View Full Version : A simple way to test your theory

18th March 2009, 12:58 AM
I was thinking about your concept of a projected double as opposed to the "actual" spirit leaving the body, and I thought of a very simple way that you could test it and see if you project your spirit, leaving behind an empty shell like some people think, or a double, leaving behind a thinking mind. All you have to do is keep a notepad next to the bed, and if you feel all the things leading up to a projection, but not projection (which is what the mind left behind thinks) you simply draw an x or something on the notepad. If after a projection, you see an x that you don't remember drawing, or you watch your body draw the x, then you can be certain that your theory about the astral double is correct. If you've drawn about 50 x's and they were all related to unsuccessful projection attempts, then you could probably assume that it's not. Sound interesting?

Robert Bruce
8th March 2010, 03:50 AM

The problem here is, when there is an obe exit, the physical body mind generally falls asleep and or becomes paralyzed and then falls asleep.

However, some of the advanced students in PAPI 'practical energy work and astral projection intensive' our online school, frequently find key word notes on their notepads after a training session, that they have no recollection of writing.
