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View Full Version : About Steve Irwins Spirit

11th July 2008, 07:42 AM

I learnt about you through a web site that I go to on Yahoo. Allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Donna and I reside in Van., B.C., Canada. I don't know where to start with this one. Since 1995 I have always felt a soul connection to the late Steve Irwin. Between 1995 and prior to his death I would dream about him at night several times a week. At first it appeared that I was only dreaming about him and nothing else. But the the dreams became more vivid and intense. Also he would tell me things that I could'nt have possibly known about him at the time only to find out later the information checked out. Like fore example in one of my dream encounters of him he told me he hurt all over! I only knew of his bunged up knees. Last year I read an article about Steves pain and how he kept that carefully garded from the public.
The moment he died the dreams of him stopped dead in their tracks. Days after his death I had two very strange dreams about him. One was where he told me that he didn't know who the the lady was with the big blue eyes. [Which is me.] Now I'm luck to dream of him once in a while.
Last year in the middle of the day it hit me like a bomb shell. There was something wrong with his spirit. It flashed before me. He's fustrated, in pain and desparate to comunicate with his wife and children. It hurts me to know this. Last month in one of my dreams of him he told me he didn't know he was dead.
What is going one here. I would like to know. Donna


Interestingly, my sister felt a real connection with Steve Irwin too.

I feel that you and he have genuinely got a connection. I don't know why these random connections happen, I could theorise but I won't. I too have had this type of experience and found the child who had died and communicated with me when I went searching for him in the media. Despite the tragic nature of his death, he seemed to want nothing more than for someone to be with him at time of transition. High profile people like Irwin are readily identified but I dare say people have these experiences with unknown individuals and dismiss them as dreams.

It's now up to you what you want to do with the information. If you pass it on to the Irwin family, make sure you've gotten the very specific information that Irwin wants to convey. I can imagine there'd be regrets about the way he died. A determined soul would want to communicate one way or the other. If it's not you, he'll find another medium. If you're afraid of being embarrassed, it'll pass.

13th July 2008, 09:54 PM
Dear Donna,

I know Robert Monroe's students do some rescue work for lost souls/stuck souls/souls who do not realize they've died on the physical plane. So I am sure people here on this forum who have OBE's at will can do it too with the help of their guides. Since he is in contact with you...if you are one of those who can have OBE's, maybe you could work with your spirit guides in helping him? I hope you are able to help him. Wishing you the best.


14th July 2008, 06:55 PM

Thanks for the reply! I would like to share with you something about Steve. [And Terri as well.] If I allow myself to really tune in to Steve's Spirit, every day I get the same thing. He is fustrated [Which seems to be the first thing I immediately feel when I focus in on him] and in torment. The fustration comes from an old sorce plus a new one. I didn't know why at first why he was so fustrated! I soon found out from an article that I read. He felt that he wasn't getting the message out in the way that he had hoped to. The new source of his fustration has to do with something at Au. Zoo. There is something not quit right there. Something to do with commercialism. I can't prove that though.
I am having a very hard time reaching him in my sleep will I'm dreaming. I have asked God and my guides repeatedly to connect me with Stevo. I have hardly any luck with that one. It is so sporadic now. Do you think you can give me some advise on this one?
Steve's birthday and mine is quit interesting. He is born in just the sign of Pisces with his moon just in the sign of Libra. My birth sign is at the tail end of Virgo with my moon sign just in the sign of Pisces! Now Terri and I are the same age an we're both Americans by birth. She was born in Oregon and me I was born in Washington. The two States are back to back. We bothe have a love of big cats! I will share more later.

15th July 2008, 07:53 AM
Is he still unaware of being "dead"?

15th July 2008, 03:25 PM
Is he still unaware of being "dead"? I find that hard to believe. Both his daughter and his wife have talked quite extensively about his death, and if indeed he is attached to anyone it would be them, so he would have heard about it by now. I have the feeling that if he were in unrest it would be about unresolved personal stuff with them, and possibly the energy of people grieving about him are keeping him that way. As long as people refuse to let him go, he won't be at rest- if indeed we can affect them that way.

18th July 2008, 11:02 AM
The new source of his fustration has to do with something at Au. Zoo. There is something not quit right there. Something to do with commercialism. I can't prove that though.

There was a bit of a falling out between Terri and Irwin's dad about how the zoo was being run.

Bruce Moen's books will give you a good idea about soul retrieval or watch the Jill Kuykendall interview on The Conscious Media Network.