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View Full Version : Floyd's Mind Trips. (Lucid Dreams, And Astral Projection)

18th February 2009, 07:52 AM
I'm just making this thread to catalog any things that happen.
This thread is for personal use for me, but if anyone wants to read and comment or speculate I welcome it.
Sorry for any typos or grammar errors in my postings, as long as you get the point.... Right? :]

As of now, I've been practicing Chakra and general meditation, in preparation and pursuit of projection for a about a month.

Feb 17th, 2009. - My first major "experience"
[EDIT: link removed - Oliver]

18th February 2009, 09:11 AM
Hello. PinkFloyd08.

Our site rules do not allow posting links below a post count of 20.

You can quote your experience and post it here, though.


18th February 2009, 09:18 AM
Oops, sorry about that... I skipped over that one I guess.
I was just reading the ethical stuff. But here's the link, quoted.

February 17th, 2009 Experience – Astral Projection / Lucid Dream combination

Events listed may not be in order of occurrence, but rather order of remembrance, or what makes sense to me

Prior to sleep, 10mg of Melatonin supplement was taken for dream seeding purposes. I was already very drowsy from a long day.

School Sequence

I woke up in a dream inside of a building that very closely resembled the elementary school I attended as a child, which I also haven’t been inside of for years. It struck me on how much it resembled the actual layout of the building. I assume its history is still engrained inside my mind somewhere. This was the lucid dream part of the experience. Parts of it I was in control, and other parts were seemingly scripted.

I wasn’t physically controlling this dream; it was more so controlled by my thoughts and desires. Like if I wanted to get down the hallways I’d think of drifting or floating down them to get to my destination. Parts of the school dream sequence included smoking a joint with two of my friends. Which was weird because I couldn’t see any of my physical body, it was as if I was an invisible entity. The Smoke from the joint was vivid and realistic; I could see the burning of the cherry and the glow of the embers.

In another part of the school sequence I remember being in a computer sciences class, which I also found to be odd being held at an elementary school. The class was being taught by one of my high school teachers as well. A strange math problem was presented and I got distraught by it and there was a rebellion against the teacher for presenting what seemed to be an answerless problem of stupidity to the class.

After this I was roaming the hallways of the school, filled with little children whom my invisible self towered above by several feet. I recall seeing this dark skinned girl with a bob haircut that was dyed a multitude of colors smiling at me as I passed her in the hallway by the bathrooms. I proceeded to keep going in the same direction out one of the doors of the school where I was greeted by a group of people loitering around, possibly waiting for something.

The vividness of the dream got stronger when I left the building. It was snowing out and I could almost feel the cold, but it wasn’t uncomfortable at all. It was like a soothing chill emanating from the insides of my invisible self. I also felt a connection to the wind that was blowing, like I was a part of it. This is where I blacked out and came to in my physical body, or so it seemed.

Physical Drama Sequence

I came to inside my body and felt tingling and slight vibrations, so I knew something was going on. I had little to no sensations of physically feeling the skin or the “shell” of my body. I was relaxed, and my brain was still in the Delta I believe. My mind became active and I started thinking about things that had happened in the school sequence. I quickly put those thoughts to rest and blanked my mind. As soon as I did this vibrations and tingling started again and I let them take over my body. I felt powerful physical sensations of my limbs jerking up, and they began to pulsate stronger. I couldn’t tell if my eyes were open or closed, but I could see around my room, it was slightly hazy.

A ringing came about in my ears and I focused my attention to it and it began to build stronger. As I was listening to the ringing my body increased vibrations even more. After awhile the vibrations and sound quickly, but gradually receded leaving an eerie stillness and quietness. I figured I was projecting in the astral, but I made no attempt to “physically” get up and explore because of what happened next. I chose to just chill out and observe my surroundings with the closed eye awareness I was exhibiting.

Things got disturbing and weird at this point. I heard a faint growling as if from a dog coming from my right, exactly where I store my acoustic guitar. I witnessed a still shadowy blotch in this area. It didn’t show any movement, but was a little hazy one might say foggy around the edges. I felt a strong physical jerking sensation in my torso, as if this entity was trying to pull me towards it. Knowing you can’t be harmed in the astral I became apathetic to the fear it was causing me. The jerking continued for awhile longer and then subsided.

I began to try to use my mind power to disconnect from my body by thinking of floating upwards towards a super imposed image of the moon I manifested in my mind out of nowhere. I blacked out and came to in the next sequence.

Quasipsychedelic Astral Trip

I came to standing vertically with my still invisible body’s feet grounded to the floor of my house. My eyes fixated out the front window displayed my front yard vivid and sharp, but dark like it was in a shadow. The sky was red and orange as if the sun was nearing death and moving onto its Red Giant stage in life. Perhaps it was a vision of the super-distant future. I made the decision to try to take a trip to the moon.

Next thing I know I was outside in my front yard, floating maybe 15-20 feet of the ground. My eyes now were fixated towards the ground. I could see my house and all the stuff that’s in my yard currently with great accuracy.

Randomly, and with great brilliance the ground darkened and what appeared before me was beautiful, which would have left me breathless if I had lungs.

Hundreds, perhaps thousands of “galaxies” made of up dots and spheres of all different colors, mostly bright saturated neon colors, appeared before me in a grid like pattern that encompassed my entire perceptual awareness. They were stationary and placed densely together, but none touching on this invisible grid. I enjoyed this for awhile and proceeded to focus my attention back on taking a trip to the moon.

My perception rotated smoothing towards the sky, while still floating above my yard. The sky turned a dark purple/blue/black graduation and stars appeared. I imagined myself holding out my arms like superman and made the affirmation to myself to smoothly, but quickly, travel to the moon.

The moon began coming closer as if you were zooming in on it with a camera lens. I got to the point where I was seemingly out of earth’s atmosphere, and by now the sky was black and there were millions of stars sharper and more vivid than any space photograph I have ever seen. The moon was in my direct center of vision and was taking up half of it. On the left and right of the moon the stars displaying with even greater detail now. The Milky Way was visible and each star was flickering on its own accord.

I went back to my moon trip. I got closer and closer and the terrain of the moon was shifting and morphing, by now the moon was taking up my entire vision, but I was still hundreds of miles above its surface. I descended closer and I seen what looked to be futuristic buildings coming out of the terrain, which is why I made the assumption of this projection being a possible vision of the future. A giant red sun would make it to hot to live on earth, so colonization of the moon would only make sense. This thought didn’t arise during the projection, but rather when I was awake and evaluating everything.

This was the end of my projection. I woke up with a slightly warm sweat. I immediately evaluated what just happened and ecstatic with excitement. I jotted down some words to help me remember, and to come back to later to type this synopsis.


I feel this synopsis was less than half of what I experienced, but the rest I can’t remember.

18th February 2009, 09:23 AM
Thank you.


18th February 2009, 01:10 PM
Other folks here have seen buildings on the moon as well right? I vaguely remember reading that on a couple occasions.. great experiences btw! :)

Neil Templar
18th February 2009, 01:54 PM
maybe a vision of a possible future?

Neil Templar
18th February 2009, 01:56 PM
"Prior to sleep, 10mg of Melatonin supplement was taken for dream seeding purposes."

how does that work?
can you elaborate please?

18th February 2009, 09:10 PM
"Prior to sleep, 10mg of Melatonin supplement was taken for dream seeding purposes."

how does that work?
can you elaborate please?

Melatonin is a sleeping aid, its naturally produced by the brain when your exposed to darkness for extended periods of time, and when you go to bed at night.
I have minor insomnia so i take a supplement to help me sleep. It's also been know seed your dreams and make them more vivid, or help you remember them.
Normal dose is 3-5mg, but I don't get the dream seed effects unless I take 10mg, but its different for each person.
Taking a little more is safe since melatonin is non-toxic even in super high dosages.

maybe a vision of a possible future?

