View Full Version : Question about FEET experiences

5th May 2008, 01:16 PM
Hi there, ive been Energy Raising for a few years, but I have a problem which has been ongoing regarding my feet.

When I energy raise during the day, it is absolutely fine... I stimulate the feet no problem, they feel normal, energy pulsations (but not too extreme) and all is normal.

However, when I am in bed about to go to sleep it is a different matter.
The right foot almost always becomes intolerably prickly and cold in places, especially the big toe. Now, the thing is, if it is a blockage, why has this been going on for about 4 years, and why is it never an issue during the day when the energy sensations, although peaceful, I feel are pulling in a nice amount of energy and have never been an issue. (I use NEW energy ways btw)

Quite often in the evening (when in bed and energy raising) the surge will rise straight through my right leg and completely paralyse it. Ive recently heard of energy parasites that can suck the energy, im hoping its not that! Im pretty sure its not a blockage as this problem never occurs during the day in meditation and normal energy raising.
Perhaps its the extra energy that is around in the evening and its just more than my energy body is used to...
Has anyone else had the same problem?

5th May 2008, 01:52 PM
I'm pretty sure that is a blockage. Those are the usual signs for a blockage, too typical to ignore.

When in bed you surely find an easier way into trance. Trance energy work is often way more sensitive (try "magnitudes more sensitive") than non-trance energy work. You might never go as deep sensations-wise while fully, widely awake during the day, while being in your bed might be your natural way to trigger a deeper trance.

The pulsations are signs of that, too. They mark blockages in your energy system, else the energy would run way smoother. Pulsing denotes more energy transferred than the amount of "blocked-ness" allows in my experience. Unblocked energy runs with little sensations, you just feel it "flow", not so much pulse. So the pulsing while widely awake is the minor version of what you meet in pre-sleep trance energy work.

So - do you have any typical trance-symptoms while lying in bed doing energy work? A warm, fuzzy sensation? Your physical senses tuning out? Do you have these at the same intensity when doing energy work during the day?

Take good care,

5th May 2008, 02:46 PM
By pulsing I mean a nice warm throbbing, not a major shake.
It feels completely fine during the day... smooth and comfortable, like gentle running water.

I think you're right though about trance-like state in bed.

It probably is a blockage. Interesting though, considering I've been 'bouncing' and 'wrapping' my feet for years. Maybe I need to consciously try to unblock it. *shakes fist at right foot!*

5th May 2008, 03:13 PM
Throbbing or pulsing doesn't need to hurt in any way. It's just an ongoing sensations in blocked parts when running more energy - could be almost like bubbling through, but also as pronounced as forcing its way. Depends on how much blockage and how much more energy than usual.

I've been energy working in my feet for years, but progress is still only gradual. Some blocks simply take their own time.

Take good care,

5th May 2008, 06:38 PM
Would you say that if I keep working on the foot the blockage will go away, or would it be best to try another method?
I need to get RB's Energy Work book!!

5th May 2008, 06:42 PM
Well, that's usually the way to go. ;) Depending on the resiliency of the blockage it might take some time, don't be frustrated if that happens. Just take your time and don't overdo it.

Robert's book is very good and highly recommended. :)

Take good care,

6th May 2008, 07:39 AM
Sorry to keep going on about this but I thought i'd share with you my experience this morning of removing the blockage.

(I think I was in denial yesterday when I said I dont think it is a blockage!)

I got into a semi-trance state after I got up this morning and decided to spend some time investigating the area.
I managed to find the exact area that is causing the problem.

After concentrating, it appears to feel like a small ball-bearing about an inch or two under the big toe on my right foot.
The blockage became quite sharp and I decided to use the 'wrap' technique to try and remove it.

This didn't work too well and seemed to make it worse. I tried pumping, that also didnt work.
Eventually, I noticed I could actually move the 'lump' in my foot (is this normal????)

I decided to try and move it OUT of my foot by moving it towards the tip of the toe. Well, I managed to move it to the tip, but not actually make it leave. So, instead I felt a great white light shining down on the tip of my toe to attempt to 'dissolve' it.

