View Full Version : Eric Pearl's Reconnection.

Neil Templar
10th November 2008, 06:19 PM
Has anyone here had any experience with this form of healing?

I went for my first reconnection session 1 week ago..
45 mins felt like 10.
during the session i could feel parts of my energy body separate from the physical.
in my mind's eye i saw lots of disjointed visions, situations that seemed to be someone else's life.. conversations with creatures that were definitely not human.
at times it felt like i was lying face down, or parts of my energy body were moving around..
i felt waves of energy moving around, of varying frequencies..

since then, i've been feeling great.
i feel "light" inside. i feel energy moving around from time to time. psychic abilities seem to be increasing.. possibly coincidence.. but there are daily occurances..

i've yet to read the book, and am going for the next session soon, but was just curious if anyone here knows anything about this?

11th November 2008, 09:45 AM
I've read about him on his website and watched an interview. What you experienced sounds like the kind of things others reported. Am I correct in my understanding that his clients often develop the ability to heal too? His is a very curious story indeed!

Neil Templar
12th November 2008, 05:06 PM
yep, that seems to be the case.
there's a seminar after new year here in the Netherlands, i'm gonna attend. apparently the two day workshop is enough to teach you how to heal in this way...
i'm going for another session in a week or so.. i'll report whatever happens..

12th November 2008, 08:54 PM
Please do this sounds very interesting!

19th November 2008, 07:04 PM
yeah, please do update us, this does sound interesting

Neil Templar
18th June 2009, 02:00 PM
i went for another session today.

interesting experience again.
lying on my back, i had moments of being aware of another presence in the room there. i could see the shape of a figure over to my left.
lots of short visions flashing thru my mind, thoughts that don't seem to be my own.
experiences that seem to be other peoples lives.
an invisible pair of hands seem to push my spine into alignment. i could swear it felt like fingers on the back of my neck.
a vision of a middle aged man with dark hair and a big mustache.
a diary falls open and the date is the 5th, don't know what month...
a conversation in Ancient Egypt. i can hear horses and the sounds of people working in the background.
my right arm is pulled quickly by the invisible hand. involuntary movements.
one of my fingers flicks up. head twitches once. spine pulled again.
body has alot of heat in it. coming from within.
some music.
a grassy field with some trees in the distance.
waves of energy going thru my head. my hands.

after we talked about it, and she also said she'd been aware of a presence, so she asked it to move my arm if it was actually there.
then my right arm jerked as it was pulled. :shock: 8)
she also reported the heat coming thru, and her spine being pulled at the same time as mine.
afterwards, i feel good. lots of energy and a clear head.
i've a feeling of being aware of more than usual. like an new sense of depth to this experience, this life thing.
like the veil has been lifted a bit further for me.
sounds funny but it kinda feels like i can sense what's thru the walls. like what's behind, beyond the physical experience. something like that.

Eric Pearl's doing a seminar here in November. i'm gonna sign up for it.
i was re-reading the book last week, and i started playing with the energy.
it's like a magnetic feeling between my hands. i move one and the other feels the pull. you can really feel it stretching. 8)

18th June 2009, 02:08 PM
This sounds really interesting (your experiences). I want to search the internet for his website and books. What books of his did you read and/or recommend?
As for the energy between your hands, we do that in Robert's workshops. Tom calls it 'being self-attuned to Reiki I) or something like that.

18th June 2009, 02:11 PM
Here's a link: http://www.thereconnection.com/faq/

Neil Templar
18th June 2009, 03:42 PM
the book is simply called The Reconnection. Dr Eric Pearl.
i think it's the only book he's written. he's constantly doing seminars all over the world.
definitely check it out..

18th June 2009, 05:07 PM
I just ordered the book. I'm running out of the books I'm reading, so I hope it gets here before I run out.

19th June 2009, 11:42 AM
Far out, Neil, what a great experience! There was a seminar in Sydney earlier this year and I didn't book but when they come back I think I'm there.

Neil Templar
19th June 2009, 04:56 PM
you should defo check it out. his story of discovering the frequencies is quite a read!
very interesting indeed!
i'll let y'awl know more after the seminar in Nov. :)

19th June 2009, 09:35 PM

Neil Templar
19th June 2009, 10:47 PM
i hope i havent jacked the thread. i never know. 8)

just given me another perspective, as ever my friend.
i'd kinda figured it was that way. some of them felt like "past/alternative" lives of my own soul/parts of it. but many definitely felt like belonging to other beings.
cheers Tim! 8)

19th June 2009, 11:17 PM
I thought it was fascinating.

8th July 2009, 10:27 AM
Thank you for posting about this... i heard Eric on Coast to Coast and was considering attending his next seminar in L.A.

8th July 2009, 03:50 PM
I got the book and am almost halfway through it. I haven't gotten to any 'how to' yet but I have to say that it is an interesting story so far and he is an entertaining storyteller. I am enjoying it very much.

8th July 2009, 03:58 PM
I'm listening to his AM Coast to Coast interview on youtube right now. :)
Sounds pretty intriguing.

Neil Templar
8th July 2009, 03:59 PM
i like how his sense of humor comes thru in the book. :D
the 'how to' stuff is all at the end. nice and helpful for becoming a practitioner.

11th September 2009, 07:47 PM
I had a Reconnection treatment today and it was pretty amazing.

Right from the beginning of the treatment I felt energy moving in my legs and felt a lot of twitching in the leg muscles. The energy felt different in other parts of my body. In the top of my arms I felt soft vibrating. My lower back got really hot. And it felt like there was a big ball of energy at my throat.

I could see 4 different kinds of energy being used. The first looked like long bright blue strings coming out of the practitioner's hands. There was a soft, fluffy, cloud-like energy around my body that was light blue. Over that, in another layer, there was a similar-looking cloud of white energy. The white energy faded out, like it got thinner and thinner until it disappeared. Then some distance away from that there was a kind of energy like nothing I have ever seen. It was black and white and full of shapes and zig-zags.

At one point during the session i began feeling very light and imagined that I was levitating. I took a look at the black and white energy and moved into it. It had the most wonderful feeling! It felt like I was at the Beginning. It felt like I was nowhere and everywhere at the same time. A part of me kept repeating I'm at the nexus. I didn't even know what nexus meant, so I came home and looked it up.


nexus (plural nexuses or nexus)
1. a form of connection
2. a connected group
3. the centre of something


From inside the energy I could better see the shapes. I know nothing about sacred geometry, but that's all I could think to call what I was seeing. The shapes were amazing, so perfect. And what looked like static from far away was really just smaller shapes. From the size of a cell to very large.

I looked up sacred geometry when I got home on wiki. There was a picture there that had shapes exactly like the ones I saw. The cube and pyramid.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Keple ... stem-1.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kepler-solar-system-1.png)

Every time I focused my attention on this black and white energy I would get a big jolt that made me jump.

After the session I felt really relaxed. I was uncomfortably hot, though. We had to go grocery shopping afterwards and I was so hot I felt like I was going to pass out at times. But, strangely enough, I wasn't sweating.

My husband and I had decided to go to the Reconnection seminar, then we changed our minds. But now we've decided to go again. I am really looking forward to it!

11th September 2009, 07:48 PM
I just wanted to add that I didn't read the book. I've heard interviews with Eric Pearl, but I had no idea what to expect.

Neil Templar
11th September 2009, 09:13 PM
:D :D :D :D
see you guys in Nov then???

12th September 2009, 05:28 AM

Neil Templar
12th September 2009, 12:09 PM
woohoo! 8) :D

12th September 2009, 05:16 PM
I just wanted to add that I didn't read the book. I've heard interviews with Eric Pearl, but I had no idea what to expect. Tell me more! Did you go to a Reconnection seminar with Pearl, or one of the people he transfered the energy/state to?
When I read the book I had some stuff happen, and I actually used it with my mom, (I read the book and saw him on Youtube doing his thing) and then other stuff happened in my life that made me so busy I actually forgot what I had experienced.

12th September 2009, 06:15 PM
I went to one of the reconnection practitioners from Eric Pearl's website. She took the seminar at the beginning of the year. I don't know for sure if Eric Pearl was at the seminar she went to, but it seems like he must have been. She seemed a bit star-struck. :lol:

He is going to be at the seminar I'm going to in November. I'm very anxious to see what it will be like to be in that energy for a whole weekend. My session was only 40 minutes or so. I told the husband he should have a session too. 80 € for a mystical experience isn't bad. :wink: :mrgreen:

12th September 2009, 08:51 PM
Sounds good. Let us know how it goes. I'm sorta interested, if I get over myself.

13th September 2009, 12:20 AM
Today I called a Reconnective Healer and scheduled a session for September 25th.

After I got off the phone with her, I had a fascinating experience which lasted for about an hour. I haven't even had the healing yet!

My vision seemed to change inexplicably, and I blinked so little that my eyes got somewhat dry, because I didn't want to miss any of it...I kept seeing small white lights appear and disappear, and they were different, more intense, than the ones I usually see at night, which have a more gentle quality...they reminded me of the vortexes of light I see in the sky sometimes when I'm really relaxed. In addition, my phosphenes went nuts (phosphenes is the medical term for those blobs of color you sometimes see when you close your eyes.) I saw them even with my eyes open, and when I closed my eyes they were just going nuts. I felt rushes of energy through my crown, and the energy had a different quality than the Pleiadean or reiki energy I was used to; it seemed somehow lighter in color. I would guess it was the color light blue? But I'm not really sure. It felt very gentle and really good.

I actually called the gal back and told her, and we talked for about another 20 minutes, and I felt like I'd known her for a long time. Definitely looking forward to experiencing this.

15th September 2009, 07:22 AM
The night before last I had a dream that lasted all night long. I was with a group of beings and they were showing me how to use this reconnection energy to create things out of this air. In the dream they were helping me create a bottle of chili sauce (because the night before I left mine out all night and it had to be thrown away). I had the bottle formed, and it had chili sauce in it. But then I got to the label and somehow talked myself out of being able to do it. The whole thing evaporated and when I got up there was no chili sauce. :wink:

21st September 2009, 01:45 PM
What a wonderful co-incedence.

I am reading the book at this very momment.

After I finish and after having read Templars experiences I myself may book a "healing".

Thanks all.

Neil Templar
24th September 2009, 09:30 AM
i got my tickets for the seminar yesterday. :D
hey Mishell, is Oliver doing the seminar too?

24th September 2009, 09:38 AM
i got my tickets for the seminar yesterday. :D
hey Mishell, is Oliver doing the seminar too?

No, he's going to have to take care of our son so that I can go. He wants to schedule a session soon though, and I think he'll probably want to do a seminar next year. We'll see.

26th September 2009, 10:22 AM
Any healing experiences or ongoing developments Mishell and Neil?

27th September 2009, 08:46 AM
I had a second session a week after the first. The energy was much more mild than the first time. I was beginning to wonder if it was even working at all when I felt an explosion in my throat. The only way I can describe it is was like cracking a walnut. A hard ball of energy exploded and I could physically feel it at the back of my tongue, back of the neck, and on the bottom of my tonsils. I have no idea what it was other than the throat chakra blockage I have had for ages.

I have been having a ton of dreams. A lot of them have content that should be disturbing, but in the dream I was able to not be emotionally affected by them. This is a good sign for me because certain kinds of dreams would bother me for ages afterward. It seems like these dreams are letting me get rid of a lot of emotional gunk that has been hanging around, like an old scab falling off revealing new shiny skin. For the most part I am not even remembering the dreams, but they fill the nights and then they are gone. It seems like I don't need to remember them and work through the emotion for them to be healing me.

The most amazing thing to me is actually pretty minor in comparison to all the other stuff but it's physical. When I was in my teens I noticed a strange little nodule in my arm. It was small and pointy on one side. You couldn't see it from the outside, but you could feel it if you pressed down on my skin. I never had any idea what it was. I used to joke that it was my alien implant. :wink: Over the years it got bigger and maybe it was pressing on some nerves or something because it was a bit painful at times. On the way home from my second treatment I noticed that it was about half the size it was the week before. Every day since then it seems to have gotten smaller. It is almost the same size it was when I first noticed it 20 years ago.

When I went in for my first treatment what I really wanted was a miraculous healing from the fibromyalgia. That hasn't happened. :lol: But I think getting rid of all the old emotional baggage is going to take care of that eventually.

I plan on getting a 3rd reconnecive healing treatment sometime before the seminar and then I want to do the reconnection itself, which aligns your meridians to the meridians of the planet.

I have also had some very amazing psychic events that I feel are a direct result of treatments. One was experiencing oneness with the universe. It was incredible and hasn't happened for a couple of years so it was welcome indeed.

Neil Templar
27th September 2009, 11:48 AM
well, maybe a few weeks-1 month after my first session, i noticed that something had cleared up -
when i was 21 i was seriously ill in hospital. i had a disease that normally only affects kids - Henoch Schonlein Papura (sp?) anyway, it was bad and i was very close to dying one night, but i recovered. one of the symptoms was the red blood cells in my skin, and eventually on the walls of my intestines and bowel, would hemmorage (sp?), ie explode.
anyway for years after i had red blotches that would come and go on the skin of my torso, which were kindof a leftover from that disease. they would get redder if i wasn't treating my body right. they also made me very self conscious, i hadn't been swimming or to a sauna in many years. :(

before the first session, i had a silent hope that this would clear up. about 3 weeks after, i noticed that it had! :D

i also have the same thing with dreams as Mishell. firstly, i dream all night, every night. the only time i don't is if i've drunk alcohol.
and second, i don't get disturbed by anything in them any more. heh, for instance last night i was standing on skyscrapers, that were being blown up, and i was simply waiting for the chunk of concrete i was standing on to hit the ground so i could step off! 8)
and i seem to be spending alot of time in dreams with old high school-mates. not always friends, quite often the folk i didn't get on with.
i've been getting the opportunity to tell them how their actions affected me and other folk, and i wake up feeling really good after them.

i don't know if it has anything to do with the treatment, just something that's going on now.

i also plan to have a third session before the seminar, i'm going in a week or so...
i'll let you know how that one goes.. :D

27th September 2009, 03:26 PM
Interesting. After reading the book I had the high-school resolution type of dreams for about one week, night after night. I dreamed about people I hadn't thought about in years, and we discussed unresolved issues.

Neil Templar
28th September 2009, 01:25 PM
that is interesting. i've been having those for about 4 weeks now. sometimes i'm talking to folk as they would look now, older. sometimes i'm talking to them as i knew them, as kids. that's only happened a couple of times, but it really feels like i'm moving thru time, actually back there.(then)

22nd October 2009, 01:56 AM
Hi, all. I had a dream that I was updating the forum on my Reconnection seminar weekend, so here I am.

Hopefully my impressions might help someone who's deciding whether or not they would like to attend.

I found the weekend to be a mixed experience of pros and cons... might as well list 'em out.

CONS: The seminar experience can be a bit impersonal if you don't have the right set of expectations. I didn't know what to expect, so I was quite blown away to walk in and see that there was something like 800 people attending. This was in stark contrast to my reiki class... around 10 people... and workshops at TMI... 15-20 people.. a Robert Bruce workshop... 20 people at most. I'm the kind of person who finds that kind of seminar atmosphere a bit off-putting... TA's running around with headsets and such. It's *very* slick and pre-packaged, but it's important to remember in judging the material that it's simply the gloss on the package, and not the material itself. On the pro side, everyone involved is very nice and helpful, and nobody does the Landmark Forum thing and lock you in or prevent you from going to the bathroom or anything. It was very easy to come and go if you needed to take care of anything... I have a bad back and it's tough for me to sit still for long periods of time, so I tended to pick side or back seats so I could lean against the wall, or get up and leave for a quick walkabout. That being said, you do need to attend the whole seminar to get your certificate, and it's important to not miss any practice sessions.
For me, Eric himself was a con. (haha! no pun intended.) He has a very quick wit and temper, and was often impatient and bitchy with the TA's. I guess that comes from years of doing this, and he comments on this himself often throughout the weekend. Expect that he will be very dismissive of other energetic practices. Expect at some point during the weekend to feel like shamefully tucking your favorite quartz necklace or Q-Link under your shirt. I do think that a part of this is Eric's attempt to de-guru himself, but it's an often conflicting message... "Don't worship me, I'm just the messenger, this isn't about ego" ... but don't forget to get your book signed after the seminar! There will be a lot of things he will say that you might find yourself laughing and agreeing with, or vehemently disagreeing with. He is a polarizing figure. Salt to taste. Again, my feeling on it is that it's a combination of the impatience of doing this 24-7 and just wanting things to run properly, and the other side of trying to de-guru himself. I don't think he's dismissive to seminar participants... I was waiting in line at the coffee bar and he was heading upstairs and gave us people waiting in line a really friendly, affable smile... almost cute and coy. He might be in on his own joke, I don't know. He easily could have ignored us... seminar participants seemed very good about not getting into his space and nobody was seeking his attention at the moment. We were just waiting for our java. At any rate, while it's easy to forget, the seminar is about the work and not about him. I think I would have preferred it in a different packaging. Oh well. Chacun a son gout.

The other con for me was that I felt that a lot of the workshop material could have been condensed into a day's time. There was a lot of unnecessary talking, lecturing, storytelling that was a rehash from the book that 80% of the audience had read. A big part of that is me.. a seminar like that has to appeal to all types, skeptic to learned, and I don't have much patience for garden path intro. And I think that the other side of it is that they want people to be steeped in "the field" for as long as possible. There were a few scientists there taking biophoton emissions and they were great fun to talk to. But it was a pretty exhausting weekend and as a personal con, I ended up getting food poisoning from the hotel's food and having to cancel a private healing session (rescheduled as a distance healing session). The irony of getting sick at a healing seminar. *G* But hey, I came back to buy a book and though I missed getting it signed because Eric was off to an interview instead, I did get stuck in the middle of a Hollywood charity benefit, and several of us Reconnection folks were standing at the edges of the red carpet and gently wafting work towards Gary Sinise and the attending Iraq veterans. It was a neat moment.

