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27th February 2009, 06:59 PM
Hello, I am Darren from Oklahoma. I have had bizarre run ins with supposedly some type of demon, or reptoid who calls himself ZOZO. These run ins have I assume been because of a facination with Ouija boards since I was a teenager, I am now 40 years old. I thought it was rather strange that every time I would use the board this same presence would immediately proclaim it's presence. I have witnessed extremely disturbing events because of these encounters and they are all too real. I also have several friends and family members who also witnessed some of these strange events. Several times the homes I was residing in at the time became haunted after contacting this ZOZO.

One day I googled ZOZO and was shocked to see many other people had also had encounters with this being thru Ouija boards. I feel it is not a coincedence, and I also feel that people need to be warned not to mess with this presence. Some stories I have read involve the death of family members after conversing with this ZOZO. There is even a member of this site who describes ZOZO in vivid detail, and I have emailed him to gather more information in an attempt to research this entity and would appreciate any correspondence from people more knowledgeable than myself in these paranormal situations. What is this ZOZO? Has anyone heard of this "Abbadon" demon or "Hester" that seems to be associated with "ZOZO." Are there any correlations with "ZOZO" and "ZOSO" the name of the Led Zeppelin album? Jimmy Page was known to have dabbled in the occult, and is very secret about it's meaning.

I am in the process of gathering research about this subject matter for a book. Any information would be very helpful towards my goal of warning people as to the dangers of these Ouija boards, and although through my own ignorance I stubled across the ZOZO character, I wish to save others the same troubles I have experienced.

Thank you,

Darren in Oklahoma

27th February 2009, 08:06 PM
Hi Darren.
Although I realize this is an introductory post, I think it would go better (and you would get more feedback) if I moved it to the Psychic Self Defense forum, so I'm going to go ahead and move it.

27th February 2009, 09:07 PM
How did you contact this ZOZO? That sounds like fun. I never get the ouija board to work for me. :(

28th February 2009, 10:22 PM
Abaddon is The Destroyer. A biblical name often interpreted to be synonymous with Satan. It's Greek name is Apollyon. "Angel of the bottomless pit." Biblically also portrayed as the king of the locusts that rise from the pit in Revelations. Hester, I don't know anything about although the name sounds familiar.

How did you contact this ZOZO? That sounds like fun. I never get the ouija board to work for me. :(

That....sounds like fun to you? o.O Personally, I'd never intentionally contact a demonic intelligence, even if I felt well protected. Too much like playing Russian Roulette to my mind...but that's just me. :P

1st March 2009, 05:32 AM
Personally, I'd never intentionally contact a demonic intelligence, even if I felt well protected. Too much like playing Russian Roulette to my mind...but that's just me.
Not just you. ;)

Demons and other negative entities are notorious for being difficult to control and for finding ways to get you to lower your guard just enough that they can latch on. The pages of metaphysical and occult literature are full of stories of people who were driven mad or harmed in innumerable ways because they thought they were strong enough to withstand or control a demonic entity.

In my estimation, the risk isn't worth the possible gain (though, again, demons are notorious for promising you stuff and then delivering in ways that are not what you wanted or intended, frequently to your detriment). Intentionally interacting with entities of this kind has the potential to really mess you up.

Seems to me to be kind of like playing in busy traffic. You might well get a thrill from it, and you might even survive it, but the consequences if you miscalculate or lose control of the situation are potentially devastating.

2nd March 2009, 08:20 AM
Are there any correlations with "ZOZO" and "ZOSO" the name of the Led Zeppelin album? Jimmy Page was known to have dabbled in the occult, and is very secret about it's meaning.

I doubt it. Led Zeppelin's later music has positive spiritual influence. I doubt this would have come from somone who contacted demons.


2nd March 2009, 08:29 AM
I was just reading about Jimmy Page's symbol the other day. Interesting synchronicity (I'm not even particularly a Led Zepplin fan). In a nutshell, it's based on a somewhat archaic sign for the planet Saturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn, Jimmy Pages' sun sign.

A more complete explanation here:


2nd March 2009, 01:50 PM
I think it looks like a smiley puppy. Seriously.

4th March 2009, 06:06 AM
Here is a link to the picture that i took upon the request of this ZOZO spirit. It claimed to inhabit the skull necklace which belonged to my girlfriends son. In the pic he is holding the necklace above the board. In the top right hand side of the picture you can make out a few "winged skulls." They are of the same shape of the necklace. Her son had the necklace hanging from a 4 post banister in our bedroom without our knowledge. When we learned it had "possessed" the necklace we asked the Ouija board where the necklace was and it spelled "mirror." There was only one mirror in our bedroom, and everyone in the room looked up at the mirror.....we saw the evil looking necklace staring down at us with glowing eyes! We freaked out, and after calming down is when we took this picture. Needless to say after seeing the picture we all freaked out again.


