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View Full Version : Lucid OBEs how does that work?

David Mustardseed
14th June 2005, 02:54 PM
Hi everybody

For several years I have had false awakenings as well as false OBEs if it can be termed that. I wonder what actually happens during these. Below is an diary account from yesterday, feel free to comment. It seems that I am using my exit teknic to induce a WILD. Is it possible that WILDS are just exits straight to the astral, that would account for the missing sleeping body.? What do you think.

14th June OBE/WILD

I was in my room while friends were having snack in the room next to me, chatting and actually being quite loud. Lying down for nap I found a way to relax my arm the right one, and I was lying left side as usual. As I started to feel the muscles relax the vibrations started to get stronger. It was a great feeling and I am so thankful I am no longer afraid of it. I made the usual half turn and spin around as I rolled out of my body. This time I stood up next to the bed and pointed to it talking aloud to myself. There was no body on the bed so I assumed it was a WILD. I started to talk to myself about what I was seeing. All the time I could hear the people in the background talking, but instead of the voices coming from the kitchen as I knew they were, they appeared to be from the outside. I walked to the right of my bed. There was a door and I went through it. Outside it was dusk or just before dusk or I seemed to be again in the astral region with the soft yellow light.

I appeared to be standing in a urban setting. I was in between two tall buildings that looked like apartment blocks. Along my left side ran a wall with red tiles on the top. Over the wall I could see onto a terrace of a small outside café of sorts and around the houses there were kids playing ball. The atmosphere was wonderful. It was like a boyhood evening with friends playing in the soft evening glow while the parents were having coffee or refreshments at the local café. The music coming from the café was cheerful and happy and mixed with voices of giggeling and laughter. I looked up and could see the sky bluish above the houses.

I kept talking to myself while I walked along the wall till it ended. It was a wonderful place. After a few minutes more I heard a loud clang from the dining room and it started to fade as the vibrations increased and I was sucked back in to my body


Interested to know your opinion

Regards Mustardseed

18th June 2005, 11:17 PM
Dear David Mustardseed,

You may have had an OBE initially into the real time zone. The thing is that when we pass through solid objects like walls to go outside etc. a disorientation can easily occur which can throw us out of real time zone. This is why when anyone is setting up experiments with Robert to test his OBE capability, Robert requests that he not have to pass through any walls or closed doors. A barrier can be placed like a divider as all as it can be passed over or around. Robert has noticed passing through solid objects sometimes does throw him into different 'settings'. Not sure if it is an energy thing. There seems to be a vibration equalization. Perhaps passing through a wall, affects ones vibrational rate? Then possibly you end up somewhere with a matching vibrational rate. Hard to say. More work needs to be done. It does not always happen when passing through solid objects. When one has a lot of energy and speed there does seem to be less of a problem.

Not sure if this is the type of reply you were looking for. Hope it was some what helpful or informative.

Very Best Wishes,

David Mustardseed
20th June 2005, 02:28 PM
Thankyou Violetsky
Very interesting. I do know that for me I seem to change my own vibrational level when I have to pass through anything. I have noticed that I seem to sort of brace myself for impact, and get in another pitch. Maybe the differences are so subtle that just these changes of expectancy is enough.

I was wondering if it is possible that I was having a OBE straight into the Astral yet still exiting my body there. This has happened many times to me. As if the exit in my mind is connecting to the place and body.

I know .....not very clear,

Regards Mustardseed

20th June 2005, 07:36 PM
Thankyou Violetsky

I was wondering if it is possible that I was having a OBE straight into the Astral yet still exiting my body there. This has happened many times to me. As if the exit in my mind is connecting to the place and body.
I know .....not very clear,

Dear David Mustardseed,

Smile, don't worry about very clear. Actually that is what I was trying to suggest was happening to you albeit awkwardly.

I think, (personal opinion here) that you projected into the real time zone and then due to a vibrational shift (which Robert reports commonly occurs when passing through a wall etc.) caused you to shift into the astral.

Hmmm! Since it is summer, could you leave a window open and try exiting through there. Mind you, depending on bug problems you might have to keep a screen on the window. Now there is a cool experiment. I wonder if a screen causes much less distortion when passing through it.

Happy Journeys,

8th July 2005, 11:43 AM
Same symptoms here.
When I have a false awakening I slip out of my body, feeling all sensations like vibrations and the rubbery resistance. I get out of my room to the corridor still in rtz but when I cross the window to fly outside I end up always in a dreamscape similar to my street. I don't think it's the astral I end up in my case but in a dream, you can tell the difference by the feeling of the environment.

David MustardSeed, are you sure you are landing in the astral? Aren't you landing in a dreamscape? From my research, projecting through the sleep state makes it very easy to end up again in a dream. Robert probably ends up in the astral but he projected straight from waking state and thus very lucid.

All my projections untill today have been through false awakenings but I'm getting frustrated by after some time (or crossing walls etc...) ending up in dream again grrr grrrr :?

David Mustardseed
13th July 2005, 01:47 PM
I have had 2 more of these experiences in 2 days. I am on my bed and the vibraions start. I recognise I am on my bed in my bedroom, and when the seperation occurs I am in a different invironment. Both times I recognised the differenceces. In one instant I woke up my wife next to me and talked to her. She appeared drowsy and tired and incoherent, and after saying a few cryptic things went back to sleep. I then left the room and talked to some friends in the dining room. It was so real I was not sure if it was a OBE so I decided to fly to test it and did lift off afterwards telling them what was happening. I am not sure if this is WILDS OBEs or Lucid dreams of OBEs.

Regards David