While in giving the work, I did not feel much of a difference in this kind of work and other kinds of work such as reiki, however the difference is keenly felt when receiving it. There are plenty of designs in place that sort of pre-empt a placebo effect.. I won't go into them, because I don't want to scuttle anyone's experience. Suffice it to say that there's plenty of "aha!" moments for why certain things occur that seem contrary to intuition and reinforce a belief in the work. When I was being worked on, I felt perhaps the greatest VARIETY of things going on that I ever have in a healing session... the benefit I think of not receiving a certain frequency but a variety of frequencies. I was seeing various colors, feeling a variety of sensations from cold to tingling to heat in various parts of my body... occasional winces, and at one point the infectious desire to giggle as a flowing chi feeling flooded my solar plexus. I think the key to Eric's work is that his approach is different... he is not injecting himself into the equation; the "healer" is there as a catalyst only. Removing ego and intention and the desire to diagnose from the work allows greater space for the frequencies to work. You don't even go so far as to say "I am intending to heal here;" you are simply saying "I am here in this process and in communication with it and I am observing and noticing what happens." You are not channeling this energy. You are not healing. You are not diagnosing. You're simply... there and noticing.

The table work was simply fun, and I would have rather have spent a lot more time at the tables working and playing, then listening to more of the same blablabla. It will get a bit confusing to be told "here's a method" and "well, methods are to be learned so they can be unlearned" and having TAs walk around to correct your position with the understanding that you shouldn't fret about positions /techniques... but I think that's the training wheels to work with people to sense the energy. I didn't attach too much meaning to it, but it could be confusing. *g* Seeing the results of the work on other people is pretty amazing; one woman got so overwhelmed by an emotional release that sobbing, she had to leave the room.

Meeting the fellow seminar attendees was great fun as well.. I was blown away by how many people had flown in from around the world. I talked to a very nice lady from Hong Kong, and was surrounded by some very chatty snacky ladies from Italy.

The work is definitely real, and after reading one of the studies posted during the weekend, I plan on picking up a low EMF detector and playing with it to see what it picks up. I was a little turned off by the Reconnection (TM) network /practitioner schema, but I am sure that there will be people who will have an interest in it and will benefit from it.

I look fwd to hearing the other forum members' experiences at the seminar.

22nd October 2009, 04:58 AM
Thank you for that post, it was great.

I had been wondering how many people would be there. I figured close to 1000 because Amsterdam is so big.

I am really looking forward to this!

Eric's attempt to de-guru himself, but it's an often conflicting message... "Don't worship me, I'm just the messenger, this isn't about ego" ... but don't forget to get your book signed after the seminar!

Maybe this is more about his desire to be a rock star, rather than a guru. :wink:

22nd October 2009, 08:43 AM
Mishell, please come back and post your observations after you've attended!

I didn't get the reconnection during that weekend and will probably schedule it at a future time. Sounds like people had some good experiences with that...

Eric seems to be in the process of handing over a good portion of the seminar teaching to his TAs, either for more seminars worldwide or for less strenuous traveling, I'm not sure...

His lead guy, I think Doug's his name, is very good... very kind and informative. I enjoyed the parts of the seminar that he lead.

Neil Templar
27th October 2009, 01:33 PM
this came this morning -


Reconnection Seminar Attendees

The Reconnection is offering an exciting opportunity for you to participate in research that will further our understanding of the Reconnection Frequencies.

Konstantin Korotkov, the famous Russian Scientist, and his research team will be performing research experiments before and after the Level I/II Reconnection Seminar.

Study # 1: November 11th or 12th AND November 16th or 17th

The study will focus on you, the people who are attending the seminars and becoming practitioners. The team will be measuring certain aspects of the energies around your hands before and after you attend the seminar, so that we will be able to determine the effects of the seminar on your energy body.

To participate in this aspect of the research, we request that you be willing to meet with the researchers for a 15 minute appointment before the seminar and a 15 minute appointment after the seminar.

Study# 2: Thursday November 12th only.

This study will measure the impact of a healing session with an advanced practitioner on a person. Measurements will be taken before the 20 minute session and again after the session.

To participate in this study we request that you be willing to spend about 1 hour in the research one time only.

I will be setting appointment times for all who wish to participate. Since appointment times are limited to a certain amount, we ask that you contact us as soon as possible if you would like to participate.

The pre-seminar testing will take place on November 11 – 12 at Banks Mansion.

The post measurement will occur on November 16 – 17 at World Fashion Center.

When you respond, please include your arrival and departure dates in Amsterdam. Allow for time to get settled at the hotel and travel time to the research hotel.

I will get back to you with a confirmation of appointment times and location.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Judaline Nelson

Associate Instructor of The Reconnection

Neil Templar
27th October 2009, 05:34 PM
so it seems there is a convention the week after the seminar, where they'll be discussing the results of the research.
i'm trying to get myself in there - my practitioner is the event organizer. should be very interesting indeed.

27th October 2009, 06:05 PM
So how do you reconnect yourself? What's the theory behind it?

27th October 2009, 10:04 PM
When I read the book there was no theory- the man used to be a chiropractor (I'm sketching this very generally), he started doing some spontaneous healings, and then his patients started channeling when he was working on them and they told him a few things about what he was doing. Very basic, no explanations. And after a while his original patients started healing (on accident,as it happened to him), and he realized whatever this was it was 'contagious'. So he decided to, instead of 'healing', to give it to whoever wanted to heal, and that's how the seminars and healing sessions started. There ma be more specific info on the seminars, I d. k.

28th October 2009, 07:10 PM
When I read the book there was no theory- the man used to be a chiropractor (I'm sketching this very generally), he started doing some spontaneous healings, and then his patients started channeling when he was working on them and they told him a few things about what he was doing. Very basic, no explanations. And after a while his original patients started healing (on accident,as it happened to him), and he realized whatever this was it was 'contagious'. So he decided to, instead of 'healing', to give it to whoever wanted to heal, and that's how the seminars and healing sessions started. There ma be more specific info on the seminars, I d. k.

Thanks for the info :) . I was just wondering if I can reconnect myself and wanted to know just a bit about the practice. The FAQ's on the projects page are full of hype and present big claims. I am just wondering which of those claims are actually true.

28th October 2009, 09:41 PM
In the book he says that just reading the book and watching his YouTube videos is enough to get 'reconnected'. I guess we need more comparisons between people's experiences (or lack of) since reading the book and watching the videos (such as me) and comparing it to the people who actually went to the seminars and had the reconnection. Just as an unscientific (no control and not enough people to make it statistically significant) experiment.
If you'd like, I can send you the book (so you don't have to spend the money), you can read it and send it back to me. If you really want to do this pm me and we'll get it going. Meanwhile, if anyone is interested I can start a thread of people who didn't go- what (if any) experiences they got reading the book and watching the YouTube videos.

Neil Templar
29th October 2009, 12:24 AM
Well, I responded to the mail concerning the research study.
If I can, I'll be involved.
Also, my practitioner is the event organizer of the conference about the results of the research.
She's trying to get me in...
So, I'll defo report back any and all info concerning this.
All I can say right now, is that my reconnection healing sessions have been the single most "unusual" experiences I've had.

31st October 2009, 12:11 AM
In the book he says that just reading the book and watching his YouTube videos is enough to get 'reconnected'. I guess we need more comparisons between people's experiences (or lack of) since reading the book and watching the videos (such as me) and comparing it to the people who actually went to the seminars and had the reconnection. Just as an unscientific (no control and not enough people to make it statistically significant) experiment.
If you'd like, I can send you the book (so you don't have to spend the money), you can read it and send it back to me. If you really want to do this pm me and we'll get it going. Meanwhile, if anyone is interested I can start a thread of people who didn't go- what (if any) experiences they got reading the book and watching the YouTube videos.

I thought about reading the book, but decided to wait with it a bit. Thanks for the offer though, if I choose to read it I'll let you know :) .
Now we have to wait for friends Michelle and Neil to tell us what impressions will they have retained of the seminar. :)

Neil Templar
31st October 2009, 01:21 AM
yeah, i'm defo taking part in the research study! should be most interesting.. 8)

3rd November 2009, 08:00 PM
This sounds promising, but also too good to be true, coming from someone who's had nothing spiritual happen to him, ever. But I'm always looking for something new to learn, so what's to lose. Is there another thread on the study or is that yet to come?

Neil Templar
3rd November 2009, 09:32 PM
i'm taking part in the study, but it's not until next week, and the results are being talked about the week after. if i can get into that conference, i'll report back.
as for the study itself, i'm gonna be receiving a 20 min session. they're gonna measure the frequencies around me before, and after the session. the again after the weekend seminar.
it'll be very interesting o have some solid facts about this...

4th November 2009, 12:17 AM
I'd like to know what equipment they use to measure the frequencies.
And the frequencies of what?

4th November 2009, 01:45 AM
I want to know flat out if this is a waste of time / money, like everything else I've embarked upon, or for once in my life this is the real deal? I want to know what the success / failure ratio is. Meaning if 100 people go to a seminar, how many are able to wake this healing energy? To me, that is the true judge of how good this seems to be.

Now I hate to sound like a pessimist, but nothing every spiritually has ever happened to me. I get a slight buzzing when I practice NEW, and nothing else. This has been years too. I can't OBE, nothing mystical happens when I meditate.

That said, this does sound promising. I would however like to see some solid scientific proof that this is real. I shall continue to research anyhow. Good luck to all and I look forward to future posts / threads on this topic.


Neil Templar
4th November 2009, 02:24 PM
did you read the first pages of the thread?
about our experiences during the sessions? unlike ANYTHING i've ever experienced. and Mishell's much more aware than me, read about her experiences...
those were more than enough to convince me this is real. there's no way i'd part with so much money for a seminar unless i was sure it's worth it. i'm not earning a great deal!

Neil Templar
4th November 2009, 02:27 PM
I'd like to know what equipment they use to measure the frequencies.
And the frequencies of what?

good question.
the healing frequencies. that's the only name they give them.
after talking to my practitioner, it does seem like there are other beings present while the work is being done. helping to facilitate the frequencies coming thru. i'm sure i'll be able to tell you a heap more after next weekend! :wink:

4th November 2009, 02:50 PM
Look, I'm not trying to get anybody down and out here. But in my experience, there is not much happening in the world that really gets me stimulated. I'm still looking for "ok, this is it".

I haven't found it yet. However, I'm tired of people making claims like this. "We've cured aids, and cancer."
Ok, where are the people that have been cured? Simple enough question, right?

"We have multiple scientists looking into this energy."

Again. What scientist, what university? What study?

Believe me folks, I want to believe. I'd love to believe that this is the real deal. Like it says on the website. However, until I see or hear from a large number of people, or some verifiable proof, I'm going to be my usual analytical questioning self.

4th November 2009, 03:00 PM
It's ok to be analytical and questioning, even skeptical. That's why this thread is here, to take a look at the process as it unfolds for the experiencers.
It's also beneficial not to have set ideas or preconceived notions of what it must be before looking into it.

4th November 2009, 03:08 PM
It's ok to be analytical and questioning, even skeptical. That's why this thread is here, to take a look at the process as it unfolds for the experiencers.
It's also beneficial not to have set ideas or preconceived notions of what it must be before looking into it.

Agreed. I tend to get my hopes up. My hope is always up that there is something other than just this physical body. I have the urge to do the spectacula, but the limits of space / time / physical get me really down and out. Nothing on this planet excites me. So good luck all of you that are going to the seminar. Maybe this will turn out to be "IT".

4th November 2009, 03:11 PM
You've said you haven't been able to project.
Can we take this to the OBE forum, or did you just want to give up?
If I can help you I'll try.

4th November 2009, 03:25 PM
I appreciate the offer, but I can't even do NEW without falling asleep. I'm battling smoking addiction, I'm depleted, down and out and depressed. I've been doing EFT lately to clear out past trauma and I'm basically in fear of life, death and everything else.

I use to have sleep paralysis and the body buzzing, heart racing (so it felt like) and would happen during meditation sometimes, but it never progressed to an OBE. I had a daughter 2 years ago and I've been burnt ever since. Emotionally and physically. I'm just one screwed up dood :mrgreen:

4th November 2009, 04:03 PM
Well, if you decide you want to try some more and need help, the offer is still open.

4th November 2009, 04:10 PM
Thanks, where would you suggest I begin? You can send me a PM, I don't want to clutter up this thread.

Neil Templar
4th November 2009, 07:02 PM
Again. What scientist, what university? What study?

quote from my earlier post, which was copy-pasted from the email i got -

"Konstantin Korotkov, the famous Russian Scientist, and his research team will be performing research experiments before and after the Level I/II Reconnection Seminar."

it's fine to question, and only a fool believes without some experientially based knowledge, of course.
i would say one thing tho, you're making alot of negative statements regarding yourself -I can't do this, I can't feel that, i don't believe in that, i'm in fear of life!
you can want all you like, but if you don't allow it as even a possibility within the framework of your life, "it" will never happen.

your thoughts shape your reality. start there man.
allow for the possibility , whether you have a scientific journal that says "it"'s real, or not.
whether you're talking about OBE, distance healing, anything... you've gotta be willing to let it happen.

good luck.. :)

4th November 2009, 07:10 PM
Yeah I agree. It's cool that there will be some scientific backing. Believe me, I'm far from mainstream and usual useless medicine. This is why I research this type of thing. Sounds fascinating.

Your right though. My negativity has ruled my life. It's just that nothing has worked as of yet to fully rid myself of it. EFT is cool though, making some progress with that.


4th November 2009, 07:29 PM
EFT always worked well for me too. Good you found something that helps.

Neil Templar
4th November 2009, 08:13 PM
that's great!
a light at the the end of the tunnel... 8)

4th November 2009, 08:58 PM
EFT always worked well for me too. Good you found something that helps.

Woops! That was me not Korpo.

5th November 2009, 01:23 AM
Just read up on that EFT thing, I hadn't heard of it before. I'm definitely giving this a try as soon as I've got a moment alone!

5th November 2009, 02:34 AM
For me, the EFT is working great. I finally sat down and analyzed this rotting hole I feel in my solar plexus. It's like a burning dread of a hole. I've had it for 39 years. I would do drugs, drink, buy stuff to fix it but you know how that goes. Snap at my wife all the time and just feel down and out even though I have it made. So the EFT is working wonders. You just make a list of every single thing that you can think of that elicits a negative feeling. You tap them one at a time (when you learn the process) and the memory does not go, but the memory means not much anymore. For me, I have lots of work to do. I witnessed nothing but blood and knives and police (parents fought hard) for 18 years. Awesome ha? LOL. But thank God I'm the opposite. I get angry and upset, but never lay a finger on another human.

So I turned out better for my kids than my dad raised me. This energy science is good stuff I say. EFT way beats anti-depressants, I've been on them all. They do nothing for you.

Anyhow, sorry to derail.

5th November 2009, 03:48 AM
CF I spoke to the scientist taking measurements at the LA seminar (A very wonderful gentleman, btw) and he said that they were measuring biophoton emissions. He mentioned that there was quite the spike in the room's readings when Erik related to the attendees a particular bit of disturbing info about the history of the morning-after pill.

They had also posted up some studies done on reconnective healing and one of the study's criteria mentioned that the frequencies they measured to compare different healing modalities were low EMF emissions, measured with a low EMF meter from http://www.lessemf.com

I'd like to pick one up myself because you can use it to play with sensing energy and/or paranormal investigations. (No, I do not work for Less EMF, hehe)

5th November 2009, 12:48 PM
Damn it. I had an EMF detector and I tossed it.

7th November 2009, 04:22 AM
I just came from the Level I/II Reconnection seminar in Philadelphia last weekend, and would like to share my experience. First a little background information on myself. I have been interested in metaphysics forever, but started playing around with energy when I was 16 or so, so that would be around 7 years ago. I first learned about energy from random web sites, which then led me to Robert Bruce's books and web site, in addition to a host of others. I have not had any experience with any of the traditional healing methods, such as Reiki, Qi Gong, Quantum Touch, etc. Eric's seminar was my first direct exposure to energy healing (outside of what I've read in books and have been told by friends). I first found out about the Reconnection from Neil's thread on here. It got me excited and led me to researching it more. After reading Eric's bio on his web site and checking out 90 minutes worth of his interviews on Youtube, I decided that I would try one of his seminars to see what all the hype was about. Most of the reviews that I had seen on the method had been neutral to positive -- the main people that didn't seem to particularly care for it were those on the Quantum Touch forum. Despite the overwhelmingly positive reviews about The Reconnection, when I watched Eric's videos on Youtube, there was something that I didn't quite like or trust about him, very much the same energy that those on the Quantum Touch forum picked up from him. I still decided to go to the seminar and see things for myself, especially since I'm always open to giving people a chance. So here is how the three day seminar went. (BTW, I have NOT read the book.)

__________________________________________________ _____________________
Day 1

The first meeting was at 7PM on Friday night, October 30. The event took place in the Radisson Plaza Warwick Hotel in downtown Philadelphia. Registration started at 6:15. I arrived with my friend at around 6:30. It was a bit chaotic when we got up to the Mezzanine. No one really seemed to know where they needed to go or what was going on. We saw some people with papers and tried to figure out what they were and what we needed to do to get registered. After around 10 minutes, a woman came around with a clipboard and a contract that we had to sign, basically stating that we would not teach what we learned in the seminar and would not use Eric's method under another name. After around another 10 minutes, we were let into the main hall where the lectures would take place. Registration began in there. Total chaos once again as everyone tried to find where they needed to go to get registered. After around another 5 to 10 minutes, the majority of people got registered, received their name tags, and found seats.

The event began about 15 minutes late. It started with a woman (can't remember her name) speaking. She made a bit of small talk, told us a bit about the reconnection, and then showed us a video about the reconnection. No one really seemed to care too much about what she had to say though, because it seemed everyone was anxious to see Eric. After she had talked for about 30 minutes, Eric finally showed up -- the audience seemed to liven up at this point. One thing I need to say about him is that he is truly a character! A true comedian! Every other sentence is a chance for comedy with this guy. At times, I felt more like I was at a comedy show rather than a healing seminar. Eric went over a bit about healing, talked about other healing modalities, and gave a history of how he got to where he is now. That went on for about an hour to an hour and a half. (At some point in time that night, all of the TA's were also introduced. I just can't remember if it happened before or after Eric showed up.) After that, Eric told everyone to raise both of their hands above their heads, and then took a count of how many people could do it. Roughly half of the people in a room of 400. He then proceeded to choose a woman from the audience to come onto the stage. She could lift up one arm all the way, but the other one wouldn't go much past her shoulder, similar to a clock that's at the 3 o'clock position. She started to talk about what her problem was -- how she had disks in her neck -- but Eric didn't want her to continue. She said that she has had this condition for 12 years. Eric began to talk to her more while waving his hands around her. After 3 minutes, he stopped and then asked her to lift her arms again. She could indeed now lift both arms, although she said not all of the pain was gone. Eric used this as an example to show the healing potential that all of us in the audience possess. After that, he had his TA's come around to everyone in the room and place our hands in between theirs, acquainting us with the energy. Once this was over, he began to speak about the six phrases that he was given when his patients would channel in messages to him. Once he finished talking about that, the session had ended for the night.

