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6th July 2008, 03:57 PM
Feeling like a zombie all day. Like I am coming down from a bad drug experience.

I put all my Wave 1 tracks from the Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience onto my i-Pod. And last night wanted to listen to the first two tracks. I woke up two-thirds of the way through the fourth cd and man, this morning I felt terrible.

My head is heavy and I feel I have a constant headache. I am having trouble coming back down to earth.

I am sure I did too much. How much is too much? Shall I try one track again tonight?

Any advice or suggestions for how to deal with this feeling?

Anybody else experienced it?

Feel silly for sharing this with you, but I was quite worried about myself when I first woke up.

Initially when the sounds from the right and left area enabled my brain to produce the vibrating effect, I had a very strong, short-lived headache in my forehead.

Wow... interesting stuff. But not sure if this is for me...

Thanks for your input, suggestions and stories.

Best wishes,

6th July 2008, 04:25 PM
You might have had strong blockages in the relevant energy centers. Good thing would be to stop experimenting for now, treat headaches as you usually would. Only then you can repeat it.

In the beginning it is a good idea to only listen to the Focus 10 introduction until you got that state "body asleep/mind awake" nailed down.

Definitely take a break. If headaches continue or you worry about them, see a doctor.

Take good care,

6th July 2008, 07:05 PM
Thanks Oliver,

The headaches seemed to subside only in the afternoon and early evening. I suspect they came from the fact that it was the first time i listened to any hemi-sync track and listened to four on my first go through falling asleep.

I am tempted to try just track one and two tonight and see how i feel in the morning. Quite impulsive, you might suggest and you're right. It's certainly sth i want to work on...

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my concerns.

I truly appreciate your help and support.

Best wishes,

6th July 2008, 08:06 PM
Hey Brett. I see you posted it here so I'm going to go ahead and delete the other one.
Happy to make your aquaintance, BTW.

7th July 2008, 07:24 AM
Brett, I can only say while I never had problems with Hemisync, some meditation experiences gave me heavy headaches, and those would haunt me for days. That was definitely just a phase, but it can be avoided by not overtaxing yourself in the beginning.

Take good care,