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25th July 2008, 08:19 AM
I'm intrigued by this Q-Link technology. However, is it possible that wearing something like this will make you dependent on it? If everything we need is right here, right now, shouldn't that include the environment we find ourselves in? Shouldn't we, ideally, take everything adverse about our environment as a challenge and use it to evolve ourselves? Shouldn't we work to make the human body reliant only on itself?

Thanks Robert,

25th July 2008, 02:34 PM
I'm moving this post to 'Down Under' because in reference to the QLink itself,Robert has talked about why he uses and endorses it:
viewtopic.php?f=28&t=12232#p92733 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=12232#p92733)
ps. DVT=Deep Vein Thrombosis

Q-Links and magnetic and grounding products are an enormous help to energy work and the health of the energy body. These effects flow on to improved physical and psychological balance and wellbeing. They also have various specific benefits, like the improved blood flow caused by magnetic products. EG, I recently got some Nikken magnetic shoe inserts. I just did a 15hr flight, and normally my feet and legs are swollen and take some days to return to normal. I am sure you have heard all the publicity about DVT and how dangerous this can be. Wearing my magnetic shoe inserts, I got about a 95% reduction in what normally occurs during high altitude sleeping, eg, the swelling and discomfort, which can be quite bad.

After a few flights like that, I'm hooked and am singing the praises of magnetic products. They cause the blood vessels to dilate and improve blood flow. This is scientifically provable and my own experience strongly supports this. So, how is this a gimmic?

The same applies to the Q-Link and other products I am recommending.

Since Robert has dedicated his life to helping people with problems associated with negative entities, etc. it seems to me that the question behind the question is argumentative in general:

If everything we need is right here, right now, shouldn't that include the environment we find ourselves in? Shouldn't we, ideally, take everything adverse about our environment as a challenge and use it to evolve ourselves? Shouldn't we work to make the human body reliant only on itself?
Thanks Robert,
First of all, I'm not sure why using our brains to produce technology that makes our life easier would not be the same- because the one thing that we can say about our evolution is that our brains make it possible we use our environment to help ourselves, instead of evolving to survive our environment.
In other words, are you proposing that we 'get used to suffering' to overcome it instead of using the things that nature has given us (our ability to use technology to improve our lives)? I don't know about you, but that sounds the same as saying we should allow bad things to happen to others so they grow. Maybe we should outlaw medicines to let the weak die too, and forget agriculture- back to hunting and gathering, along with starving people on purpose to make the food last longer.
The truth is that we've romanticized primitivity and think that 'that's how things should be', but if that were true, that's how they'd be. Or at least this kind of logic seems to indicate this.
Sure, I can say that we're ruining our environment by using technology the way we do (something I disagree with, I think it has to do with balance and connectivity)- but the fact is that the way we have evolved has been by changing our environment, not by changing ourselves, whether it's good or bad, it's how humans have done it- and this is no different.

25th July 2008, 07:07 PM
First of all, thank you Traveler for replying. I have to say it kind of stings when you deem the question argumentative. It's very hard to express tone in writing but being argumentative wasn't my intention. These questions are personal dilemma's that I face everyday.

Second, I have to say I wasn't doubting the benefits which I've read about. I'm even considering buying the Q-Link.

However, before I make a decision I want to be sure that it wont cause me to be dependent on it. If I wear the Q-Link for a long period of time, will I feel weak when I'm not wearing it?

It has been my experience that our most important commodity in our life is our personal suffering. Please dismiss the connotation people usually have of the word (which is the same reason people get turned off by Buddhism when they find out the basic tenant is that "life is suffering".) In my head the word has a much deeper meaning. In a sense, we only evolve through our suffering. We only grow as people by facing challenges and obstacles and learning through them.

So, my question is, by using Q-Link on a regular basis are we in a sense isolating ourself from challenges that could spearhead our spiritual evolution?

25th July 2008, 08:23 PM
The q-link is a tool that you will use for however long and when you are done with it you can set it aside without harmful side effects. It does not replace your own effort. What it does is it supports your efforts. There is no such thing as cheating and when you get some experience you will realize that kicking your friends in the teeth doesn't make you more spiritual.

For the record, I partially agree with you in that most people, however miserable they are, actually aren't suffering enough to make them want to change. Where I disagree is that paths like Buddhism are for people who have had enough and are ready to change. They aren't meant for people like you who think suffering is a good thing and go around asking for more. To do so consciously is a form of madness.

Also for the record, you knew you were being argumentative. I realize that I am being argumentative, too. Maybe in a few hours my initial reaction to you will pass and I might even regret being so harsh. You can make it happen sooner by telling me how much I hurt your feelings and that you didn't deserve it. *sigh* I remember saying the same kind of thing you did, about 15 years ago. If anything I was a lot meaner about it.

25th July 2008, 09:37 PM
First of all, thank you Traveler for replying. I have to say it kind of stings when you deem the question argumentative. It's very hard to express tone in writing but being argumentative wasn't my intention. These questions are personal dilemma's that I face everyday.

Dear waking: I'm sorry if it stings, but it seemed to me like you were not asking about the Qlink itself, but about the notion that we should not use anything to 'help' because of the idea that suffering is somehow necessary. I'm one of those people who believe that we are creators, and when we have the idea that suffering is somehow noble we actually create more suffering.
Palehorse Redivivus said it better when he wrote: "You cannot simultaneously glory in your own suffering, and seek to reduce suffering in the world. We are all interconnected; therefore to reduce my suffering, or your suffering, is to reduce the suffering of the whole. There is no virtue in anybody’s suffering."
-Palehorse Redivivus
http://beyond-within.com/blog/law-of-at ... necessary/ (http://beyond-within.com/blog/law-of-attraction/is-suffering-necessary/)

However, before I make a decision I want to be sure that it wont cause me to be dependent on it. If I wear the Q-Link for a long period of time, will I feel weak when I'm not wearing it?

I can't imagine why. Energy is there whether it's used or not, and like Tom said, you don't have to wear it all the time. But maybe you should wait until you hear from others that are using it. There is a thread here (search Qlink & it will come up) in which people are testing it and maybe it can help make up your mind.

13th August 2008, 02:40 AM
I hadn't seen this. Thanks for the insightful reply ;)