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18th June 2009, 02:33 AM
Dennis Adams was born an hermaphrodite (with organs for both genders). As a child of 4 years of age he had a gender assignment operation that made him male but they found morphine would not work for him. So, he learnt to leave his body to escape the pain.

As a young man he went in search of spiritual knowledge and, during a period of years living in the woods, developed his psychic abilities. Upon his return he had himself scientifically verified and healed a respected scientist . . .


18th June 2009, 01:45 PM
Very interesting. I didn't see the whole thing, but he radiates something- sort of gives you a feeling. I'll have to catch up soon.

18th June 2009, 11:33 PM
It's worth watching through. He goes on to make claims about having walked through walls and moved things with his mind and I think I actually believe him. He argues that "Christ Consciousness" has evolved so dramatically now that it will not be contained and manifested by one individual but by many. Perhaps this was always the case anyway.

18th June 2009, 11:44 PM
Jesus did have 12 good friends, and he remained close with his mother. I keep hearing he may have married Mary Magdalene and had a family. There were other people who were not his followers who performed healings by doing them in his name. Now that is easier said than done, but back then when Jesus was physically present and his energy radiated out, it may have been a different matter.

19th June 2009, 11:38 AM
I think you'd enjoy this one, Tom. :D

12th January 2018, 02:47 AM
I have studied with Dennis for 27 years and have been present when he has produced miracles of healing and one time increased his inner radiation using the frequency of unconditional love to the point where the heat reached me across a long room like a sauna blast. People in the front row were sweating and then he shut it down. He has the capabilities people have mentioned in this thread but his main theme is that everyone is capable of reaching the divine nature within them. Healing is his strong suit. He is clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsencscient and like the talented astrophysicist Elizabeth Rausher, PhD said about him after she studied him under laboratory conditions, "He is perhaps the finest healer since Jesus." Dennis was raised a Roman Catholic, Jesus was his hero, and recognizes that it is not Dennis doing the healing. He gives all credit to God. Check out my book Tennis With God and you'll hear some of the inside stories. He is able to manifest the consciousness that Patanjali and other traditions speak of. Oh, and Dennis was a priest in the Liberal Catholic Church under the branch of the renowned clairvoyant Charles Leadbeater, and was trained as an exorcist. He is capable of multi-dimensional travel and was awarded a Master's degree in Omni-corporeal Reality for demonstrating his knowledge and skills for such scientists as consciousness researcher Stan Krippner. Dennis lived alone in the woods for 8 years during one period of life to find out what nature and God could teach him. Well, the results speak for themselves.

26th April 2018, 03:45 PM
I have studied with Dennis for 27 years and have been present when he has produced miracles of healing and one time increased his inner radiation using the frequency of unconditional love to the point where the heat reached me across a long room like a sauna blast. oral steroids for sale (https://suppsforlife.to/category/oral-steroids/) People in the front row were sweating and then he shut it down. He has the capabilities people have mentioned in this thread but his main theme is that everyone is capable of reaching the divine nature within them. Healing is his strong suit. He is clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsencscient and like the talented astrophysicist Elizabeth Rausher, PhD said about him after she studied him under laboratory conditions, "He is perhaps the finest healer since Jesus." Dennis was raised a Roman Catholic, Jesus was his hero, and recognizes that it is not Dennis doing the healing. He gives all credit to God. Check out my book Tennis With God and you'll hear some of the inside stories. He is able to manifest the consciousness that Patanjali and other traditioniss speak of. Oh, and Dennis was a priest in the Liberal Catholic Church under the branch of the renowned clairvoyant Charles Leadbeater, and was trained as an exorcist. He is capable of multi-dimensional travel and was awarded a Master's degree in Omni-corporeal Reality for demonstrating his knowledge and skills for such scientists as consciousness researcher Stan Krippner. Dennis lived alone in the woods for 8 years during one period of life to find out what nature and God could teach him. Well, the results speak for themselves.

is it true, in your opinion, that not everyone can live alone in woods for such a long period of time? i mean, it is obvious that after such an experience you would be another person and you could achieve great results, as much as we can see, however by far not everyone can do it. do you agree? what skills are required for being able to do so?