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20th January 2009, 06:04 AM
According to science we are not substantial even in this physical form, as we are only made of electrons and things even less substantial, so really such a thing is not so odd. I realize traditional knowledge on the subject is only spoken of in secret passed down knowledge, but I am curious about it. I've heard that dark magic users can do it.. something Im not interested in, I dont see why it would not be in a Truthseekers realm. I've had experiences with a mirror while awake, though there was never anyone to witness it (in my head?). im looking for a little affirmation via correlation if anyone has any knowledge or experience on the subject. if you dont want to share that is ok; it relates to the state of Truth but is not something that is neccicary.

20th January 2009, 07:57 AM
Shapeshifting is mentioned here and then, there might be something about it in "Autobiography of a Yogi".

In "The Nature of Personal Reality" Seth writes that our physical body is created by the cooperation of the particles that make it up. The greater whole body is formed by the particles making it up participating in a common idea. Reality is what we believe it is. If that is true you can alter reality itself by directly working with the deepest beliefs and expectations you have within you, and altering those.


20th January 2009, 02:16 PM
I seem to be contrary today, but I have a very different idea about 'reality' and our concept/perception of it.

We perceive solidity, but are aware that what things really are, when you break it down to the microscopic scale, are either particles arranging themselves a certain way, or strings interacting with each other. This sounds ephemeral indeed, but I don't think that means that 'we are mostly made of nothing', as I've heard others say (not necessarily in this thread). It just means that if we were to reduce ourselves in size and still maintain the capacity to perceive what is, we would find it hard to perceive both where things are and where they are going. This is because of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle-which is a perceptive phenomenon, since the way we perceive is by colliding something against something else and observing the interaction. But when you get to the macro scale, that is the scale in which we can perceive what photons can collide with, then what we see has already arrived at where it was going, it's 'not so much on the move' at the moment we perceive. The thing is that for us to perceive it, the photons already arrived at our retinas, through time and space.
So it's not that things are not what we see- it's that they are not only what we see, they are and can be more, and at the quantum scale are and can be are virtually the same. But we don't perceive at the quantum scale, at least not when we're in-body.

So, no, I don't believe in the ability to shapeshift, while we have physical bodies with a resting mass of more than zero.
Now thought energy, that's another thing.

20th January 2009, 02:36 PM
For me it is way easier than that - either I believe the reports of materialisation, bilocation and physical teleportation, as for example cited in the "Autobiography of a Yogi" or "The Holographic Universe".Or I do not.

If I do, then the shape of our body is fair game, too.

Or I could believe it was all hallucination, unreal and not of this world, but that's not what the authors suggest. Touching things materialised in plain view for example, improbable items especially, seems to be a good validation that something is physical and exists, no matter how inexplainable the process of its creation or the principles behind it.

So, if I take these authors seriously, these things happen. How they happen and how someone could reconcile it with science's current understanding of our universe, with all its limitations, that's not so important to me. Just the idea that they happen. And I'm inclined to believe they do.


22nd January 2009, 12:52 PM
I dont believe in vampires & werewolves or that there will ever be a watchable 'scorpion king' movie, but I'm open to the possibility of vamps and werewolves. Everything else I can explain I believe in.

Try this, maybe something will happen. You look at yourself in a mirror with dim light (just not glaring). Relax your eyes and gaze without looking anywhere. I think the components are seeing without any preconceptions (a subtle, deep intent) and following a certain feeling (you'll know) about who you are seeing untill your not sure where or what you are. Your skin will probably go black (or other things), but thats not it, that is caused by your eyes being relaxed, they stop twitching so they stop seeing (thats my scientific guess). It might take more than an hour.

Tests say that when you are looking at something the particles behave as molecules, but as soon as you stop looking they behave as waves. And that means we are constantly interacting with our environment, sending and recieving information. Thats not the case for everyone, we can see things as waves if we look the right way, everything ripples and/or shimmers (for me). That act is stoping the information from leaving us. If its true then everything should ripple if nobody is around, and then become solid when someone else see's what we are seeing. I've never seen ripples with other people or animals around.
We create what we see, but also, objects somehow keep shape even after being buried uneen for 1k years, probably due to other dimensions recording everything.
It's not paranormal, it's science now. So nice being able to say that finally.

25th November 2010, 06:32 AM
That mirror trick you were talking about, I'm wondering if that is the same thing I used to do as a kid with my friends. You stare at your reflection or at your friend's face and it starts to shapeshift. Isn't that just an illusion? I believe in shapeshifting, but not on a noticable level. I think someone could overtime change their appearance with shapeshifting but not like "wow he just turned into a bear!"

What is bi-locate?...I need to google!

25th November 2010, 10:11 AM
I've not heard tell of the mirror thing in a long time. It's used as a spirit evocation technique, though, I'm not sure it's the best idea. The sigil of the entity is centered on your chest or forehead and you call the spirit into the mirror it then transformes your reflection into it's reflection. It's supposed to not be a good idea but to be honest I've never heard of anyone having any problems after using the technique.
Bilocation is being two places at once. Astral projection is a form of bilocation.