My personal impression was one of skepticism, particularly about the lady that had been healed. I had no way of knowing whether or not she had been hired by Eric and if her arm truly had the limited mobility that she claimed from the start. I left the possibility open that she had been truly healed, although I was not convinced. Also, when the TA's came around to acquaint us with the energy, I was a bit disappointed. I was expecting to feel something marvelous, something truly spectacular. Instead, I felt some tingling and tickling in my hand, and some "pulling" of energy. I enjoyed it, but was a bit let down. Things weren't as revolutionary as what I had anticipated.

__________________________________________________ ___________________
Day 2

Saturday's session was to take place at 8AM, with registration starting at 7:30. Unfortunately, my friend and I both overslept that morning and missed the first two hours of the seminar! Luckily, we got there by 10AM right when everyone was taking a short break, and another lady had missed the first two hours just as we had. We originally talked to one of the main TA's to try to get things squared away, but she seemed quite busy and was running around trying to take care of a million things at once. She found another TA, Joan, that would be able to show us everything we missed. Joan was a delight to deal with -- none of the attitude that we had experienced with the previous TA. Since there were only three of us that had missed the morning's sessions, we got a lot of one-on-one attention. Joan took us through some basic hand positions and a few movements that we would use in other exercises throughout the weekend. These movements/hand motions were to make us more sensitive to the energy. At first, she worked a lot with making sure everyone had relaxed shoulders and extremities while doing the exercises. This honestly felt more like a Body Balance or Alexander Technique class than an energy healing class. I quite enjoyed it. We worked on the exercises for around 10-15 minutes. By the time we were done, we had all felt the energy and had practiced it briefly on each other. Joan was quite helpful in addressing any questions or concerns that we may have had.

Now, I have to say this. When we had finished learning that morning's techniques, I was once again disappointed. I did not feel like I had learned anything revolutionary or enlightening yet. Honestly, some of the exercises are some of the exact same exercises that Robert Bruce uses to introduce you to feeling energy. I honestly felt that if someone had written a quick article on a web site, spending a paragraph outlining each exercise, or even a quick 10 minute YouTube video, I could have easily learned everything from that morning. However, that's not what really disappointed me. What really got to me is that this reconnective energy felt NO DIFFERENT than the energy that I had learned from NEW! My first reaction when doing these energy exercises was, "Oh, I'm already familiar with this energy. When is the 'new' energy going to come..." I had hope that maybe I hadn't completely attuned myself to the energy yet, and that I would feel it more distinctly as the seminar went on. There was one particular exercise that we did that I liked a lot that I hadn't really seen anywhere else. It was called charging the energy feel. After doing that, the energy sensations DID become more prominent.

Anyway, after Joan had shown us the exercises, she told us the rooms that we should all report to when we broke up into the groups. We went back into the lecture hall where Eric spoke some more (about what, I can't remember). After around 30 minutes or so, we broke into groups where we would practice the techniques we learned on other people. In my room, there were 24 people and 6 massage tables. We started off with two people to a table, with one being the practitioner and the other the client. Once their session was over, they would switch roles, and then let two new people come to the table. When the first group of people we working with each other, one woman was having particularly strong reactions (or registers as Eric would call them). Her leg was rocking back and forth, her hands moving, and her head jerking at times. No one else in the room had strong reactions like that. Once again, I was skeptical because I didn't know if these were true reactions or if she had been hired to put on a show for us. Eventually, it came time for me to with with a client. When I was working with her, the TA's would walk around the room and give suggestions on ways to change your hand position or different areas to focus on more. While pulling my client's energy, I didn't see any particularly noticeable reactions. Maybe her breathing changed SLIGHTLY, but that was about it. The TA's would offer suggestions about things to change, and then say, "Did you see that, her reaction there?" But honestly, I didn't see any change. Even when I was not working on the table with someone and was observing others, the TA's would mention changes in a person's reaction that I just did not see. This sent my mind into two directions at once: either I just had not attuned my eyes to what they were saying (which I found unlikely because I tend to notice EVERYTHING) or this was fake.

Anyway, it was soon my turn to be the client. As I laid on the table and the woman I worked on became my practitioner, I didn't feel much of anything. I began to think to myself, "Wow, this really is fake and I'm mad that I just spent $540 for this..." Then, one of the TA's came around and told her to feel in a slightly different place, and then suddenly, my eyes began fluttering! Twitching uncontrollably! And while they were twitching, my eyes began squinting violently, with rhythmic contractions. Whenever the woman touched that certain spot in my energy field, these contractions would increase; when she moved off center, they calmed down. As I continued to lay on the table, I began to feel my body disassociating, slightly going into a trance as it does when I meditate. This experience made me less of a skeptic, however, still not a full believer. For years, I have always gotten those kinds of contractions and twitches in my eyes at random, however, I never knew what they were. What caught my attention and diminished some of my skepticism was the fact that the contractions increased when the TA guided the woman's hand's to certain points in my energy field. My friend who was in the room with me also had similar kinds of contractions in various parts of his body, in addition to feeling like he was beginning to sink into the table. This all helped to keep my mind open about this technique, at least for a little while longer.

After that session, we all took a 75 minute lunch break. When we came back, we returned to the main hall where Eric talked to us some more. In this lecture, he asked us to make our hands meet behind our backs. (Hard to explain without a visual, but imagine that you have an itch in the center of your back. Take one hand and try to reach the itch from the bottom up, and then try to reach the itch with the other hand from the top of your head reaching downwards. Try to make your fingers meet while in that position.) I think only approximately half of the people in the room were able to do it, myself included. (I could actually easily grab both of my wrists behind my back.) My friend was not quite able to make his fingers meet. We then proceeded to break off into our groups again, this time with 4 people to a table. Two people were the clients, and two were the practitioners. We took our hands and lightly placed them on the client's shoulder. We held them there for about 3 minutes while listening to what the TA was saying about just observing. When we stopped, we all check to see who could touch their fingers behind their backs. Two people that could not previously touch their hands now could, including my friend, who was very shocked. We then switched positions so that practitioners were now clients and vice versa. Now when I was the client, I tried to touch my fingers again after having the practitioner place her hand on my shoulder. Although I could already touch my fingers (and even grip my wrists behind my back), my left shoulder (the one the practitioner touched) felt a little looser. I could not explain why other than possibly I had loosened up the ligaments and muscles there from having tried to put my hands in that position so many times. But I wasn't totally sure that explained what I felt, because my other shoulder didn't feel that way, and I had been using both of them equally. At this time, no one else was able to touch their fingers who could not do it before, however, three people gained three inches in how close they could touch.

After that group session, we all returned to the main hall where Eric wanted to take a tally of everyone who could now touch their fingers that couldn't before and also a tally of all that gained three inches or more to how close they could touch (even if they still couldn't touch). Each group had 25%, which was impressive. One thing that happened here that I didn't like is when Eric had his TA's take count of everyone for this tally, he would talk down to them as if they were children. That really put a bad taste in my mouth. After the tally, Eric spent the next two hours (which were the final two hours of the day) answering questions and talking about money and charging for healing. This was a very touchy subject for a lot of people there, with lots of questions. Although some people asked some of the same questions, Eric began to be a bit rude towards them, using his typical jokes to embarrass them. I really did not like that. Furthermore, halfway through this lecture, something happened with the hall that we were in -- I think the hotel needed the room for something else and we couldn't have it for our fully reserved time. The TA's were trying to take care of this, although the outcome wasn't quite to Eric's liking. Eric went so far as to publicly humiliate and belittle one of the TA's about this administrative matter. I don't remember exactly what he said, but just remembered that he talked to the TA's as if he were a dictator and they were his slaves, and if they didn't do as he said, he would send them to the guillotine. What he said to them could have been taken care of without making a big scene in front of the entire audience. He could have easily turned the mic off for a second to say what he had to say to the TA, but it seems that Eric enjoys belittling and humiliating others.

That day ended with us going to another room so that he could finish his talk about the business side of healing, and also for him to market some of his products to us, namely The Reconnection, the Level III seminar that was to take place on Monday, and also how everyone could become part of the network so that they could be advertised on his web site. I wasn't particularly excited about all the business matters that he brought up. Some of his points were interesting, particularly about charging for healing which is something that I had already begun to think about before the seminar even took place, but I hate the way that he placed so much emphasis on it in addition to his attitude that he displayed that afternoon.

__________________________________________________ ________

This is all I can write for now. I will give a recap of Day 3 and also my final thoughts about the method in another post.

7th November 2009, 06:06 AM
After around 10 minutes, a woman came around with a clipboard and a contract that we had to sign, basically stating that we would not teach what we learned in the seminar and would not use Eric's method under another name.

As for the "talking down to the TA's. This is what I thought of the guys personality when I've been listening to all the MP3's I could find of him. There seems to be an awful lot of practitioners who seem to think very highly of this energy work, which is promising. However this also has a very striking similarity to that of Ramtha and the Ramtha School of Enlightenment, which is complete BS. Same thing. Tons of people healed (where are they?) and people manifesting things out of the thin air (where are they?).

Notice a theme here? Nothing is ever documented. Nobody can discuss the details of the method "you've got to pay sonny" and you have to sign a frign contract?

Now I realize the guy has to make money. Everyone does. I just get a bad feeling from this guy and intuition is a very strong quality of mine. I almost fell for the Ramtha rubbish. I'm still keeping an open mind here and want to give this guy a chance. If he came around here, I would go, but with a skeptical mind as you have mentioned. The guy sounds like a fraud if you ask me. He's a chiropractor. He knows the back and would probably know how to get a few inches out of your arms in a particular manner to reach to a spot you previously could not. What's that got to do with healing? Why the hocus pocus with the stretching? Why the need to have to validate himself with a stretching exercise that has nothing to do with healing? Or perhaps it does, I don't know, it's late.

Please don't get on my case. I'm still hopeful, but the more I read about this guy the worse it gets. Here's the deal. I've emailed a good number of Reconnection practitioners in my area. If this modality was as good as it's made out to sound, then why aren't all the healers doing it? Three out of the five people that I emailed got back to me and although they are perfectly willing to take my money to "reconnect" me, not one of them sounded very enthusiastic about this. So, if this is a new healing method, that can cure AIDS and cancer, why don't more people know about it?

I will stay tuned and I hope this turns out to be legit. I'm tired of getting my hopes up in that there is something other than just the physical and a dirt nap at the end of this all.

Neil Templar
12th November 2009, 12:55 PM
i went to the first part of the research study this morning.
a tiny Russian scientist took Kirlian photos of each of my fingertips, twice. then his computer generated images of my energetic readout, and one for my physicality too.
it was interesting. he could tell me there and then things that needed looked at, my spine, for example..
tomorrow the seminar starts...and after, he'll test my levels again, and see if there are changes...

knucklebrain, from what i've seen, the reconnection practitioners often charge alot less than many healers. i only pay 33 euro for my sessions.
i'd suggest you go and have a session. if only for the sake of your curiosity.
why sit around waiting for someone else to tell you it's real?
get of your "seat" and have an experience.
then you'll have all the answers you need.

tho to be honest i'm not sure what you'll experience.
you seem feverishly intent on remaining skeptical, and at the same time frustratedly hoping there's something more... :?
how can anyone expect to experience something they won't believe exists?
you get what i'm saying? it's like saying i don't believe in aliens, but i sure wish they'd come take me away!
my opinion, and it's only that, is you should relax about this stuff.

maybe something more simple would be advantageous for you, like developing a simple meditation routine.
that would surely reveal deeper truths, and personal ones at that.
you experiencing reality thru yourself.

i hope i don't come across as condescending here. it's certainly not my intent!
it just seems you've got some very set ideas in your head about this, but have had no direct experience with it.
stop thinking about it. go out and find out for yourself! :D you might even find what you're hoping for... :wink:

and as for Eric's personality, who gives a sh*t? i'm not going along to meet a new friend. it's not about him.
if he's full of himself, or as humble as a monk, makes no difference. unless you've preconceived ideas about someone with abilities supposedly having to be all "love and light". humans are humans. i'm not here to judge him. just learn what i can.
it's about this energy and being able to use it. that's all.

12th November 2009, 01:39 PM
Word. I got you Neil. No worries. I've just wasted a lot of money in the past with stuff that yields nothing really. Like Chakras. Books and books about them and I can't feel anything.

I do meditate, or getting back into it. I can make my body disappear in 5 minutes which is a cool feeling. This makes me believe that there is more than just this body, because if my body is gone, then what is left? Me :mrgreen:

I was almost conned into the Ramtha RSE stuff a while back and then learned that for the most part it's a hoax, at least I believe it to be. So it's not about the money, but about getting the hopes up. I'd pay a lot of money for something to happen.

As far as getting a reconnection, I've thought about it and there are quite a few practitioners around here, which I found hard to believe because it's all about medicine and doctors where I live. But your right, if I don't try, I can't expect any results. Hey, no offense taken, sometimes I need someone else to pull my head out of my ass. Let us know about your experience anyhow, if anything else shall come to fruition.


Neil Templar
12th November 2009, 04:57 PM
Cool, Kevin. Yeah really, I'd go for a healing session.
I was blown away by some of the stuff I experienced during that 45 mins!
After my first one, a problem I'd had lingering for almost 10 years cleared up.
And I started having past life memories come up, stuff like that.
Now I'm totally aware this could have just been coincidental timing, but, nonetheless, I can honestly say the session was nothing like an other energy healing sessions I've experienced.
And yeah I'll be back after the weekend with my thoughts..

12th November 2009, 05:58 PM
I"m interested but I don't want to find a hack if you know what I mean. I don't know if that is possible, that is someone that is certified or whatever but doesn't know what they are doing. I checked and 3 sessions or whatever it takes to get the energy or whatever it's called is about $500

Neil Templar
12th November 2009, 08:07 PM
Ok, I get what you're on about. The reconnection itself, yeah u have to have 3 healing sessions first then u get the reconnection, which aligns u to the enrergies
what I'm saying is, go for one healing session, with a practitioner, and see what kind of experience u have.
Then u can decide whether u want to take it any further.
My first experience was so different from anything else, I knew I had to learn more about it.
If someones telling u u have to do any more than one session, well, they're greedy and unproffesional, and i'd try someone else.
U should definitely be able to do just one healing session.

12th November 2009, 08:17 PM
cool, thanks

Neil Templar
16th November 2009, 11:01 AM
well, the seminar was great. i had a really good time there.
learning to play with the energy was real fun, very cool indeed.

i'm already scheduled to have the full reconnection done in a couple of weeks time. 8)

when i move back to Scotland after new year i plan to start practicing reconnective healing, and i think i might focus on animals, as well as humans.

i didn't have any problems with the seminar. considering how many people were there - 800+, i thought it was pretty well organized. the speakers were on top of things the whole time, and the TAs were all friendly and very helpful. every person got personal attention every time they were doing the practical work. that's quite a feat, if you ask me! 800 people!

they explained every aspect of becoming a practitioner. i found this to be invaluable information. getting started, dealing with clients, workspace set-up, the ethics of fair financial exchange for the work you do.
great! we walked out of there, informed of everything we need to become a practitioner the day our certificates arrive.

as for Eric Pearl himself, i think he's the right man for the job. he has an attitude, i'll say that, but who hasn't?
on the last day he read out a couple of the early channelings that came through in 1994, that was pretty interesting stuff. 8)

all in all i had a very positive experience, one that will change my life, undoubtedly!
my plans for the future are not what they were on Friday, let me put it like that... :D

Knuclebrain, i'm going for the reconnection in about two weeks, so wait til then and i'll tell you all about it...

16th November 2009, 07:26 PM
I enjoyed this seminar very much.

I agree with Neil about it being organized. I think they did a great job with that. Especially considering how many people were there.

Eric Pearl's personality grated on my nerves a little, but he was brilliant about keeping people entertained, and I think this work he is doing required someone like him to get the information out. He is doing that beautifully. The reality is, who cares about Eric Pearl?! It's not about him. This is healing people, and I am very pleased to be in the ever-growing group of people (over 800 at our seminar) who can bring this kind of healing to people and the planet.

The practice we did during the seminar was invaluable, and I was amazed by how different the energy felt from the first day to the last! I had a couple of incredible experiences on Sunday while I was getting healing from other members of my practice group. Amazing stuff. :D

20th November 2009, 09:26 PM
I was told about this thread and just took the time to catch up here. Not much new on this topic for the past few days, so time for me to chime in.

I was sitting behind the lady whose arm rose to 12 o'clock after Eric worked with her (Friday night in Philly). She was definitely not hired by him - she was laughing and crying afterward - so excited and thankful.

I had my reconnection done by one of the TAs over the weekend. My experience was awesome and changes are happening within me daily. I had not had any reconnective healings done prior, so while recommended, that it not actually mandatory.

I have an expanded sense of awareness - my "self" feels bigger. My intuition is increasing, and my mind quieter. Some part of me noticed my mind carrying on yesterday, and basically said, "what's all this chatter?" So I took a breath and stopped. I much prefer my quieter mind.

I have been involved with several of the energy modalities that Eric makes such fun of (transformational energy release, 13th octave La Ho Chi, Yuen Method, qi gong, etc), but until now, didn't feel like much made any difference. This is different - new - unique - miraculous. The frequency spectrum is unlike other energies I have experienced. It does get stronger as you pull further away. It's easier to do than other modalities too. Even my mother requested a session. This is huge!

Max is my yellow lab. He's 16 years old and has been diagnosed with degenerative spine in two places and cancer - going thru his ribs and toward his lungs. He was my first reconnective healing client. He's had three sessions now and has not been short of breath since the first one. He used to keep me up at night, panting and occasionally coughing or pacing. He still seems to be uncomfortable, but he's definitely better. Also, much of the arthritis in my hands is gone now. Yes, Eric does seem short-tempered, but it's not about him. It's about bringing the frequencies in. I didn't notice changes after reading the book, but after the seminar and sessions, absolutely.

I like the idea of helping myself and others with our challenges, healing, and growth. Reconnection definitely moves us beyond 3D. My roommate has already requested a second session. This could become full-time and I welcome that.

21st November 2009, 12:10 AM
So it looks promising to me. I wish I had the funds to go to one of these.

How is this different than Quantum Touch? I know you don't touch, so that's one. But everyone talks about these frequencies. I realize this can't just be taught over the internet. What I'm wondering is how do you access these frequencies? Breathing techniques? Everyone says how wonderful this is, but nobody ever touches on how it's actually done?


