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View Full Version : Is Kundalini related to sexual sensetions and brain sensatio

12th September 2008, 11:25 PM

Well, I am writing because I never thought this was gonna be possible, I had kundalini rising not long ago, after strange behavor of my left part of the body everthing got right and the electricity sensation was normal again, I mean I was just ok.

Now is this normal? I am having lots of I dont know how to describe this really, they are not orgasm but they are near it, is in my sexual apparatus and has been like twoo nights and today at work, is ok when at night but at work was sooooo strange. Also, I am feeling like "nails" (agujas) in my brain, they started with my base, and now I feel them in other upper parts of my brain.

I am not scared but I thought kundalini was another thing, or is this normal? I am feeling perfect, in fact I had a normal period and everthing in me is normal. All good things are happening to me even more frequently than before.. or maybe I realize the good things of normal life?

Well, thanks a lot in advance, I feel some embarrasment because of the sexual stuff, I am not use to having this sort of feeling...

13th September 2008, 01:31 AM
I look forward to reading the replies to this.

many people feel after kundalini as if they are the union of male and female sexual energies, I know that I do, especially when i'm doing kundalini style meditations. Forgive me if i'm being too frank, because this is not something that you can talk frankly about in normal conversation, but I have frequent and intense, often long lasting sexual feelings "down there" due to kundalini and also chakra activity. It feels as if i am actually having an orgasm, and can last 10 minutes at times when it is most intense. The feelings cover a very large area and are actually more intense than any orgasm i've had (don't tell my wife).

I hope you feel less embarrassed about the sexual stuff now.

13th September 2008, 05:27 PM
Ho really? It was not my imagination? Ahhhh.. what a relief the sensation I have are almost orgasm and sometimes they are so strong, now that you mention the chakra activity while I was at work yesterday I realized that it was on the chakra 2 that I had the biggest sensation...

O well, I suppose I wont feel bad and I will try to enjoy it, after all is something good happening to me dont you think? Jajajja the problem is that I did not knew anything about this sensation, o well, again is a relief. I just hope they only are present when relaxing but I think kundalini si whenever it likes to be...

kisses sleeper you made me feel good again :)