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View Full Version : Putting the squeeze on

15th June 2005, 03:38 AM
Hullo my fellow energy work people!

For several years now, I've employed a technique in energy raising that usually intensifies my results. I used to do this a lot with cloud-busting and while I got good results, I found it very draining.

I'll work the limbs with NEW for a few minutes, move on to the full-body circuit and give the primary centres a good workout as well.

Once I feel that everything is warmed up, sometimes I will "squeeze" my muscles together, but not physically. The closest I can describe it would be to send the thought impulse to the muscles controlling my bowels (the "holding it in" muscles) and going about 80-90% of the way to actually tightening the muscles, but not actually doing it. I then move this sensation up my torso in a rolling wave that lasts about a half second (although it seems to move up my torso naturally). If I've done lots of energy work by this time, then I can usually feel the "wave" go out to the tips of my limbs.

I usually get good results with this and I will experience a dramatic increase in my overall energy levels (limbs feeling like they're puffy balloons filled with light, altered consciousness, primary centre activity). I know enough not to overdo it and I'll only do it once or twice per meditation session (and only after everything is loosened up first).

I'm wondering if anyone here has tried something similar and if so, what your results have been.

Comments and feedback are welcome.


15th June 2005, 06:01 AM
What your describing kinda sounds like a technique I saw on


Sending the electrical impulse to move but stoping it and building up the nerve energy or something similar

Donald McGlinn
15th June 2005, 07:39 AM
A very interesting technique :)

I will ask Robert about it as I would Love to know his thoughts on the work he has done in this area.

Thankyou for the inspiration.


15th June 2005, 03:17 PM
What your describing kinda sounds like a technique I saw on


Sending the electrical impulse to move but stoping it and building up the nerve energy or something similar

Yeah, I've heard of those psi warrior people. I haven't really found much difference between the work I do with NEW and the occasional work I do with psi exercises, though. I tried the old "psi ball" exercise, but had the desired results right away using basic NEW techniques.

So either they're similar, or I've actually been working with "psi energy" all these years. Don't tell Winged Wolf though; last time I saw her posting on the Pulse, she was big into the whole "energy is different" thing :P

16th June 2005, 03:42 AM
Yes, I know what you're talking about! I started doing this because I was reading Eckhart Tolle's "Power of Now" and he advises us to become aware of our inner body at all times. I was never really sure what that meant, but I figured maybe it was something like what you described in your post. I started doing this and soon I noticed how easy it made energy-raising. I do this several times a day, both to help ground my consciousness in my inner and outer bodies, and also to aid energy work.

I'm glad someone else knows about this, and was able to put it into words.

16th June 2005, 04:14 AM
Well, as embarrassing as this is, I really started doing this after watching the movie Ghost (yes, the one with Patrick Swayze). In it, Sam the main character was a ghost and he was talking to another ghost in a subway and he was asking him how to do telekinesis that would manifest in the physical world. The other ghost said something like "feeling it deep in your gut" and I thought "hmmm..." Of course I was a child at the time, but this train of thought led me to the above-mentioned technique ;)

Dsmoke, do you find this kind of thing draining at all? I'm curious, because in the early days of doing it, before I developed the rest of my energetic body, I could only do it a few times before "running out" of energy.


16th June 2005, 04:36 AM
Dsmoke, do you find this kind of thing draining at all? I'm curious, because in the early days of doing it, before I developed the rest of my energetic body, I could only do it a few times before "running out" of energy.

I never really thought of it that way - I'm not sure. I naturally stop after a short while, usually, so maybe this is my body's way of keeping me from overdoing it.

16th June 2005, 03:55 PM
Well, as embarrassing as this is, I really started doing this after watching the movie Ghost (yes, the one with Patrick Swayze). In it, Sam the main character was a ghost and he was talking to another ghost in a subway and he was asking him how to do telekinesis that would manifest in the physical world. The other ghost said something like "feeling it deep in your gut" and I thought "hmmm..." Of course I was a child at the time, but this train of thought led me to the above-mentioned technique ;)

Dsmoke, do you find this kind of thing draining at all? I'm curious, because in the early days of doing it, before I developed the rest of my energetic body, I could only do it a few times before "running out" of energy.


Exact same thing... from the exact same movie.

I remember I would try and put all my energy and anger and attention into my hand, the way the ghost would if it wanted to affect something in the waking world. Now that I do energy work, I realize that it's quite similar to bringing energy into your hand through attention, as in the NEW method or any other energy paradigm.