View Full Version : Prophetic Dreams

9th June 2008, 03:38 PM
If my dreams are any indication of the future, it will be a very bleak and destructive one.

I've been dreaming of massive, destructive storms, wars, warcamps, prisons, and more.

somebody tell me that they're not actually coming.

9th June 2008, 03:43 PM
I suspect your dreams are more about your own subconscious fears than about the shared consciousness that we call "reality".

I sometimes have prophetic dreams, that is, precognitive dreams, dreams that come to pass. I recognise them when I have them, and at least half the time they're quite highly symbolic.

MOST of the time I have what I think of as "significant" dreams, it's something to do with me, with my psyche, with my growth, with my fears, my issues, etc. I believe that's true of most peoples' dreams, as well.

9th June 2008, 08:57 PM
Dear Sleeper,

I think that you need to feel your dream. Does it have time in it - are there elements of reality in it. What do you feel the dream is telling you? Did you feel like you need to do something urgently when you woke from this dream.

You could always re-enter the dream consciously to find more information in it.

Personally, I believe dreams are multidimensional. Therefore, I believe a dream could be precognitive and psychological at the same time.

I've had these types of dreams. Interestingly, I had most of mine years ago, then I began having dreams of 9/11 disaster prior to 9/11. This is where everything peaked for me. I was constantly feeling peoples' deaths, pain and suffering. When I heard of the tragedy, I thought what did we do do prompt this. I immediately sent energy to the lost souls. I also did not blame a race, knowing that like us who are kept in the dark from our government - so are others from other nations. So, then the great fear of these dreams stopped. I also knew that because of compassion that my inital disaster dreams no longer would come true. That is the beauty about seeing the future. It is there for us to change - for us to improve upon. And yes, you alone could make the difference. And then all the "you alone's" would make a great mass all working to improve the future.

So, now when I have a dream of future disasters, I send the earth energy, I send the universe energy, I do rituals to improve our future. So, maybe you are being asked to give energy, to give love to the earth, to our future. I believe we are being called to do service. I believe that there is a reason why you are having these dreams. Just don't let fear interfere.

Take Care

10th June 2008, 11:23 AM
It is sometimes difficult to understand the sometimes chaotic, symbolism of our dreams.

But it is not always that our subconscious is trying to tell us something through our dreams.

It can also be that our mind is trying to expel images to which it has been exposed.

Although I channel and interpret dreams professionally, I find that if I have watched the news or very graphic programs (such as CSI) in the hours just before heading to bed, that I will have dreams which are similar in nature to the situations and images that I watched.

Don't take your dreams to literally as they are generally symbolic or relational in nature...very rarely are they literal.


10th June 2008, 11:52 AM
It can also be that our mind is trying to expel images to which it has been exposed.

Although I channel and interpret dreams professionally, I find that if I have watched the news or very graphic programs (such as CSI) in the hours just before heading to bed, that I will have dreams which are similar in nature to the situations and images that I watched.
Ah, very good point. This happens to me, too. Sometimes, it's not even a graphic film or program. I recall once I had a dream about the characters in the 60s film, "Alice's Restaurant" with Arlo Guthrie, which is fairly harmless as these things go. I've also had dreams about things going on in the world (war, for example) and other unpleasantness that managed to get into my consciousness.

10th June 2008, 12:59 PM
Don't take your dreams to literally as they are generally symbolic or relational in nature...very rarely are they literal.

I would agree that every dream is symbolic, but I disagree with the statement that rarely they are literal. I guess it depends on the dreamer, what kind of dreamer they are, their dreaming experience and their service here this lifetime.

I will tell you that I too have watched a visually stimulating show only to go to sleep and have a dream that contained elements of the show. But in many countries where dreaming is a gift that is honered and not just dismissed, the dream holds a meaning and message to the dreamer or others around the dreamer. So, I am not quick to dismiss - oh that's from that Matrix movie I saw last night. I look at the dream, think why did this movie hold in my mind - what message does the dream have for me. I always discover the meaning - even if it is years later. Our mind tries to connect the conscious and unconscious mind in our dream state - this is the state that we want to achieve. So, many times, it pulls elements from waking life to help us give a personal meaning to our dreams. I may watch the movie the Matrix and wonder about parallel worlds and therefore start having dreams to explore other dimensions or timelines. Others may watch the same movie and find it to be personally freeing - maybe a woman stuck in an abusive relationship - the movie replayed in the dream may give the strength to find one's own "power" - whatever that power is.