Robert Bruce somewhere on here said "the future is what we make it", which is why I say "possible"
I think I seen that in the AD-pedia.

And I've read some people have the ability to predict, and have visions of the future if they work with their Chakras, and projecting. (to increase psychic abilities)
I'm not saying I'm looking to become a psychic or anything, but analyzing this type of stuff interests me.

Neil Templar
19th February 2009, 12:01 PM
oops, i wasn't questioning that you said possible future.
i skimmed thru and missed that sentence. :oops:
i was actually suggesting the same thing. :wink:

as for the melatonin, i'm aware of it, i use it for the same purpose- slight insomnia at times, but i was really wondering if there was any specific technique for dream seeding?
i see you sent me a PM, but at the moment i'm receiving an error message when i try to get into my messages, i'll respond as soon as i can see your message.

Neil :)

19th February 2009, 04:22 PM
The PM was just the same thing I said in this post. in the response to the melatonin/dream seeding 'elaboration'
Lol, Regarding the "possible future", I just wanted to clarify :) I thought you might have been like "whats this about?"
But I see you missed it :P

Without melatonin, for me personally, I find having dreams in general are less common, maybe having dreams 2-4 times a week
When I take it, I have dreams every night, and often multiple dream sequences, that feel separate from each other.

4th March 2009, 09:22 PM
I had a crazy sequence this morning when I woke up it happened from ~1pm - 3pm
Ill write about it later...
But I had 3-4 Out of body's within a little over 2 hours and they all interconnected. And I encountered "something"
If i count this sequence as being one out of body exp. then it's my 2nd that's powerful enough to write about.

5th March 2009, 07:07 AM
March 5th, 2009 Experience – Astral Projection / Lucid Dream combination
Events listed may not be in order of occurrence, but rather order of remembrance, or what makes sense to me

A Friendly Handshake?
I woke up at around 12:30 in the afternoon, and decided to dose back to sleep and to try to project if possible. I went into a sleep quickly and was jolted; I thought I had seen someone walk through my door through my eyelids and I heard and bang and it woke me up. So I proceeded to go back to sleep again. I awoke in a dream, some music was playing on a record and there were people around it listening to the buzz it was giving off, the sound actually annoyed me but I approached it. It kind of sounded like one of those binaural-beats. I became self-aware and I drifted into a bed in the dream without having to think. My mind already knew what I had intended, and that was to get a real-time out of body, or close to one. As I was in this bed in my dream, a figure came into view from my right; it had no eyes small nostrils, and a small nose. It reached out towards where my head was located, and I could feel a suffocating feeling coming over me, I immediately tried to take control by thinking nothing can hurt in the astral and the feeling went away, the hand withdrew, but still reached for me. I noticed on the hand an eyeball, or a mouth coming out of it, or a mix of both. I woke up after this with a jolt of fear, as this all seemed to happen within a few seconds. I quickly went back to my slumber for more surprises.

A Flash and a Bang.
I had heavy hypnogogia now after being awoken. I closed my eyelids and cleared my mind and simply watched and I went into another experience. I fell into deep vibrations, but subtle, I could feel my body transition from being connected to the physical snap very clearly. I heard music that wasn’t playing and random claps and bangs. I fell into a deep trance and started focusing on my crown chakra because it seems to be strongest. It immediately started buzzing and vibrating and a wave of white light and a pop came over me and I was out of the body floating, I couldn’t see anything but my bed, which was illuminated softly by something I couldn’t see. Mind you I was in a dark room. I tried to bring back my conscious thought more, and to control and ask for help out, just to see what would happen. I fell back into my body, which I couldn’t see, and left no wrinkles on the made bed.

A Voice
I went back into a trance and began becoming self-aware quickly. I asked for help when I felt my astral legs and arms pop up. I was surprised to feel a smooth hand grab my right hand and pull. I simply remained calm and went with it. It jerked me out and up into blackness but I was still aware my bed and body were below me. I got stuck for awhile and got more sight, as I could now see my room a bit more. I decided to ask for help again, still being stuck, I jerked around the room to different corners. Randomly I heard some buzzing and static that caught my attention, it sounded like someone trying to talk, that was being muffled and broadcast on AM radio. I asked for help and it seems to being trying to talk to me. I can’t remember much of the conversation but it consisted of a few things I do remember. I was asking for help out mostly, which I received by floating up more. Another thing was, it asked my name, which I told it. I proceeded to ask its name, and it didn’t respond, I thanked it for its help and I woke back up, again, to go back into a trance.

Pleasure Trip?
I didn’t have a goal for this one, but I felt the presence of this being after again, quickly getting out again. It asked me if I wanted to go somewhere, and I pictured a beach and a city, that glowed with pulses of rich gold’s blues and greens. It morphed into a restaurant on the beach and everything seemed to be waving or pulsing to something. I blacked out here and woke up at about 3 in the afternoon.

I think of this as nothing more than a learning sequence. I speculate that the hand of the creature that had the eye and mouth on it was indeed that. The hand offered to pull me out, but I interpreted it as fear and woke up before I could ask for help. The eye and the mouth represent the astral sight, and astral voice it showed me. I’m just wondering if it could be my higher-self, or just a guide.

I'd also like to say, for having been trying this for only little over 1 month, im feeling really good about my progress.

5th March 2009, 01:38 PM
I agree.

I would like to add a couple of things to avoid some misunderstanding. Melatonin is not a herb, it's a hormonelike compound found in animal's brains. It is completely safe when used correctly.

However, like anything you take for any reason it's not 100% safe. Especially when you start getting creative with it.

First of all, someoene younger than 12 should not take it. A young healthy person's brain should produce enough to sleep- if a young healthy person is having insomnia they should be checked out for other underlying causes, because unless there is a physical problem their brains are already producing enough melatonin.
It is possible to be hurt by taking too much, because the way it's metabolized by the kidneys. If you are prone to kidney stones, and especially if you are taking diuretics please discuss melatonin with your doctor. There is a chance it could cause problems. IIRC it can lower blood pressure, so if you're on diuretics for bp you want to be sure you don't get a synergistic effect that may be too much for you.

And most especially, IMO the most important: Natural melatonin comes from the brain. If you buy natural melatonin you are taking something that came from something's brain. There are many dangers with this, like Mad Cow disease, and other brain-borne parasitic diseases.
If you need it get the vegetarian synthesized version. They take some plants, tweak them and turn them into melatonin. Plants don't get mad cow disease.

Thank you.

10th March 2009, 06:25 AM
Just a random question.

But does anyone else come out of trances or meditation sessions feeling so light, relaxed, and kind of lightheaded that it makes you want to fall down and melt into your surroundings.
I find it takes me a good half-hour after a session to snap out of this feeling

10th March 2009, 11:50 AM
Just a random question.

But does anyone else come out of trances or meditation sessions feeling so light, relaxed, and kind of lightheaded that it makes you want to fall down and melt into your surroundings.
I find it takes me a good half-hour after a session to snap out of this feeling Sometimes.

Neil Templar
10th March 2009, 01:51 PM
Hey Floyd,
twice in the past week i've tried the melatonin, taking slightly higher doses than i would normally to get to sleep. i wanted to see what effects it would have.
indeed i did have some very vivid, semi lucid dreams, but i found myself sluggish in them, and unable to take control. a few times they turned a little sinister.
i felt kinda frustrated during them, and on waking couldn't remember any details, and the memory seems to fade very quickly..
i usually remember the details quite accurately, so i think i won't be using it again, unless totally necessary.

