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View Full Version : Alexander Technique: does it help Kundalini raising

21st July 2008, 02:45 PM
Does anyone out there think that the Alexander Technique (developed by another brilliant Aussie) helps with Kundalini?

21st July 2008, 02:49 PM
You mean the 'sitting up straignt' Alexander Technique? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Technique)

21st July 2008, 03:15 PM
Yes, I have had Alexander Technique lessons and can tell you that it does help with Kundalini. However, I would suggest that you can save yourself some money by learning Somatics instead. Somatics is usually taught by chiropractors and it has several advantages over the Alexander Technique including that it is something you do not need to keep going back to a teacher for regular adjustments to your technique. Both are based on bringing awareness to the way you move your body during daily activity, but the Alexander Technique does this through feedback from another person and Somatics does this by using slow movements of the body to bring awareness into the way that the different parts of the body are designed to work together. As for the connection with Kundalini, because you are opening up tense places within the body and breathing more freely you are affecting the channels where energy flows through the body. As they tell you in chi kung, tense muscles block energy from flowing effectly. This is more so with chronically tense muscles.