5th August 2008, 08:43 PM
well, i'd taken some time to consider what you guys said.

it's very likely that my dreams are purely or mostly symbolic, however, until I can decipher the symbolism, i'm at a bit of a standstill. Some years ago, I began to do the things that many of you rightly suggest, including turning off the TV (I've been abstinent from TV for 8 1/2 years now - though I do occasionally play World of Warcraft), analyzing my psyche and fears, re-entering the dream, etc., and all of those worked wonders, in fact, that is when my dreams changed.

As I became aware of myself on these deeper levels, I became a passive observer in my dreams and projections, and eventually in life. As a result, less "waking life" material was leaking in, and more "other" material could come out. Then I had repeated dreams of dying until I was at a state of total surrender, even unto death, and at that point, my dreams started to express a timeline of some kind.

I've gone through the timeline several times, even over some mundane details, such as having to walk very long distances. Other things have seemed to be a kind of training, where I have been given controls of various ships, and space craft, or just fell from space in what was called an "ozone drop" by my dream narrator. I ought not give out all the details, though.

here is an example: over the last few years, I've had recurring dreams of these dark, strange storms. I might have written about them on this website...i'm not sure. Anyway, the "clouds" in them assemble in a strange way, appearing to come from the horizon towards a central point, though they seem to actually appear out of "thin air." They become so thick that almost no light comes through, and they gather so fast during the day that people feel as if they have gone blind - their eyes can't adjust fast enough. but as city lights come on, and people adjust to the very low light, the storm gathers momentum at a central point and descends like a short, fat tornado, but moves at hurricane speeds - not only across land, but also outwards (increasing in size).

In my dreams that I have felt myself to be part of the dream, and tried to get away, or protect my wife, or any other desires, the dream simply fizzled and ended. When i observed the dream without participating, I would simply feel the storm swallow the towns, and people, and observer self, and transition to the next parts.

An early storm that comes in destroys some buildings and stuff, but is pretty low in intensity. But people are scared, and a volunteer civilian police force works with FEMA, local police, etc., to gather everyone into centralized "safe-houses."

because of the wet conditions, and how everyone is crammed into these buildings, lots of small bad things happen that have cumulative effects. Crops die. buildings mold. People get sick. worried about a pandemic, people line up in hospitals to get vaccinated (which, i am told in my dreams/projections, will not actually be a vaccine at all, but other things.)

the storms increase in intensity, and survivors move to concentration camps. etc. etc.

One thing worth noting is that I am not afraid for myself or for others (most of the time in the dreams). I have great compassion for them, and while the events I've seen (hoping they won't come true) would be easily preventable, are unnecessary, and are tragic, i also view them as inevitable (in that they are bad circumstances that few people will try to prevent. most people go along with them, blindly). so i can't see how my feelings are affecting these dreams, unless that kind of objective detachment can do that in some ways i don't see.

note: i'm going to post this, then follow it up immediately with a recent projection I had, that ties into the dreams of the storms.

5th August 2008, 09:28 PM
This is my third try at writing out this projection. I had it two nights ago, and it was very short but very vast in it's complexity, scope and personal meaning.

My main problem is that I have an aversion to new-age quantum buzzwords - not because I disagree much with the concepts, but because I've had very little experience with them, and I don't want to be harmed by my gullibility. also, those concepts are gaining such popular acceptance that they are somehow often losing their meaning, as they go through a kind of domino-effect of everybody interpreting them. Finally, the more I have studied modern science, especially quantum physics, the more it seems that they are borrowing ancient spiritual ideas and applying them mathematically to their theories. So it just seems so disingenuously comprehensive (with theories) that it becomes nebulous and I just shy away from it. (i can't believe i just wrote that sentence.)

Two nights ago (at about 2am) i was in a deeply contemplative state, and through a cascading series of thoughts I arrived at the question: "If the sun is actually cold (and it's the light striking out atmosphere that warms planets), then what else does the light affect and how? (i'm struggling to choose words here - my question wasn't important anyway, it led to this other experience, which is what matters.)

