View Full Version : Advice on Energy Work

2nd January 2009, 07:15 PM

For 18 years I have struggled with what appears to be a "weariness of life". I'm not sure of the exact causes, but suffice to say that Family life was never ideal and there have been many stressfull/depressing times in the past.

I'm an adult, generally feel better and am able to "get by", and the weariness is slightly less pronounced, but it is still there and it affects everything I do, even the activities I'm greatly interested in I either progress slowly or abandon.

I've been convinced that it's all in the head, but wondered if the Energy Works book offered anything that may help? Or Do people have other recommendations?

I can sense this deep "tiredness" from the pit of my stomach.

2nd January 2009, 08:11 PM
You know, energy work might help ease that feeling, but that alone might not be enough. Or only doing energy work or a similar practice alone will take longer. Energy work and meditation can help you change the way you feel about the past. But it does not change the present as such. If you live in life circumstances you do not like, you need to change those, too. Good news is that in my experience, energy work and meditation can ease undergoing changes. :)

Energy work on the stomach area can help, especially since you identified the sensation coming from there. That's good that you can pinpoint something like that - that is a clue as where to start your energy work. Negative emotions are tied to energetic knots preventing free flow of life force, also called blockages or blocks. With energy work experience you can feel them in your body, but very strong or obvious ones you are usually aware of. Like in your specific case. They cause all kinds of sensations, which you can find more about for example in this sub-forum. Also about techniques for clearing blockages. The book "Energy Work" also has a chapter about dealing with them.

In general blockages represent past unresolved or unfinished issues. These impede energy flow and can compound each other. Your weariness may have many reasons, either tied together in one big knot, or in a network of related knots all over your body, or several different knots. Given how long you have been dealing with this sensation, there might be a good deal of them, and it will require quite some work.

Good news is, it can be done, in my case it got continually better while doing it and your skill will improve over time and so will the speed and capacity for healing.

Take care,

2nd January 2009, 09:11 PM
I can only imagine how much work it must be for people who have a family to feed with young children and maybe along with some other issues at home. My sister unfortunate is such a case. She is the most spiritual person in the world. But sometimes the stress and the situation is just too much!

It probably is hard for you to find quiet time or space to do meditation, otherwise, it is wonderful. Maybe you can try jogging, or join the gym, and any type of exercise will help you feel happier and stronger.

The other thing to so is Chi Qung. It kicks start the energy very quickly. After Chi Qung, usually it's easier to get into meditation.

Hope this helps.

5th January 2009, 06:02 AM
I would take up heavy weight training.

I suffered from the same thing.

Squats, deadlifts, dips, pullups etc

If you want I can send you a routine that works well