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22nd January 2006, 06:31 PM
Date: December 4, 2005

I have been “practicing” relaxation and trying to go out of body at least once a day. I feel that I am getting to a very deep relaxation level always. Have read two books on OBE and am trying to imagine myself “floating” above my body during my practice. So far no luck.

Date: January 15, 2006 (PM)

Very strange occurrence. I was not consciously trying to project. I had done relaxation exercises before going to sleep. I am fairly sure that I went into a dream sequence / state. I do not remember the dream at all. I did not have any sensations of leaving body, vibrations, sounds. I recall standing on the end of my bed, out of body. Everything looked foggy and in gray tones. There was “something”, the shape of a dog sitting looking at me about ten feet in front of me. It was all black and growling. I kind of freaked out at this. There was another entity to my left, never saw it, but felt something there. I grabbed something in my left hand and threw it at the dog. The dog never flinched or moved, it kept growling. I then came back into my body and awoke.

Date: December 17, 2005 (PM)

I believe I was very close to an actual OBE tonight. I am so moved that I feel I must record it:

I lay down after supper approx. 8pm and was focusing on just relaxing and going deeper. I seemed to be having a very difficult time at it, my mind was wandering and thoughts kept intruding my concentration. I don’t remember falling to sleep or being awake. The next thing I remember was a very odd feeling in my left arm, like it was no longer attached or very light, and specifically felt it was resting on a pillow. I thought and felt myself moving my arm up in front of me vertically (when I lay down I was on my back). I then thought, “Bring your right arm up to touch it” which I felt happen and remember hands touching and feeling around. Both felt kind of numb / tingly. I let arms go back to rest positions and sort of came out of this phase. I remember being disappointed because arms felt real/solid, and thinking I just imagined it.

I then just kind of was drifting; I don’t remember thinking anything for a time. I distinctly remember thinking I might as well get up and play a pc game or go on line, but at same time I was very relaxed and thinking my wife would be coming to bed soon. So I just laid there. I felt very tired and was again just drifting; I then heard what I thought was our dog chewing on something (sounded like cellophane). I thought, now I better get up and see what she has.” But, again did not. I remember hearing some other odd sounds also, but cannot remember specifics. Next sensation was of our dog jumping on the bed with me. I felt her weight on the bed and movement; she lay down beside me and had head on my left shin. Next I heard my son come in the room and he asked, “Having fun Dad?” to which I responded, “Uh huh”. He then said, “Be back in a few minutes”.

The next events happened in rapid succession: I felt I was very tired again in my mind and that I was almost asleep. At this point I began to feel very, very warm all over and feeling as though I was sweating. I felt like I was breathing very, very fast and heart beat was erratic. Within seconds of this I felt my whole body buzzing/vibrating. I saw two bright blue purple headlights in front of me. Then my thoughts came back to me somewhat and I remember thinking and realizing what was going on. The headlights disappeared but I could still see flickers of colors and shapes. I started thinking,”this is it, this is it! Just go with it, nothing is wrong, go.” Then my eyes opened and I was lying in bed. It was 10:02pm

When I awoke I was ecstatic, I was still under covers (during the arm sensations there were not covers, or my arms passed through them). The door to bedroom was closed, no dog in the room or son. I got up and walked into hallway. Light was on in my sons room next to ours. My wife was on son’s bed with dog reading. I asked “Where is Brandon?” she said, “he fell asleep on the couch downstairs, I wanted to read and you were sleeping, so we came in here, I did not want to wake you up.” I said, “Huh” and came to record this.