I was looking at our solar system from kind of a children's schoolbook perspective, only in more than 2d. Everything was moving properly, and a narrator was explaining about movement of light, gravity, some other things, all from a variety of perspectives (modern science, my views, spiritual views and other views). I didn't understand much of it but as he wrapped this up, I was understanding how we've all arrived at our scientific knowledge. you know, the usual methods like blowing things up, or gathering raw materials and looking at them through various microscopes, or making chemical cocktails and watching their reactions; these views all seemed to be (forgive me for using these words) superficial, presumptive, incomplete; in that there is so much more underlying and moving through what we can easily see, measure and speculate about, and in this projection, i was seeing them. For the most part, it was my views that were superficial.

The vision transitioned quite seamlessly from a normal perspective of our solar system, through different connecting, underlying, fundamental things, to a view from "the edge" of the unmoving "sheets." In quantum science, these sheets might be called membranes, but what I saw was like yet unlike membranes: for instance, the earth was moving through one, yet not at all how matter moves through a membrane. a more accurate description would be that the earth moved across the sheet, even more accurate would be that the moving earth moved across the unmoving sheet, which was flat, yet multidimensional, and while being flat, permeated through the earth at all points. (i'm a Taurus, so I'm going to stubbornly continue to call them sheets (a descriptive term) until i find a reason to call them something else. this is a learning experience for me, after all, not a treatise). In my projection this was represented (briefly) by a series of grid lines which represented innumerable vertices from which new points of beginning could be constantly traversed. In other words, the sheets were unmoving, yet we are moving across them, which means that the only way to calculate the position of something would be to know it's position in each level of reality AND it's position on these sheets, as it moved across them and ever new points of beginning.

looking at them was a bit like looking at a calaib-yau model from the inside out, but only slightly. what i saw was not what we consider perfectly symmetrical (like a butterfly), yet it was perfectly symmetrical in it's simplicity and it's function. The sheets were not uniform, nor were they connected in a way I can explain or understand.

My view was first looking at some kind of nearby space, then the solar system, then the galaxy, then the universe; but as my perspective changed, my view did not. So what I saw seemed to be a series of replicas working at different levels (like fractals in description, but not in function or form.) The sun (colorless) was at the center of each of these.

I don't have time to write out the details today, or to tell more about this. I know i'm going to see more of this in more depth soon anyway.

I realized that I had seen this "stuff" before - in my dreams of the storms that i wrote about in my above post. My projection changed direction as my intent moved from physics lessons to dream integration. In each of my dreams of the storms, they were preceded by the view of these sheets (which I strongly associate with the fabric of time. As Thoth said; "Time is not in motion, but ye move through time ") and strange things emanating from them, in ways I don't yet understand.

Anhoo, I got to go at the moment. I guess what i'm trying to say with my excessively long rant is that I find fresh new material to constantly corroborate my experiences, even though I'm looking only to understand them. Or even to prove them wrong. I don't want to believe them.

5th August 2008, 09:32 PM
oops, double post.

9th August 2008, 11:11 PM
Wow. I always learn something from your posts. First I'll give some opinion as to the dream portion of the event, and then a comment/question about the projection part of it.
I sometimes have similar 'global catastrophe' types of dreams, as it were happening where I live or to me (and mine)- and it has occurred to me in retrospect that a lot of it has happened, either to someone else, somewhere else, and in less 'global scale'- even though at the time of the experiences it felt like 'the end of the world' scenarios- making me think (once again, in retrospect) that was traveling either forward in timespace, or into someone else's waking experiences and 'making it mine' only seemingly more extensive.
I have the feeling that if you analyze your disaster dreams you may find that indeed, these things are not so much predictive as projections into someone else's emotional response to disasters that are already happening- and I think that this comes from being a 'natural projector', or someone who is 'aware' (sorry for the pretentious label, don't know how else to say it.)

And now, changing topics for a minute- the topic of the manifold representations of space kind of reminded me of some experiences I've had- only I've called mine 'mandalas', although mine are either square or circular and two dimensional, but placed in parallel to each other (like the pages of a book) and sometimes as they file on by they rotate. They are colorful and beautiful, and until I read your post I didn't realize of the possible significance other than my addled brain's efforts to decorate my inner space.
Will have to brush up on my math, something I've never been good at.
Awesome post and thanks for it.