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7th January 2006, 08:00 PM
I don't claim to be an expert on negs, however I do recall RB writing somewhere that moving energy to the area(s) of an attachment weakens it to a degree relative to the amount of energy. I believe this is the logic behind the 'mole marking' method described in PPSD.

Now I'm not saying that was a neg attachment, and at this point I wonder if it matters. Either way, that area was helped by what you did.

As for the guiding of the 'poker', it reminds me of the method where you use a stick to locate water. In either case, I have no idea why it works, but as long as it does, who cares? That's my two cents on that 8)

8th January 2006, 02:09 AM
This is an excellent technique, I'm definitely going to try it.

There are actually a lot of variations of NEW possible, I have found that I can activate energy with wetness, air, heat .. quite a lot of various things.

I have never tried acupuncture but I presume that is the grounding behind it. You can actually buy those types of sandals that have little points all over them to stimulate your feet, and I've also seen (and tried) mats like that you can lie on. It certainly appears to be a good method, just one I have not thought over well enough.

10th January 2006, 11:11 AM
Hi alex,

Could you expand a bit on the part about your hand "traveling automatically?" Do you randomly wander until you find "heavier" spots or you just find your automatically moving to certain areas? What does a blockage feel like, with this method? What does following an energy pathway feel like?

Muchos nachos.

29th January 2006, 06:44 PM
I have read somewhere that Memories are held by skin tissue or something similair. When those memories are relived and confronted, or if they are just ready to be released, they dissapear. Blockages, ect.

29th January 2006, 10:58 PM
I just tried it just for kicks and giggles and I found 1)Sore spots I didn't know I had, and 2) In one of my arms I had a sympathetic response on another part of my body ( so I went to both parts. )
Interesting feelings.

31st January 2006, 03:35 AM
I spent about 45 minutes poking the bottom of my right foot with a fork while I watched a movie, then 15 minutes on my right thigh. My right foot feels a bit more relaxed than the left now. My foot did tingle a bit at the end but it wasn't really vibrations. Doing this does relax the muscles and maybe over a long term will also break up blockages.

Next time I'll try focusing just on one spot and see if that makes a difference

31st January 2006, 09:09 AM
This seems like acupressure to me, try acuxo.com and see if applying force to pressure points work?

1st February 2006, 10:11 AM
I think you may have stumbled on to your own version of acupuncture mixed with reflexology and acupressure. You seem to be unblocking Chi (Ki, Prana, Universal Life Force) at acupoints along your meridians. It's amazing how we "discover" healing techniques for ourselves that have been around for centuries. Just goes to show you how connected we are and how powerful our innate abilities are. Check out Emotional Freedom Technique, http://www.emofree.com, for more ways to heal yourself energetically using acupuncture points along your meridians by "tapping". Probably less painful than pricking yourself. LOL!

14th June 2006, 04:08 PM
Im glad you pointed me at this Alex. Its not all that out thier its seems to be alot like my flick tech and nail tech. It deffinetly helps with the same stuff.
Im sure it also has lots more healing potetial then we think. And as far as the visions go I think that was just a normal reaction of the body to stop you from doing something that you might not thought to be safe in the begining.People see weird stuff for numorus reasons.
I have done tech like this before and a few varriations of them and they have always promoted good health.

14th June 2006, 04:11 PM
OH yeah thier is a kit for stuff like this I cant remeber what its called but its pretty much an acupunture kit wit a reflex hammer. But Im sure this would work with any pointy thing like you said before.

14th June 2006, 05:06 PM
Well the flick I told you about alex but I put it here for others.

Just flick any part of your body that you wish to stimulate with your pointer or middle finger by holding it with your thumb and flicking it. Remeber to do it hard enough to sen the slight sting though the area and try to keep it to a good rythem. Its suposed to cause like a pulsating energy kinda feel after you stop and have been doing it long enough.
I know it helps with blockages and helps with more detailed points of awarness n the body.

The nail tech I think wotks great for healing and awareness.
You know how when you scracth your self lighly it makes the slight scracth mark and then you can just rub it for a seconed and it gose away.
Well if you do this enough and gradualy build up the intesity of the scracth you can promote the healing faster over time.
Example of advanced try.
I scracthed my arm with my nails on the other hand till it left a noticable mark almost scraped. I then slowly and softly rubed over the area while meditating on the healing act and the old water healing meditation. I noticed almost instantly the healing. This seems to work on any mild wounds with practice and conditioning. It also helps to picture the wound healing quick over and over as you meditate
This also worked on some zits I scracthed and a cut on my forehead and showed results in less then 15 minutes.