11th March 2009, 02:53 AM
hmm, its good that you tried it.
I find anything over 10mg puts you into to deep of a sleep to where you wont remember much.

But, no doubt... I'm sure it effects people differently. Since it helps me and hurts you.

19th March 2009, 05:43 AM
I have yet to real-time project... but I've noticed some new things occurring while practicing focus 10.

Watching the blackness of my eyelids I can often see and help initiate them after I get into an early focus 10, different forms are apparent.
1.) One form is a dull circle, it forms and wisps away in a swirl, often to be followed by more and at different locations within my peripheral It has a slightly blue hue, but is lacking very much saturation.
2.) Another form is at the top or bottom (random) of my peripheral, a strobe followed by it "receding" effect happens, this is much brighter than the circle, and white.
3.) More rarely I get bits and blips of color hypnos, reds and yellows seem to stand out the most sometimes accompanied by light blues and whites.
4.) I also see tiny "black hole" pin points, surrounded by a faint white, red, blue, or green glow.

Non-physical sensations: (most of these occur early, or in focus 10)
1.) One I get is located several inches above the crack of my behind. It feels like a swaying motion back and fourth like a steady motion of a wind shield wiper.
2.) Another one is that in my genital region while I'm in a early trance state get tingly, as if in cold. But surrounding areas show the absent of this effect.
3.) Another new one that's coming into play is in both of my legs. In each legs calf. A vibrating "strobe" effect occurs and it goes back and fourth from one leg to another in a gradient effect, fading from one to another.

I've also been working with my intuitive abilities. I woke up one morning, instantly the thought to write a letter came into my head and i decided to pursue it. I haven't written in many many months.
That letter is now being published in at least 2 news papers, and their online counter-parts.

20th March 2009, 01:29 AM
I woke up paralyzed this morning, in a state of expanded awareness
everything was black and there was a faint glow around where, at the time I THOUGHT my body was,
I tried climbing out I could feel myself breaking free, hearing growling or possibly my physical body snoring as I was doing so.
I got a little ways but then I Immediately woke up in my physical in a completely different position from where I THOUGHT I was when I was getting out.
In the experience I was on my back, I woke up laying on my side.

21st May 2009, 11:28 PM
First, what i would call "real time Obe" happened this morning when i woke up earlyish
I went back to sleep with a clear mind, just staring at the back of my eyelids and controlling the hypnogogia with my mind
After awhile I could see my room through my closed eye lids. (the night before I could see two eyes staring back at me when in a trance state)
I got up and stared at myself in the mirror in my bedroom for a bit. I seen myself for a split second, then my face began morphing into different humanoid faces.

Was a short one, but it was a good one. I think I've got a feel for getting obe, i expect them to happen more often now.

It's been about 3 months since i started, although it seems twice as long.
The next 3 should be something to behold.

27th May 2009, 06:42 AM
Edit* Delete

23rd June 2009, 09:35 PM
Edit* Delete

3rd July 2009, 01:56 AM
Had a disturbing dream last night, although I wasn't scared, I seem to have no fear of anything.
But... the sun was getting bigger and redder and basically looked like it was going to blow up, the landscape around me turned to lava.
I was in an air conditioned house looking outward and I called my best friend to tell him he was a really good friend.

3rd July 2009, 03:27 PM
This looks on the surface as if you traveled to the sun and experienced what it would be to approach it. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

3rd July 2009, 03:50 PM
Over the past week I've had multiple instances of having a dream where I was loosing one or two teeth.
I've been doing energy work trying to ground myself. I still seem to be RTZing and although fun to play with its hard to control
An as Im clinically depressed it makes is more depressing, and I get the feeling the world is going to end
getting special messages through radio, movies, and even music playlists I leave on shuffle. Thinking "im the chosen one"

What can I do to not get these messages.
It's as if im in sync with "time"

before one month ago i was sleeping 12 hours a day and awake 12 hours a night for a whole year.
has time caught up to me, or have I caught up to time.. hmm

I'm also curious as to what a black hole would do to you in the physical vs. astral.

3rd July 2009, 04:16 PM
I think your ideation would have to do with your clinical depression, I suggest you consult your medical practicioner.
One way you can deal with this is to write the messages down, and then go back and see if there is a real relationship to what happens to you in actual life.
Other than that, I'm not qualified to give you advice for this.

5th July 2009, 05:11 PM
I'm still curious about projecting, and after death... what black holes would do to you.

5th July 2009, 08:23 PM
I'm still curious about projecting, and after death... what black holes would do to you. Well, since black holes absorb matter, and our matter is not only local, and space and time are supposed to be expressions of the same thing (according to Einstein, anyway) I'd say probably nothing. Since mass goes into the black hole and so does space, I'd guess that the other side of the black hole would be a white hole (quasar, IIRC) and there'd be another universe for you to explore.
Of course, this is just theory and speculation.

25th January 2010, 01:45 AM
Had an amazing energy burst last night
I was in a trance and this white whip of lightning flashed behind my closed eyes. It was so powerful it shook me out of my trance, jolting my entire body

24th February 2010, 09:33 PM
Had a really weird/short experience this morning
I was in a lucid state, but paralyzed in my body
Sitting on my chest there was a small figure in black robes holding a scythe
It didn't try to attack me because i showed no fear towards it.
I willed to hug it and it curled up when I tried to. Then I woke up.

22nd April 2010, 07:37 PM
April 22nd, 2010 Experience – Astral Projection / Lucid Dream combination

Asain Girls
I woke up in a lucid dream in some oriental style building, I became lucid rather quickly. I decided I wanted to manifest a girl, I told myself “manifest girls”, next thing I know ten or so little Asian girls come around the corner. I decided to see if I could have an astral orgy. One of the girls said something to me I don’t quite recall completely. Something on the lines of you can only have two/three of us. Before anything else could happen I had a “grey out” waking up inside an exact copy of my bedroom.

My bedroom and more manifesting
This was uber realistic I was 100% lucid, or having a fully conscious projection. I thought I was really awake. My room looked normal until I noticed some birds flying in and out of some mirrors. I pulled back the shades of my window and it was snowing on top of green foliage. I went on to go outside where it was not snowing anymore, nor was there any snow on the ground. I looked back and seen a broken and tattered building, I turned around to see a stone mansion, something a celebrity would live in. While I was outside there was other entities, I even played catch football with one of them. I tried manifesting another girl but this time a girl resembling my sister and a midget entity appeared in lingerie. Strangely and awkwardly the entity resembling my sister straight up asked me if I wanted to screw. I said no in my mind and she evaporated along with the midget leaving only a t-shirt and a pair of pants behind that was vibrating, whatever that was about??

More manifesting, again.
I continued outside and tried manifesting some vehicles; some of the vehicles included an open top Rolls Royce type car covered in shiny stuff and jewels and gold. Another vehicle was a bicycle. Finally I manifested this flying vehicle that reminded me of one of those personal submarines. I couldn’t manage to drive any; I guess I didn’t will it enough. After this I woke up, I checked the time and wrote down some key words that would help me write this, then I want back to bed for a couple more hours and had a semi-lucid dream.

Another school related dream.
This dream was foggy but parts I remember vividly. It was my high school but jazzed up. There was a taco/burrito stand and I decided to get one, almost spilling it all over the floor. I grabbed some napkins from this receptionist table. I ended up knocking a few napkins over so I said “I don’t need that many napkins” and put the ones I didn’t need back; the receptionist thanked me for caring enough to put them back. I walked down the hallway where there was a man in a bumble-bee/lion suit in a wheelchair; I smiled and nodded to him. I went into the office where another man in a wheelchair resembling Steven Hawking was sitting. I left the office and wondered the halls where I heard whispering “look at his hair”, mind you I’m actually growing it out in real life. Then I woke up 2 hours later.

