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View Full Version : Too good to be true?

5th November 2008, 11:46 PM
Well, EVERYONE, I gotta say that this store seems to have products TOO good to be true. Or atleast what they write sounds like it!

They sell audio downloads for like $20 each, and some help your skills in, astral projection, telepathy, aura viewing, meditation, motivation, health and a BUNCH of other stuff. As I said, it sound TOO good to be true.
Check it out, maybe it works.
BTW, this is NO spam or advertising. I want to have people's opinions on this, and some feed back maybe.

HONESTLY, I hope this isn't real... Because I think that this would take ALL the fun out of the experience of those who try to do astral projection, telekinesis, aura viewing, etc. So I hope this helps just a LITTLE.


Here's another link to a website I go to, to practice concentration and then to be able to do telekinesis: http://www.learn-telekinesis-training.com
Hope this helps some.

6th November 2008, 12:10 AM
Unless there is another unexplainable.net that sells binaurals, I think I have their MP3 for astral projection. :)

6th November 2008, 04:10 AM
Well, EVERYONE, I gotta say that this store seems to have products TOO good to be true. Or atleast what they write sounds like it!

They sell audio downloads for like $20 each, and some help your skills in, astral projection, telepathy, aura viewing, meditation, motivation, health and a BUNCH of other stuff. As I said, it sound TOO good to be true.

Because it is. There's a lot of marketing blab on this site.

Meditation State Reached Within Minutes!

* Works Every Time Without Fail
* No Extensive Practice Required
* Reach The Meditation Mindset Quickly And Easily
* Feel The Effects In Minutes. Guaranteed!

That's a pretty ridiculous claim for a binaureal track. The prices are higher or the same as the TMI tapes, they don't have the reputation or experience TMI has, and their marketing is over the top and IMO misleading by intent.


6th November 2008, 08:23 AM
Well, EVERYONE, I gotta say that this store seems to have products TOO good to be true. Or atleast what they write sounds like it!

They sell audio downloads for like $20 each, and some help your skills in, astral projection, telepathy, aura viewing, meditation, motivation, health and a BUNCH of other stuff. As I said, it sound TOO good to be true.

Because it is. There's a lot of marketing blab on this site.

Meditation State Reached Within Minutes!

* Works Every Time Without Fail
* No Extensive Practice Required
* Reach The Meditation Mindset Quickly And Easily
* Feel The Effects In Minutes. Guaranteed!

That's a pretty ridiculous claim for a binaureal track. The prices are higher or the same as the TMI tapes, they don't have the reputation or experience TMI has, and their marketing is over the top and IMO misleading by intent.


Agreed, you can tell by the site layout and presentation that these people are just out to make a quick buck. I hate to sound skeptic but if you are going to boast that a product produces OOBE every time without fail then put up a free sample and let people decide for themselves.


6th November 2008, 01:59 PM
Besides, the content is stolen or misleading - like pictures out of "Autobiography of a Yogi" (I spotted one of Babaji) or generic quotes that not really pertain to the product at hand but seem to link it to the product.


8th November 2008, 12:35 PM
Thanks for all your replies.

I'm glad that the website has false advertising and products that don't work, because as I said; it'd take all the fun out of trying to learn how to do these things by ourselves, don't you think??

Anyways, peace.

8th November 2008, 06:31 PM
Thanks for all your replies.

I'm glad that the website has false advertising and products that don't work, because as I said; it'd take all the fun out of trying to learn how to do these things by ourselves, don't you think??

Anyways, peace.

So how much did you buy from them?

29th November 2008, 08:40 PM
Thanks for all your replies.

I'm glad that the website has false advertising and products that don't work, because as I said; it'd take all the fun out of trying to learn how to do these things by ourselves, don't you think??

Anyways, peace.

So how much did you buy from them?


29th November 2008, 09:30 PM
So why were you telling us to go there?