View Full Version : William Bodri

26th August 2008, 06:59 AM
Has anyone looked into William Bodri's teachings, especially his free e-book on gong fu transformations, comprising a chapter from his course? I can't afford the course, I'm afraid! But I was really struck by a great deal that he said; he actually cleared up quite a number of questions I had brewing over the years. However, he does not seem to be in favour of energy work, or circulating the chi "by force" . Does anyone else have any experience with this view?

26th August 2008, 07:15 AM
Links, links, links. ;)


26th August 2008, 07:28 AM
About the method of "not guiding Qi with force" I read this yesterday:

In some branches of the fire schoool, the traditional practice is to initially take all the blockages in the first six energy bodies and release them in much the same sequence as the dissolving methods of the water school. The fire method, however, accomplishes this by creating tremendous physical heat in the lower tantien. The purpose of this heat is to incinerate your bound internal blockages. (This process can take a long time, just as the fundamental dissolving methods can.)

As the bulk of the gross traumas, attachments, and so on, are being cleared out, the heat in the lower tantien becomes extremely fierce - enough to cause profuse sweating. Eventually, burned-off gross matter naturally turns into a ball of light and drops into the perineum, just as, in the water method of meditation, the encrusted material dissolves, leaving only the unadorned gem.(from "The Great Stillness")

This is accomplished by focussing on the Lower Tantien and let the circulation start by itself. Does it sound familiar to you?


27th August 2008, 07:01 AM
Sorry I didn't post the link, I actually tried to upload the pdf file but it was rejected as too big & I don't have the time to fiddle about, breaking it up or anything, very busy at work - but here's a link to a condensed version of his free module:
http://www.meditationexpert.com/meditat ... ations.htm (http://www.meditationexpert.com/meditation-techniques/m_Taoist_internal_microcosmic_circulations_and_cha kra_meditations.htm)


27th August 2008, 07:05 AM
AND jst let me mention quickly that if you click on his Courses, you'll find the free pdf file of lesson 2

27th August 2008, 02:32 PM
Has anyone looked into William Bodri's teachings, especially his free e-book on gong fu transformations, comprising a chapter from his course? I can't afford the course, I'm afraid! But I was really struck by a great deal that he said; he actually cleared up quite a number of questions I had brewing over the years. However, he does not seem to be in favour of energy work, or circulating the chi "by force" . Does anyone else have any experience with this view?

Could you elaborate on those questions and why you feel so certain that they were answered, please?

As for being able to afford the course ... why would you want to?

28th August 2008, 04:40 AM
Well. . .the question of celibacy, for one. I have always felt that one ( or at least I) could not concentrate on BOTH a relationship AND real "spiritual cultivation" as W Bodri calls it. (Maybe that's just me, can't focus on more than one thing at a time?) So much psychic energy is consumed in a sexual relationship - I just came to the intuitive conclusion that I had to make a choice, & as I do not plan on coming back to this plane, I am willing to give up or do almost anything to "achieve" that (wrong words, but the idea is there).

I also wondered about the incorruptibility of the body, as referenced in most religions; he explained that rather well, I thought, as an interdenominational phenomenon, as result of correct spiritual cultivation.

Then, the stages of meditation - I had often thought these were perhaps just subjective; but it seems, again, that certain phenomena occur across the board, also "interdenominationally" which seems to validate them more than if they were reported by ONLY Buddhist or Hindu or whatever meditators .

I'd like to get his course, but then I also feel that spiritual information should be "free" or at least only charged for to the extent of covering the basic costs, & not as a source of personal income. Again, I am open to being convinced otherwise on this, it's just a gut feeling!

28th August 2008, 07:34 AM
Just wanted to add - also, his references to pranayama breathing, ie that the purpose of breathing practises is to reach a stage at which the breath actally STOPS or becomes minimal. For years I have tried to keep ON breathing in meditation, as soon as I relaise that my breath has slowed down or almost stopped entirely . . . . I'd appreciate others comments & experiences on this?

28th August 2008, 08:04 AM
Celibacy is not required. IMO some people are born with a spectrum of needs that prevents them to live celibate without suffering, and others would never chose anything over celibacy as it matches their needs. There is no answer for everyone, but if you feel drawn to having relationships, perhaps you need that?

The "free of charge" is nice and dandy. And what does sustain the teacher? Should the teacher teach more or rather work in a factory and spare some minutes in a busy day for his students?

As long as you reject this life, this place, this existence, you remain attached to it by this very rejection. Your wish is what binds you.

Take good care,

28th August 2008, 08:30 AM
Hi Korpo, thanks for your thoughts. As always, you hit the nail on the thumb (my interpretation of the cliche!) I agree there is no one solution for all, & one's needs & insights change with age & circumstance.

And yes, how is the teacher supposed to live? I do agree, but still feel a certain distaste, don't know why - I should look into it. I think Aunt Claire also mentions a certain dislike of charging for wisdom. . .

I don't as such "reject" this life, that's a bit strong - but I do want to move on; I don't see it as a loss, but a gain. What could one NOT have on higher dimensions that one has here? It's just that I see such evidence of cruelty all around, especially to animals, that I often feel i don't want to be part of the physical world. Yet i have been taught in the astral that there is no real "right & wrong", & that the truth is actually different for each of us. I hope I don't come across as a depressive person who doesn't want to live or who does not appreciate life. Am generally annoyingly cheerful (Saggittarian)& I love & appreciate a great deal, especially Nature. I also know it's probably foolish to ask other's opinions, given that one accepts the "No single solution for all" dictum, but still, it's fun bouncing ideas around. . . . .


ps edited for spelling errors again!

28th August 2008, 08:56 AM
What could one NOT have on higher dimensions that one has here?

Direct, immediate consequences for your actions you cannot evade (a direct, inevadeable karmic law).

I read an interesting thing in the book "Seat of the Soul" yesterday. Even if you do not consciously evolve your self, karmic effects evolve you. Karma brings you back as lesson what you unconsciously or consciously put out there. You could accelerate the process by making it conscious, but it is an unceasing evolution of your self.

This process can be accelerated deliberately or slowed, but it cannot be evaded, making evolution inevitable. Similarly nothing is fixed and changes constantly (thought at different rates). This does not only help to preven stagnation, it also obsoletes each approach headed for stagnation sooner or later.

Guess we all signed up for a big jump in our evolution, like it or not. That seems to be part of the deal. :)


28th August 2008, 10:43 AM
What could one NOT have on higher dimensions that one has here?
There's a saying: the reason we need time is so that everything doesn't happen all at once. Time is a function of space (you know, the whole space-time continuum?), and space is a function of the material world. No space, no time. Without time, it's impossible to learn most of the lessons we can and do learn here.

28th August 2008, 10:50 AM
Love the "We need Time so everything doesn't happen at once" ! :lol: Wish I understood more subatomic physics, love reading books about it (eg Michio Kaku's!) but the equations etc leave me standing. . .