This was by far the most vivid set of events I’ve ever been in. I stopped smoking weed, I think that has something to do with it. Next time, hopefully tonight I can get into that state again this time I’m going to attempt to contact my spirit guides, as I’ve been having a rough time with life and could use their help.

23rd April 2010, 06:12 PM
April 23rd, 2010

College Dorms and Thievery
This dream took place in a 2 story complex which I thought where dorms. There was a party going on in one of the room, beer was being drunk when two cops showed up and joined the party, drinking themselves. I proceeded to go dorm to dorm, all doors open stealing little random trinkets; an usb device, another one for the Xbox, and a wallet full of cash. If I had control of any of this I wouldn’t have done it. I ended up running from the students to a car where we drove off, I then transferred to the following dream

Elementary school, Snowball fights
This took place outside my elementary school where there was snow and little children running around. I was in my current form of a 20 year old. We were having a snowball fight with colored snowballs, red and green, shaped like grenades. Near the snowballs was a molding mechanism that you could shape the snow into grenades. My oldest sister was there also seemingly managing the kids. I went again to another dream.

Zombies: Running and Cutting.
I was in an industrial type school area. School seems to be a common place for me to end up in my dreams. I was being chased by quite fast zombies and mummies. I ran around the building look for a room to find some type of weaponry. I ended up finding two small swords and an over-sized putty knife which I used to cut through the zombies. One of them caught me and cut my head off but I willed it back on my neck. I continued fighting for a while longer. I transferred to a more lucid and sinister dream as follows.

Stuck in bed, Night terrors.
This was intense I was paralyzed in bed, my room was dark as ever, things were moving around me like I was on hallucinogens. A translucent blue snake and salamander type animal crossed my carpet and went into my closet which was on the opposite wall. There was also growling and a windy sound happening throughout. I had a cell phone for some reason and I called for help only to be replied by a comforting female voice. I kept asking for help. I forgot most of what she said, but she said someone was there with me. A dog appeared on my side a small weimaraner which I managed to pet. I then looked at my right arm; it was all skinny and morbid looking with a mouse or a rat crawling up it. The blankets were morphing into a strapped mummy-like pattern I then woke up.

I wonder if the voice on the phone wasn’t a guide or something trying to protect me. What should I do if this happens again?

23rd April 2010, 07:27 PM
Just marking it to come back later.

23rd April 2010, 10:28 PM
Another dream I had about 3-4 nights ago. I was in a car with what I thought was only two people I looked back to see a bald female with a gun. She shot me in the throat and I gasped for air for several seconds. Then i woke up.

24th April 2010, 07:15 PM
April 24th entry. Regular dream

This took place at a local lake, where there was a building filled with 5-6 fire trucks.
The lake was half frozen over with some people running/sliding on it.
Some black rabbit got loose and I was told to grab it by my sister who was also in the dream.
I took off like a crotch rocket she said. Chasing after the rabbit I flew past it. I don't think I caught it.
I was presented a trophy for some reason then i proceeded to go into the fire hall where there was no trucks.... yet
They all came in at once and didn't see me I almost got crushed against the wall by one of them but I willed it to back up.
It backed up into the closed door of the station and it bent but didn't break. Then, Wake.

30th April 2010, 10:56 PM
Disturbing dream last night, i was semi-lucid
Was in what FELT like my brothers house, it was lit like a photographic dark room... all red
I felt a brotherly presence there. I felt stuck too.

I also dreamt of a fluffy cat which I again FELT was owned by my mother, cute and playful little thing.
In another part i also remember seeing a full rainbow.

1st May 2010, 10:50 PM
May 1st, 2010

This set of “dreams” was spectacular. I did a ton of manifesting, it’s getting really easy. All I have to do is say in my mind “manifest----whatever” and it comes to me.

I was in a room of glass walls, surrounded by water. I happened to manifest a quite large wave that never hit the windows, it just stalled before it hit. I also manifested really bright purple marijuana in this dream along with the toys to smoke it, thing is… I didn’t even need to smoke it I just willed to smoke it and smoke automatically came out of my “lungs”. I tried going out through the glass windows into the water but was unable to. I also manifested “the most comfortable bed in the world” and along with that came a very elegant woman, topless and in some risque outfit. She got on top of me and I blacked out soon after.

I woke up inside my living room still lucid, I willed to see my spirit guide as that’s been one of my recent goals. One dark person appeared and walked away from me, I didn’t follow. I willed for a guide again and Nick, a person I know in real life appeared in front of me. I felt this overwhelming joy towards him. There was no conversation, he was soon gone.

I was soon outside on the porch with my family, the clouds outside looked weird, more like smoke billowing from the ground. I looked to my left to see a nuke being set off. A few seconds later the shock wave and whatnot hit me and my family. The scene was very physical looking, but when the wave came to “kill” us it’s like our physical looking selves got blown away leaving behind out etheric bodies.

I went back inside the house and had a strange perceptual vision experience, possibly 360 degree vision. I seen one of our cars leaving the drive way in this distorted vision, I then heard something about a funeral possibly being my own, this was very confusing and hazy.

I also remember seeing the grandpa from the simpsons show running towards the bathroom in the house, he glanced over at me and continued on his way. he looked 2D just like in the cartoon.

Also, at one point somewhere in there I was overcome by pure white light that lasted for 3-4 seconds. It felt wonderful.

2nd May 2010, 09:54 PM
Had 2 dreams last night.

One I was on a field trip (there was a yellow bus with kids) and we went to a place I would describe as olive garden. The place got invaded by flying bats, and at least 1 bear. Also every time i turned around someone had stole my food.

The other dream was amazingly fun. It was a giant hallowed out building with a wind turbine in it, probably as tall as the empire state building. I got in one of those flying squirrel suits. Thought it was so fun, I want to go sky diving.

Also i remember seeing an image of 2 packs of batteries with 6 in each, I don't know what that was about.

26th May 2010, 10:49 PM
Just had a general OBE this morning. a short one that just took place around my house
I had trouble moving, it was like gravity was 30x normal, so i ended up crawling
any tips on moving around easier? ive had this before

26th May 2010, 10:53 PM
I did something that sounds "weird", but actually worked:
When you are doing your trance exercises, visualize water and rocks (earth elements) going through your body coming out of your feet into the earth. Visualize all the heavy elements leaving your body and only light remaining.
This helped me when I was having trouble with heaviness. It ended that tendency.

29th May 2010, 12:50 AM
Hi PinkFloyd
Regarding your latest OBE. Are you familiar with the use of affirmations? I suggest you try using the affirmation "Clarity Now!" or "Freedom Of Motion Now!" (or something similar) the next time that you find it hard to move while out of body. Affirmation don't always work (as a rule I would estimate that they work roughly 50 % to 33 % of the time for me) yet they can be very effective. So it would be worthwhile to try an affirmation while OOB.
Regards 8)

2nd June 2010, 01:57 AM
I like the journal. Thanks for posting

29th July 2010, 09:36 PM
I like the journal. Thanks for posting
Glad you like

Note: I have the flu so my experience was strange.
I had a couple dark OBES this morning. Each time I went into the state i went into my kitchen and looked out the patio window for the moon.
I repeated myself several times because i kept waking up. But one of the other times was different.... an animal i could sense as being a dog bit my hand and drug me towards my mothers room.

29th July 2010, 09:41 PM
I've had a few weird Flu-inspired projections before, so I kinda get it. :)

31st July 2010, 06:27 PM
Hi PinkFloyd

Dogs (and wolves) seem to be a prominent form of astral wildlife. Canines appear in many OBE reports. I once encountered a whole pack of wild dogs in an astral city/BST. They were aggressive and very menacing. I was forced to fly away when they attacked.

