View Full Version : Combining NEW & Deep Trance Methods Incompatible?

8th August 2008, 06:54 AM
I have a major issue. When I finally manage to achieve a deep trance, to the point of my body feeling drunk and heavy, time dilation, slowness, coldness etc. Doing new energy work say on my toes, or feat, causes my (physical) heart to start pumping faster and faster until the trance is broken. Can any serious practioner please share insights here. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to stop my physical heart from becoming stimulated?

8th August 2008, 07:05 AM
What makes you sure it is your physical heart? This does really sound more like your heart chakra.

Why exactly do you chose to work your feet in a deep trance? Is there a special motivation for this?


8th August 2008, 12:02 PM

I am certain it is my physical heart. My feat were just an example if I were to do NEW techniques on any body part during a deep or moderate trance, it would have the same effect. My heart always starts pumping faster, the longer I do new techniques during trance.

8th August 2008, 12:21 PM
Again what makes you sure?

Did you, for example, feel your pulse?

I have had several incidences of "heart racing" that absolutely felt like the real thing but were not observable when feeling the pulse at the wrist. Heart chakra racing is not easily discerned from heart racing.


8th August 2008, 02:37 PM
As part of my training in another system I have to achieve deep trance, which involved 1 breath per minute and no more than 30 heart beats per minute.

I use a fetal heart monitor to listen to my own heart beats during meditation. So I am certain it is racing, during NEW work.

8th August 2008, 02:39 PM
Not to beat a dead horse or anything... But by "racing" do you mean 100 beats per minute, or do mean just faster than your desired 30 beats per minute?

8th August 2008, 10:41 PM
racing as in pounding, hard and fast, like when you get up and run a mile, and then take a break. It races beyond normal levels to that of when doing active exercise. at least 60 to 75 beats per minute, far higher than my standard normal resting heart rate.

9th August 2008, 05:55 AM
Energy work is different for everybody. The only thing I would suggest is to stop doing NEW in trance. Trance will multiply the effects of all energy work, so maybe this is just too much for you.

New is still very effective in light trance. Or no trance. Most of the time I don't even close my eyes for it.

9th August 2008, 07:57 PM
racing as in pounding, hard and fast, like when you get up and run a mile, and then take a break. It races beyond normal levels to that of when doing active exercise. at least 60 to 75 beats per minute, far higher than my standard normal resting heart rate.

60 to 75 beats is pretty normal, though. I had relaxation exercises for superlearning that wanted to take you down to 60.

Has it always been like that for you?


9th August 2008, 11:52 PM
I had a similar problem recently and I found out that I had an 'early beat'- something that is very common in people of all ages, and it manifests-guess when? When you're deeply relaxed. The reason is that when you're deeply relaxed your 'early beat' causes a slight arrhythmia, and it races. It doesn't manifest when you're active, because any activity supersedes the early beat, and it's as if it wasn't there. What I was told by the doctor at the time, is that these early beats (your description is almost to the T) are only noticeable when you're deeply relaxed, aware, and either reclining or laying down. Like when meditating or reading.
It's best to rule out any other cause for this, but If I were going to make a bet, I'd bet that's what's happening to you.
Please seek medical help to check out any underlying cardiac problem.

10th August 2008, 01:02 PM
Perhaps that is the case, thank you. One thing I don't have a problem staying in trance for long periods of time, its only when I attempt new does my heart rate shoot up. I tried it last night and got up to about 80bpm. Also I tried new in a non trance scenario, and kept with it until I could feel the currents very strongly and it resulted in the same. My personally theory is subconsciously I am focusing more bloodflow to the area perhaps, but I don't know how to control that mechanism.

10th August 2008, 08:25 PM
Try focusing on your feet and see if you get the same effect.
Just freeassociating here- it seems that to increase your pulse you have to override the parasympathetic nervous system- that would mean that you'd have to stimulate the part of the brain that does that, or increase adrenalin production (not sure how that would work, though) so why not experiment with stimulating different areas of your body and see if there is a correlation with your heartbeat as you focus on different parts. But I'd still go on and see a medical practicioner to make sure it's not something 'funky' going on with your heart.

10th August 2008, 08:43 PM
Maybe you stimulate the "Bubbling Spring" points and get energy shooting up? Does this happen only on the feet or with any other energy work, too?


10th August 2008, 09:16 PM
the heart rate seems to be related to the strength of the sensations I am feeling, if keep the sensations weak then I don't have an issue with increased heart rate. I can do new in any and or all parts of my body and if I keep with it till the feeling is very strong then my physical heart will begin to race.