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View Full Version : Close, but not far enough!

Daniel C.
9th September 2008, 08:27 PM
I go sit in my chair, get a pilow and stick it under my feet. I relax, breathing in and out with normal breathing process. I wait, wait, and wait until my body is finally asleep. Mind is clear (through breathing). I feel the Vibrations coming and going as they please in random parts of my body. MY problem here is what I do NEXT. I know that I have to Shift My body awarness outside of my body, but I can't Grasp the concept. I have tryed the 'Imagination Loosening' technique is 'Astral Dyanmics' but it doesn't work for me. Anyone have any suggestions?

9th September 2008, 09:27 PM
First of all, do you think you're in deep trance when you do your routine? I find (especially when you're starting out) that it's good to be in as deep a trance as possible (using a variety of techs) before starting energy body loosening, once you have done one or two loosening techs, do another couple of trance techniques, then go into 'noticing', and then, if you are getting exit vibrations start doing exit techniques (or energy body externalizing, as you called it).
Exit techs can be the rope technique (which is good when you're having vibrations), and various others, like waterski, washing hands, the steam roller (I call it the choo choo train for some reason),- if instead of vibes you are having 'subtle movement' (like a dizzy floaty feeling), then go to- imaginary jumping on a trampoline, body surfing, rocking or rolling, and if there is a vortex in front of you just 'lean into it'.
If you have astral sight (seeing through eyelids) I suggest focusing on something far from your body and 'examining it closely'. This will draw you to the object.

Well, here you go, here's some ideas.
(Some are the same as Robert's, some are mine, but all have worked at one time or another, depending on exit symptoms.)