Regards 8)

31st July 2010, 09:58 PM
I was having a thing happen to me this morning. seeing through my eyelids :]
It was out of focus and dark but i could see through them.

I noticed some things out of place in my room, like a painting was on the ceiling so i exited to go for my door.
I noticed light coming from behind the door through the cracks. At first i tried willing myself through the crack into the light, but it didnt work.
I tried just going through by using the knob/willing myself i went through but it was all blackness.

Ive been having alot of pitch black, but aware, dreams lately.

thanks for the comments :]

7th August 2010, 09:07 AM
Curious. Oh, Hi, PinkFloyd. :)

I don't know if this relates at all but I had the strangest experience of being in two situations at the same time. On the one hand I was in the house I knew as a teenager and totally blind. I could only feel my way around, but on the other hand I was apparently in a well lighted basement or garage looking down on some tools and a section of two-by-four. In this situation however, I was totally immobile - couldn't even shift my gaze. Try as I would to step over the stuff on the ground I just didn't go anywhere - stuck.

So, I wonder if when 'the lights are out' there might be another co-situation where sight is enabled? Weird. Just recently I related a dream where I tried to turn the lights on but to no avail. Has anybody else described this blind state of consciousness?

BTW, it's always dark and shadowy when I'm looking through closed eyes but I never though to try to exit from there. Doesn't seem to be a deep enough trance - maybe so. I'll have to try it. :D

7th August 2010, 09:46 AM
I tried just going through by using the knob/willing myself i went through but it was all blackness.

Ive been having alot of pitch black, but aware, dreams lately.

Have you tried demanding "Clarity" or prying your eyes open with your energy fingers? Another thing you can try is bringing a small spot of light into focus and then drawing it in closer and closer until it expands in your vision. Spinning might change the scene for you too. If it happens a lot, it's worth trying these methods.

If it happens again, also try to move further from your physical body.

Eyeoneblack, dual awareness is a common enough experience. I've been in a dream and out of body in the RTZ simultaneously and active in both instances. I've also been in the physical body seeing through eyelids and out of it with a 360 degree view. There is more than one energy body and sometimes you're receiving information from more than one simultaneously or in close succession. More usually we only recall what the dream body experienced but sometimes with bleed through.

9th August 2010, 12:28 AM
I tried prying my eyes open with my astral hands this "morning".. it worked to an extent. Brightened it up a few notches
I was able to exit my door and see the hallway leading to the kitchen. I didn't make it any farther than that. I was probably 15ft. away from my body once i left my bedroom door.

I had an amazingly fun dream last night, also. I was dual wielding swords and going at people like in the movie 300... just an epic battle, It felt like i was in a virtual reality. I cant wait for the future of video games hah

9th August 2010, 09:38 AM
Hey, Richard.

Eyeoneblack, dual awareness is a common enough experience. I've been in a dream and out of body in the RTZ simultaneously and active in both instances. I've also been in the physical body seeing through eyelids and out of it with a 360 degree view. There is more than one energy body and sometimes you're receiving information from more than one simultaneously or in close succession. More usually we only recall what the dream body experienced but sometimes with bleed through.

I totally agree with Beekeeper - I had the experience in many variations. In one dream I could switch perspective between three energy bodies in short order. But also parallel experience happened for me often enough. And sometimes I remember two layers of experience for the same time period.


9th August 2010, 09:43 AM
Weird. This just made me think of the Life of Agony song "Underground." I don't get the connection, though.

I wanna tear it up, tear it out
Get my aggression out(from "Underground" by Life of Agony)

Maybe it's about this:

I had an amazingly fun dream last night, also. I was dual wielding swords and going at people like in the movie 300... just an epic battle, It felt like i was in a virtual reality. I cant wait for the future of video games hah


9th August 2010, 09:31 PM
i think your right about that aggression thing. I have been pissed of at some people lately.

27th August 2010, 06:05 PM
had a very short one this morning.
I tried lifting myself out of bed but couldn't. I could raise my arms though and they looked zombieish.
A random word popped into my mind.... "Poltergeist"
automatically when I thought that in my head everything got violent and shakey in my vision and I woke up.

27th August 2010, 09:45 PM
Also, a couple nights before that had another very short one... i was laying in bed and this girl crawled on top of me and kissed me on the lips, then i woke.

1st September 2010, 07:07 PM
REALLY crazy one this morning
AP: i was in a hospital setting, blessing patients with Buddhas love. Next thing i know aliens that looked like the ones from the movie 5th element show up and kill everyone. Then they all came back alive in zombie mode, their entire eyes were black, no white at all. They took me away to their mother ship which looked just like a smaller version of earth. I entered the main dock and woke up in my bed thinking i was awake. All of a sudden i heard something which sounded like my moms voice... "we cant let them get (insert my name here)". I then realized i was still in AP and i floated above my bed and watched down on myself while my mother came in my room and was giving me chest compressions and sticking her fingers down my throat. I managed to will my arms below me to move, scratching at the bed. I imagined bright white light and i went back into my body.

I went back to sleep and had a few more dreams, one included a entity that look like a humanoid octopus with large breasts. She was driving a pink car. I approached her and sensed negativity and again imagined white light and i woke up.

I had 2 more dreams but can recall them as well...

14th November 2010, 09:59 PM
Had multiple projections last night about 5-6 one after the other.

Im finding it easier to get out of my body i raise my hands first to see if they melt, then i proceed if they start to morph.
Im also finding that the closer i stay to my bed the darker and harder it is to maintain the projection.
I managed to have one that felt at least 15 min. long. I was walking in my backyard but is was more ethereal than real life, almost as if there was glitter in the air. There were also multple suns in the sky.

I also had a meet with someone or something, i believe when i asked their name it said "spectre" or "spector" It was a male figure that transformed from a female figure that was in bed with me. I followed this figure into the hallway of my house and willed the rooms to get brighter, my cognition got much better. I also asked for my spirit guide while following, I heard something incomprehensible I dont think i came into contact with one.

Back to the male figure, he had a beard. I asked him if he was god and he surprisingly said yes, but nothing more.

Another random thing i remember is seeing on tv while i was in the astral, a still picture of a tornado that had a camera in it. As if the tornado was man made and they were making a movie with the destruction.

15th November 2010, 04:00 AM
Hallo Pink Floyd

Very cool to have 5 or 6 OBEs in one night, even if most are rather short. 8)
About that spirit with the beard -- perhaps it would have been better to ask it what its actual name was. Asking any unknown astral discarnate if it is God is probably just asking it to try and fool you. :o
The multiple suns location could have been an ethereal copy of the physical world with the obvious differences or it may have been an alternate universe.
Also, staying too close to the physical body usually results in confusion and distorted senses. It normally does for me, anyway.


23rd December 2010, 12:30 AM
Managed to ask for my spirit guide in last nights projection.
When i asked a old man with a beard appeared and said something like... "not now.... saturday"
so im going to attempt to contact my SG again soon.

24th December 2010, 09:40 PM
Hello, PinkFloyd08.

I think the additional suns were feedback from the environment that told you how to proceed. More suns - more "illumination." Later in the projection you indeed asked it to get brighter, and it did. But you also noticed yourself getting "brighter." "Bright" or "illumined" can both mean your surroundings or your mind. Minding such feedback might prove very helpful in future projections.

What is said in your initial communications in the astral is often meaningless or needs a lot of decoding. This is part of learning to communicate in a different way, and initially only very little might come through - single words, almost nonsensical, or the feeling of having forgotten all or most of a conversation.