Date: January 22, 2006 (AM)

I awoke at 8:30 am. I got up, took meds and went to bathroom. Decided to lie back down and try to project. I did relaxation techniques, and was kind of drifting. I specifically remember going into a dream (see dream log). After dreaming I sort of woke up, my body was vibrating and I felt numb / tingly all over. I specifically thought to myself, “this is how it should feel”. I lifted my left arm (ethereal) and it snapped back down hard. I thought, “That was cool”, and did it several more times. The next I remember is pulling / stretching my upper torso and head. Pulling it out of my body. The next I remember is standing next to my bed, definitely out of my body. My thoughts were rushing on what to do. I began “walking” around in bedroom (felt more like floating). My vision was somewhat blurred, but still clear enough to “see”. I recall thinking “I should get farther away”. I looked at the window and went through it and was outside. I “fell” to the ground (bedroom is on second floor). I specifically had falling sensation to the ground, but alit softly, no pain or injury. I began walking around outside but don’t remember specifics of what or where I was. (Note: vision and colors were very vivid at this point, but things looked almost cartoonish, or drawn??). I remember walking faster and faster trying to get “somewhere”. I came to a road, after walking through a wooded area (behind our house?) and was walking fast toward a town. It was taking forever so I thought “try flying”. I jumped up a couple times and floated around. I recall going higher, through electrical wires and seeing trees and buildings below. Again nothing specific. I recall trying different kinds of flying, flapping arms (seemed dumb), arms at side, arms straight ahead. Next I recall flying fast between buildings as if following streets. Also clipping buildings and just passing through them. At one point I recall thinking, “how high can I go?” I went up and up fast, when I started to “freak” I stopped and looked back down at buildings and scenery below. Saw a cloud right next to me also. I do not recall how I got there but was back at house at this point “instantly”. Was walking around outside again then began thinking I should probably get back (to body). But I did not want this to end at all, it was so cool. For some reason I was wondering how to get past people (wife) and get back to bedroom?? I decided just to walk through doors. When I attempted this however, the door was resistant and opened when I pushed into it. My wife was standing in kitchen and looked at me and said something I do not recall. I just kept walking past her and up stairs to bedroom. (Note: I know it was our house in my mind throughout this experience, but layout was messed up??). I got back to bedroom, tried just going through door again, and again it opened instead. I do not remember “seeing” myself in bed, just being back there. I kind of drifted for awhile, contemplating what had just happened and locking as much as I could in my mind. Then my wife came in bedroom (physically), and I opened eyes, awoke. I awoke completely elated and refreshed, and wanting to do “it” again soon!!

Date: January 24, 2006 (AM)

This experience occurred after waking from a dream in am. The dream was about being at Suspa and work. Trying to get home toward end, subway train. I was jumping on and off this train at different locations. I jumped off at a factory. The factory had a sexual theme (like it was where people went for fantasies). The factory is full of Asian workers. The first “line” I went to I lay down on a table and the workers were removing all of my body hair. I then jumped back on train and off again. I grabbed latex “kit” off of a rack as I was jumping off the train. I went to another line and the workers were trying to get a latex suit to fit me. It would not fit. End dream. I then was back in bed and vibrating, I moved my arms around, and sensed Jenny put her hand on my stomach. She also said to me, “What are you doing?” I was a bit shocked by this, was thinking I was really moving and Jenny was feeling it. (Jenny was already up). I kind of came out of lucidity for a moment. Recall wanting to continue, did not feel any exit sensations. I was back in factory, but it was empty. I yelled, “Hello” several times. I decided to see if I could fly. I jumped up and fell on floor once. I then floated past lines and to back of building. I saw a green XXX pattern steel door. I wanted to see if I could put my hand through this and I did. It felt very strange (warm/tingly) but my hand went through up to about mid forearm. I then pulled it back out. I then looked at both hands as I held them up in front of me. They looked normal as I recall, but kind of glowing. They began dissolving and my focus changed. (My mind was racing with ideas and things I wanted to do). I walked outside of factory and flew into air above trees. I saw a town in distance and trees below me. I either said out loud or thought, “Take me home, 807 Morgan”. I instantly was moving very fast (flying) but I did not know where. I assumed toward house. I came over a lake and my thoughts shifted again to what water would be like. I instantly was on surface of lake floating. I stuck my head under water. I kind of choked / gasped a couple times but then began breathing water. I recall the feeling of water going in and out of my mouth / lungs. It had some sand in it also. The water was shallow, maybe 4 – 5 feet deep and crystal clear. Sandy bottom. I was thinking I don’t want to be in deep water or see a drop off. (This freaks me out in real life). The water stayed at same depth. I was swimming about and just amazed. I wondered where fish were, and instantly again there were fish all around me. I then started grabbing at fish as I swam. Awoke.