21st November 2009, 12:32 AM
Very cool, Beth. I would like to get the reconnection done as soon as possible, but I think I'll have to wait a few months. We'll see.

Your poor doggy. Much love to you both.

I have also had the chance to work on my dog since being home. She hurt her foot jumping over something. She couldn't walk on it and was crying so badly that it made my son cry (he's 13 months)! As soon as I calmed down and remembered I could do something about it I did. She immediately started sniffing at my hands, then rolled onto her back and relaxed. She stopped crying and in a couple of minutes she jumped up and was able to walk again. :D

Neil Templar
21st November 2009, 12:55 AM
i've been spending every moment i can working on the cat here.
she's become more silent that ever while i'm working... and when i'm done, she rolls over and tells me thank you.
i dunno, it might mean nothing.
or it might not.

Neil Templar
21st November 2009, 12:56 AM
gimme a couple of weeks knucklebrain, and i'll tell you all about it..:-)

21st November 2009, 01:47 AM
I'll be taking Level III in the early part of next year. Patrice, the TA who did my reconnection will be teaching Level III in Austin, TX. Either there, or I'll do it closer to home if it's given in FL. I can hardly wait to start doing the reconnection sessions myself. I'm a bit addicted to turning up the reconnective energies. It would be interesting to meet other forum members in person if anyone else attends.

The classes and everything aren't inexpensive, but I feel they are well worth it. I think it boils down to people's priorities. Most people could come up with that much money somehow if their car needed repairs. What is our health worth in dollars? Our growth? Our expansion?

I know that some people have experiences after simply reading Eric's book, but I required the direct experience of the frequencies. I think that's what was done Friday night when the TAs came through the audience and held their hands on either side of ours. It seems that the energies spread from one to another when in close proximity. After exposure (sounds a little like a virus LOL), the energies kind of start on their own. I was having registers before Patrice even came over to the massage table for my second session.

As far as sessions go, I end them by the clock - somewhere around half an hour for people, and usually 10-15 minutes for animals. I enjoy the feel of the frequencies and they seem to go on forever. I tend to get very hot (hands and body) but the energies in my hands feel different in each session- hot, tingly, pushing, pulling, moving in circles, etc. I haven't felt cold yet or noticed wet/dry. I'm interested to hear more of other people's experiences.

Neil Templar
21st November 2009, 11:43 AM
I wish they'd get more dates for 2010 up on the schedule. I really wanna do level 3.


23rd November 2009, 08:11 AM
I had a funny/nice experience with distance healing last night. I offered to do a session for a friend of mine who was having trouble with TMJ. It totally slipped my mind until I was in bed. So, I started the session while I was lying down. I just imagined that I was doing a regular healing session, with them on a table and me standing up.

Almost immediately, I noticed that I had gone into register. My eyes were fluttering like crazy and I had twitch in my side. I have no idea how long the session was, seemed like I fell right off to sleep like I normally do…

I haven’t heard back from my friend yet, but sometime this morning I realized my migraine had gone away. This is so unusual! When I get them, they stick around for a solid week. Today would have only been the third day! :D

Neil Templar
24th November 2009, 03:46 PM
i did a self healing session this afternoon.
was really nice, tingling, buzzing throughout my body.
at first i tried to just feel the energy, and i warmed up nice and quick. then i visualized myself standing over myself, and actually doing a session, then i got much stronger results, the tingling and buzzing, with a few physical registers.

i think this is gonna be a good way to start meditation sessions.
it really focused my mind, alert but free of thoughts. 8)

2nd January 2010, 04:20 PM
I'm headed to Austin this week for Level III training with Patrice. Anybody joining me?

Neil Templar
2nd January 2010, 06:14 PM
enjoy... :)

Neil Templar
24th May 2010, 11:36 PM
the reconnection in the press, if anyone's interested...

25th May 2010, 02:12 AM
Thanks! Interesting article but really nothing new.
Is anyone using Reconnective Healing?

Neil Templar
25th May 2010, 10:21 AM
I'm in the process of setting up my practice right now.
at the moment i can only offer reconnective healing, but i intend to do the level III training later this year so i can offer the Reconnection too.

25th May 2010, 11:33 AM
I'm ready for my practice - business cards, brochures, able to take credit cards, two places to practice, and a practitioner profile on Eric's site. I'm at the point of "if you build it, they will come." So, now looking for clients. So far tho, my dog has been the greatest benefactor of Reconnective Healing. lol

Neil Templar
25th May 2010, 11:44 AM
heh, yep, i'm in a similar situation... tho i do have some humans interested now... :D
all the dogs and cats i know are enjoying the frequencies too! :wink:

Neil Templar
22nd June 2010, 01:33 PM
some scientific reconnection stuff -

http://www.tiller.org/ - look in the WHITE PAPERS page for "XI - An Experimental Investigation of Some Reconnective-Healing Workshops via a Unique Subtle Energy Detector"
William Tiller.
Professor Emeritus of Stanford University’s Department of Materials Science, Fellow of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science and star of the recent What the Bleep films.

He says: “[With Reconnective Healing] many kinds of energy and light are flowing through the healer and into the healee [sic]. In other words, what we're talking about is bringing it beyond just what has been classically known as energy healing into a broader spectrum of energy, light and information.” Interestingly, we now know that the body heals through frequency, vibration and resonance and it’s communicated through light. So the fact the Reconnective frequencies contain an element of light is very significant. In 1970, a German scientist, Fritz-Albert Popp made an interesting discovery while researching causes of cancer, that our DNA emits a certain level light and that it uses frequencies of every variety as an information tool, which suggests that the body’s biofeedback system depends on light waves. He found that the light was responsible for photorepair of cells, and carcinogens cause cancer because they permanently block this light and scramble it so the photorepair can no longer work. When we are ill, our light waves are out of synch. Further info in The Field by Lynne McTaggart.]

Gary Schwartz, PhD
Author of The Living Energy Universe,
Professor of Psychology, Surgery, Medicine, Neurology, and Psychiatry
Director, Center for Frontier Medicine in Biofield Science Director, Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health
at the University of Arizona http://www.drgaryschwartz.com

The Human Energy Systems Laboratory, which Gary Schwartz previously directed, conducted four carefully designed, controlled experiments to determine whether Reconnective Healing energy was something basic science in the laboratory could prove. In the studies Eric Pearl and two of his students served as senders while volunteers acted as receivers. The first test showed that blindfolded subjects could detect the energy up to 83 percent of the time. The second showed that the energy functions like an electromagnetic signal, Schwartz reported. The third showed that the sender’s heart wave, measured by electrocardiogram (EKG) imprints itself on the receiver’s brainwave, measured by electroencephalogram (EEG), particularly when the sender intends to send the energy.

“Most significant in this third experiment,” Schwartz says, “is that whether or not the receiver was consciously aware of the energy, the EKG imprinted just the same, so there is unconscious energy detection that can be recorded electromagnetically.” The fourth experiment recorded the brainwaves and eye movements of 30 subjects under three different conditions. The lab is still analyzing data from the fourth experiment.

more -

23rd June 2010, 02:02 PM
blue light.

notice that 'blue light' is being medically used more and more every day. with juandiced infants to children with genetic prediposed ills.

why is the sky blue, why is blue caught up and infinitely defracted, bouncing between layers of sky? why is at greater depth, the blackness of deep space resolved into deep cobalt blueness? why is clarity and cleanliness of waters recognized as pristene blue?


where else is 'intent' born, other than the throated intonations, that would with flamed tongue either destroy or give birth to love?

"The Hymn of St. John The Baptist"

read and heed, for it is a outcry of love given as life and a warning of that which destroys loved life.

understand, that it is in our own heartfelt regretful tears, that baptism into truth is...,this beyond anything worth knowing. for it is our own 'worth' which is at stake in every breath taken in and with or without mercy, given out.

but for the grace of god, there go "I".

intent, the soul of reason, for in reason's thorny sting felt is the remembrance of our soul in undoable anguish of lost love to passion's fire unkept.

let us "keep" oneanother as we ourselves (each) would in all haste be "kept".

or, "don't be a prick!"


23rd June 2010, 02:35 PM
Blue light => "Don't be a prick"?

I can never guess where you'll end up once you get started. ;) :)


23rd June 2010, 02:39 PM
I have also found that those who can see energy, see blue when looking at the Reconnective frequencies. I loved the science article - even posted it myself.
Thanks for the link!

Neil Templar
13th October 2010, 11:57 PM
so i was fortunate enough to have the Reconnection done a week or so ago.
very different from the healing sessions. during the sessions, (it's a two-session process) i went very deep. in the second one i was so deep i wasn't there on the table. i don't know where i'd gone, but each time i came back, i could feel a change in the energy in me. by the end of the session, i could feel an energetic connection from the tips of my toes to the top of my head and the tips of my fingers. 8)
i was vibrating for the rest of the day!

the process re-aligns the axiatonal meridians in your body with those of the planet. this is to bring you into the fullness of your alignment with the Universe, re-aligning you with your true path, your divine blueprint.
all i can say is, since having mine done, i'm blown away with what's been happening.
the Universe is lining up opportunities left and right! completely unexpected synchronicities are happening every day.
it's like i've become a master-manifester! amazing!!!
i'm so excited about life now! i can't wait to see where i am in a year or two, if things keep going like this!! :D

and the energy is so different now. the feeling of the reconnective frequencies has changed. it's huge now!
intuition is turned up full volume!! i'm so much more aware of guidance coming thru than ever before.
my 'normal' awareness seems to be slightly expanded. my conscious awareness of my connection with my higher self and the other side of the veil seems to be expanding too...
i'm even noticing creativity seems to be flowing more freely than ever.
i'm even finding better results when using my moldavite for meditation or dreaming...

of course, with so much change happening, there are a few challenges cropping up, but i'm finding facing them a lot easier than before.
i'm actually feeling grateful for them, when they do crop up. just another chance to prove to myself that i can deal with whatever comes my way. that I AM worthy of believing in myself and loving myself. :D

14th October 2010, 03:01 AM
Excellent! I have new abilities as well - such as easily being able to see the divine. My reconnection was a little over a year ago and my experience was one of astral travel. My practice is still expanding. I now have a website (not allowed to post it here) and two locations where I can work - I also do "house calls." Let us know what you notice and what you don't notice! : )

14th October 2010, 09:38 AM
I now have a website (not allowed to post it here) and two locations where I can work - I also do "house calls." Let us know what you notice and what you don't notice! : )

You're past twenty posts now, so you can post it here. The rule is meant to prevent fly-by posters and spammers.

Neil Templar
14th October 2010, 10:46 AM
i'd love to see you website Beth. i'm working on my own right now... :D

14th October 2010, 11:36 AM
My website is still a work in progress, but I am happy with it so far. You can Google my name, Beth Major, or do a search for anything Reconnection-oriented and you'll see my ad on the right. Best of luck and many blessings on your journey!

14th October 2010, 01:16 PM
Beth, at 22 posts you are allowed to post links to your site, since it's a metaphysically oriented site.

14th October 2010, 05:47 PM
Thank you!

Neil Templar
18th October 2010, 01:02 AM
i did my the first healing session since having the reconnection done, tonight.
my awareness of the frequencies in my hands has changed since, it's now kinda expanded...before i could feel a strong pulling sensation in the centre of my palms. now i feel more subtle energy thru the whole of my hands, right out to the fingertips. it even feels like i can feel it in the energy around my hands...like my awareness isn't restricted to feeling with just my physical hands, but also my energy body too.
as a result, doing the healing session was different. i am more aware of varying sensations in the energy field of the client.
for example, before i would feel only one kind of sensation with each client...either magnetic pulling, or heat, or tingling...now i'm feeling all those, and tonight i felt cold for the first time.
it's like putting your hand thru water, and you go from warm to cold...interesting feeling.

and i saw stronger physical responses in the client as well, plus her description of what she experienced was far more vivid than any of my previous clients... 8)

18th October 2010, 01:49 AM

18th October 2010, 07:10 PM
woohoo! confidence and faith contagiously overide the contagions, giving rise to confidence and faith in others for the opening of healing's confident and faithful overiding/renewal.

this is momentum, which is altogether responding to your increased confidence and faith in ability to conduit healing.

you got good vibes, which qualifiably increase as your vibes allow vibrationally qualifiable increase.

this is permission, or per mission; therefore be careful first impression, or superficial sight of judgement. equal worthiness, discernment of deeper inequalities or emergent radicals, allowance of unseens seen vibrationally. confidence and faith are the eyes of one sharing healing.

you already are seeing this truth as you pursue healing. it ever deepens as the selfless approach.

the selfless is the chrism (faith), juxtaposed with personal charisma (charming confidence); yet both coalesce as the gift that gives healing through this self, simply because the personal self is not the obstructing center to the flow, but rather is the open vibrational conduit of good vibes.

make sense?

truly, speaking for myself, faith is never an issue for me, but personal confidence yet seems to wax and wane. however, i see the practice of healing as myself healing first, towards increased selflessness which would be myself healed.

in observing myself, i find that often i've without noticing cast thoughtful judgement into it, and this thinking when observed is the absense of confidence. worthiness begets worthiness, or unworthiness begets unworthiness. we each instinctively sense, or intuitively pick up on the other's vibes, such that where i am within the admix of faith and confidence is directly related to other and their capacity for opening faith and confidence. reciprocity

in feeling this reciprocity in action, it is quite calming, as to be a stillness caught in the silent moment, a connection between two otherwise separate individuals. an unseen and unheard communication through a clear open channel, point to point, a bull's eye.

i have forgotten to breathe in such moments, as if timelessly held in a space of non-time opened up between past and future, just perfect presence of no-mind, no-self, no-division or no-separation, oneness.

all very 'clicheic' terms, no doubt. but, they suffice to describe it.

having felt that, i let go for that feeling's arrival, not always feeling it, but once felt, there is no doubt of it, just me doubting me. a lot of my doubt issues from thought of karmic allowances, which is to me a unstoppable function in every life. so i ponder other's relationships with their sense of 'forgiveness'. often it is that i struggle with my own sense of 'forgiveness'. -human memory in a relative world- -perceived guilt and the attractant covering shame-

it is hard for any of us not to humanly judge the moment and all therein sentiently contained. but it is good to understand that, where at least one can observe themself within personal healing's reveal.


Neil Templar
18th October 2010, 08:01 PM
indeed Tim.
with confidence, my faith in what i'm doing grows, and so my confidence grows... :D

last night, my client told me she felt something happening "in her brain" behind her right eye...turns out she's had a problem with that eye for her whole life.. the pupil doesn't dilate the same as the other eye. as i left her, she told me her eye felt different, like it was focusing differently...today, she's amazed. apparently the sight in that eye is better than ever... 8)
what was also interesting was, she felt her deceased Father come in and tell her to "let it go", just before she felt the energy in her brain/eye changing.

this is great for me, to see a result like this, really boosts my confidence... :D
to know that what i'm doing actually facilitates a real healing in someone, is amazing.

18th October 2010, 08:49 PM
i hope you are journaling your healing journey. your experiences are awesome testimonials of our unseen human inner workings/realm.

there have been moments during my wife's healing that both she and i have had contact within ourselves from her deceased father, he having died in 1989. once when i was about to give up, literally surrender when he came to me in several dreams, and in her dreams as well. but in my dreams, he was pleading for me not to give up, to keep faith, not to give up hope, let love be my confidence, fake it till i make it.

once her dad even showed up with Jesus, Jesus didnt say a word, but He silently stood there as if facilitating the dream, and off to my left there was a hideous laughing man sitting on a stool inside a rectangular glass box distracting the whole affair. anyways, that was the final dream i had of her father, and i told him that i loved his daughter and i would never lose faith in our love. and poof it was over.

are any of these dream characters really these persons? i dunno, but real is as we wish to faithfully see it, which is altogether beyond belief.

i am so stoked for you Neil. thanks for sharing. :D

Neil Templar
18th October 2010, 09:19 PM
thanks Tim.
it's truly the most exciting time in my adult life!
yes, i have to document my healings.
when i have 25 under my belt, i can then go for the teacher training at the reconnection seminars. if i get to be a teaching assistant, i'll be able to go around the world, helping others like myself learn how to become healers themselves... :D
i think i'd like to be part of that process...

18th October 2010, 09:59 PM
How cool, Neil. That sounds perfect for you, actually. You"ll end up traveling after all...

Neil Templar
18th October 2010, 10:12 PM

18th October 2010, 11:56 PM
thanks Tim.
it's truly the most exciting time in my adult life!
yes, i have to document my healings.
when i have 25 under my belt, i can then go for the teacher training at the reconnection seminars. if i get to be a teaching assistant, i'll be able to go around the world, helping others like myself learn how to become healers themselves... :D
i think i'd like to be part of that process...

it is a wonderful pursuit, traveling about and teaching. i know you will do well at it. tim

19th October 2010, 02:54 AM
Awesome! I'll be volunteering at the Miami seminars in December. Join us!

I've noticed that the frequencies feel different with every person and also different with the same person, different sessions.
The sensation of buzzing is different. Combinations are pretty cool too.

A few weeks ago I did a session with a young woman who has a tumor in her sternum/breastbone. She had been having
difficulty breathing due to pain in her chest. About a minute into the session, she started taking huge breaths -
much deeper than normal breaths. She was able to breathe easily from then on and she also got relief from the pain
in her chest for quite a while. I think these things are in the realm of miracles.

CF said it would be OK to post a link to my site, so here goes: http://www.Major.EarthPassenger.net.

I'd like to hear more of your experiences.

Neil Templar
19th October 2010, 09:00 AM
that's nice Beth. looks great and isn't complicated.
i have a friend who's gonna do mine for me...i can do my own myspace and facebook pages, but i'm clueless about proper website creation...hopefully, he'll allow me to watch and learn as he works on it...

i did another little healing the other week...i was out djing at a gig with a friend. he was complaining about his thumb. it was sore,and he couldn't move it much. he wasn't sure what had happened to it.
i put my hands either side of his, and felt the frequencies connect between them. instantly he said he could feel heat, then a minute later he was amazed...his thumb was pain free and moving fine.
haha, the look on his face was priceless!! :lol:
it really only took two minutes. 8) not even that..

i think i'm gonna start a healing blog, for my own documentation purposes, but also for others to reference, if they're interested. it might help raise awareness...

19th October 2010, 11:55 AM
Thanks! It's my bf's first website. As I request more features, he goes and figures it out.