25th November 2010, 08:04 PM
would a doppelganger be another form? That's a new word I just learned :mrgreen:
Freakin wierd. I feel like my brain is about to explode. I am finding out about all these phenomenon I never knew existed or I was skeptical about. It's like finding out the earth is round.

I used to be skeptical about AP until I actually did it for the first time. Now I'm thinking, what ISN"T possible.

Neil Templar
25th November 2010, 09:29 PM
would a doppelganger be another form? That's a new word I just learned :mrgreen:
Freakin wierd. I feel like my brain is about to explode. I am finding out about all these phenomenon I never knew existed or I was skeptical about. It's like finding out the earth is round.

I used to be skeptical about AP until I actually did it for the first time. Now I'm thinking, what ISN"T possible.

haha, brilliant!
you're officially on your way down the rabbit-hole. :wink: :mrgreen:

26th November 2010, 02:17 AM
:shock: 8)

13th December 2010, 10:26 PM
This is actually one of the reasons why I started astral projecting. I wanted to find out how one can physically shapeshift as well as other secrets along the same lines from beings that live in the astral. The goetic entity Ose for example was supposed to be able to teach this. For various reasons its impractical for me to go through with trying to summon Ose at the moment so this was an alternative to that, though I did also have some other reasons for projecting besides that.

Anyway I believe the shapeshifting technique has more potential then most people realize based on what I have read of it. In John perkins book on the subject he described Shamen changing into balls of light and then later was able to experience this for himself. While he was a ball of light he visited and even interacted with a world he believed to be the past though IMO this could also be a parrallell world. The Shaman who taught him this also claimed to be able to use it to visit other planets. Outside his story I have also read of various reports of beings such as monsters and aliens changing into balls of light.I've actually seen balls of light myself though in my case I didnt see them change into anything. This may be a technique that allows individuals to physically travel between worlds, sort of a physical version of astral projection. so you can see why I would be so interested in it. In addition, base don what I have read shape shifting could also be done with objects outside ones own body. For example you might change an apple into an orange using it. even something like telekinesis could be seen as a form of shape shifting as the object being moved is the result of you making a change in its energy, though this might be a more subtle form then changing its energy to the extent that it would change its physical make up.

I have talked with one indevidual who knew an old sioux woman who was able to change into a snake, regrettably I was unable to get permission to visit the woman in question. The musician Larkin Grimm has apprantly sutdied shape shifting with John Perkins and says she was even able to do it once, recently I was able to contact her but she hasn't gotten back with me yet with a response to most of my questions.

I personally believe that the things one can do with their astral body can also be done in the physical though with more difficulty

Anyway I'm interested in this mirror trick, could you explain it in more detail?

14th December 2010, 08:26 AM

I don't have anything usefull to say about a mirror trick. I just avoid mirrors for personal reasons. Ecspecially full length ones *shudder*

Your post is very interesting to me, because those are the things that I have been thinking about a lot. What CAN we do in this physical 3d world and dense physical bodies? We know that we are made up of energy, so we should be able to do whatever we want right? Teleport, shapeshift, levitate, fly, but with more difficulty given this denser reality. After learning how to AP I am wide open to any possibilities. I heard about a yogi woman who didn't eat for like 50 years and lived because she believed very strongly that we didn't need food to sustain ourselves. I don't know about you but I feel like cr@p if I don't eat for 6 hours.

When you were talking about ETs being able to turn into balls of light and transport themselves that reminded me of something I read saying that some of these UFOS we have been seeing (like the ones coming out of volcanos in Mexico) are exactly that. These IT's (internal terrestrials) live inside the earth and when they want to go explore they turn themselves into light and off they go!

I would love to learn more about this. I think I will check out the author you mentioned. Thank you!

14th December 2010, 09:47 PM
When you were talking about ETs being able to turn into balls of light and transport themselves that reminded me of something I read saying that some of these UFOS we have been seeing (like the ones coming out of volcanos in Mexico) are exactly that. These IT's (internal terrestrials) live inside the earth and when they want to go explore they turn themselves into light and off they go!

If you remember where you read that, I would be interested in taking a look at it.

6th January 2011, 03:04 PM
its actually really interesting what is scientifically known about mitochondria and how they process food. other than minerals, the energy we get from food is, actually, energy. it would be totally possible to create a device that feeds us static energy, eat energy instead of food, and a bonus is we would age very slowly. as for teleporting, etc.. you ever watch men who stare at goats?

6th January 2011, 03:16 PM
I'd rather eat food. It tastes better.

6th January 2011, 08:16 PM
What is Men Who Stare at Goats about? I never saw commercials for it. I thought it was about some guys staring at goats, or doing some farming stuff.

I wish I could just eat energy, I am so sick of eating food (says this while eating big mac). Sometimes it just takes too much time to sit down and eat, I have more important things to do.

Do alien babies wear diapers? How do they poop? :wink: