View Full Version : Plugging the Leak in my Subnavel Storage Center

Palehorse Redivivus
26th September 2008, 02:08 AM
Yep... I seem to have done just that.

Working with NEW of course the idea is to fill your subnavel storage, which eventually overflows up into the heart center, and finally up into the brow. Once I really started focusing on doing this with the intent of learning to sense through my higher chakras, what came out was that most days, my subnavel was losing energy faster than I could ever hope to fill it. This was a longstanding issue, but the problem of how to keep more of my energy IN my body has been on the "stuff to fix" list for a while, with no real idea how to approach it. In the meantime I would just keep raising more energy -- enough to function on a day to day basis, but not enough to spare for upper chakra based pursuits. For instance I might get a lot done in a day, but "non-essentials" like dream recall would be getting cut way back.

When attempts to procure an etheric cork proved fruitless :P, after much pondering, and a tarot reading, I was pretty sure I had isolated the cause. It was a holdover set of beliefs from my early days of getting into things like energy work, "alternative" spirituality, metaphysics... but at a time when I didn't yet have any knowledge of things like parasitic people, negs or psychic self defense.

Back then the idea was that "all is one," energy is everywhere, energy is free. If I'm made up of particles and empty space, the guy next to me is made up of particles and empty space, and the only thing between us is particles and empty space... then we're all just points of consciousness swimming around in a sea of particles and empty space.

That's all well and good -- but my energetic system took all this and decided that "energy is free" meant "MY energy is free to anything that wants it," in effect making me a walking energetic buffet for any parasitic person or entity that happens along. This is, of course, not okay.

For the sake of my present experience, I'm living on a physical planet in a body that requires energy to function, and most of that energy has to be taken in via manual effort on my part. Maybe one day I'll gain the ability to bypass this illusion -- but I'd wager it's going to take a lot of that manually raised energy to get where I plan on going. ;)

For the sake of my system I changed the way it was defining energy and my relation to it, to be more like the way I regard money. Basically, once it comes into my posession, its mine to redistribute as *I* see fit, and while I may choose to give it away, such as via healing, for someone or something else to take it without my consent is not okay. Energy is not actually free, in the sense that it costs time and effort to convert it for my own use.

Releasing those older beliefs and instilling my system with the new "operating procedures" I noticed a very significant and almost immediate difference. I have a lot more energy to work with now, things like dream recall and third eye visuals are going way up, and my system doesn't have the drain on itself that it once did. I am a happy horse. :D

Hopefully if anyone is struggling with a similar issue, this'll give ya some ideas. In general though I think the question of how we regard energy, our beliefs about it, and managing our own in an efficient and beneficial way, is an important set of topics to think about for anyone who's serious about regular energy work.

26th September 2008, 11:28 AM
How did you really go about fixing this? EX: writing things out/ just thinking out the problem/ input from what your energy feels like then feeling the changes takng place.. Ami I making sense? What proccess did you go through?

26th September 2008, 12:58 PM
Great post! 8) Did Psychic Self-Defense help you understand more how to retain the energy?

Palehorse Redivivus
26th September 2008, 09:03 PM
How did you really go about fixing this?

My approach to changing anything in my own system is basically the same -- imagine that part of myself is a person that I can have a conversation with, and dialogue with it to change the way it's operating.

If you want more specific "protocol"...

For your preparation, recognize that part of you is holding beliefs or otherwise operating in a way that's not beneficial. Figure out what those beliefs are, and formulate a new set that will work better for you.

Do a relaxation technique or otherwise get yourself ready to meditate.

Imagine the part in question, in this case the part of myself that regulates my energy intake, distribution and retention, as a seperate person.

Approach it as you would a genuine friend who is trying to help you, but doesn't realize the way they're currently doing so is not beneficial. Carry on the conversation with that in mind; thank it for its service even as you're changing the way it operates. It doesn't matter if you can actually sense the other part, or if you feel like the conversation is one-way -- intent is what's important here.

Ask it to release its former beliefs (at this point I actually feel a release, usually; others may or may not.) If you know exactly what the beliefs are it's better to release them all specifically IMO, but simply releasing all beliefs on a given subject works too. Tell it you have new beliefs for it to hang onto and operate with, and then state those in a direct, present-tense, unambiguous way. The more specific, the better. Thank it again for its service, and then imagine it "absorbing" back into your body.

In my experience this is usually all it takes for me to change the issue in question and start noticing the changes. Its been pretty rare that I've ever had to go back and retrace my steps on these things; usually the most I might do is make "edits" to improve things even more after living with the new functions for a while.

Great post! Did Psychic Self-Defense help you understand more how to retain the energy?

PPSD countermeasures definitely helped a lot. Although, in the case of issues like this I view countermeasures more as something to hold crap off long enough for me to focus on the root of the issue and get it fixed so said crap is not being drawn to it anymore. It's like how you might dress a wound to keep pathogens from getting in and infecting it, but only until your body has a chance to do its own healing. In this case I could do things like warding myself, but at the very least I still had something like an energy leak going on, which is a problem in itself regardless of outside interference.

29th September 2008, 09:58 PM
I worked with aspects in a similar way. I feel little fuzzy points in my body, they react to attention depending on which aspect it is and I suppose its "personality" Maybe its a wierd thing only I experience... I'll explain it anyway.

So I can move them around or place them in chakras, which changes the way they act, or sometimes they resist and the chakra I place them in fills up with nasty stuff and things start to go alittle haywire. Reminds me of a temper tantrum with a gremlin that can sabotuage my body, nearly. I have taught one to move up my body when I 'speak' to it. its a wierd feeling of something jumping into my throat. and the sensations and intuition I get from this increase with my Zen sitting/Zazen, along with belly breathing.

I haven't used Zazen in too long, and it works too well to be ignoring this practice, IMO. XD

Palehorse Redivivus
1st October 2008, 03:08 PM
Update after sitting on the results of this work for a while...

Problems with energy drain really do appear to be fixed. :D

I'm pretty sensitive to when something neggy is around. The old "routine" would be that I would feel the atmosphere of the room change, then I'd feel my energy abruptly start to drop, and then my emotional state along with it, though I've gotten pretty quick about interrupting that process at the first sign of anything, with some sort of countermeasure.

Now, I'll still feel the presence, and I'll feel it exerting pressure on my system... but my energy stays where it is. No more waking up feeling more drained and tired than I was before going to sleep the night before; no more random drains throughout the day.

Yay, says I. 8)

2nd October 2008, 03:55 AM
Yay, says I. 8)
And yay says I, as well. :)

2nd October 2008, 01:57 PM
Congrats! 8)

2nd October 2008, 04:32 PM

Hearing stuff like this helps add fuel to my fire. I still haven't managed to break the bubble of inertia that encases me when it comes to energy work. I actually feel a palpable resistance when I think about doing it. I'm gonna try and break that starting today.

Keep us updated!