Reconnective Healing is not channeling. It seems that the frequencies show up when we bring them. It feels more "around" than "through" to me. That's part of why I believe RH is in the realm of miracles. They come thru 3D but don't seem to "come from" any level that I am aware of or can sense, and they often start a session before I do.

What constitutes a miracle in your opinion? (everyone?)

Neil Templar
19th October 2010, 05:25 PM
you know Beth, i don't like that term, miracles.
it suggests something beyond what's supposed to be possible for us lowly humans. i prefer the idea that these things that happen around us when we facilitate healings are simply a normality we've been unable to access for a while, but are remembering/reconnected with now.
while each of them is a marvellous occurrence, an expression of the greater reality we are all a part of, i believe the sooner we get to simply accepting the reality of the human being able to heal his-self, the better.

know what i mean?
i'm certainly not trying to detract from the beauty of such an amazing thing as life sustaining itself. far from it.
i just don't like to think i'm facilitating miracles. that would make me special, or something, and my ego doesn't need that kind of encouragement. i'm just grateful this has come into my life, and i can bring it into others' lives... :D

19th October 2010, 07:23 PM
just a note. in saying that one is being an open conduit, is not to say that one is channeling something. i think that using 'channeling' to describe it takes away from the relationship between healing spirit and human healing. what it really means is just like Neil mentions, the lack of one's ego in the way, or taking credit personally as some sort of miracle worker...etc...etc.

one simple word like 'channeling' or 'miracle' or 'super-natural' can be divisive toward separation of one theme: healing

healing is healing, it is one theme, with one scheme of delivery, from and through one human into another.

respectfully yours,


20th October 2010, 12:31 PM
you know Beth, i don't like that term, miracles.

I hear what you're saying, but Miracle works for me for a couple of reasons. First, it feels kind of good at this place in my journey that there is still a little mystery left - some things that in spite of my awareness, I still cannot explain. I think miracles are well within reach. They happen every day. Plus, when speaking to "muggles" about Reconnective Healing, it helps to explain the healings. Otherwise it sounds like science fiction or just so much BS. How can a leg grow? How can pain simply disappear? How can arthritis go away and joints become normal again? Miraculous is a term that the population at large can get it's head around. So, it works for me.

Neil Templar
20th October 2010, 01:13 PM
cool. if it works for you, it's all good! :D

21st October 2010, 09:29 PM
I am going to read all this thread again!

Some insightful thoughts.

Thank you all!

21st October 2010, 11:00 PM
you know Beth, i don't like that term, miracles.
it suggests something beyond what's supposed to be possible for us lowly humans. i prefer the idea that these things that happen around us when we facilitate healings are simply a normality we've been unable to access for a while, but are remembering/reconnected with now.

Is it just coincidental? Today I (re-)read these 2 quotes that fit in here:

"A miracle is not the breaking of physical laws, but rather represents laws which are incomprehensible to us."
- G.I. Gurdjieff

"Reality does not cease where our knowledge of it ceases."
- W. Jäger


question on-topic: I haven't read the whole thread, so I would like to know, can you use that method for self-healing, too?

22nd October 2010, 12:33 AM
can you use that method for self-healing, too?

Absolutely! Some people are able to access the frequencies simply by reading Eric Pearl's book The Reconnection, but I needed to attend the seminar. Try that first. One way RH is different than other healing modalities, is that the frequencies seem to transfer from one person to another. Eric found that other people had strange things happen to them after he worked on them - things like lights coming on by themselves, feeling a spirit presence, etc.

After I had my Reconnection (which is different than Reconnective Healing), I went into "register" every time I closed my eyes. (Made it difficult to get to sleep for a while). :) "Register" is the term used for the involuntary muscle movements people experience during a session.

22nd October 2010, 01:56 AM
"A miracle is not the breaking of physical laws, but rather represents laws which are incomprehensible to us."
- G.I. Gurdjieff

"Reality does not cease where our knowledge of it ceases."
- W. Jäger


question on-topic: I haven't read the whole thread, so I would like to know, can you use that method for self-healing, too?

I love your given quotes Volgerle. if then, there is incomprehensibility and ceasing of knowledge to explain reality, then it also follows, that by one's own faith are they healed.

this, even if the healing of hands and/or prayers of anothers touch you. thus, is faith that which reaches beyond incomprehensibility and knowledge ceasing. faith is that which is boundless and non-ceasing, for it is the hands and prayers of other's reaching to you, that in kind, one might engendered, as 'well' be faithfilled.

faith then, is a light reaching into what otherwise is darkness, where shadows flee revealing hope, a hope that cannot but reach out to others from a charitable heart to with prayerful hands share healing.

those whom seek healing are those whom impart healing, for from healing is healing shared. if in my thirst i have found water, then from that water it may be shared with other's whom thirst.

if i kept the water only for myself, i would not be quenched, for i would be that which is the cause of others thirsting.

make sense?


22nd October 2010, 11:14 AM
can you use that method for self-healing, too?

Absolutely! Some people are able to access the frequencies simply by reading Eric Pearl's book The Reconnection, but I needed to attend the seminar. Try that first. One way RH is different than other healing modalities, is that the frequencies seem to transfer from one person to another. Eric found that other people had strange things happen to them after he worked on them - things like lights coming on by themselves, feeling a spirit presence, etc.

After I had my Reconnection (which is different than Reconnective Healing), I went into "register" every time I closed my eyes. (Made it difficult to get to sleep for a while). :) "Register" is the term used for the involuntary muscle movements people experience during a session.

thanks, that really sounds thrilling, seminars might be too costly (and not in my area anyway), I will try to read the book first and get into the subject, then possibly I will look for a seminar or try seeing a practitioner (I already have experience with Reiki practitioners)

Neil Templar
23rd October 2010, 09:09 AM
i'd be interested in hearing your experience if you do find a practitioner.
it's very different energy to Reiki.. :)

23rd October 2010, 01:19 PM
i'd be interested in hearing your experience if you do find a practitioner.
it's very different energy to Reiki.. :)
Yes, of course, I will if I do. But first I'll read the book.
Could you specify what is the differnce in feeling and effects as compared to Reiki and other energy healing systems?

Neil Templar
23rd October 2010, 02:01 PM
to be honest i don't have enough experience of other modalities. i've only had Reiki a couple of times. that was nice, relaxing, warm etc...
during the reconnective healing sessions, i've experienced moments of being out-of-body, had visions of 'past' lives. conversations with non-human entities. going into deep states of consciousness different to any i've experienced before. had 'hands' pull my physical body around, straightening my spine, moving other body parts. 'felt' other beings in the room with us...
felt actual waves of energy moving thru my body...

23rd October 2010, 02:04 PM
during the reconnective healing sessions, i've experienced moments of being out-of-body, had visions of 'past' lives. conversations with non-human entities. going into deep states of consciousness different to any i've experienced before. had 'hands' pull my physical body around, straightening my spine, moving other body parts. 'felt' other beings in the room with us... felt actual waves of energy moving thru my body...
WOW. :shock: :shock: :shock: :D

(need to read the book faster now when it arrives :P )

the session was during a seminar with a practitioner? (sorry for asking if it was said before, too lazy to search the whole thread now :oops: )

Neil Templar
23rd October 2010, 02:08 PM
not during a seminar. just at a practitioner's place.
it was a life-changing moment, for me.

Neil Templar
23rd October 2010, 02:10 PM
tho it must be stated, not everyone experiences those things.
every client has different experiences, and every client 'feels' different to me...
it truly is a learning experience every time...

23rd October 2010, 02:22 PM
If I understand it right, the standard are:
2-3 healing sessions first (serves also as a check for oneself if you can relate to it?)
- and then you do a 2-day seminar? (a bit similar to Reiki again)

Does that seminar mean that you get a healer yourself after passing it and you get more initiated to the system then? (again similar to reiki procedures for me)?

Neil Templar
23rd October 2010, 02:30 PM
i don't know if it's essential that you have any sessions before the seminar, but i'd suggest you do.
and then, yes, you have to attend the seminar to learn how to feel and what to do with the frequencies...

23rd October 2010, 03:21 PM
I too have had similar experiences. I've been other beings, seen other beings, felt my physical body move on it's own in strange ways, felt energy in and around my body, and had an actual healing myself. My arthritis in my hands went away - the pain went away and my joints became normal sized again. I really enjoy trading sessions with other practitioners (Neil .... :wink: )

I trained in and used to use Transformational Energy Release, Yuen Method, 13th Octave LaHoChi healing, and a few others. Reconnective Healing is ALL I do now. It's the only one that has had, for me anyway, great results.

Neil Templar
23rd October 2010, 03:23 PM
like you say Beth, "miracles" 8) :D :wink:

23rd October 2010, 03:32 PM
like you say Beth, "miracles"

Yes, as my awareness has expanded, I've lost interest in a lot of things I used to really enjoy - holidays, football, roller coasters. It's kind of nice to have something that defies explanation/awareness - a little mystery, a little magick remains.

Neil Templar
24th October 2010, 02:41 PM
i'll never give up the rollercoasters!!! :twisted:

2nd November 2010, 08:53 PM
I started the book, enthralling read so far. :lol:

But one thing already disturbs me a little (not related to the book now)

On the internet (vids, reconnection homepage, etc) people are urged now to only seek healers that do not perform any other healing form. It is also said that other forms should be avoided completely from now on.

Isn't it a bit ... well ... a bit sneaky? Isn't this obviously an act of talking the "competition" down?

just my thoughts on this, makes me feel uneasy a bit about this.

2nd November 2010, 09:12 PM
Research has shown that the Reconnection includes the frequencies of all other energy healing modalities, as you'll discover as you read more. Eric also tells the story (tho I don't remember if it's in the book or not) that as he was discovering all of this, he took the advice of several "experts" in the energy healing fields. He said prayers, cleansed with salt water, used protection of various sorts, etc. What he found was that the healings became less and less. He eventually figured it out, when he was working with someone (I believe at a dinner party), and nothing was working. What he noticed was that the onlookers had their hands up, all sending energy - trying to help. He considers Reconnective Healing whole and complete, perfect as it is, and is therefore diluted by adding anything else to it. He does poke quite a bit of fun at all of the other modalities. He's funny, irreverent, and quite a character.

2nd November 2010, 09:32 PM
I remember reading it in his book.

3rd November 2010, 02:06 PM
My teacher in Reiki was/is a charismatic fella, to the point of being cold if a question was raised about combining 'other modalities'. in the master class we had an older woman in her 80s who came to finish out her training, for no other reason than to go back home and give better healing to even older sister. they apparently lived together. she asked a whole heap of what sounded like confused questions about other healing techniques, and the teacher, i guess, found it distracting to what he was laying out for us to learn. finally, and quite rudely, he shut the old gal down. well, she was sitting next to me from the start of the day's class, and we'd chatted a bit, gotten a little rapport going. sweet little old lady. so i got pissed off when the teacher raising his voice up shut the old gal down in a subtle way, but it was very apparent to everyone. so i took the next 10 minutes of the class and spoke on respect for our elders, and such. he didnt shut me down, never said a word to me. but, i let him know, a little more of the old lady's story, why she'd come so far, and the importance of her learning to her, to go back and give healing to her dying sister. so, yeah, charismatic peeps can be very irreverent. these types got a lot a good stuff to teach and share, but they often require a swift kick in the sweets to bring em down to earth, me thinks. makes for good 'reconnection' to reverence first and ego-centricity second. some 'modalities' might require wearing a protective cup, is all i am saying.


3rd November 2010, 03:35 PM
some 'modalities' might require wearing a protective cup, is all i am saying.
You just made my day.

3rd November 2010, 06:26 PM
He considers Reconnective Healing whole and complete, perfect as it is, and is therefore diluted by adding anything else to it.

I see, maybe I misunderstood it. It is meant not to be mixed together (diluted, contaminated) during one session? Ok, that makes sense.

I have looked up practicioners near my place. I found one who also offers no further energy healing practices, but does Quantum Touch. However QT is said not to be energy-related, but rather something of setting intent / law of attachment (possibly?). So that would not be a contamination anyway, right? I consider going to this practicioner then for the Recon.

Neil Templar
3rd November 2010, 09:27 PM
i have no knowledge of the mechanics of QT, but i will say that we are taught, with RH , that even intent can get in the way.
it's best if we know nothing about the client's condition. obviously, we're always going to know something, but the less, the better.
that way there's no chance of our focusing on one specific problem, or assuming we know what it is the client needs.
we don't know. only the client's being knows what the true problem is.
we try to take the ego out of the interaction, that means our ego, and that of the client. so we don't ask the client to focus their intent on what they want from the healing either. they most likely don't know what they need.
the healings very often manifest in ways unexpected by client or practitioner.
all we ask is for them to give permission for themselves to heal appropriately.
all we ask for, from the Universe, is an appropriate healing to take place.
from then on in, we trust. it's an intuitive thing...feeling with our hands and eyes.
feeling and watching, for responses, in what we feel and what we see happening with the client.

there's no technique. that's what else is different from everything else... it's transcending technique.
and if you try to add in some of your old techniques, you're detracting from your potential to feel. your mind is in the way.

what i'm finding very interesting, is the state of mind i find myself in, when doing a session for someone.
i've been finding myself entering altered states while working on someone. time doesn't pass at the same apparent speed as usual.
i'll find myself losing touch with everything else outside of the experience itself. 'zoning in' to the sensations i'm experiencing.
i did a session yesterday, and at the end, as he lay on the table saying 'wow...mmmmm...i've never felt like this before', i was sitting on my chair feeling like i'd just had someone do a session for me! 8) really nice!

3rd November 2010, 09:56 PM
wow, neil, it really seems to have a great impact on your (spiritual and "normal") life now, as you wrote before.
thanks for your insights, it's very interesting. :idea:
(*hurries off to go on reading the book ...*)

5th November 2010, 01:54 PM
I know, it is getting weird now, but hey, life has become weird for me in the course of the last 1.5 - 2 years anyway. :wink:

I now found a practicioner who does not any other energy healing modality (she just does other"alternative" stuff such as astrology consulting, massages and regression). So she would be better suited for this purpose? What do you think?

And now the weird thing: I tried sth new today. As I was and am still not sure which one to visit (the first one is nearer to my place, that would be an argument.) I have to find out.
I then out of intuition took my Q-link and later also tried it with my Moldavite pendant and tried pendulum swinging for the first time. :lol:

Well, it is strange, but for Practicioner A I always got the "no-"swing. and for B the "yes"-swing, Actually, the Q-link and Moldavite's yes/no- directions are differently/opposed, which can easily be found out with test questions.
Nevertheless, the result remained the same. There's a clear "yes"-tendency to practitioner B (the astrologist-massager-regressionist) and a clear "no" for A. :shock: :?: :| :lol:

I have had NO experience at all with pendulum drowsing before. What is your opinion on this? Maybe it is all baloney and i should not trust it? Could I be guided by my higher self /subcon when drowsing this way (I think that is a valid theory, too, isn't it)?
Is there something to it and I can trust it (and thus make my decision to have the appointment with B)?

(who is considering to order a "real" brass-pendulum now)

5th November 2010, 02:18 PM
My understanding is that the pendulum gives expression to your subconscious or Higher Self, which is why I like it more than anything else.

5th November 2010, 02:33 PM
it's best if we know nothing about the client's condition. obviously, we're always going to know something, but the less, the better.
that way there's no chance of our focusing on one specific problem, or assuming we know what it is the client needs.
we don't know. only the client's being knows what the true problem is.
we try to take the ego out of the interaction, that means our ego, and that of the client. so we don't ask the client to focus their intent on what they want from the healing either. they most likely don't know what they need.
the healings very often manifest in ways unexpected by client or practitioner.
all we ask is for them to give permission for themselves to heal appropriately.
all we ask for, from the Universe, is an appropriate healing to take place.
from then on in, we trust. it's an intuitive thing...feeling with our hands and eyes.
feeling and watching, for responses, in what we feel and what we see happening with the client.

this is exactly what i was taught via Reiki

there's no technique. that's what else is different from everything else... it's transcending technique.
and if you try to add in some of your old techniques, you're detracting from your potential to feel. your mind is in the way.

we were given several symbols along with there techniques, which i at first found redundant, and later dropped for use altogether. i naturally felt to let go of anything (redundant techniques) that distracted myself and client from 'healing'. but, i do follow the basic format of hand positions enprocess of 'head to toe' coverage. but, even with this coverage, the understanding is that even as 'pain/disease' may be localized, it may also be symptomatic, ergo being refered from the actual cause which is silent, being silent has to refer to that which would give voice.

what i'm finding very interesting, is the state of mind i find myself in, when doing a session for someone.
i've been finding myself entering altered states while working on someone. time doesn't pass at the same apparent speed as usual.
i'll find myself losing touch with everything else outside of the experience itself. 'zoning in' to the sensations i'm experiencing.
i did a session yesterday, and at the end, as he lay on the table saying 'wow...mmmmm...i've never felt like this before', i was sitting on my chair feeling like i'd just had someone do a session for me! 8) really nice!

yep, this is how i experience 'healing' as well. i like the streamlined sound of this 'reconnection'. just like i like 'chopped' versions of manufactured bikes that have had all the excessive bells and whistles assembled to them.

but i like the word 'Reiki', a nice combination of terms specifically picked by Usui to explain healing as 'chopped' of prevalent egoic attachments. i feel like that beyond that 'word', all the symbols detract, and pretty much gives rise to the stepped courses, each charged as a sum of money. then to have had an upper level 'recently' added to it called Karuna, with its added symbols, seems to me to further detract. pretty much everything ends up being about the bottom line - profit, even as it promotes alternative healing.

My wife and I have chosen not to pursue this next level 'Karuna', following our feeling that Usui's Reiki is 'enough'. but at the same time, the way that it is set up, to become teacher certified you have to have completed the Karuna level, and then pursue an additional year of assisting teachers in their training course.

spiritually, i find that symbols are also obstacles to cleanly 'chopped' faith, because they call one to believe in them, thereby keeping "God" held in the thought of God....etc. that's not to say that symbols do not have their proper uses as utilities.

well i didnt mean to go on and on, but you know me....


