours. Rather than a negative of the image, I sometimes see what is more like a psychedelic representation. Some of the greater detail is lost, but the outlines, shading is done in neon colours (sometimes these are pastel - yellow/orange etc).
Does this colour change only occur with this one image for you?

8th December 2005, 11:31 PM
Oftentimes faces will suddenly illuminate before my closed eyes, fix a pose..be it a wicked grin, a stif upper lip or just fierce eyes. Those eyes which burn and look as though they contain a secret and you wanna ask just what it is that they see. These images burn for a few moments and then , like you said, fade out into negatives and disappear,

9th December 2005, 01:28 AM
I don't see that image but I think I know what you are experiencing regarding the colours. Rather than a negative of the image, I sometimes see what is more like a psychedelic representation. Some of the greater detail is lost, but the outlines, shading is done in neon colours (sometimes these are pastel - yellow/orange etc).
Does this colour change only occur with this one image for you?
Yes. What makes me wonder is that it's the only image that looks like that- like a recurring dream but not quite one. :?:

9th December 2005, 01:16 PM
These images burn for a few moments and then , like you said, fade out into negatives and disappear,
This reminded me of when I was first practising clairvoyance in a spiritualist context. As a message passing technique images would be presented for interpretation and these after a time would deteriorate in a similar manner. Over time this improved such that the images could be held for longer.
These days I do sometimes get a range of similar type images when approaching sleep where a face will step up and some of them are quite strange. As you do, I think what is their intent, what are they about. :)

Just to cover the angles, there is also an eye function where staring at an object will result in the image fading due to depletion of compounds used by the eye but I assume the eyes were closed anyway. :)

9th December 2005, 02:34 PM
I assume the eyes were closed anyway. -Mick.

They were. It was almost as if this image was under the other more normally colored images, and I could see it as the others flicked by. Then, when I took notice of it, it was gone. It's kind of weird and very realistic.

A Perfect Circle
13th December 2005, 01:08 AM
I also see a lot of differant types of hypnagogic images. The one that I see most often are these strange geometric shapes. They have all sorts of stranges textures to them. They are constantly moving, changing shapes and colors. They sometimes take on the appearance of a face. From time to time I see other things. Last night I had my eyes closed and I seen a clear image come into my view and then dissapear. Usally it is so fast that I can't even make out what it was.

24th January 2006, 10:02 AM
In reference to hypnagogic images - I begin to dream with thoughts, sight, color, and awareness while I am still laying awake and aware of myself in a waking way. It has been about 3 or 4 years like this but it doesn't happen noticeably every night.

27th January 2006, 05:27 PM
Oftentimes faces will suddenly illuminate before my closed eyes, fix a pose..be it a wicked grin, a stif upper lip or just fierce eyes. Those eyes which burn and look as though they contain a secret and you wanna ask just what it is that they see. These images burn for a few moments and then , like you said, fade out into negatives and disappear,

Yup, I seem to get this all the time now when drifting to sleep. Sometimes they're people that are moving around until I suddenly become aware that I'm watching them and then I get the effect described above happening, though they tend to fade in a violent flash of light which physically jolts me. Is this connected to lucidity? or is it, as I've heard some say, preliminary to contact with spirit?

27th January 2006, 09:33 PM
For whatever this is worth, I found that when I start getting a lot of these images, I either OBE that night or the next night. I'm starting to consider them OBE precursors. And if I start hearing stuff I know one is coming up.

28th January 2006, 01:50 AM
Yup, I seem to get this all the time now when drifting to sleep. Sometimes they're people that are moving around until I suddenly become aware that I'm watching them and then I get the effect described above happening, though they tend to fade in a violent flash of light which physically jolts me. Is this connected to lucidity? or is it, as I've heard some say, preliminary to contact with spirit?

I do believe this is clairvoyance it is a good gift so take it very seriously it can aid you well.

29th January 2006, 04:07 PM
Thanks for the kind words. Have you any ideas about how specifically to use those particular kinds of experiences - ie. anything specific to do while they're happening? Have been exploring this kind of thing at a calm steady pace for some time, so always glad of any advice.

29th January 2006, 10:46 PM
First, report: Upon awakening the other day I saw the 'droplet' effect again. It's starting not to surprise me anymore.

to mrryjos: When you find yourself in a scene, try to explore it without being sucked in. I never look at the faces of the people besides me, because then they look back and it freaks me out, but I try to look around at the scenery, the floor, and try to "stay there" as long as possible without letting it degenerate into a dream. I think this is a good claryvoyant ability- I only can do it right before OBE. I think it works when my energy body is 'ready for takeoff'.