14th June 2006, 09:16 PM
Oh absolutly Alex you dont wanna do anything to the same spot over and over again that and you dont wanna hurt anything else till your done healing. I figured that an ocasianal intentinal mark some were then try to heal it is the same as praticing running or jumping. If you wanna heal you need something to heal right. So I just think it worked well with controled scracths.
That and normal simple nail runing helps with awarness. Just run a finger nail up and down some part of the body and try to mimic the sensation in your mind. I think the mild sensation of pain stimulates the energybody more then any brush or feather tech. Pain has a much more signifacant effect on the brain then normal touch.

17th June 2006, 05:09 AM
I feel that it is important to be able to remeber and induce many forms of stimulants and be able to feel the destinctions of them to create a balenced and more solid energy body.
But I ask if with the preset that if pain is mearly a device to warn self of harm if you dont train the energy body to sense pain then will the energybody be unable to have this sensery perception. If so it wouldnt feel pain if harmed I wonder.
But pain can also be a vice and a release or a pleasure when precived with a diffrent preset notion of how it will feel.
Example If I thought a cut would sting but many would say it burns. Hmm
Also everyone with tattoos would describe the pain diffrently.
People that tell me of thier physical feelings of pain in dreams they usally can only recall hot or cold. Same has been said of obes. Even in the site and almost belife of pain it is not felt in most dreams or obes as far as Ive been told although I assume that any sensation can be felt if the awarness of it is present in the mind. I feel pain in dreams and have all my life. But I cant remember ever feeling warm or cold in dreams even in such secnarios in which I would normaly.
But then again the awarness to ower astral bodys is truely nospatial and actually has no predesinged shape or form......right. Thats why we try to get the energy to make a body for us to project ower consious into .....right
well kinda. Im sure someone could make that sound scientific.

17th June 2006, 05:57 PM
I agree that dose all boil down to just getting the mind to belive a certain perception. I also understand that what we hold as true will then be as true to us as reality some what to say.
I feel that we can project in a manor of fasions and have visions ect.
As far as I think thier never realy is a body ever we just create them with ower mind so that we can travel and percevie what it is we are willing are selfs to perceive in a controled physical and more directive way instead of the great forever or random thoughts.
We just use these awareness techs to give us a more stable awareness of the mind having a body. When it in fact dosent. We as humanes must frist control the mind on a more stable manor by useing the types of sensory percetions that we are use to. To present the information that we come across in a manor that we can understand.
But that leads me to the qestion of just the mentality of reality. like that rock is a rock because its a rock, but dose that apply to other dimensions I think this has 2 things that need to be said about this now.
Is ower physical realm the only actual physical realm or is it just the plane of exsistence that we are the most accustomed to and thats why its so distincet to us.
Or Is this just all a matter of movement of matter. (sorry for the pun) And if thats the case then is solid matter only solid to matter on the same level of vibrations, and would that state the all other dimensions are real and solid and have thier own rules of reality so to say.

21st June 2006, 12:47 AM
Dais said:

I agree that dose all boil down to just getting the mind to belive a certain perception. I also understand that what we hold as true will then be as true to us as reality some what to say.
I feel that we can project in a manor of fasions and have visions ect.
As far as I think thier never realy is a body ever we just create them with ower mind so that we can travel and percevie what it is we are willing are selfs to perceive in a controled physical and more directive way instead of the great forever or random thoughts.
We just use these awareness techs to give us a more stable awareness of the mind having a body. When it in fact dosent. We as humanes must frist control the mind on a more stable manor by useing the types of sensory percetions that we are use to. To present the information that we come across in a manor that we can understand.
But that leads me to the qestion of just the mentality of reality. like that rock is a rock because its a rock, but dose that apply to other dimensions I think this has 2 things that need to be said about this now.
Is ower physical realm the only actual physical realm or is it just the plane of exsistence that we are the most accustomed to and thats why its so distincet to us.
Or Is this just all a matter of movement of matter. (sorry for the pun) And if thats the case then is solid matter only solid to matter on the same level of vibrations, and would that state the all other dimensions are real and solid and have thier own rules of reality so to say.

Really interesting post, Dais. This subject has come up a number of times before and is always fun to get other's perspectives. I would suggest copying your post and starting a new thread as it's a bit off topic. You'll get some great responses from it...try one of the spiritual or reality forums here.