27th January 2011, 09:37 PM
Had 3 AP's this morning, all of them took place in and around my home.

first one included my walk around outside my house, there seemed to be this black sludge all around it. Thats all i remember for the first one
The 2nd one, i was also again walking around outside my house in the snow... i could feel the coolness of the snow on my bare feet. There was also a lake that wasn't frozen over and there were some new houses by mine, lake homes... i seen my parents in my dream by the lake before i could approach them i woke up. The third one was the most interesting, i was APing in my bed, I didnt even leave it. The windows were frosted over and i manifested them clear by thinking "manifest clear windows". After this i was still laying in bed in a trance and i asked for my spirit guide. 3 cats appeared and i petted them and conversed with them, although i dont remember what we talked about, but a great feeling of comfort came about in this dream especially, the other ones too... but not as much.

Another reeeeeeally cool thing that happened as i was going into a minimal trance, i could hear music in my ears, random music that made sense at the time, but i dont remember the songs. This happened every time i went into a trance this morning. I wish i could of remembered them to write them down... songs from my dreams, what a beautiful thing.

28th January 2011, 05:26 AM
Had 3 AP's this morning, all of them took place in and around my home.

first one included my walk around outside my house, there seemed to be this black sludge all around it. Thats all i remember for the first one
The 2nd one, i was also again walking around outside my house in the snow... i could feel the coolness of the snow on my bare feet. There was also a lake that wasn't frozen over and there were some new houses by mine, lake homes... i seen my parents in my dream by the lake before i could approach them i woke up. The third one was the most interesting, i was APing in my bed, I didnt even leave it. The windows were frosted over and i manifested them clear by thinking "manifest clear windows". After this i was still laying in bed in a trance and i asked for my spirit guide. 3 cats appeared and i petted them and conversed with them, although i dont remember what we talked about, but a great feeling of comfort came about in this dream especially, the other ones too... but not as much.

Another reeeeeeally cool thing that happened as i was going into a minimal trance, i could hear music in my ears, random music that made sense at the time, but i dont remember the songs. This happened every time i went into a trance this morning. I wish i could of remembered them to write them down... songs from my dreams, what a beautiful thing.

The music has happened to me before too. It sounds really really nice while in trance. Very creative, unique, orginal, brilliant. It does fade once you wake up though. I can never quite remember the tunes.As soon as i get to the keyboard it is gone...

29th January 2011, 11:33 PM
that's pretty cool. It sure probably helps you if you're not ready to exit huh?

1st February 2011, 12:53 AM
Had a few sequential dreams last night, woke up 3-4 times and went back into the same dream every time.
The dream consisted of me being in my old elementary school doing art class with other people.
I did a painting in my dream of a dark teal colored stormy ocean with a lighthouse on it.
Each dream i added more to the painting.

I also had a dream where i was at some sort of fair/carnival/race and these two figures, one an older female and one a young female... budged in front of me in line... I ended up kicking them off the balcony. There was a cop too, but he just looked at me and did nothing.

1st February 2011, 08:32 PM
Had a beautiful LD this morning. I was on a seemingly endless straight road on a planet heading towards a giant sun that looked 50x our suns size if not bigger... the skys where pink and blue and wispy cloudy. I sensed i had a camera in hand and i tried taking snapshots... There was also a giant tree, 5x bigger than a redwood in the distance silhouetted by the sun, there was also a tall high voltage power line lined up with the tree

i set my alarm for 8am, woke up.. went back to sleep, set it for 10am and then 1pm/2pm... waking up and going back to sleep seems to help stimulate my dreaming.

1st February 2011, 10:36 PM
Hello, PinkFloyd08.

I often now wake 4am, remember a vivid dream, go back to sleep, and remember a "final barrage" of dreams before finally getting up. Unless I set an alarm, which totally ruins my whole night's sleep. Not used to it anymore...


6th February 2011, 10:32 PM
Had 3 LD's last night. They all took place in what seemed to be my town.

1st dream was me and some friends went over to this guys house to drive his Bugatti Veyron, but the owner wouldn't let us because he said he had to get a 24 hr military clearance for it. Soooo... he let us use his Enzo Ferrari. He also took us up in an airplane and landed on the highway when we came down.

Then i had another dream, the little girl Lucy from the movie I Am Sam was in a play at my old elementary school. The play was weird. There were people dressed in cheesy costumes, lions.. leotards... and other random stuff.

The last dream was kind of "Saw"ish we were back in that guys house who had those cars and planes. There was someone running around in a mask grabbing people away from the "party". I tried stopping it, but i woke up.

fairly interesting dreams i'd say.

7th February 2011, 10:38 AM
I love when "Lucy" turns up in my dreams. Quite funny. :D

I wonder if the Ferrari referenced the refinement of the energy body you were using.

7th February 2011, 10:52 PM
I love when "Lucy" turns up in my dreams. Quite funny. :D

I wonder if the Ferrari referenced the refinement of the energy body you were using.

I wonder :]

Had 3 LD's again last night but they were a bit hard to remember.

First one started at my aunts house with a bunch of people. We were partying in a bathroom up stairs and doing drugs of some nature. We broke out the window and climbed out onto the roof... eventually my old principal from HS kicked us off the roof and sat up there with a semi-realistic blow up doll.

The next one was 2 dreams, same setting. I drove all the way to my sisters house - 40 miles away - and stayed with her for what seemed to be 2 days. She made food during those days and i wouldnt eat any of it because it was, well.. food i dont like. My mother was there too in a separate car. the 2nd day she drove back, but i stayed. The final day my sister took me out for ice cream at a really fancy dairy queen restaurant. All we had was ice cream. She had a chocolate sundae and she said "i wish i could have some vodka with that". I had a mint and choc. shake. I then started driving home and woke up. During the time i was there she tried feeding me her gross food, and also junk food, such as those gardettos trail mix type snacks, and fritos.

8th February 2011, 11:08 PM
Had 3 AP's this morning

I kept waking up in my bed unaware of me actually being in a projection i kept trying to do stuff in my bedroom. I woke up and did that stuff and went back to sleep to go into another, finally different projection.

My 2nd projection took place in my dads barn where he stores alot of stuff. there were other people there and they were packing things up, but i got the vibe they were stealing it so i called 911 on them, then i woke up. It was also stormy outside

the 3rd projection was most interesting. I was with 2 people and we were restoring the landscape around my home. We were planting things and I eventually manifested a small lake. I decided to go fishing but when i got down to the lake the 2 people appeared and asked for some help planting and digging around in the soil. There were alot of fish we "dugg" up while planting stuff in the pebbly bed of the lake. The fish were beautiful and big. Bright orange fish with white and black stripes.

9th February 2011, 10:07 PM
Had a short astral projection this morning. I was at a concert and there were multiple bands playing, i got up real close to the stage and everyone was dancing and raving and smushed up against each other, totally packed. I got in a small mosh pit and got slapped in the face, i could even feel it. I then teleported to my home with a keyboard(piano type) in my hand, went into the living room where my mom was sleeping on the couch, i then played a song on the keyboard.

9th February 2011, 10:13 PM
That sounds like a lot of fun. Mine are never that fun.

10th February 2011, 10:56 PM
Had a couple LDs again this morning.