Date: February 2, 2006 (AM)

This experience was definitely begun from a dream state. I know I projected twice, but the details of each one or what happened in each one specifically are a bit confused. So I will just record what I remember. I was really practicing hard last night on focusing my attention just on what I saw on my “mental screen” behind eyelids. So, when I went to sleep I was very relaxed and calm. I awoke at 6:30am and went to bathroom, got drink and lay back down. I went right back to focusing on my vision images. The next thing I recall is feeling very warm and tingly all over and beginning to buzz. I just let myself go, I recall feeling my legs pulling up at the knees toward my stomach and I consciously began trying to get myself out of my body. I was next floating near the ceiling in the SE corner of our bedroom. I was very excited and began thinking what to do now. (Now things are kind of mixed up) I went through the window and recall a scraping sound as I did (like nails on chalkboard). Next I was outside and recall only having underwear on, which made me nervous. I flew also, but to no specific location. I do recall trying the first time and landing face first on ground. Went through different techniques also, flapping, jumping, superman. I basically was just enjoying being out and doing anything. I met a lady and she seemed deformed, ill, and sad. I recall her face being scarred on the left side as she faced me. Not like a burn scar, just lumpy, crevassed. I went to her and hugged her. I said, “It hurts doesn’t it?” She said, “Yes, very much”. She may have been crying, I felt extreme sadness for her. Wanted to help. We just hugged a long time. This is very vivid. I believe I began wondering how long I had been out. I recall coming back to the house and seeing my wife in the kitchen. I recall getting the sense that she could see me or sense me in the room. But also kind of playing with the idea by walking close and seeing what her reaction would be. I said something to her also. She then said, “Aren’t you the attractive one?” this freaked me out. I was then back in bedroom and recall trying to “align” myself with body (did not see body, just sensed it). After a couple seconds I just was back in body and awoke. I was elated by the success and wanted to do it again. I went right back into focusing on objects, and started buzzing again! My legs again pulled up, bending at knees. This time I recall swinging myself side to side. Feeling myself swing out of body farther and farther. I recall bumping my head on the night table on one rightward swing, and was then out of body on the leftward swing, standing between two beds (we only have one??). I looked around the room; my vision was very blurry and shaky. I walked toward the door and looked directly at the right bed and saw a body in it but could not be sure it was me. I was not freaked by this. My attention went back to vision, I walked out onto landing and stairs were all twisted and wobbly. I told myself it would clear up as I moved away. I felt my way down stairs and opened and went out front door. It was snowing and windy. (We have no snow at the moment and it is calm today). I recall thinking I did not feel cold, but could feel the wind and snow hitting me. I began walking the snow was crunchy like rice krispies. I walked down the street again not going anywhere. I decided to see how fast I could run. I was going so fast that things were blurry. I wanted to fly again and again face planted several times before I was successful. I recall doing a backstroke in the air this time for several seconds before I flipped and saw I was above tree line. I flew about, and thought of going to the moon. I went higher and recall clouds and going through some of them. I saw the light of the moon above more clouds. I aborted this. I flew back to ground and came upon a lake or pond. The water was gray and gloomy looking. A man passed by me on snow skis, right onto the water. As he past he said, “Look the water is perfect, I don’t even have to jump”. I waded into the water up to about neck level and kind of followed this man. I had the worry again about the water getting too deep, but I just kept wading. The man kind of faded and my thoughts went back again to how long I had been out. I walked in no particular direction, but knew were I was going. I next was in a house, but could not tell if it was mine or not. As I stood in the hallway I held my hands up and looked, they were very odd looking and blue. The fingers slowly melted like wax and I watched until they were all gone down to forearms. I then focused on the wall and raised hand again (it was back) I shoved hand into wall, felt resistance, but kept pushing. I brought other hand up and was spreading the wall open like a curtain. I do not recall going through. I saw a mirror on the wall, and looked at it seeing myself. I smiled. Walked about some more saw a shelf with a small village scene on it. I shrank myself down and was on the shelf in the scene (plastic trees, houses, etc). Awoke in bed. Amazed!

