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View Full Version : Give me a good reason

1st August 2008, 03:39 PM
I "fall" in and out of my body with a large thud without being able to control it. My father's family was able to do it willfully, so it seems to run in the family. Why should I pursue this "gift"? I cannot fathom what the benefits of it are, other than feeling good? If I could perform functions such as healing, diagnose illnesses or find lost souls it would make sense.... What are the benefits of being able to OBE?

2nd August 2008, 07:49 AM
Well, how about healing, diagnose illnesses or find lost souls? ;)

Healing in the astral is effective and a great way to help other beings.

OBE helps develop intuition and auric sight in many people - these things develop or get uncovered with the belief changes OBE brings, but also the increased activity in the energy body. The exercises for learning to project at will can help to develop these skills.

The "finding of lost souls" is called "retrieval". See for example Robert Monroe's book "Ultimate Journey" for his retrievals, or Bruce Moen's books (all of them) how he learned retrieval. Generally these souls are stuck in believing they are still alive, or in some pattern from when they were still alive, or in their own beliefs. A retrieval tries to help the soul out of that self-created closed loop and to let the soul be healed, nourished and restored in other stages of the afterlife.

If you want inspiration on the "why", read Monroe, Moen or Kurt Leland ("Otherwhere"). Some people simply project to learn for sure there *is* an afterlife and what it looks like. Leland's book is about that.


Projection for a deeper purpose - helping others or helping yourself learn your lessons in this life time - can be a deeply rewarding spiritual practice. If you are serious about it (as in: determined, not: without humor ;) ), it can take you far. :)

Take good care,

4th August 2008, 10:08 PM
Hi Rita...

Beyond spiritual concerns another reasons are:

* Increase deeper knowledge of physical world.

* At archeological surveys, new discoveries may be triggered. Frequently, some locations are budgetary out of availability, then, an inspection done from RTZ can cut dramatically costs. Damage risks to reliqs and explorers are, also, avoided.

* Detect alien civilization locations and most reliable way of communication.

* Criminal prosecution and national security purposes (CIA, FBI, InterPol, NSA, etc.). Access to Askashic Records can contribute to solve crime enygmas.

Clearly, possibilities are limitless. Any topic of hard treatment at physical world has solutions when an adequate research is done when OBEing.

NOTE: For me, "skeptical attitude" of scientists are not more than an intelligent hoax. Many advances, secrets and developments, of sure, has foundation when we puts in the equation researchers with OBE skills. Is of broad knowledge that, by example, hackers personality profile include meditation skills. Obviously, is beyond appearances more than a hard "skeptical attitude".

My best regards,