This seemed to work!!! And the whole right foot is feeling a lot better now. Im sure the blockage still needs alot more work, but im feeling alot more confident that it wont be around for much longer now ;o)

Its interesting because I always assumed my right foot was drawing in more energy because it tingled and pricked alot, when in actual fact my left foot is because its not blocked

6th May 2008, 03:22 PM
Excellent work! Follow your intuition in energy work and experiment, that is Robert's approach, too. :) Confidence is important, too. ;)

Its interesting because I always assumed my right foot was drawing in more energy because it tingled and pricked alot, when in actual fact my left foot is because its not blocked

Common mistake. I at first thought I am having an easy time feeling energy until I discovered I'm so blocked in some places I cannot avoid feeling *more* energy... :shock:

Further good success,

7th May 2008, 03:25 PM
I did some further work on the blockage today, and noticed something very strange about it.

It appears to have a cord connected to it??? Very odd indeed. The more I concentrate and try to move it, the more of a negative effect it has. IT bobs about and I can almost grab and move the cord it is on... does that sound strange??? It does to me!!

It made my leg get extremely heavy and impossible to move any energy through it at all. Every time I attempted to pull energy from my foot it actually hurt.

Im not sure what to do about this, whether to continue and ignore and hope it goes away, or to do something about it.
As its on a cord, I thought maybe I can try and 'snip' it with some sharp energy scissers!! I tried this, and it didnt do anything, the cord merely slipped through my attempts.

Energy work is very bizzare :?

7th May 2008, 06:23 PM
Try cutting the cord - with a quick swing with a katana, or a pair of scissors, or a chainsaw, or a breadknife - whatever does the trick. Anything maybe that does not allow the chord to escape.

A cord *might* indicate an energetic connection to another person or entity. That would not be that unusual, as on emotional and psychic levels we exchange energies with a lot of people. Some of these exchanges may have a lasting negative impact - such as draining. Or blocking you up. Sometimes other people just "take it out of you" or it takes "all your energy to bear them". There's a grain of truth in such sayings. Persons we habitually think about we exchange energy with. Traumatic memories may also be connected with energetic blockages and cords to another person or being.

It might be a good idea to also try a salt bath on that foot or area, preferrably with sea salt. That is known to clear the aura, for example.

Take good care,

7th May 2008, 08:20 PM
You have given me lots to think about..
Ultimately I'll have to experiment and see what happens. I think I will try your 'dissolve' technique on your over thread over the next week and ill let you know how I got on.. I think ill avoid any slicing for now but if its still there perhaps in the next week then ill slice away (just dont want to do any damage!!) :D

17th May 2008, 10:15 AM
Well, I've been working on the blockage since I mentioned all of this.

Some interesting experiences occured, I think ive now managed to get rid of the majority of it, although there is still some residual 'oddness' occuring.

To cut a long story short, one evening I decided to get rid of the blockage once and for all. I used a sort of 'Spatula' to pryse the thing off my foot. It appeared again as an amorphous blob on the top of my foot. The more I tried to pryse it, the more the blob took shape, and it seemed to grab on to my big toe, and almost 'bite' into my small toe. IT was quite scary in a way, because I couldnt help but think there was some sort of animal or bug on my foot. The more I tried to get rid of it, the more it grabbed.
I thought i'd try and go for the chord. I imagined a sword as you suggested, but couldnt seem to puncture it. So I tried a more aggresive approach, and used a very jagged saw. I made sure each of the jagged prongs were highly fabricated to do the most damage. The more I sawed, the more the blob loosened its grib on my toes, and I then decided to try sawing the blob. Eventually, it disappeared!
Its pretty much gone now, however if I raise energy through my legs, I can feel the chord still there, only this time it appears to be loose, and flaps about. Very bizzare.
I have two thoughts really, either 1- it was some sort of weird blobby astral thing.. and to be honest, being the skeptic that I am, I find a really obsurd thought, so am going more towards 2 - that it was just a blockage, but my mind interpreted the blockage as a living-threat in my minds-eye.

The odd thing is, since ive removed it, my girlfriend has been telling me she has foot ache in EXACTLY the same ways I experienced when trying to remove the blockage.. :?

17th May 2008, 04:56 PM
Try a blowtorch for 'after'. It's worked for me.

17th May 2008, 07:25 PM
BLow-torch? Thats a good one!... I'll add that to the arsenal, along with the ol' bread-knife and laser-gun :D :D :D :D