Date: July 24, 2006

Haven't posted any new experiences since February. Basically I have been busy in daily life and had very little time to practice or attempt any OBE. I have had 2-3 very short experiences where I know I have left my body from a dream state. (Actually aware of seperating from body and usually exploring house/nearby outside and flying) All attempts I have made at spontaneous projecting have gone nowhere in this time period. Again these have been few. I will keep posting and updating this log as things happen.

22nd January 2006, 06:57 PM
Great, Insha Allah something will happen with me soon, im trying :D

22nd January 2006, 11:01 PM
Wonderful russmi! I knew you could do it! :lol: :lol: :lol:

11th August 2006, 02:33 AM
August 08, 2006 (AM)

I woke up and went to bathroom, layed back down doing relaxation. I do not recall any exit sensations or anything. Just began feeling my legs lift and arms. I looked at my hands (astrally) and they were fuzzy and blue/green. Was having hard time getting body up, floating. Then I turned 90 degrees in bed, feet to the east. Next I was just standing in corner of bedroom. I looked at bed and saw it, but nobody in it. Touched the wall a few times with hand, it was solid. Started walking toward bed and hit shins on it. Instantly fell backwards, not like normal, but stiff as a board??? When I got horizontal I was back in body.

11th August 2006, 02:41 AM
August 10, 2006

just dawned on me that i did not go into the above experience from a dream state.......first concious obe?????

26th August 2006, 04:08 AM
August 25, 2006 (AM)

Awoke earlier than normal, about 7:30 am. Went to bathroom, took meds, talked to wife a few mihutes then lay back down. Wife and kids were going shopping, so was alone. I did relaxation work including focusing on sound (tinnitis) in ears. Was very relaxed but getting no further (has been recurring theme lately, trying hard but either falling to sleep or giving up frustrated). I gave up again and went to sleep, dreaming briefly. I awoke suddenly in about 30 minutes (do not know why). Closed eyes and noticed pulsing/strobing effect in patterns of light I was seeing (these are typically triangular colored shapes). Note: I have only had a few brief flashes of actual scenes in this state, my imagery is rotten :( . I kind of just focused on the shapes and pulsing, and almost immediately felt legs rising up. There were no other exit sensations at all. I began willing myself up, getting half mad that my body would not lift. I pushed my legs down hard and sat up at same time, this worked and I was sitting on edge of bed. The sheets of the bed were wrapped around my feet/lower legs. It took several seconds to get this solved :lol: . I then stood and walked to a wall across bedroom, it was like a wall sticking out from a closet. I pushed my right hand into the wall and a chunk of plaster broke into the wall and I heard it fall into and down inside. At this point I was like, "Oh crap, I am not OOB and I just punched a hole in a wall!! (I remember now that the wall was blue, and our bedroom is white walls). My next thought was, "OK if I am OOB then I should be able to see myself in bed". So I turned and walked back toward bed, first looking out of bedroom doors down to kitchen. I saw my wife sitting at counter doing something. I got to bed (we have a king size, this was a single??), it was empty with bedding on floor. For some reason I stood at end of bed and began pulling covers up, like making bed. I got them up to pillows and was smoothing them and a lump (body sized) began forming! I pulled the covers back down and there I was!! Sleeping peacefully on my back, just as I always do, minus my cpap mask. Instead of being freaked out or pulled back, I was elated! It was proof I was OOB! I turned from the bed and the first thing I saw was the air register on the floor. I thought, "That would be neat to go down the pipes to the basement". So I tried, I got a hand and part of an arm into the register, but could go no further. I then walked back to the original wall and put my hand all the way through this time, there was resistance and a crackling sound but no broken plaster. I played with arm through wall for a time, moving it in/out/around. I then thought to go out and explore. I was still thinking of things to look for to varify I was out and in a "real" place. I walked to the south wall and pushed completely through it hands first, pulling body through and was floating outside above our patio (bedroom is second floor). I eased down to the patio and began walking to the west. I saw my fish pond near deck fish and fountain, but it had ice on it. (It is still fall here?). I reached in and it was cold, I even picked up a chunk of ice. I proceeded west, past deck (Now things become changed to where I grew up in another town. Our existing house is in a sub-division with houses to the west. I was walking through a large yard, no houses with a field and trees to the west, exactly as where I grew up). I walked to the tree line and looked down into the gully where a creek runs. I then wanted to fly over it. I rose up, passing through a few tree limbs on the way up. I hovered at about tree top level a minute, then tried going higher. Was having a hard time so I began doing like a swimming stroke, I went higher up. The view was awesome. I was amazed at the path the creek took through the woods to the river in the south. I flew around the general area a few minutes. Wanted to do an inverted loop. I whooshed toward the ground, arched backward and made it about half way around and kind of lost control. I began spiraling toward ground, freaked out and awoke in body.

