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2nd July 2008, 07:01 PM
Well, I've found a plague of termites in my edifice. We are killing them with chemicals, but it's quite complicated to get rid of them completely.

I've been thinking about using some energy work to oblige them to go, or the block them or the kill them, whatever. I think that can be done, because I've heard about similar experiences (animal and insects domineering).

I've been thinking about several approaches:
1.To invoke a symbol to access the insects, and, then, make some sort of influence through it.
2.To touch the affected areas and to through reiki energy, so the house is healed.
3.To look for some spirit that rules the termites, and to influence them through it.

Well, it can sound crazy, but I've got to solve it one way or another. The other day I dreamed that my feet soles where full of holes with worms inside (what a nightmare, boys).

Thanks for your viewpoints.

2nd July 2008, 09:15 PM
When I moved into the apartment I had back home I was over run with spiders. I didn't know what to do about it because I felt guilty killing them. Eventually I had the idea to ask the fairies to keep the spiders out of my house. It worked very well.

2nd July 2008, 09:18 PM
Hi, and thanks for the reply.

How did you do that? I feel guilty too, even more after reading about the complex and useful function of termites in nature.

Did you use some sort of ritual? Meditation? Writing it down? Did you repeat it in some schedule basis?


2nd July 2008, 09:25 PM
I've been thinking about several approaches:

1.To invoke a symbol to access the insects, and, then, make some sort of influence through it. I'd try to find a symbol that accesses the queen, because like ants and bees they are hive animals.

2.To touch the affected areas and to through reiki energy, so the house is healed. I don't know about this- wood is dead already (speaking organically of course) and living energy may energize them, it seems to me.

3.To look for some spirit that rules the termites, and to influence them through it. Back to the queen idea. Something to attract the queen to go somewhere else?

Well, it can sound crazy, but I've got to solve it one way or another. The other day I dreamed that my feet soles where full of holes with worms inside (what a nightmare, boys).

Thanks for your viewpoints. That doesn't sound fun. :|

2nd July 2008, 09:47 PM
Thanks for your reply, too.

In respect to the spider I must say I have a lot of them at home, but I see them as cleaners of other insects. In fact, you won't find a mosquito here. And the roof (from the outside part) is completely full of webs.

There's another interesting point that I read about insects. It seems every species of them are associated with a certain archetype. When you are invaded with some specific insect is because the corresponding energy force is trying to contact you. For example, spiders are ruled by the High Priestess, but unfortunately I don't know which are termites related to. This theory really caught my attention when I read it.

3rd July 2008, 06:34 AM
Hi, and thanks for the reply.

How did you do that? I feel guilty too, even more after reading about the complex and useful function of termites in nature.

Did you use some sort of ritual? Meditation? Writing it down? Did you repeat it in some schedule basis?


I always saw fairies at my apartment so talking to them just seemed like a logical next step. Telepathically, of course. I also told the spiders that they would be protected by fairies and safe to live anywhere on the outside of my house but they would be killed if they came in.

I lived in that house for 4 years and there were only a handful of times that spiders wandered in.

Also, I think it would be a good idea to try to talk to the group as a whole, try to get into the group mind. That may be a good way to move them.

You are right about archetypes. If there is a dream dictionary you use a lot you could look there for an interpretation of the termite symbol. When we regularly use a tool like that our higher selves will begin to use those particular symbols to get our attention.

4th July 2008, 02:33 AM
I can relate to your termite problem, I have ants :p but since ants are not destructive like termites I kind of just let them do their thing. However if you find a solution I would like to try it on the ants as well :p

For example, spiders are ruled by the High Priestess, but unfortunately I don't know which are termites related to. This theory really caught my attention when I read it.

Do you happen to know which rules Ants?

Anyways good luck with your termites I hope you can remove them xD