5th November 2010, 02:46 PM
My understanding is that the pendulum gives expression to your subconscious or Higher Self, which is why I like it more than anything else.
Thanks CFT, that gives me hope I am on the right way here. :D

Neil Templar
5th November 2010, 03:00 PM
My understanding is that the pendulum gives expression to your subconscious or Higher Self, which is why I like it more than anything else.
Thanks CFT, that gives me hope I am on the right way here. :D

yep, before you posted about the pendulum, i had been meaning to say, trust your intuition on which one to go to.
give them a call, ask a few questions before deciding. seems you've done that already and got the answers you need. :wink: 8)

5th November 2010, 06:38 PM
yep, before you posted about the pendulum, i had been meaning to say, trust your intuition on which one to go to.
give them a call, ask a few questions before deciding. seems you've done that already and got the answers you need. :wink: 8)
so far I haven't even contacted one of them, I was just judging (intuitively, yes) by the statements, facts, offers, concept and appearance as it's been put up as information on their websites (and then metaphysically via drowsing :wink: )

5th November 2010, 09:10 PM
I think he may have some healing gifts but I get a weird vibe from him. I cannot identify it but it makes me uneasy.

5th November 2010, 09:25 PM
I have had NO experience at all with pendulum drowsing before. What is your opinion on this? Maybe it is all baloney and i should not trust it?

My two cents: I prefer my own intuition, my "gut feeling" to anything external, even dowsing or pendulums. I had to learn the difference between excitement and fear, tho. I go toward what feels the lightest energetically.

6th November 2010, 12:38 PM
Huh. I posted a response to this yesterday, but I don't see it. Is there a problem CF? Or did I just post to cyber-void?

6th November 2010, 12:40 PM
Never mind - just a computer hiccup. It's there. : ) Needed to refresh 3 times instead of 1. Silly.

6th November 2010, 01:56 PM
:D The Cyber-void is tricky- sometimes it spits 'em back.

12th November 2010, 05:30 PM
any suggestions for contacting these frequencies on my own? I've had a session with a practitioner and ended up with a strong connection, but she's told me this is now something I can do on my own. I've played with the idea of activating it again but haven't found it as simple alone. Thanks!

12th November 2010, 06:56 PM
maybe I should do it now ...

well, 2 days ago I had a projection to the "school of alternative medicine" :shock: , meeting a lot of nice (but unknown ... at least in this life) people there ... so maybe this is indeed a sign for me ... :idea: ... :?:

(it was really fascinating, maybe I will write a longer version of this "introductory visit" in a thread in the obe or dream section or start a journal when I find the time)

17th November 2010, 01:55 PM
This is a rather long description of a Reconnective healing session I had last night (it was my first.) There were a few things that puzzled me, and I wondered if any of you guys had some insight.

First, some background: I have been channeling energies from beings I call "my Pleiadean brothers and sisters" (basically, a small sub-group of Pleiadeans that I was incarnated amongst at one point in time and continue to associate with.) When I first became aware of the energies they felt very nice, then at the beginning of this year (2010,) things began to change. The energies started took on a more intrusive and invasive feel; sometimes, they even hurt. I know that healing doesn't always feel good, but this felt definitively unhelpful. I channeled the energies to a friend and she confirmed the feeling. So I took my conundrum to a reiki master who I had been working with for several years, and asked her if I could still trust the Pleiadeans. She said she believed I could, and so I started negotiating with them one day as I channeled their energy, saying mentally, "That feels unhelpful," or "This feels good; that hits the spot, thank you! Can you keep doing that?" and explaining to them some things I felt they might not understand about the workings of a human heart, and how to perform healing for a wounded one. From then on the energies did feel good again, and if occasionally they returned to feeling bad or invasive, I could always talk with them; they were very respectful and would either gently back off, or change the energies.

I'd heard that Reconnective energies were Pleiadean, and this made sense to me. I had had a conversation with a Reconnective healer named Jude last September, and even just speaking on the phone with her, the energies felt delicious, and decidedly Pleiadean. Though I didn't have a session with her, I was very impressed by her kindness and by the energies. So it pleased me greatly to connect with another Reconnective Healer in my area last week, and book a session with her.

Fast forward to last night. I lay down on the gal's table, and she began channeling. The energies starting coming in, and it was just palpable! I got the feeling that there were beings in the room, and the energies felt Pleiadean, but kind of "pushy." I got that same intrusive, invasive feel from them that I had gotten from my Pleiadean brothers and sisters prior to negotiating with them. It was very uncomfortable. It began with a feeling of gritty, white-ish gray energy (kind of reminded me of unhardened concrete fresh from a cement truck) pushing its way down, pouring from my crown to my heart, where a large portion of the stuff rested and began to work. It wasn't sticky, and it didn't hurt, but it did feel heavy and foreign and uncomfortable. Then I felt a tenseness in my entire muscular system, and started to shake a little involuntarily. Soon, I was shaking all over intensely. The "invasive" feeling continued, and I thought to myself, "Well, with my local group of Pleiadeans I was able to tell them what I needed; maybe I could attempt the same with these beings." So I started explaining some things to them mentally, telling them how it felt. I explained that because of my upbringing I associated fear and control with love, and because of this emotional masochism, I was particularly vulnerable to boundary-breaking, and that I didn't want to return to that feeling of craving invasiveness and breaches of my boundaries, especially in what was supposed to be a "healing session." At this point they asked me why I would associate these things with each other (pain/control and love,) so I had to do a little more explaining, and they did listen, but they didn't alter their style. They were like physicians with a very curt and brusque bedside manner - they were going about their business in a very serious fashion, trying to pack as much of the energy as they could in as short a time possible. Sometimes I would ask more pointed questions, and the shaking would intensify, as if they were trying to overcome some resistance in me. I'm still trying to sort out why I let it continue when it felt that way.

Another thing that really bothered me is that I had invited my spirit guides and Pleiadean brothers and sisters to be there during the session, but at the beginning I felt they were rapidly ushered out of the room. Towards the end of the session - when I kept asking that the beings in the room speak with my guides and brothers, saying they could explain things better than I could - they were let back in. But it was very strange, the way these guys went about their business. I don't think it was the woman doing the healing - it was clear to me that she didn't know what was going on, and was just acting as an "antennae."

That night, as I went to sleep, some more energies came, and these felt good, like the Reconnective energies I had experienced when on the phone with Jude. My apprehension started to ease. I slipped into a hypnogogic state and saw a small spacecraft hovering by me, and it beamed a ray of energy into the palm of my right hand. As the energy hit my skin it felt very interesting and good and tingly, and not intrusive at all. I tilted my astral head up and saw the UFO, and said to the beings, "Oh, if y'all would take me onboard your spaceship tonight in my dreams for a tour, I would just love it!" (I've always wanted to see the interior of one of these things.) It seemed to me that perhaps a great deal of misunderstanding had taken place; that maybe these beings just weren't entirely familiar with the workings of a human heart, despite their good intentions. The beam of energy continued, but then shifted over to start beaming my nose! This was odd because it was hitting in precisely the place where I had had a dream of getting an implant a couple years ago. I got the feeling that maybe they were trying to remove or neutralize it. However at that moment I heard a heavy wind howling and slamming against the outer wall of my apartment, and it brought me out of the hypnogogic state. I continued to feel that feeling in my nose, though, so it clearly was more than a dream. I kept seeing these bright white and blue points of light, too, hovering in the air in my apartment, even when I was awake.

I'd love to hear you guys' take on this, particularly those of you who have worked with or received these energies. I'm gathering experiences and slowly building my "bigger picture" about this.

17th November 2010, 03:53 PM
I just have questions.
Were you taken inside the craft, and would you describe it in detail?

Neil Templar
17th November 2010, 04:17 PM
that's really interesting Seeuzin.
i haven't really much to say, other than, as you most likely know, the feeling of other presences in the room is common. i've experienced that myself while receiving the healing.
from what i understand, the reconnection process isn't just one of healing, but more like a "tune-up". the healings are like side effects of that process.
you know, Eric Pearl has just, or is just about to release a new book, containing the channelings from these beings, which he's mostly kept unseen until now. i'd be interested to see what that contains...

i'd be interested to hear what Mishell has to say. i know she's having the Reconnection done this week...

have you been able to have a conversation with your regular guides about what took place?

17th November 2010, 05:08 PM
CFTraveler and Neil, thanks for your question/thoughts. I woke up disappointed; I did not have any dreams that I could remember of being inside a spacecraft. I have not spoken with my guides yet, but I will speak with them. I did notice that at NO point during the session did my solar plexus chakra hurt - my usual test for whether an energy has an agenda that runs counter to my freewill. Maybe that, paired with curiosity, is part of why I stayed.

The litmus test for a new energy for me is seeing how it unfolds over time. Walking around the local community college campus to my courses this morning, the energies were still with me, and I felt oddly better...there were times when I smiled for no reason. Maybe last night there was more fear-based stuff than I was aware of; despite their brusque manner it did seem like my energy had improved to my liking. I was chuckling inwardly, like "You Pleiadean guys and gals...you're alright." :lol:

Neil Templar
17th November 2010, 06:48 PM
i'm glad to hear that. :D
there's been plenty of speculation as to the agenda of the Pleiadeans working with us on the planet.
i think it's easy to allow fear to come into play, if something doesn't seem to fit into our idea of what's "good" for us.
i mean, we go to the dentist, and it's rarely a pleasant experience, it can be intrusive, scary, even painful, yet we know it's necessary.

you know, i have a friend who says the same about her solar plexus hurting when someone is working on her, if the "healer" is motivated by ego rather than service.

17th November 2010, 06:59 PM
now I'm a bit afraid to do it.
:shock: :oops: :?

17th November 2010, 07:38 PM
Oh, I'm sorry. =( Hey, I will let you know how it goes. It's looking good so far. And the healer said that my experience was pretty unique; most people seem to enjoy the energies very much. Could just be a quirk of my energetic makeup atm.

17th November 2010, 08:12 PM
now I'm a bit afraid to do it.
:shock: :oops: :?
I would like to recommend to you to have a look at "Matrix Energetics" instead. There you do not get manipulated by aliens or alike.

Eric went so far as to publicly humiliate and belittle one of the TA's about this administrative matter. I don't remember exactly what he said, but just remembered that he talked to the TA's as if he were a dictator and they were his slaves, and if they didn't do as he said, he would send them to the guillotine.
When a person does work with a good/helpful/healing/loving energy, that does effect the person and make them "nice to be around". So what CunoDante did write about his experience, already makes it clear for me to stay away from such energies, that Eric Pearl uses.
And it makes perfect sense to me, that this energy could come from Pleiadians. Explains also, why people did describe the energy as "infectious".

Neil Templar
17th November 2010, 09:06 PM
what CunoDante wrote, doesn't tell you anything about the energies.
it tells you about a human. he's a human, with human character traits.
does the fact that this particular human was chosen for this work, automatically mean we can assume he's going to turn into a stereotypical archetypal "spiritual leader/ healer"?
this is what people don't like about him, he doesn't fit the image they have in their minds about how someone in his position is supposed to be acting. like they're looking for a messiah figure to be all love and light. he can't just be a human with human flaws :roll:

i'm quite sure we've covered this ground before about him tho...

17th November 2010, 10:47 PM
I sure am not looking for a "messiah figure" or "all love and light" in a "healer" or energy worker. But some basic manners I do expect from any kind of teacher, who I can look with respect to. And treating other people, especially ones assistants and coworkers respectful and kindly is for me basics. If a person does not have enough humor/joy to manage when things are not running 100% after his plans to keep his good spirit, then that is again a sign for basic qualities missing.

I have seen many different teachers, also in areas like sports, etc. And I have seen how their character traits and how they treat other people does "rub off" to their students. Therefore I rather have a look at whom I choose to be my teacher.

Only because someone does channel some energy and energy beings messages, does not make one a respectable teacher. There is a whole lot of people channeling all kinds of things. What I am looking for is integrity.

And when one really does work with joyful energies, then I have made the experience, that one can't help it, but one does show some spiritual growth and learns to treat other people with respect - it just comes along with the understanding, that we are all connected.

18th November 2010, 12:14 AM
I lay down on the gal's table, and she began channeling.

I only have a few things to say here. Regarding the statement above, IF the practitioner was indeed channeling, she was NOT doing Reconnective Healing. My hope is that is simply your way of describing how the energies came to be there. RH isn't about channeling, it's more like facilitating to me. The energies do transfer from one to another, but it's closer to touch or proximity than anything else. Some people experience the energies simply by reading Eric's book, or like you said, by talking on the phone.

I've never had any unpleasant experience with RH at all. The energies have never felt intrusive, painful, or unpleasant in any way. I'm not sure what it was that you describe. I'd like to hear more.

PS. I'm still finding new experiences and sensations when doing RH. In my most recent session, I felt a very cool breeze coming off my client to my hands. Very cool (pun intended :wink: )

Neil Templar
18th November 2010, 12:45 AM
I sure am not looking for a "messiah figure" or "all love and light" in a "healer" or energy worker. But some basic manners I do expect from any kind of teacher, who I can look with respect to. And treating other people, especially ones assistants and coworkers respectful and kindly is for me basics. If a person does not have enough humor/joy to manage when things are not running 100% after his plans to keep his good spirit, then that is again a sign for basic qualities missing.

I have seen many different teachers, also in areas like sports, etc. And I have seen how their character traits and how they treat other people does "rub off" to their students. Therefore I rather have a look at whom I choose to be my teacher.

Only because someone does channel some energy and energy beings messages, does not make one a respectable teacher. There is a whole lot of people channeling all kinds of things. What I am looking for is integrity.

And when one really does work with joyful energies, then I have made the experience, that one can't help it, but one does show some spiritual growth and learns to treat other people with respect - it just comes along with the understanding, that we are all connected.

of course, i hear what you're saying.

but assuming that we should all act the same, is only gonna disappoint. is there no room for diversity within the "spiritually aware" community?
can't even teachers have (what some might perceive to be) flaws?
should one offended observer's statement be enough to condemn a man in another man's eyes, without him having had any direct experience of that person?
but then of course, if something doesn't resonate well with you, you should steer clear of it...

i guess that when someone is chosen to do work of this kind, they're chosen because they have the skills necessary to get it done.
maybe his abrupt-yet-highly-practical nature was exactly what was needed to have this phenomena spread in the fashion it has?
maybe he's a perfect example of the fact that EVERYONE has this potential, not just the "fluffy new-agers", but even a bitchy little guy in a shiny shirt from LA, who wasn't even looking for it. :wink:

there is a great deal of humour, respect and wisdom in his teachings. he's simply very practical and doesn't stand for people who've been trained in their jobs, not doing their jobs properly, and potentially holding up the entire seminar, or making him, or the organisation, look incompetent.

18th November 2010, 12:41 PM
Hey iamBeth,

I just meant that the energies began to flow through her, that she was "channeling" the energies from the beings to me. But I for the most part don't understand how this process works, and it's likely I hit on the wrong word in "channeling." For the record, I don't think it was this gal who did anything wrong (if any harm was done.) I sensed that she was "out of the loop" - merely acting, as she put it after the session, as an "antennae."

One interesting thing: when speaking with the other Reconnective healer last September, even just on the phone with her the energies were coming through, and they were very nice. I also enjoyed the energies from my Pleiadean brothers and sisters at this time. The beginning of this year, however, was very traumatic for me, and I noticed during that time that the "feel" of the Pleiadean energies changed - and the feel of the Reconnective energies this Tuesday night was "different" in almost exactly the same way! So it is possible that, through trauma, my sense of things was altered. The one thing that does NOT fit with this hypothesis is that I channeled energies from my Pleiadean brothers and sisters to a gal after the "change," and she, too, felt the energies were very much the same as I felt them - intrusive, invasive. So it is possible also that it is an external change not having to do with my internal make-up. Though, the gal I did it on is very similar to me in that she has had her boundaries violated in profound ways, and so she might have the same kind of trauma-induced filter on her perceptions. Does this make sense?

I'm really not sure, I'd be interested in hearing y'all's perceptions.

(To go into more detail on the difficulties I faced: a gal who previously had been a very good, if troubled, friend, let her pain get the better of her (imo) and began psychically draining the ♥♥♥♥ out of me and cording me intensely. It took several months, after I stopped talking to her, to resolve the entanglement, and some of the "side effects" to it (which have to do with other forces that moved in, sensing an easy mark,) are still things I am dealing with and struggling to resolve. I felt like the living dead; this whole thing felt like no less than psychic rape.)

Neil Templar
18th November 2010, 01:43 PM
Hey iamBeth,

I just meant that the energies began to flow through her, that she was "channeling" the energies from the beings to me. But I for the most part don't understand how this process works, and it's likely I hit on the wrong word in "channeling." For the record, I don't think it was this gal who did anything wrong (if any harm was done.) I sensed that she was "out of the loop" - merely acting, as she put it after the session, as an "antennae."

One interesting thing: when speaking with the other Reconnective healer last September, even just on the phone with her the energies were coming through, and they were very nice. I also enjoyed the energies from my Pleiadean brothers and sisters at this time. The beginning of this year, however, was very traumatic for me, and I noticed during that time that the "feel" of the Pleiadean energies changed - and the feel of the Reconnective energies this Tuesday night was "different" in almost exactly the same way! So it is possible that, through trauma, my sense of things was altered. The one thing that does NOT fit with this hypothesis is that I channeled energies from my Pleiadean brothers and sisters to a gal after the "change," and she, too, felt the energies were very much the same as I felt them - intrusive, invasive. So it is possible also that it is an external change not having to do with my internal make-up. Though, the gal I did it on is very similar to me in that she has had her boundaries violated in profound ways, and so she might have the same kind of trauma-induced filter on her perceptions. Does this make sense?

I'm really not sure, I'd be interested in hearing y'all's perceptions.

(To go into more detail on the difficulties I faced: a gal who previously had been a very good, if troubled, friend, let her pain get the better of her (imo) and began psychically draining the sh!t out of me and cording me intensely. It took several months, after I stopped talking to her, to resolve the entanglement, and some of the "side effects" to it (which have to do with other forces that moved in, sensing an easy mark,) are still things I am dealing with and struggling to resolve. I felt like the living dead; this whole thing felt like no less than psychic rape.)

hey Seeuzin! :D

yeah, the practitioner is indeed no more than a facilitator during the session. a triangle is formed, the three points being you, the 'healer' and the Universe. the healer simply being there allows that triangle to form, and the healing begins. one thing i've noticed lately is that it begins before i've even put my hands into the client's energy field. i can see/hear and feel it begin as i step up to the table. a Reiki practitioner i did a session with a few weeks ago, told me that she had started having strange energetic experiences the day we made the arrangement for me to come and do the session.

18th November 2010, 02:12 PM
What a very cool experience! I think it's great that you had the sense to realize that just because you were uncomfortable during the session it didn't necessarily reflect on the intentions of the beings visiting you. Well done!! I think an open communication is extremely important because I don't think they understand the way our fears play into our perception. I feel like they think that since the up-front intent is for healing then anything that happens is in the context of healing, but that's not how we are, is it? :wink: While this healing frequency may be a great gift to our planet, we have to remember that it is new. I am sure there is a lot left to be learned between us and the ones who give us this gift.