13th March 2006, 02:10 PM
Anyone ever see like a slide show of images going through your head in rapid succession?? Ive been getting those alot. I've been able to make out some of the symbols sometimes but one that stood out, still freaks me out is a pentagram.

I also see faves looking back at me really dark ones, and they look evil at times. Kinda

13th March 2006, 02:12 PM
Whoops somehow it posted real fast, musta did something by accident.

Anyway, Its so hard to get those visions from yourd 3rd eye out. Its usually so dark, and if you could just get some light behind it...

13th March 2006, 09:39 PM
About 3 days ago I actually went 'in' for a little while. I started with the usual 'slide show', as Lone Crow reported, then got the 'droplet effect', and then for a while I was looking at 'textured nothingness.' It looked like nondescript embossing on a surface- then the patterns became more 3-D and acquired resolution, and slowly started turning into a room. Kind of like when you're going ato take a picture and it's 'out of focus'. I tried moving 'into' it with my energy body, like I do when I OB, and it felt like I was going through a wall. A wall of patterned nothingness!! . Then It resolved into a room, also acquired color- (from grey to color ) and I could see figures, like for a second, then I started to lose the 'vision' and felt myself retreating out of it and then it turned into nothingness (closed eyelids) again. This is the first time something so slow and deliberate happened with hypnagogics, but it was very cool. I lay still for a while longer but I woke up anyway. 8)

16th March 2006, 04:17 PM
Anyone ever see like a slide show of images going through your head in rapid succession?? Ive been getting those alot. I've been able to make out some of the symbols sometimes but one that stood out, still freaks me out is a pentagram.


Get this.. 3 days later, I am watching a video someone posted on message board on the illuminati. Well, the slide show that I saw, the series of pictures including the pentagram and other things I couldn't make out, were EXACTLY IN THIS MOVIE.

I had a procog of a movie I was going to see 3 days later!!! I've had this alot though. I've had astral sight lead to a similar vision days later. But this one was real weird...

I've had some of my astral sight semi-visions end up being accurate predictions to world events over the last year.

16th March 2006, 09:06 PM
Well, I had one this morning that was so memorable I had to share it. I was meditating, seeing the screen go by, then all of a sudden I was giving Bigfoot a massage! It didn't last long but enough that I got a good view. Bigfoot, all 8 feet of him was laying on a massage table (how did I get one so big?) in an open tent, the kind you see on cruise commercials, and the outside was beautiful, like a tropical paradise, with big flowers and waterfalls (Bigfoot in Hawaii?). I was massaging his back, and his fur was long, like 5-6 inches, very matted, and bunched together in 'dreadlocks', not real ones, just fur so matted it looked like that. He didn't look like the Patterson film (that one had short hair like a Gorilla). This one had long brown hair all over him. Big and muscular, and hominidlike. Then it flashed away and I was riding around in my street, then the alarm went off.
Hmmm... :? :shock: :lol:

16th March 2006, 11:51 PM
Oftentimes faces will suddenly illuminate before my closed eyes, fix a pose..be it a wicked grin, a stif upper lip or just fierce eyes. Those eyes which burn and look as though they contain a secret and you wanna ask just what it is that they see. These images burn for a few moments and then , like you said, fade out into negatives and disappear,

Enoch, I get those very same faces!!! They scare the %$)& out of me. Then, I think, oh, it's just my own subconscious doing this, and they fade.

17th March 2006, 03:27 AM
I get the faces too.. some float around etc. I have a feeling they are waiting to pounce on me if I ever actually do get out of body.

They disturb me, but they don't scare me. In face I am more curious, and because I have an aggressive nature, I know if they want to mess with me I WILL fight back and most likely kick their ass.

I've had sleep paralysis episodes of Gray aliens being in my room (one time only) to the side of me and I got mad that I was being paralysed broke free from it in a fit of rage and whacked one of them so hard, they screamed a noise I can still hear today. Then I woke up.

17th March 2006, 02:31 PM
I get the faces too.. some float around etc. I have a feeling they are waiting to pounce on me if I ever actually do get out of body.

They disturb me, but they don't scare me. In face I am more curious, and because I have an aggressive nature, I know if they want to mess with me I WILL fight back and most likely kick their ass.

I've had sleep paralysis episodes of Gray aliens being in my room (one time only) to the side of me and I got mad that I was being paralysed broke free from it in a fit of rage and whacked one of them so hard, they screamed a noise I can still hear today. Then I woke up.

17th March 2006, 02:31 PM
We are not alone! Thankfully - because they are creepy. especially the ones that appear and then head straight towards you asif they're entering your brain or something. (mad cackle) :twisted: