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11th June 2005, 04:39 AM
I was just curious if anyone had ever heard of a group of entities called the Watchers.

I'm currently dealing with them. I was simply wondering if anyone else had ever dealt with them as well.

11th June 2005, 05:02 AM
Sounds like something out of Simon's 'Necronomicon.' (I'm an occult bibliophile...)

He mentions watchers in some sort of Summerian/Mesopotamian thought-form entity used to guard the magician's body while travelling through the "7 Gates." That is, of course, if you're not thinking of something totally different. . .

The *Simon* Necronomicon (there are tons of others...) being something developed by a group of people called "Magical Childe" (an occult supply store and magical group on the east-coast of the U.S.) It was an intentional ellaboration on the fictitious tome known as the Necronomicon, alluded to by Strange Tales author Howard Phillips Lovecraft.

If one is rather adept in the suspension of disbelief this milleu can be very effective in magical workings of all kinds.

Watcher's sound to me like very guardian-oriented entities associated with self-protection.

11th June 2005, 05:27 AM
The Watchers are a large group of behind the scenes entities who gather endless information about the universe. Hence the term "watchers".
The trouble with them is that they don't just watch, they meddle.

I had no idea about them for a very long time. It was only recently that I became aware of their precence. But I have been through alot of very difficult spiritual experiences in my life, almost exclusively at their hands.

They are vile, vicious, tenacious, and unworthy to continue existing, in my estimation.

Donald McGlinn
11th June 2005, 05:54 AM
From what you have described, I know Robert would love to hear of your interactions.

11th June 2005, 06:14 AM
Well, theres quite a few to tell. They are simply up to no good. They don't work on very many people, but they've singled me out and they've been making my life hell.

Things you wouldn't think were possible they do with striking ease. And they have no sense for the sacred, apparantly. They would stab God himself in the Eye to see how He would react. This is no exageration.

11th June 2005, 03:48 PM
The Watchers are a large group of behind the scenes entities who gather endless information about the universe. Hence the term "watchers".
The trouble with them is that they don't just watch, they meddle.

I first encountered what sounds similar while investigating disturbances about people and/or places where I would often see them at some vantage point. At first glance they seem to be just what you say observers and I contented myself with that thought. But there is also the sense of involvement in the situation and it is easy to surmise that they have simply setup the conditions in order to watch and perhaps gloat. Later we would call some of these 'motivators' due to how they will instigate and watch, disrupting their efforts can get their attention and their truer nature. There may be two different types of being here with some overlap, the fluid nature IMHO makes it tricky to be definitive.
In the later category I have picked them associating themselves with tragedy beit war or natural disasters, perhaps they cream off the emotional stuff including energy or simply enjoy the misery.
One other thought, I have picked up lesser types (some in the physical) who appear to be following the bidding of these critters and they can get very nervous if they are failing to complete the task.
Would like to hear of an instance or two of your contact with these for reference.

Donald McGlinn
11th June 2005, 05:56 PM
I was just curious if anyone had ever heard of a group of entities called the Watchers.

I'm currently dealing with them. I was simply wondering if anyone else had ever dealt with them as well.

Thinking about it, would you be willing to write up some of your experiences with the watchers and either posting it in here or emailing me with it please? :)

If you want to email it to me, PM me and I will give you my email address.


13th June 2005, 12:24 AM
From my talks with SD and my own experience I've gathered quite a bit of information about these buggers. Yes, they do send other entities to do their bidding. And yes, these entities seem to be frightened of them.

They use the grey alien entity as a minion, and are sometimes behind the obsessive fear some people have of alien abduction. When I was younger I used to be terrifed of aliens and had quite a few strange alien experiences. Though I thought these to be nothing more than dreams and a haunting obsession.

The "Watchers" are fairly intrested in messing with me on a daily basis, but it's something that is being worked through with lots of assistance. From my constant attacks I'ver surmised that their research on me is either very important, or they simply refuse to give up on a task no matter how unproductive it becomes. Spec has made it more than difficult for them to continue unhindered.

I've even receieved help from Archangels and groups of discarnite spirits.
I think the attacks are winding down, and they seem to be taking heavy damage from multiple sources due to this whole ordeal.

I hope that soon they will be nothing but a thing of the past. A faint and very bad memory.

13th June 2005, 10:34 AM
From my talks with SD and my own experience I've gathered quite a bit of information about these buggers. Yes, they do send other entities to do their bidding. And yes, these entities seem to be frightened of them.
And therein lies an interesting insight into the nature of some operations including the physical linkages. The motive is a little more tricky :)

They use the grey alien entity as a minion, and are sometimes behind the obsessive fear some people have of alien abduction.
Very much the minion sometimes, I have seen situations where the motivation is distracted and the minions come to a standstill. The good news is that this level they lack sufficient sentience to continue independently.

they simply refuse to give up on a task no matter how unproductive it becomes. Spec has made it more than difficult for them to continue unhindered.
Again, the actual motivation is key to much of why this stuff happens, what we often experience is simply the effect... Once the constructs are in place it can just continue in a mindless manner. This is why I talk of archetype constructs on occasion, once in place it can be a driving force for the stupid as well as the more useful avenues. Such constructs (and their creators) can give a sense of well being and sense of purpose for the most valueless of activities.

and they seem to be taking heavy damage from multiple sources due to this whole ordeal.
That they are but there is an ebb and flow to this stuff, clear a space and something will fill it. There are all too many ready to seize a opportunity and pollute the neighbourhood

13th June 2005, 03:52 PM
Fascinating stuff. ZenTaco, the discription from your first post sounds like a good plot for an awesome book. I agree with Donald, I'd love to hear a story or two from your experiences.

14th June 2005, 10:50 PM
According to some sources (Biblical and others) "The Watchers" are 'Fallen Angels'.

http://www.infidels.org/library/magazin ... front.html (http://www.infidels.org/library/magazines/tsr/2001/3/013front.html)

"The writer of 1 Enoch, for example, called angels "watchers" so often that the first section of this book (chapters 1-36) has been called "The Book of Watchers." This term was used in reference to angels nowhere in the so-called canonical books of the Bible except in Daniel. In relating his dream of the tall tree that reached into heaven, Nebuchadnezzar told Daniel that he had also seen "a watcher and a holy one" come down from heaven and give orders to cut the tree down, chop off its branches, and scatter its leaves and fruit (4:13). This "holy one" concluded his orders to destroy the tree by declaring that his sentence on the fate of the tree had been rendered "by decree of the watchers" and ordered by "the holy ones" (v:17). In his interpretation of the dream, Daniel also referred to the angel as a "holy watcher" (v:23)."

Enoch Book 1: Watchers.

http://www.mystae.com/restricted/stream ... enoch.html (http://www.mystae.com/restricted/streams/scripts/enoch.html)
The Pseudepigraphical Book of Enoch

15th June 2005, 02:44 AM
Hopefully their not a bunch of ONA members that can project, that would be scary.

15th June 2005, 03:17 AM
According to some sources (Biblical and others) "The Watchers" are 'Fallen Angels'.

http://www.infidels.org/library/magazin ... front.html (http://www.infidels.org/library/magazines/tsr/2001/3/013front.html)

"The writer of 1 Enoch, for example, called angels "watchers" so often that the first section of this book (chapters 1-36) has been called "The Book of Watchers." This term was used in reference to angels nowhere in the so-called canonical books of the Bible except in Daniel. In relating his dream of the tall tree that reached into heaven, Nebuchadnezzar told Daniel that he had also seen "a watcher and a holy one" come down from heaven and give orders to cut the tree down, chop off its branches, and scatter its leaves and fruit (4:13). This "holy one" concluded his orders to destroy the tree by declaring that his sentence on the fate of the tree had been rendered "by decree of the watchers" and ordered by "the holy ones" (v:17). In his interpretation of the dream, Daniel also referred to the angel as a "holy watcher" (v:23)."

Enoch Book 1: Watchers.

http://www.mystae.com/restricted/stream ... enoch.html (http://www.mystae.com/restricted/streams/scripts/enoch.html)
The Pseudepigraphical Book of Enoch

This only accounts for a small number of them from what I have seen.

15th June 2005, 03:50 AM
What's this ONA?

15th June 2005, 03:55 AM
What's this ONA?

Order of The Nine Angles.


15th June 2005, 03:59 AM
Hmmm. I was hoping for a little more than just the explanation of the acronymn. What is this Order of the Nine Angels?

From the sound of it, not something good.

EDIT: Nevermind, I just read about them. They sound like a pleasant lot.

"Never love something so much you cannot see it die."

15th June 2005, 04:33 AM
Hmmm. I was hoping for a little more than just the explanation of the acronymn. What is this Order of the Nine Angels?

From the sound of it, not something good.

EDIT: Nevermind, I just read about them. They sound like a pleasant lot.

"Never love something so much you cannot see it die."

Here you go: http://ona.satanicwebsites.com/

All you ever needed to know about them.

15th June 2005, 08:26 AM
Fascinating stuff. ZenTaco, the discription from your first post sounds like a good plot for an awesome book. I agree with Donald, I'd love to hear a story or two from your experiences.That's funny you mention that, because that's the sort of thing that I was going for in my novel.

I had the idea there were 5, pretty much looking like TheAlmightyZenTaco's display picture, except without the scythe. I can't see it all too well, so I'm not sure if there's something at their heads, but if there is, I don't mean for that to be in the description. Generally I just put them in black robes where you never see their faces. Basically like Cowled Wizards in games like Baldurs Gate.

That's purely my fictional point for my book. I have absolutely no knowledge of the real watchers, and I'm guessing there's likely to be more than 5 if they're supposed to be watching over the whole universe, and sometimes pinpointing single people, as in TheAlmightyZenTaco's case. The world in my book is very small in comparison to anything, so 5 are actually quite adequate :D

I won't go into any detail about my novel because of it's complexity, but it's just basically a fantasy novel with LOADS of magic involved. The only problem I got is the motivation to write it. It's in my head, but I just can't get it out onto paper (or doc). The plot is pretty complex and long so far as well. I bet a lot of you would really like it, it's just a shame I cannot write it. I'll probably try to after exams, while I'm in college.

These 'Watchers' seem really interesting though. From what I heard in this post about them though, I don't think I'd want to be encountering them much. But they do take my interest...

15th June 2005, 11:20 AM
Well, if you ask me, they aren't very intresting. They go around doing nasty things like shutting off chakras and sticking funny devices in your head.

They are about as intresting as being hit by a train.

EDIT: Actually, from the outside, I can see how they could spark your intrest. But being involved with them on a daily basis is really simply just a drag.

It's sort of like war films. It looks exciting on screen, but see how much fun you are having when bullets are being flung at your head at three hundred miles an hour!

The real experience is simply something different. And it requires alot of endurance to put up with their nonsense.

15th June 2005, 08:37 PM
That's quite fascinating. What do you mean exactly by devices in your head?

I think this is a bit unreal, but from a few posts back someone said about their 'servants' being the grey alien things. And from a post about what Donald had said, I think he mentioned seeing one of these. The surprising thing was, he said that it woke him up by having it's finger in his head. And that it just kept looking at him, and didn't have a reaction.

This goes exactly with what the previous post mentioned about these. I dunno if I'm looking into this too much, but does anyone else see the connection?

I would really like to know what you mean about the devices though. That sounds pretty horrific actually :shock:

15th June 2005, 08:58 PM
Well, they will "set up shop" right in your head so to speak. If you aren't extremely aware of how you normally feel you won't even notice. They sort of just beam feelings and thoughts right into your subconcious.

Also they've unplugged my heart chakra at least fifty times. The person I am working with (or perhaps a better way of saying it is who is helping me in an otherwise helpless situation - he does most of the work unfortunately) can plug it right back in. When I first came to him about the problem I didn't even have a heart chakra. They had removed it. He had to get the help of Michael the Arch Angel to get it back for me.

Now, I realize this all sounds unbelievable and quite unlikely. That's fine. I wouldn't believe me either. But it's an every day thing for me now. They are capable of removing chakras. Disconnecting them. Creating devices and putting them in you. They even stoop to sending demons to overpower you.

They are nasty fellows. And if I ever manage to overcome this I will see to it that they are dealt with harshly. I can't imagine what they have done to some other people who aren't as well equipped to deal with this as I am.

15th June 2005, 09:48 PM
Well, they will "set up shop" right in your head so to speak. If you aren't extremely aware of how you normally feel you won't even notice. They sort of just beam feelings and thoughts right into your subconcious.

Also they've unplugged my heart chakra at least fifty times. The person I am working with (or perhaps a better way of saying it is who is helping me in an otherwise helpless situation - he does most of the work unfortunately) can plug it right back in. When I first came to him about the problem I didn't even have a heart chakra. They had removed it. He had to get the help of Michael the Arch Angel to get it back for me.

Now, I realize this all sounds unbelievable and quite unlikely. That's fine. I wouldn't believe me either. But it's an every day thing for me now. They are capable of removing chakras. Disconnecting them. Creating devices and putting them in you. They even stoop to sending demons to overpower you.

They are nasty fellows. And if I ever manage to overcome this I will see to it that they are dealt with harshly. I can't imagine what they have done to some other people who aren't as well equipped to deal with this as I am.

