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View Full Version : Finally made it

11th January 2006, 01:13 PM
After a long sequence of delays, I was finally able to get to part 2 today--and was rewarded with an odd experience. It happened just as I went from trance to using the rope technique. What I felt was as if all my energy was going to my front upper torso, and was trying to pull away. I felt my consciousness moving and felt similar to feeling that one gets when about to pass out (although I was breathing normally, so I know it wasn't that). So was this an almost-projection? Perhaps just a maybe-getting-close-to-projection experience? Or just some strange energy sensation?

11th January 2006, 10:41 PM
What you experienced was the beginnings of the conscious exit projection reflex. A good sign.

Keep it up!


12th January 2006, 02:07 PM
Awesome! Thanks for the reply.