I had to cancel my Reconnection this week. Decided to do it after the move and not before so I can't comment on that yet.

The reconnective healing frequency seems to have a Pleiadean feel about it, but I'm not sure that it really is ... While taking the training, I could see a group of beings watching my session and they looked different than how Pleideans had presented themselves to me before. They weren't as full of light, and they were a different color. But the energy was very similar! Of course, that doesn't have to mean what I assume it means...

I'll let you know how it went after I get my reconnection!! I'm looking forward to it. :D

18th November 2010, 05:17 PM
now I'm a bit afraid to do it.
:shock: :oops: :?
I would like to recommend to you to have a look at "Matrix Energetics" instead. There you do not get manipulated by aliens or alike.
Well, I've read a lot about Bartlett/Kinslow quantum touch/healing stuff. It is interesting for sure. However, I still feel more 'attracted' to Reconnection stuff, don't know why.

And on second thoughts, my whole life on this planet so far I felt myself to be a bit 'ALIEN'(ated) towards other people here. Sometimes it went that far that I questioned myself here. I did never and do not understand "normal" people anymore. I mean those people "functioning" in society according to the rules and going about their everyday lifes like robots. I'm not one of them. I never was. Difference to today and up to 2-3 years ago is the acceptance of this fact and the realisation that I should no longer try to be "one of them". As a result, maybe I should rather welcome ALIEN energies if I happen onto them. What do I have to lose? And maybe, even maybe, I am one of them. :?

But on the other hand, can we be really so sure ... are the entities/energies experienced "alien"?

I don't wanna play the bad guy skeptic now, but some questions and doubts about some statements that seem now been taken for granted here remain for me. So let me play the skeptic just now since we want an open-minded discussion.

I mean, possibly we are in danger of the dynamic process where assumptions / statements perpetuate themselves by repetition and are not questioned anymore but rather taken for fact as they repeated over and over again.

Especially two striking issues are still rather hypotheses than sure facts for me: Several people in this thread stated repeatedly that Reconnective energy is 1) Pleiadean/alien and b) "new".

Well, I know that E. Pearl also makes these statements in his book, which I just finished reading, although he also was questioning the pleiadean thing communicated to him by one (- just one! - ) psychic. He then leaves it open - saying he does not know for sure. But it seems to be taken for granted already here.

So now that we repeat over and over again it is alien (and more specific: Pleaiadean) ... can we really be sure it is not a self-perpetuating make-believe? If some of us experience the entities during the treatment (which no doubt happens I AM sure... ) can we really be sure of them to be alien/Pleadean? How and why? Maybe we interpret the book's statement and associate the energies / entities with the term "pleadean"?

Second doubt: What makes us so sure that it is really "the new thing around here"? That these energies weren't available here before the 1990ies?
Could'nt this also be a very common "marketing device" that you apply to sell it? You know how this works: "The latest thing, all the rage, the latest craze, the height of fashion, don't go without it or you're out already..."
The Matrix Energetics guys say the same things about "their" methods. (Of course the Reiki people and other healing modalities (especially Eastern) can go exactly opposedly the other way by stating that their modality is wise, ancient, old - and therefore well-tried, proved ... and so the best - all of which can be used as a kind of marketing strategy, too...)

For example: I remember Monroe's second book "Far Journeys" where he talks also about benevolent "alien" non-physical entities surrounding him and energetically modifying him for improvement. It also happened to a lot of other people in his laboratory.
These things happened in the 60ies or 70ies when he started his experiments and built up his lab and company (finally evolving into todays TMI).

So who says what and who Monroe's entities were and by how far they are different from Pearl's entities/energies? Didn't these non-physical entities do the same thing to him? So why is the Reconnection thing now so new? Possibly Monroes guys were Pleadeans, too?

These accounts of surrounding entities doing the "surgery" are therefore not new to me but rather a deja-vu (in literature of course, since I did not experience it personally and cannot give an account of this).

18th November 2010, 05:42 PM
[self-edited] as a fellow member found it offensive in nature. sorry :| tim

18th November 2010, 06:57 PM
What a very cool experience! I think it's great that you had the sense to realize that just because you were uncomfortable during the session it didn't necessarily reflect on the intentions of the beings visiting you. Well done!!

Warm thanks, Michelle. :D


Those are very good questions. I like the way you "play the skeptic" - you are careful and discerning but curious and open-minded, the best of both worlds! (i.e. I don't think anyone would characterize you as a "bad guy skeptic" as you put it....I really admire the way you approach this.)

I think it is worth saying that I'm a little jealous of your capacity to show respect when presenting their take on things, especially considering you seem a little afraid of your opinions being unpopular. I won't say I'm bad at it - but you blows me out of the water. Volgerle, you present very well-reasoned evidence and question things methodically, and in a gentle way; personally it reminds me of a discussion the Buddhist meditation group I go to had one week, on "skillful speech."

Tim, I don't think that this thread is otherwise being kicked along on "perhaps' and maybe's" alone...it's just that I saw no reason to give it an exhaustive treatment. There were many times when I didn't present all of the evidence for my statements about the energies, Pleiadeans, etc because to fully elaborate on why I think these things would have required even more of a "wall-of-text" than my original post, and I wanted to be polite. Over the past few years I have put together many pieces of evidence that have led me to the conclusion that I was Pleiadean and still channel their energies, going back to experiences I had in childhood. The reason I say "perhaps" and "maybe" sometimes is to convey that I am open to other opinions.

To Volgerle again, I too am not so sure these energies are "new," although I think this may be the first-time-around that these particular beings are offering them to Earth, based on their level of expertise (it felt clear in the session that these guys were "serious business" and that this was far from the first time they had done a procedure like this,) paired with their seeming lack of knowledge of how to be gentle with a wounded human heart. It was most definitely a misunderstanding between me and them. I could go into more reasons for this, but then it would become a wall-of-text and there were a few other things I wanted to say.

You ask really good questions. There is some of the Eric Pearl stuff that sounds like a "sales pitch" to me, too; but I'm not particularly bothered by it, I guess because people really do benefit from it and so there is something to "sell"...it's not just snake oil. Okay, maybe it bothers me a little, hehe. But it does help propagate the energies; I can't take issue with that.

I would recommend checking it out for yourself, I like how you think, and would be really interested to hear about it!

18th November 2010, 10:52 PM
yeah seeuzin, i shouldnt have stated that remark. I do apologize to you or anyone else who might feel offended by it. i had come back to delete it, but Neil had replyed to it, so i left it posted. seems Neil has pulled his reply...oh well. caught in me own lil state of know-it-all arrogance. thanks for calling me out on that one and keeping me in line. sorry.


Neil Templar
18th November 2010, 11:48 PM
hehe, sorry Tim. didn't mean to box you in there :P
i normally wouldn't delete my post, but i guess i'm just a bit tired of it all.
i feel like i've had the same conversations about this a number of times now, and to be honest i don't really care who or what is "out there" bringing this energy in to us, or if Eric Pearl offends anyone with his directness.
i've made my opinion on it quite clear, i'm all for it, and i'm witnessing good things happening, and best of all, i get to play some small part in that process! :D
i like there being an aspect of mystery to it all, and being in a position to witness, as Beth says, miracles.

if people want to judge someone based on second hand information, that's their business.
if people want to sit in fear of something they have no direct experience of, let them.
if anyone doesn't want to come into contact with these energies, i'd suggest they definitely don't visit a practitioner! :wink:
me, i'm gonna keep on bringing what i believe to be positive energy into my own and other people's lives. :D

now i bid you all a fond, yet possibly slightly cranky (i've been fasting/cleansing for the past 48hrs :roll: ) goodnight!

p.s. i still wanna hear what Seeuzin's guides have to say on the matter :wink: :P

19th November 2010, 12:39 AM
yeah, its cool. i hope seeuzin carrys on as well. my foot in mouth disorder ought not obstruct that, i hope.

19th November 2010, 09:30 AM

Still cogitating and ruminating.


I went to the reiki master I had talked about last night, asking her some questions about it, and asked her if she could ask my guides a few things, because she has clearer "reception." I asked if my "Pleiadean brothers and sisters" were angry about the fact that they had been ushered so quickly out of the room during the session. I mean, if I were watching over someone, guiding them, and all of a sudden I were shoved aside, and had to just watch while some other folks stepped in, and did something mildly disconcerting...I might be somewhat angry, especially if that person had let it happen, as I did. She said they weren't angry at me, but that they were "confused about their role at the moment," or something along those lines...I don't remember exactly what she said, but it made sense to me. And one of the first things she noticed, before I even spoke about the Reconnection, was that my solar plexus had been worked on / messed with. Later in the session she said she got the phrase "belly up" (whether it was from her guides or mine, I'm not sure.) This was striking because "going belly-up" is a phrase I often use...you know how when an animal exposes its belly so you can rub it, it's an expression of trust, and also a submissive act? These are precisely the words I use to describe how I give my trust out when I sometimes shouldn't, or when I defer to others' wishes and shouldn't...I say "Oh, ♥♥♥♥, I totally I went belly-up with that gal." And she suggested that perhaps I had done that during the session, which, I had to agree with.

She did say that, solar-plexus messing aside, there were improvements in some aspects of my energy; that I did receive some healing. And when I said "You know, despite the what-the-heck factor, these guys didn't feel malevolent to me," she agreed, and we both felt that while they had their own ideas about what needed to happen, that their intentions were alright. And that was how we left it.

I'm feeling okay with it for now. I don't think any long-term harm was done, and I think they'll respect the fact that I was scared and angry. They might feel that I was ungrateful; that's okay with me. So that about concludes it for me, I think. I am happy to see that they have helped so many others, and wish them luck.

19th November 2010, 01:53 PM

Whenever I come here with a question, I present as a half-formed thought. I look for information that will add to my "bigger picture" and help me get a better grasp on things. Doubtless, some of my thoughts have sounded absurd. This is what happens when you're unsure of things and feeling them out, right? Sometimes you miss the mark. I know I'll do that, and that's okay with me.

But what I have noticed, is that when I come here with a half-formed idea, you often come along and assert, in as many words, that my thoughts are half-formed and comprised mainly of a "well, maybe it's this way," kind of thing. (Well, duh!) And you do it in such a way as to imply that you're frustrated with it, as if to say that I should only be coming here with fully-formed conclusions. I feel very foolish - because what you say is true! The thoughts I bring to the table are often absurd or half-formed. And then I get angry at feeling foolish because honestly, if I can't ask strange questions here, where can I? And what's wrong with it, anyway?

Tim, normally I would just accept your apology. But I need to be honest with you; I am sick of you doing it, and apologizing after, and then doing it again! I'm an intelligent gal, but often don't acknowledge my own smarts, and so others often don't, either; I've often had people characterize me as "slow" and after ten years of this treatment, your comments definitely push the "People think I'm slow or stupid or a fool" button. (edit: you haven't treated me this way 10 years, but people in general, and it's made it a hotbutton for me.)

So I have decided to stand up to you, respectfully but publicly. I am tired of you apologizing in private only to do it again in public with some snide comment. And one thing I've noticed, if you accept something, if you are passive, the people around tend to be fooled into thinking it's deserved. I don't want people thinking I'm a fool; it'd be cool to be appreciated for the intelligent person I am.

In conclusion, I do not think I will be reading your posts anymore. It feels like a damn shame; you have a lot of good things to say a lot of the time. Maybe if you could rethink the way you put things, the gems in your posts (and there are many of them) would feel more accessible. But I am tired.

Good day.

19th November 2010, 03:29 PM

fair enough, i reckon so. a lesson for us both then. i admire your honesty. be well.


19th November 2010, 03:34 PM
@ Seeuzin:
No one here thinks you are a fool or deserve any passive-agressive insults.
@ Tim:
Please read your posts twice before you hit the post button.

19th November 2010, 04:30 PM

Neil Templar
19th November 2010, 05:47 PM
R.I.P. "thread" :twisted: :P

19th November 2010, 06:25 PM
Well, let's hope not.

19th November 2010, 09:55 PM

19th November 2010, 10:02 PM
Well, let's hope not.

Not if I have any say in the matter! :D

(Sorry though, I haven't been reading through this whole lenghty thread)

I got the book yesterday!

Even as I picked it up from the post office and held the package in my hand I knew "this is good stuff". Just positive energy surging out from the package.

I felt energies starting to work on me as soon as I got down to reading it. I'm halfway through now.

Also, been looking up a place near me where I can get "The Reconnection" connection connected. 8) They will charge me 333 euros though. In the book it says that getting this activation is recommended. Does anyone have experience with healing without it? Would you recommend it?

Eric's healing of patients seems bordering on miraculous. Neil, I understand you've recieved this activation as well. Do you reckon there's something special with Eric or have you experienced similar healing sessions on your patients? Basically, can anyone really do this? It would be amazing if this is something that can be spread and really do some considerable difference.

Take care,


19th November 2010, 10:15 PM
You ask really good questions. There is some of the Eric Pearl stuff that sounds like a "sales pitch" to me, too; but I'm not particularly bothered by it, I guess because people really do benefit from it and so there is something to "sell"...it's not just snake oil.
Yes, this is exactly the thing that convinced me. It should not be about the person Eric Pearl at all. Is this a (personality) cult, or what? Rhethorical question. It is not. It is about the content, not the transmitter of it, the message, not the messenger. That's the decisive point on how to assess it.
There seem to be are a lot independent accounts of successes, so many that even 'mainstream medicine' institutions and doctors invite him and want to learn about what is going on and how it works. So this is enough justification for me to try it out and I am determined to do so.

20th November 2010, 02:15 AM
alright, i am curiously sold. i am ordering the book as well...but i got a bunch a books lined up in front of it already, lot of dry reading, so i will scoot it in there.

20th November 2010, 02:48 AM

Neil Templar
20th November 2010, 04:14 AM
Well, let's hope not.

Not if I have any say in the matter! :D

(Sorry though, I haven't been reading through this whole lenghty thread)

I got the book yesterday!

Even as I picked it up from the post office and held the package in my hand I knew "this is good stuff". Just positive energy surging out from the package.

I felt energies starting to work on me as soon as I got down to reading it. I'm halfway through now.

Also, been looking up a place near me where I can get "The Reconnection" connection connected. 8) They will charge me 333 euros though. In the book it says that getting this activation is recommended. Does anyone have experience with healing without it? Would you recommend it?

Eric's healing of patients seems bordering on miraculous. Neil, I understand you've recieved this activation as well. Do you reckon there's something special with Eric or have you experienced similar healing sessions on your patients? Basically, can anyone really do this? It would be amazing if this is something that can be spread and really do some considerable difference.

Take care,


look, forget about Eric.
yes it started with him, and it's his job to make sure this spreads....
but, in answer to your question...YES Everyone has the potential to be a healer using these energies.
this is the remarkable thing about it. when you have been in contact with them, they are with you... from then on you have the ability
to use them to heal....

this is what we as a species need to get used to. we are capable of healing ourselves, and being masters in our own right.
this is what they teach.

and yes, i have experienced miraculous healings in folk i've worked with. and in myself.
and i would recommend having the reconnection done. it costs 333 wherever you are. in pounds, euro or dollars...you gotta be prepared to undergo some changes tho. if you're not on your path now, you will be after, so big changes might be on the horizon. it can be quite challenging...

20th November 2010, 01:28 PM
and yes, i have experienced miraculous healings in folk i've worked with. and in myself.
and i would recommend having the reconnection done. it costs 333 wherever you are. in pounds, euro or dollars...you gotta be prepared to undergo some changes tho. if you're not on your path now, you will be after, so big changes might be on the horizon. it can be quite challenging...


Everything about this path has been very intuitive so far. I stop reading at certain places in the book, only to come back and pick it up, and find a passage or a sentence with a solution that was just what I needed at that time. If that isn't healing, I don't know what is.

So there's reall no approach to this. I will probably schedule a reconnection then sometime later when I feel it's time.

Be well,


20th November 2010, 01:42 PM
...it costs 333 wherever you are. in pounds, euro or dollars...
Despite the fun we might have with some mystical numerology (yes, I know how and where it's derived from since it is explained in the book). I find it, however, 'a bit' unfair to apply it to the cost structure without regional differences. Taking currency rates into account, actually a European pays MUCH MORE than for example an American.

http://www.xe.com/ucc/convert.cgi?Amoun ... age=Submit (http://www.xe.com/ucc/convert.cgi?Amount=333&From=EUR&To=USD&image.x=44&image.y=8&image=Submit)

So much for fairness. :? :cry:

Neil Templar
20th November 2010, 04:26 PM
...it costs 333 wherever you are. in pounds, euro or dollars...
Despite the fun we might have with some mystical numerology (yes, I know how and where it's derived from since it is explained in the book). I find it, however, 'a bit' unfair to apply it to the cost structure without regional differences. Taking currency rates into account, actually a European pays MUCH MORE than for example an American.

http://www.xe.com/ucc/convert.cgi?Amoun ... age=Submit (http://www.xe.com/ucc/convert.cgi?Amount=333&From=EUR&To=USD&image.x=44&image.y=8&image=Submit)

So much for fairness. :? :cry:

i totally agree! It isn't very fair.
I was very fortunate however, to meet someone who actually offered to do mine in exchange for some art. He was very specific about the subject matter of the art, but he stressed that smaller(cheaper) was better. He simply wanted to add to his collection.
Also, this was a relatively "coincidental" meeting that took place, in a foreign land, arranged at the very last minute for a different reason. It seemed the Universe lined it all up nicely for me that week! :wink:
Another reason i trust this process.

21st November 2010, 08:38 PM
There was some self-healing done last night, and today when I woke up, life just feels so much more crisp and clear. It's like, you put on a pair of glasses for the first time and your sight improves a little bit. Not until then do you realize you've had a slight sight problem all along.

This is so cool...

21st November 2010, 08:46 PM
There was some self-healing done last night, and today when I woke up, life just feels so much more crisp and clear. It's like, you put on a pair of glasses for the first time and your sight improves a little bit. Not until then do you realize you've had a slight sight problem all along.

This is so cool...
to make it clear ... so far only from reading the book? wow :shock: :)

(but I can say that I also felt a bit different when I read it, sometimes at least)

21st November 2010, 08:56 PM
There was some self-healing done last night, and today when I woke up, life just feels so much more crisp and clear. It's like, you put on a pair of glasses for the first time and your sight improves a little bit. Not until then do you realize you've had a slight sight problem all along.