Now I'm slightly worried, the heart chakra is the only one I have extreme difficulty feeling *any* sensation in, if at all!

Tell me..when these devices are in place, do you feel a strange tightening sensation around certain lobes in your brain (paricularly left, for me)?

15th June 2005, 09:59 PM
No. A device generally feels like a slightly dirty interfering "thing". When it comes to me they stick them into chakras.

You can't feel your heart chakra? Well, the heart chakra governs the deeper emotions and general higher awareness. If you feel things in your heart it's a good chance your heart chakra is working just fine.

Do you feel generally cold and emotionless? If so, you might have a heart chakra issue. I reccomend stimulating it with meditation. Visualizing a white ball of light there while vibrating IAO or Yehova eloah va daas should get it going pretty well.

19th June 2005, 06:55 AM
Have any of you had a look at any of Micheal Tsarion's take on the world???

Use uses many references from the Book of Enoch, Bible, as well as many other ancient texts...

I just purchased his book off of his website http://www.taroscopes.com. The man has some very interesting theories.. of course.. every conspiracy theory is tailored to fit!

My 2 cents:D Cheers!

Donald McGlinn
19th June 2005, 08:33 AM
No. A device generally feels like a slightly dirty interfering "thing". When it comes to me they stick them into chakras.

You can't feel your heart chakra? Well, the heart chakra governs the deeper emotions and general higher awareness. If you feel things in your heart it's a good chance your heart chakra is working just fine.

Do you feel generally cold and emotionless? If so, you might have a heart chakra issue. I reccomend stimulating it with meditation. Visualizing a white ball of light there while vibrating IAO or Yehova eloah va daas should get it going pretty well.

Hi TheAlmightyZenTaco,

For the benefit of others in here, can you please give a translation of the above words?



20th June 2005, 04:36 AM
I'm assuming you mean "IAO" and "Yehova Eloah Ve Daas".

Well, IAO is a combination of Isis Apophis and Osiris. It is the symbol of the threefold cycle of the universe. Birth, death, rebirth. It is the qabbalic symbol of the God of Tifereth. The God of the heart.

Yehova Eloah Va Daas is rougly translated as Yehova God of Knowledge. It is the aspect of God that resides in the heart. The most manifestable aspect of God. It is considered the lesser countenece. He is essentially Jesus. The Son. The Heart. The truest manifestable Self. The Soul. The essential Self. The Holy Guardian Angel. The Buddha. The Christ.

You get the point. If you focus on the heart chakra and vibrate these names, you are almost assured at least some positive response. If you become adept at it you can vibrate your chakras quite effectively with this method using the corresponding god name for each chakra.

Good luck.

Aunt Clair
20th June 2005, 10:37 AM
According to some sources (Biblical and others) "The Watchers" are 'Fallen Angels'.

angels or devas i agree but the sort we see dont meddle or harm
we see in meditation a group of devas called the watchers
they bring a table with them when they project and we see them sitting around this long oval table with high backed chairs
they wear indigo to dark purple robes with high collars
they seem faceless
and benevolent
they bow their heads namaste
and sit and watch some of our lessons and occasionally they test us
the tests include questions about love and values and service
i feel the ones described earlier are dark ones these are with the light
some sources call them the council of nine but i cannot say if that is correct or not

20th June 2005, 08:54 PM
No, these fellows defintely aren't the guys you are talking about. They don't actually call themselves the watchers. I'm fairly sure that's a name they've just picked up.

But they've recently run into a good deal of trouble for what they have been doing. The attacks have dramatically decreased as they are apparantly busy defending themselves from an onslaught.

It is my sincere hope that every last one of them is smashed into the ground. :-)

They've had it coming.

Aunt Clair
21st June 2005, 12:36 PM
http://www.infidels.org/library/magazin ... front.html (http://www.infidels.org/library/magazines/tsr/2001/3/013front.html)



13th July 2005, 01:46 PM
Just picking up this thread......

I have come across a group of entities roughly resembling what you are describing in the malevolent watchers.

The number of them I got was 13, and seemed based out of earths much earlier history. Somewhere around the fall of Atlantis (or what ever you want to call that time period)

They struck me as more powerful than any magicians currently walking the earth, though that is changing....

They are very adept at interfering, and work forward from that spot on timelines. Was trying to cleanup my timeline, and finally exposed them WAY back. Once they were pegged it was easier to find their "fingerprints" on other situations to keep me off course. Both present and past lives.