First one took place at this fancy hotel/retreat thing. I went into the main lobby and it looked like a hotel. They had a buffet sitting out with all sorts of different goodies on it. I proceeded to dish myself up with some of the goodies. There were also alot of other people there, it was basically a party. We went down stairs in the hotel and it resembled my basement in my current home. There was an orgy going on in the next room and I was offered sex many times but i failed to react to them. I was drinking hard booze in my dream, at one point i was wobbling around and spilling my drink. I noticed some familiar faces at the party also, "friends" from high school. My good friend was also there well call him "S"... S said something to me and it was very rude so I insulted him back. I went back outside the hotel and seen the name and address of the hotel, i wrote it down on a pad of paper i had, but unfortunately i couldnt remember what it was when i woke up. I would of liked to google map the address to see if i was remote viewing. The outdoor area of this place was very scenic, it was by a lake and had alot of artificial landscape architecture. There was also a speed boat down by the lake which i later rode on through the lake to a city that resembled part of my town. There was also a heli-pad by this hotel with a over sized helicopter sitting on it.

My second dream took place in a snowy landscape. I was with a female and who i assume was her father. The female was quite annoying, she had a high pitched voice and she often didnt shut up. We went snowboarding for awhile and i was manifesting different snowboards to try out. After i got bored with boarding the 3 of us decided to go ice fishing. We instantly went into a fish house out on a frozen lake. I looked down the open holes and seen a couple fish one perch and one walleye, at least thats what they looked like to me. I was about to bait my hook with a worm but i woke up.

11th February 2011, 10:20 AM
I haven't tried food when lucid. How was that for you?

11th February 2011, 08:51 PM
I couldnt taste anything but the shrimp kebab things that were in my dream. They tasted like bland raw shrimp. They were covered in some chive and some type of sauce.

Had alot of dreams this morning, i'll be posting when i get it typed out.

11th February 2011, 09:10 PM
The dream started out in a school, there was a shooting... the guy who did the shooting looked like that guy who shot that lady in the head down in Arizona, if any of you have heard about that. Anyway... Some people got shot and someone caught him. After that there was an assembly in the school to memorialize the fallen. During that I guess I had drugs on me. A Girl i went to school with asked how much she could get off me, I told her 20 a g, otherwise not for sale. My brother appeared in the dream and said "i thought you were only smoking one a week." I shrugged and the dream continued on.

I was in a mall with my some of my family. I was just going around enjoying the sights and i found my sister in the mall watching a swimming pool full of racers along with a big crowd on bleachers, i went and sat and spectated with her for awhile and i woke up. I checked the time and went back to sleep.

I the next dream i joined the military. I did a bunch of gun training with people i recognized i went to school with. We got shipped off somewhere and came back shortly after, i dont remember much in between. We were battling against pokemon like creatures that looked like they turned sour. If any of you have played call of duty you know how they have the HUD map in multilayer were you can see where people are shooting from and the layout of the land. We got done battling the creatures and we turned on more humanoid figures. Randomly a robot from the cartoon Big O appeared and an anime like animation came into my dream. The robot was shooting down and at 2 tall towers where something had climbed up. The robot, after destroying the towers and and almost blowing itself up then turned on the civilians and other militants in the dream. This robot had to be at least 30-40 stories tall. The dream cut away from the robot and now me and my other soldiers, some of them with familiar faces from school went after special spots on the maps that contained what I would call "enhancements" we collected all but one, the final one said MOD on it and we all gathered by it to try to pick it up, but no one could... Then the Modder showed up. One of my friends i went to school with started verbally attacking him and making fun of him, calling him a pussy and also talking about how much he liked pussy. The "enhancement" was by a locked trailer that the modder used. The modder finally showed up trying to get in his trailer, but me and my crew werent letting him in without us following him in. He opened the door and flew in in a flash, one of my soldier mates managed to get in to attack him. We could now pick up the MOD enhancement. The commanding officer for our crew showed up and congratulated all of us. About 100 horses appeared and ran off into the valley, where the whole battalion chased and followed after these horses. Me and 2 other people were wearing Rasta colors, red yellow, and green. They ran ahead of me and I jumped at the edge of a hill and soared over everyone, i came down and landed and the dream... the "experience" was over.

Pretty wild stuff, one of the most eventful dreams ive had in a long time.

I also remember in one part i stayed with my neighbor and her kids for awhile and I dont really know what happened at the house.

20th February 2011, 10:33 PM
Had a few interesting lucid dreams last night.

First one was at a race track, we were racing with these weird "cars" that were just two U shaped things put together and we rode on thin air with no wheels. after awhile i manifested cars that looked like nascars.

I was at my school and there was a concert playing, someone resembling Madonna was singing, then she started singing a song about rain and the roof of the building separated and it rained down on us. I was in the crowd next to a girl. She had a tattoo of a pinup girl on her hip and it said something like "lick here for good luck" so i licked this girls hip. The concert was over and i walked to the locker rooms to change cloths, but someone took my shirt from me so I notified one of my teachers, who i recognized, and told her someone took my shirt. She questioned some people and I think i remember getting it back or just getting a new shirt. It was red and there was a lady dressed in a black feathered outfit with pale white skin. woke up and went back to sleep.

This was the most interesting, and also hardest to explain dream of the night. I was having a get together with my family at my house, everyone was there in my close family, nephews, sisters, brothers, and some aunts. We were doing something I would call conscious evolution. We had these trinkets from each planet and we helped evolve "something" on each planet that had to do with our family. I mainly stuck to mars and Jupiter, but the rest of my family was doing other planets. Also there was alot of food at my house and i tried some of it, but i couldn't taste. I transported to a local beach and my nephews were fishing with a bunch of kids and everyone was having a good time, people lounging on tanning chairs and boats out on the lake. I wish i could remember more, or understand more what the thing was with the conscious evolution and going from planet to planet.

21st February 2011, 01:09 PM
Hello, PinkFloyd08.

We were doing something I would call conscious evolution. We had these trinkets from each planet and we helped evolve "something" on each planet that had to do with our family. I mainly stuck to mars and Jupiter, but the rest of my family was doing other planets.

Are you familiar with astrology? (I am not. ;) ) You might have used the astrological model to symbolise to yourself what set of personal issues you were working on here. Might be worth looking at what Mars and Jupiter represent.


21st February 2011, 06:02 PM
Yes, I try to plan so that I do not have to drive immediately after energy work.

21st February 2011, 10:35 PM
Hello, PinkFloyd08.

We were doing something I would call conscious evolution. We had these trinkets from each planet and we helped evolve "something" on each planet that had to do with our family. I mainly stuck to mars and Jupiter, but the rest of my family was doing other planets.

Are you familiar with astrology? (I am not. ;) ) You might have used the astrological model to symbolise to yourself what set of personal issues you were working on here. Might be worth looking at what Mars and Jupiter represent.


Ill do that, that dream really boggles my mind. Im an Aries, if you dont count that recent astrological sign change, otherwise im a Pisces.

21st February 2011, 11:00 PM
There was never a sign change. It was all media hoopla to make astrology seem like crap.

21st February 2011, 11:14 PM
There was never a sign change. It was all media hoopla to make astrology seem like crap.

I heard that to, i just didnt know what to make of it, but i'll take your wise words over the media.

22nd February 2011, 02:40 AM
Ha ha not my wise words, just the astrologers that know what they're talking about.

27th February 2011, 05:44 AM
Random, but i've had alot of celebs in my dreams the past few nights...
few nights ago it was madonna, then it was usher and justin beiber, and i had one this morning with jack white from the white stripes.

I'll now elaborate more on the Usher and Beiber, and JW dreams...

In the dream Usher was giving a really pimply faced beiber and interview, and i skateboarded with both of them... thats really about it.

The jack white one was interesting. He was playing in a Colosseum that had alot of seating and the walls were filled with books. The roof opened up while he was playing and the book shelves melded into each other. After he was done playing he was sitting alone at a table so i approached him and was like "are you jack white, i love your music and the way you use your guitar" he acknowledged me. We decided to order pizza from the concert arena. I ordered us a medium supreme with sour kraut, and a medium hamburger, pepperoni, sausage, and bacon pizza... i dont know why i remember what we exactly ordered... but when the food came it was like half portioned of what we should of got. I complained to the waitress and re ordered, i woke up before she came back. As i was sitting across from jack white he positioned cups and napkin holders between us almost to hide himself behind it.