This is so cool...
to make it clear ... so far only from reading the book? wow :shock: :)

(but I can say that I also felt a bit different when I read it, sometimes at least)

It's not like a giant shift or anything. It just feels like there's more edge, more depth to experience, although I wouldn't say it's really subtle either... argh it's hard to explain. :mrgreen:

25th November 2010, 07:49 PM
I had a second session a week after the first. The energy was much more mild than the first time. I was beginning to wonder if it was even working at all when I felt an explosion in my throat. The only way I can describe it is was like cracking a walnut. A hard ball of energy exploded and I could physically feel it at the back of my tongue, back of the neck, and on the bottom of my tonsils. I have no idea what it was other than the throat chakra blockage I have had for ages.

I remembered reading this when I skimmed through the beginning of this thread weeks ago, so I searched for this now in order to quote it.

Reason is: almost the same thing happened to me today !!! :shock: :)

Except that I had several clicks in intervals of about maybe 10 seconds in my throat. It went on for a minute or more. Later started again a 2nd time for a minute or so. No big cracks, but smaller clicks. I could feel and hear them. Later I asked the healer, but she said she had heard nothing.

Mishell, was there any noticeable short/long-term result from that (supposed) throat chakra un-blockage? Did your healer say or notice anything about it?

No I am curious what will happen to me and if I will feel a result. I also had a blockage of the upper 3 chakras (at least I think so, and my lower are much better developed). And now it feels already as if I could control and run energy better through the throat. But I might also make it up now in a wishful thinking mode, not sure enough to make a definite statement.

To anyone with chakra knowledge: I know roughly what the active throat chakra is about (non-physical and physical communication mainly?), but what could else be related to it and this event of a possible "unblocking" or even "opening"?

Neil Templar
25th November 2010, 08:45 PM
I had a second session a week after the first. The energy was much more mild than the first time. I was beginning to wonder if it was even working at all when I felt an explosion in my throat. The only way I can describe it is was like cracking a walnut. A hard ball of energy exploded and I could physically feel it at the back of my tongue, back of the neck, and on the bottom of my tonsils. I have no idea what it was other than the throat chakra blockage I have had for ages.

I remembered reading this when I skimmed through the beginning of this thread weeks ago, so I searched for this now in order to quote it.

Reason is: almost the same thing happened to me today !!! :shock: :)

Except that I had several clicks in intervals of about maybe 10 seconds in my throat. It went on for a minute or more. Later started again a 2nd time for a minute or so. No big cracks, but smaller clicks. I could feel and hear them. Later I asked the healer, but she said she had heard nothing.

Mishell, was there any noticeable short/long-term result from that (supposed) throat chakra un-blockage? Did your healer say or notice anything about it?

No I am curious what will happen to me and if I will feel a result. I also had a blockage of the upper 3 chakras (at least I think so, and my lower are much better developed). And now it feels already as if I could control and run energy better through the throat. But I might also make it up now in a wishful thinking mode, not sure enough to make a definite statement.

To anyone with chakra knowledge: I know roughly what the active throat chakra is about (non-physical and physical communication mainly?), but what could else be related to it and this event of a possible "unblocking" or even "opening"?

this is interesting.
i've been experiencing something like this in the past few weeks. little clicks/cracks (actually none of these are accurate descriptions) in the throat area. my instant feeling was it had something to do with the chakra... :?

26th November 2010, 12:49 AM
this is interesting.
i've been experiencing something like this in the past few weeks. little clicks/cracks (actually none of these are accurate descriptions) in the throat area. my instant feeling was it had something to do with the chakra... :?
after some research on "5. chakra opening/cleaning" it all makes sense to me, because it would bring about a lot of what I wanted (maybe for you, too?)...

first, on the physical level, I have an obstinate ear problem (left) for a long time going on now, maybe this initiates the healing process now, since the throat chakra is connected to the ears, also I had voice problems in my life a lot of times..

on the metaphysical level it is said to be good for lucid dreaming and astral projection!
:shock: :lol:

Robert also says so in a recent post of him:

viewtopic.php?f=28&t=21740&p=138781&hilit=+throat+chakra+#p138781 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=21740&p=138781&hilit=+throat+chakra+#p138781)

some other links say it is also good for communication with guides and non-physical entities, creativity (good for artists like us :lol: ), clairaudience (hearing!), self-expression, speaking (obviously) and accessing akashic records.


http://www.mysticfamiliar.com/library/l ... .htm#fifth (http://www.mysticfamiliar.com/library/l_chakras.htm#fifth)


Don't know how you feel about this, but it 'sounds' good to me. :wink: :)

26th November 2010, 01:04 AM
Thank you for reminding me of this. I'd forgotten! THere was so much that happened in my life during this time!! I can't really say what is big change is the result of reconnective healing or Kryon's neutral implant...

Regarding the throat chakra, it has to do with communication, yes. But more significantly, it is about self expression. Honest self expression. Standing up for yourself. Movement in the direction of your highest good. Creative expression. Speaking your truth.

I make great progress in many of these areas after I had reconnective healing. I stopped hiding who I really am from my family. The results were the same as I had always imagined, but I was largely unaffected by it. And now, when people ask me what I do for work I am not shy about telling them. ANd so much more...!

For many many years I had felt a physical lump in my throat when I tried to swallow, but it is completely gone now. This lump is a very common symptom of stress. A manifestation of a blocked throat chakra. So aside from all the ways I am better able to speak my truth, the lump in my throat was probably most directly related to the removal of the block.

Neil Templar
26th November 2010, 01:06 AM
this all makes sense...
i'm finding myself a little frustrated at how much i want to say to my family, about my beliefs etc, but haven't yet. just this afternoon i was having a difficult conversation with my Mum about some stuff. her views are so far from mine it's scary. i've always considered her an open minded person. i'm sure she thinks of herself that way too. in many ways she is, but i'm finding there are some topics bring up an angry wall that i don't think she'd even consider bringing down...

i've had a feeling for a while that i may end up estranged from my family, indeed i've had several dreams that seem to hint at the possibility. i guess it would be a perfect example of cosmic humour for me to move home, to get closer to my family, to let them know me, and to stand for what i believe in, only for that to be the thing that sets us apart... :?

i definitely have no problem talking about what i'm doing/believing with anyone else tho. in fact it's become a mission for me, to talk about it as much as possible.

26th November 2010, 02:35 AM
this all makes sense...
i'm finding myself a little frustrated at how much i want to say to my family, about my beliefs etc, but haven't yet. just this afternoon i was having a difficult conversation with my Mum about some stuff. her views are so far from mine it's scary. i've always considered her an open minded person. i'm sure she thinks of herself that way too. in many ways she is, but i'm finding there are some topics bring up an angry wall that i don't think she'd even consider bringing down...

i've had a feeling for a while that i may end up estranged from my family, indeed i've had several dreams that seem to hint at the possibility. i guess it would be a perfect example of cosmic humour for me to move home, to get closer to my family, to let them know me, and to stand for what i believe in, only for that to be the thing that sets us apart... :?

i definitely have no problem talking about what i'm doing/believing with anyone else tho. in fact it's become a mission for me, to talk about it as much as possible.


i think these are all good things to heed. ya know, it's like reading myself in here, if it doesnt seem relative then it isnt. folks skim over what is not readily assimulated. the thing is that loved ones are already relative. standing up for whatever is beyond that just makes unneeded waves, as if you would be announcing that you've moved beyond them, leaving them behind. i think that if you look at all this honestly, it is like a very tempting initiation of choice within where you are spiritually. if it were me, I'd choose the certainty of what is standing in your life as your relatives/folks, the beliefs are none the less yours either way you choose.

i do understand however, the deep yearning of desire that wants to share deep insights, holler it from the roof tops and all that. but, then again, it is like you've said to me, that in all honesty you dont get most of what i say, so you skim through it to get the gist. i value honesty like that, let's me know where i stand as far being communicable.

if you allow estrangement, then it will hurt you in the end. simply because folks we love are not always gonna be there. keep it clean for conscience's sake bro. guilt can tear down a lot of hard work when oversight fails to clearly see what it is choosing.

i have looked at my mom the same way Neil, with such fright as to where she was coming from, because i thought i knew something better for me. but, truth is, my mom has every right to her pov, and i wouldnt even have mine if not for hers. so i've said things i shouldnt have said along the way, and regret the arrogance of myself. my mom is getting on in years, a frail woman, and no matter what is what as far as scope of povs, i love her with all of my heart. i realize now, that i had felt to save her from something, that i thought my words could make a difference. but no, mom is mom and tim is tim; and our connection is mother and son, and that ought to be enough for respect and honor...and a whole host of good stuff.

truth is Neil, your folks already know you, the you that you cannot see without them. they are as spiritual as are you, being that we are all spirit being human. learn from them, accepting criticism is a good road, simply because we cannot see to criticize ourselves without others.

it has only been my self-doubts that have jumped out critically at loved ones. my fear that whatever i was involved in would not be accepted in kind. so instead i pushed it, so it could not be contested. the real way to share this spirituality of yours is just to be you, they already love you and realize that you are growing, maturing into a fine human being.

the only thing that can set you apart from your loved ones is you Neil, not anything that you believe in, just you. choose love, even if beliefs have to suffer the choice. because beliefs that suffer become proven faith, no longer beliefs based in human doubt and regretful hindsight, but confirmed faith in your very self presently being.

a scruple is a doubt that questions a thought to act before one actually acts. a scruple is a good thing to possess, therefore doubt is good, like love's brakes. to be scrupulous is to be precise in action as far as one's thinking allows in the moment. to be unscrupulous is to be dishonest, a dishonesty that begins with oneself having not addressed doubt. you dont strike me as a dishonest person Neil. however, none will get through human life without mistakes, to ever be beyond scrutiny. the walls between any two or more people have been layed by all of them. but they are not really there, other than being held in the mind as such.

anyway, i hope that's not to awful forward of me, too maudlin.


Neil Templar
26th November 2010, 12:02 PM
hey Tim, thanks, and no not too forward.
i hear you, and i'm not about to let this estrangement happen. the point here is the connection with communication and the throat chakra. my concern about what i'm not saying, in order to have a relatively good relationship with my Mother, and the effect that might be having on me.

i'm not barging in telling folks they're wrong, or i know better.
at the moment i'm simply planting seeds, in the hope that with enough seeds planted, curiosity might grow, allowing for their own search for the answers... :D

26th November 2010, 07:46 PM
hey Tim, thanks, and no not too forward.
i hear you, and i'm not about to let this estrangement happen. the point here is the connection with communication and the throat chakra. my concern about what i'm not saying, in order to have a relatively good relationship with my Mother, and the effect that might be having on me.

i'm not barging in telling folks they're wrong, or i know better.
at the moment i'm simply planting seeds, in the hope that with enough seeds planted, curiosity might grow, allowing for their own search for the answers... :D

awww Neil, i know your intentions are honorable. and i meant not to upset the apple cart. but i see/hear what you are saying there to me without having really said it in a hurtful manner. thank you for that Neil.

i will take my assigned seat off to the other side of this generation gap that is in dire need of reconnection. yet, neither was i barging in telling folks they're wrong, or i know better. i have a mom too, is how i got here to begin with. my son has a mom, and from myself given to it and through her given, is how he got here.

i surrender it, good day to ya Neil


Neil Templar
26th November 2010, 07:54 PM
it's all good. :)

Neil Templar
7th February 2011, 01:34 AM
my Reconnective healing took a step up a level today. :D
actually, it's been stepping up a bit with every session i do lately. more messages from guidance coming thru, and more intuitive action from myself, but today was a really noticeable step up.
it felt like a breakthru of sorts.
i guess it's a matter of trust really.
fully trusting my intuition/guidance, and also trusting that whatever consciousness out there is assisting, is actually listening to my requests.
if i'm going too fast, i'll get a "slow down a bit" message, or something like "go back over there again", and i'll find something i'd managed to miss before...
and i've realised i can ask for registers, involuntary muscle movements or a change in breathing or anything noticeable like that.
something unusual for the client to experience, which also lets me see a physical reaction to what i'm doing energetically.
not only has this built my confidence in what i'm doing myself, but it's also confirmed for me that "someone" is listening.

today was an amazing session.
from the start, i felt joy, like i've never felt before while working on someone.
and i found myself being guided to do new "moves" with my hands, things i've never done before.
at one point i asked for a register, and a single tear rolled out of each eye, down the client's face. it was beautiful. :)
after, while talking, she mentioned feeling energy movements that corresponded with my new "freestyle" moves, hehe.

also, today's client, and one from last week, both described similar experiences during their sessions.
i think it was Seeuzin who mentioned an intrusive feeling to the session she had...

well, these two clients both said they experienced something that could be described as intrusive.
a very strong energetic feeling of something digging deep into the core of their energy bodies, and pulling out whatever needed to come out. both experienced this, but had rather different reactions.

talking with last week's client after the session, she admitted that she was a little uneasy during this moment, but confessed that while receiving shiatsu in the past, she allowed the practitioner to work on her up until a certain point, but then would put up this wall, essentially disallowing them from progressing any further. they had told her that they felt like they'd literally been "kicked" off of her.
she said that during the session with me, we'd gotten to that point, where the energy was being scooped out, but this time she'd allowed it to continue. she had felt very uneasy, while putting up the old resistance, but as soon as she let go of that old habit, it was scooped out, and an amber light energy flowed into the "space", filling her with warmth, and a feeling of peaceful ease.
after a short "rest period", the energy once more changed to more of the scooping out action, but now had none of the intrusive feeling of earlier.
it was the resistance that created the almost fearful intrusive feeling.

today's client, a Reiki practitioner, far more experienced with energy, and already having had a couple of reconnective healing sessions from me, had an altogether different experience, albeit the same energetic action.
she felt the same strong scooping and pulling out energy, but gave no resistance.
this was followed by the same easy warm restful period, and then another deep "incision", so to speak.
she described it as feeling like layers being pulled off, deeper each time.

interesting... 8)

7th February 2011, 07:32 AM
Hi Neil,

Yea, sounds interesting and gud ? ...... i will have to read more of your posts here, to learn/know more about this re- connection healing and also yours (others) experinces with it

I have some questions and thoughts which i won't share now, i will research for myself first,,, to see what i can come up with,

In the meantime, wishing you and your clients continued success with the Healings...

Wellness, Comfort and Gudlife xxX

22nd February 2011, 10:53 PM
I was very excited to try this and I had a session about 6 weeks ago. To say the experience was anticlimactic is an understatement. I entered into a light medatative state and that was the only sensation I had - zip - nada. I'm willing to allow for the lack of skills by practitioner but still - it doesn't really make one very eager to throw away another $70. I'm not a skeptic and I very much want to try something that really works. To be fair, I'm just beginning with Robert Bruce's methods and I'll admit I haven't had much success there either. Perhaps I'm too dense... :cry:

22nd February 2011, 11:12 PM
Don't say that! I have read that you may have delayed effects from a reconnection, although I don't really know what I'm talking about. :D
Anyway, everyone has differing degrees of feedback when it comes to energy work.

22nd February 2011, 11:13 PM
What makes you think it didn't work? What were you expecting? Healing can be very subtle and only when looking back can you see the full effects.

Neil Templar
23rd February 2011, 01:02 AM
I was very excited to try this and I had a session about 6 weeks ago. To say the experience was anticlimactic is an understatement. I entered into a light medatative state and that was the only sensation I had - zip - nada.

so you experienced a change in your state of consciousness, i'd say that's as clear a sign there was work going on as any, wouldn't you?
the various experiences clients have are just that - varied. every one differs from every other. no two sessions are the same.
after doing 4 sessions with the same person, for the very purpose of exploring this aspect of the work, i can tell you that one person will have completely different experiences during each session, and my own experience in each session differs to the same degree.

i've had clients who've experienced nothing more than what you seem to have experienced, a deepening of their state of consciousness. i can tell you i was just as busy during that session as any other.

it works on whatever level is appropriate for the client.
coming into contact with this energy is only the start of a process. the frequencies are now awake and at work within you, a part of you. you now have the potential to use them to heal others, and yourself, if you choose to learn...

then there's the "too dense" possibility, by which i'm assuming you mean you might be less sensitive to energy movements than some... it's possible.
i've noticed for sure than the day after drinking alcohol my sensitivity is less strong. RB says that eating red meat lowers your vibration... i'm sure any number of other environmental factors can have the same effect... so who knows?

as for the practitioner, i couldn't say whether one can be "better" than another at this work.

1st October 2015, 06:51 PM
I'm now unearthing this wonderful thread after I entered it 5 years ago (Oct 2010, it was started in 2008 even!) because I want to thank Neal Templar for making it. Maybe I would not have stumbled across it otherwhere. Or at least I'm not sure. Now I had the seminar. Finally: My sessions and Reconnection had already been in Nov 2010. Sometimes we need some time.

My patients 'so far' during the seminar had also amazing experiences, energetically, emotionally, health-wise and even insights for personal development.

E.g. one woman was relieved (giving a sigh of relief during treatment, starting to smile) and told me afterwards that during this moment she had reached a decision and great insight then of what she needed or not. Wow.
Also her stomach area was feeling something and she told me she has a great problem there, so it might improve.

Another one who was a 'real' volunteer from outside (no attendee) was skeptical and wanted actually to resist (nothing to happen) could not help but experience strong energetic events, she described it as a magnetic 'wave' going through her whole body, she also smelled sea air and had a relaxed and good time. She was very different after that.

Another guy also had strong sensations as he told me after treatment.

I also witnessed many other amazing events during other treatments by other attendees, up to highly emotional and even 'exorcism- or epilepsy-like' behaviour. Also we had a very convicing statistical 'mass' healing of an orthopedic shoulder problem with improvement(s) in 80% of the attending population, which could never occur from conventional treatments. This stuff is real.

Again: hope you read this one day: Thanks Neal. RH is truly amazing!


1st October 2015, 07:01 PM
I want to add: I'm also a studied medical naturopath now (main fields: homeopathy, mycotherapy, etc.) but I will start with this energy healing method, because it is an easy intro into the healing biz. Practice begins in 2016 after my preps are ready and I will be set to go. For the next 3 months I need to move to another city again and also get used to my part time job which I 'magically' manifested, also with help from on here.

I think so far this forum has helped me in many ways also for my 'career' and my metaphysical development and I want to take the opportunity to thank all the wonderful people here in it, also the ones of the past who are not on here anymore (seemingly) unfortunately.

Thanks, friends, you are great and it is good to know / have known you!


2nd October 2015, 03:33 PM