View Full Version : Matrix Energetics

5th August 2008, 06:58 PM
I heard yesterday that Dr. Richard Bartlett of matrix energetics has an assistant who he works on during his "performances" and that this person goes into kriyas easily when Bartlett does his stuff. I hate to be a pooper on the convulsion party, but repetitious sparking up of the nervous system could fry this guys nerve sheaths, make him vulnerable to viral infection of the nervous system, burn out his adrenals and not to mention increase the chances of seizure.
One of NZs best psychics died of epilepsy.

Lets hope at least that Bartlett rotates his pool of convulsives for the crowds amusement, and does not use the same poor fellow year after year.

PS: Lately I am really lit, and was playing with a pendulum, it responded immediately to my energy, as soon as I gave it an idea like "I think it only logical and proper that my YES should be clockwise" it went clockwise.
The pendulum grooves on the energy field coming off the hand and tends to just turn in the flow, if there is no directive, intent, question or "ordering" to the pendulum it will randomly turn here and there depending perhaps on whether the energy shows hesitancy/fear (NO) or confidence/freedom (YES). Perhap each individual does have a personal direction for expansion and contraction of the psyche I don't know. I would be interested in your opinion.