They are evil and nasty beings (fairly human in origin I think) that are really mad about the outcome of the changes from the age the originated in, and are working hard see our next age change will not be a gain for humanity.

24th July 2005, 03:18 AM
Funny you should mention it, the other night as I was falling asleep I had that phrase "the watchers" stuck in my head, I kept thinking it was some book.

30th July 2005, 07:46 AM
They use the grey alien entity as a minion, and are sometimes behind the obsessive fear some people have of alien abduction. When I was younger I used to be terrifed of aliens and had quite a few strange alien experiences. Though I thought these to be nothing more than dreams and a haunting obsession.

woah... i actually just posted a really strange grey entity attack or experience and you saying that brought me back... I've always had an insane alien abduction fear but at the same time obsession. I'd stay up late at night looking up stories and stuff and i'd buy books and rent videos and everything, they always scared the living crap out of me until i had that one experience.

Could this be related to these watchers?

31st July 2005, 01:23 PM
I am very unknowledgable about all of these things. I have never sought answers before to these things which are happening - and it's scary stuff to think this may be real.

I awake often and see flashes of eyes in my eyelids starring at me - for that split second before my eyes register consciousness - like green glowing eyes (sometimes grey) almost catlike in appearance - but starring at me - into my mind...

Watching me.

Related? I've just posted a problem in the lucid dreaming thread I hope those who know of these things can help me about - it's not exactly about the eyes - but I wonder if this is all related.

I wonder if I'm loosing my mind - but find comfort I guess that if I am - I'm not alone :wink:


15th August 2005, 12:01 PM
I wonder if I'm loosing my mind - but find comfort I guess that if I am - I'm not alone :wink:


haha u know i think its a rather romantic concept when someone is on the brink of insanity and i quite like it. just dont cross the line :wink:

15th August 2005, 12:09 PM
Hmmm. I was hoping for a little more than just the explanation of the acronymn. What is this Order of the Nine Angels?

From the sound of it, not something good.

EDIT: Nevermind, I just read about them. They sound like a pleasant lot.

"Never love something so much you cannot see it die."

Here you go: http://ona.satanicwebsites.com/

All you ever needed to know about them.

ok but when i was reading i wanted to go through the spheres. wtf it didnt sound all that bad till i got to the bottom and they started talking about nazis and sh*& what is this crap?! and also is there a "good" equivalent?

as for the watchers. why dont some ppl start a war? better yet why not us? why not oraganize and cause them problems and maybe kill some of them? i apologize if i sound like an idiot i have no idea what im talking about but really, why dont we? i think ill find more about them when i can, maybe cause them some harm.

17th August 2005, 06:24 AM
all of u who r wondering what the watchers r. they r night elves that mold into the backround that have been rivaling the human world because we have been cutting down theyre trees and killing theyre lands. in coing so they have come to try to stop us. they can meld into the shadows and become almost completely invisible. the only way to not be attacked or effected by them is to not cause damage to any nature near us. hunting, cutting down trees, and making fires r a few things that we should not do. watering trees and picking roots is one way to help them. they r called watchers because they some of the strongest of the nightelves and they watch people who feel deal damage to nature for profit or for somoe sort of personal gain.

17th August 2005, 02:25 PM
Whats a night elf and why haven't I ever seen one? Or were you being sarcastic?

17th August 2005, 03:36 PM
he is being serious.....

20th August 2005, 05:20 PM
I suspect we are talking about different things.

I've done nothing to warrant an attack by "night elves"
I try my hardest to live at peace with all things, even the small and seemingly unimportant.

I'll even go out of my way to save something as small as an ant, out of principle.

20th August 2005, 08:25 PM
They might have been the black magicians that corrupted atlantis?

29th August 2005, 03:32 AM
Just picking up this thread......
They are very adept at interfering, and work forward from that spot on timelines. Was trying to cleanup my timeline, and finally exposed them WAY back. Once they were pegged it was easier to find their "fingerprints" on other situations to keep me off course. Both present and past lives.

Can you post some info or links on working on timelines?

8th November 2016, 02:59 PM
Well, theres quite a few to tell. They are simply up to no good. They don't work on very many people, but they've singled me out and they've been making my life hell.

Things you wouldn't think were possible they do with striking ease. And they have no sense for the sacred, apparantly. They would stab God himself in the Eye to see how He would react. This is no exageration.

But the 'God' has no eye. He/IT is not like a white bearded man. :roll:

10th November 2016, 04:53 PM
This is a very old thread-Eleven years old. It's ok if you want to revive it, but the original posters are more than likely not here, and unable to reply to you.