The spirit said it was going to take my girlfriend to paradise, and when we asked it where paradise was it spelled HELL. The next day my girlfriend became very sick and vomited for days. My 1 year old daughter at the time almost drowned in a freakish bathtub accident, and the house became haunted. We tried for months to cleanse the house, to no avail. Objects would fly across the kitchen, you could hear voices having conversations in the house. Strange burglaries, doors opening by themselves, and hideous laughter would erupt from out of nowhere. I had friends come over to witness these weird occurrences, at first they thought I was crazy....but they were quickly convinced.

This same spirit haunted at least three different houses because of the Ouija experiences. One even claimed to have come from cyberspace after we printed a Ouija board off the internet. At first they are nice, and compliant. But each time it eventually progresses into something very evil. I have had it draw insane looking pictures by placing a pencil down inside the planchette. Once it cussed me out in Hebrew, and we used to have someone standing above us with a notebook and pen to quickly spell out the letters because the centerpiece would move too quickly for me and my girlfriend to make any sense of the movements. It would abbreviate letters, and use numbers in place of words I assume to save energy. Many times it would simply move off the board and towards my girlfriend, whom it repeatedly said it wanted to possess.

I know it all sounds crazy but it's true, I would even secretly write down colors and shapes and fold them up so NOONE could see what I had written. Whomever was on the board would ask the board what i had written down and it would spell out the exact shape or color I had written....which totally convinced alot of skeptical friends I had. Once we asked it if we could command the pet dog to come into the room where we were,and it went right to YES. We didnt know the dog was locked in a another room with the door shut. We heard the dog scratching and whimpering from across the house. When her mother opened the door it came and sat right next to the Ouija board and stared at it which was quite freaky.

We messed with it off and on for many years until it became so terrifying that we swore never to do it again. The stories go on and on, that is one reason why I would like to write a book about this ZOZO.

4th March 2009, 06:20 AM
I've heard a lot of stories of people unwittingly inviting detrimental spirits into their reality by means of the Ouija board. The kinds of spirits attracted to this sort of thing are generally petty, opportunistic, and often parasitic.

I do have a story, though it's not a very good one (certainly not for the purposes of writing a book, a it's all second hand). Apparently, my grandmother had some sort of negative experience with an Ouija board, but she was extremely superstitious (she was Hungarian, very "old country" in a lot of ways) and would never speak of what actually happened. If anyone asked about it, she would just spit on the ground and glare in a sort of "don't speak of evil things" kind of way. I do know that she claims to have thrown the Ouija board away, and that it reappeared in her house by means she couldn't explain (I'm not saying it was unexplainable; I'm just noting what she claimed). After that, she actually broke the board into pieces and burned it before she threw it out. That time, apparently, it worked.

Having heard this story when I was a child, I was always wary of anything to do with the Ouija board, for which I'm thankful. I've had enough negative entities in my life without accidentally inviting in more.

4th March 2009, 02:15 PM
Seems like not all experiences with Ouija boards invite negative entities. But I cannot see what the difference might be between the cases that went well and the many others where it did not... No idea.


4th March 2009, 02:22 PM
Seems like not all experiences with Ouija boards invite negative entities.
No, probably not. Though I admit I haven't personally heard of anyone making contact with a strong, positive entity via an Ouija board. Maybe it happens, but I've never heard of it.

I cannot see what the difference might be between the cases that went well and the many others where it did not... No idea.
Dunno. I would say it's at least partly the attitudes and beliefs of the people involved, though what, specifically, would allow for the presence of a negative entity I can't say.

4th March 2009, 04:47 PM
I would venture a guess that negative entities are attracted by Ouija boards mostly because of fear. It seems the ones that play with them the most are young people; these young people probably have a set of fears/expectations about the Ouija boards based on what they've heard from parents or religious leaders, and those fears and expectations might act as an attracting force for negative entities. Also, there's the thrill seeking aspect of it as well, a sort of throwing caution to the wind, which might be a subconscious opening for negative influences to abuse.

Just my two cents. :)

4th March 2009, 08:48 PM
Though I admit I haven't personally heard of anyone making contact with a strong, positive entity via an Ouija board. Maybe it happens, but I've never heard of it.

Now you have the chance! ;)


I have read information from the "Charles" entity contacted there. The material has been very helpful, top-notch and I personally trust it. But the contact was established first by an Ouija board.


4th March 2009, 09:29 PM
Yeah, but Kurt is one of those people who has a (IMO) unique perspective on the nonphysical, and that is that fear is not part of his paradigm, from what I've read (of his work.)
In other words, 'He ain't skeered of nuthin'.'
That makes a big difference.
My opinion again.

4th March 2009, 09:41 PM
So maybe you pinpointed the difference there. :D

Actually, until some years ago he did not even believe there could be a negative entity - he wrote that even in "Music and the Soul." However, in his Astral Projection Log his writings seem to indicate his beliefs have changed.

I think there's something more at work here with the results people get, but I don't know what. *shrugs*