Weird thing is, this morning i check out a guitar website and it said one of his signed guitars worth $25,000 was stolen from a collectors art gallery.

10th March 2011, 10:58 PM
Had a dream this morning. I was at my house planting all sorts of colorful seeds in the dirt by some corn stalks that had already grown. There were 3 broken down cars in the scene and 3 dead deer, that looked like they'd been gutted or field dressed I remember 2 does and one buck. A tornado appeared East of my house, I could see if from miles away and even feel the pull of it on my energy body from that far away. I retreated to the house, which wasn't normal, it was like a mansion version of my house. The tornado went away. There was a girl in my house i recognized as a long time friend and she apologized to me for some personal things. My pa was also in my dream and scolded me for some reason. I looked out the back window of my house and seen another tornado, this one now coming from the west. this one was half the distance closer than the first one i seen. It was a dark black tornado, as a lover of weather it looked beautiful to me but the power of it overcame me, as i worked my way to the basement it was constantly pulling me I could barley make any steps toward the basement. I grabbed the edges of some walls and pulled myself instead of walking. I managed to make it to the basement. I was in the basement and there was another corridor leading even farther down, so i went down there to seek shelter. I woke up and wrote some key words down and went back to sleep.

I had another dream after dozing off again. I was at a bow and arrow range and i was shooting different types of arrows and getting pretty close to the bulls-eye. After awhile of shooting arrows i started getting sloppy and missing my shots. I went to my house were some of my family members were. There was something strange going on because i was seemingly able to travel time. I went forward and backwards in time to see how my family was hundreds of years into the future and hundreds of years into the past. each time my family looked different, but responded the same way. There was a stockpile of old weaponry all around, swords, daggers, spears... anything, you name it. I got into a fight with some being, and i was dual wielding a couple heavy swords and i managed to slay the being that was bringing negativity down on me and my family. There was also a 2 faced female figure, she had a normal face on the front, and a weird artificial, but functional face on the other side. She kissed me and i woke up.

22nd March 2011, 08:56 PM
Had some pretty wild dreams last night, but i dont remember much of them.... Although i think i had a neg attack.
I was doing something in my dream and something wearing a spacesuit/diving equipment appeared in front of me, then it grabbed me from behind, i imagined white light and i woke up. It was powerful and reminded me of an alien.

23rd March 2011, 05:28 AM
Spacesuits, diving equipment and scuba gear, battle suits and other "body shells" are a common representation of "being in an energy body." I have seen all of the above so far.


26th March 2011, 09:23 PM
I encountered a weird form of "life" in my dream this morning. I was playing with a old fashion long bow, and i shot this fat lady accidentally. the arrow hit her belly and fell out. With it came a red jello substance. The jello stuff started moving around and I was freaked out by it, so i started cutting it up in smaller pieces and threw it outside of the house I was in. My dad was also frying eggs for my whole family and he got mad that I didnt join them for dinner.

13th May 2011, 04:49 AM
been sick for a couple of days and took a long nap earlier this evening

i was cruising on this motorcycle to go see someone in another town and i pressed this button on the bottom of the motorcycle and it was like an orgasm in my dream felt like lightning, there was also bursts of yellow and white light. Then i got to this town and crashed into a bunch of cars and just like grand theft auto i got a "star" rating. I woke up before i was chased by any police. I also had dual awareness, I was aware of my body in my bed and in my dream.

17th July 2011, 08:56 PM
Had 3 crazy lucid dreams this morning.

first one started out at a lake, there was this Ferris wheel looking boat, people were sitting on it, this thing was massive going across the water. I got on it somehow and i went around the wheel and then it brought me underwater, i could see clear but couldnt breath so i surfaced. I went to the shore where i was greeted by familiar faces of people ive known throughout the years. Some looked like themselves when i knew them in highschool, and some had the same voices as people i know but different faces. They did respond to the names of what i knew them as though. I got into a conversation with an old buddy of mine about astral projection in my dream an he seemed really excited about it. he was like "DUDE NO WAY thats amazing". I met 5-6 people i knew but the one that stood out most was a catlike goddess looking figure -absolutely beautiful- that i recognized as my old English teacher. We didnt speak, we just looked each other in the eyes and smiled real big.

I woke up and went back to sleep to have a somewhat disturbing dream. I was in an elevator or some small room. There was a figure that was veiled in white but i could see its singular eye behind the veil. It had a blue and white eye. I willed to squeeze its head for some reason and the harder i squeezed the more pressure and buzzing enveloped my head. I looked out the room as i was doing this and seen a tall generic grey/alien figure dressed in black. It was just watching... I woke up, my eyes opened and i was staring at a blanket that was on my bed and it had the same shape as the white veiled figure, i looked past my bed into the mirror and seen the alien in my mirror then it faded to a lamp after i was fully awake.

The last dream i had today was a legend of zelda dream, instead of link though... imagine his sister. I went around as his sister doing work and missions like in the video game, battling bosses and such. At the end of that dream it turned more realistic than cartoony and me and someone else went fishing

25th August 2011, 02:19 AM
So I reminded myself to seek out my spirit animal last night, and i had a dream with a horse rearing up, it was silhouetted by a purple and yellow sunset... I dont know if i trust that the horse is my spirit animal, but regardless... it happened.

25th August 2011, 01:54 PM
Totems come and go, depending on where you are in life. I used to have a crow, now I have a lion.

13th September 2011, 09:43 PM
In real life I went to a wedding dance about 2-3 days ago and i seen an ex girlfriend i was really close with, hadn't seen or talked to her for the past 2-3 years. Last night I had a dream I was chasing her up stairs in some hotel like building but i could never catch her... I'm worried this means she doesn't want anything to do with me anymore.

13th September 2011, 10:39 PM
I'd interpret it differently- My int. would be that you don't think she's reachable- that you don't think you deserve her, or that things in life are keeping her away from you.

23rd November 2011, 09:29 PM
Had a couple really vivid dreams last night.

I was in a random town and a random house with a group of people, we were doing a christain ceremony where we took what i assume was holy water and did the cross gesture on our chest like they do in church. There was a priest figure that was dolling out the holy water. I told this preacher i wasnt christain and he went into attack mode. I didnt fight back, i only gave the figure love and he did not harm me. But throughout the dream he kept re appearing and coming after me. Not once did i fight, i only approached it with light and love. Overall It attacked me periodically throughout the dream 4-6 times.

I woke up went back to sleep and had another dream that took place in my back yard. There was a white cat with blue eyes (we use to have one just like it) then there was a pure black cat which tried biting me, i grabbed it with my hands and held it to the ground until my dream was over.

If anyone has any input on the first dream i had i would really like to hear it, it was quite disturbing, but i believe i handled it well.

23rd November 2011, 10:28 PM
I think both dreams are related- you characterize the duality of religion by their following a ritual that is positive and yet attacking you for your beliefs, and the results were that Love won.
Then you were either visited by your kitty or also characterized dual beliefs with the black and white thing.
Don't know if you're struggling with the duality of religious beliefs or just the idea of duality itself.
Anyway, it's what I got from your dream.

7th December 2011, 11:14 PM
Ive been getting alot of "false awakenings" recently. i wake up, get out of bed and take a few steps, next thing i know im back in bed still dreaming and trying to get up.

9th September 2015, 05:32 AM
It's been a long time, and I've come a long way....
Thinking about getting back into some of my journaling