25th November 2006, 05:20 AM
November 24, 2006

OK, it is 11:45 pm Friday 11/24/06. I don't know what to classify this experience as, but I will post it. I have had a loooong dry spell for any OBE at all. I have been working hard on NEW, and relaxation but since last posted event, nothing even close to any OBE or even trance. I had reached a point again of giving up, and now I have this??

Anyway, I worked from noon until 8:00pm (retail sales). At about 4:00pm I got a terrible headache. Have not felt good for several days either, but just figured it was a bug or sinus'. So I went on my supper hour, ate a quick burger and fries, then went back to store took tylenol and just sat in office chair until 5:00. Still had headache but it had lessoned. Finished work and came home.

I lay down as soon as I got home, put on cpap and earplugs (I do this everynight). Tonight I wanted to get rid of headache and just sleep. I was having no thoughts of OBE or anything. I drifted off finally having a weird dream I cannot even remember. I remember my wife coming to bed and yawning several times. I assume this was around 10:00 when she usually crashes. I just kind of layed there and was just drifting. One of our cats decided right between my legs was a good spot to lay down, so he did.

I do not recall all that happened or in what order, I am just going to put down what happened in general. I felt several times a whooshing sensation, lick being sucked into a vortex? I had exit sensations several times, voices, noises, pans crashing?, and each one would make me startled. I remember at one point my legs were floating up, even as far as straight up to the ceiling, but the rest of me was locked on bed. This was weird because the cat was still there and going up and down with my legs! I was lifting my arms at another point and letting the left one flop back down to the bed (kind of just playing). My right arm was above my head bent at the elbow and was stuck there. Went through a period of awesome hynocognic visions too, patterns, shapes, vibrant colors all swirling and swishing in my eyes.

I distinctly remember not being able to see hardly anything at all during all of these. I even had the sensation I had on my sleep blindfold, but I did not really have it on. 2-3 times I went completely out of body and then back in. Each of these were very short and mainly uneventful. I do remember a sense of "something " being near me at these times. And I did not want it there. Once it was like a car following me, could hear the engine and got an impression of a vehicle. Another time it was like an animal or being of some sort. I actually growled at it, and hit it a few times. Never saw what "it" was. Was in a room however and protecting I believe my wife from it.

The last thing I remember was a thunderstorm going on. My wife was awake in this one. Still sensed a blindfold on, but could also "see" lightening. The power went off in this one once, and then it was pitch dark for several seconds, then it came back. So I did have some sight. I then was coming out of it, returning to conciousness, but struggling. I wanted to wake up and had to go to the bathroom, but my body felt heavy and I kept slipping in and out of exit sensations, etc. I actually had to concentrate hard on getting up. Forced my arms to actually move and get the cpap off. Finally I tossed the covers off (ticked off the cat) and got up shakely. Almost in a dazed state for a few minutes.

I relieved myself, and logged in here to record this. Appologies if it is twisted and unorganized, but that is how the experience was! I think I got most of it down.

Take care all! I guess I am still OBE'ing......lol

P.S. my headache is completely gone!!

25th January 2007, 12:53 AM
January 23, 2007 (AM)

Had a brief OBE this morning. I was not trying at all to have one, I actually had a sleepless night (I have them occasionally). I went back to bed at 6:15 am and went to sleep immediately. I awoke about 10:00 am, I have to be at work at 12:00 so I had the alarm set already for 11:00 am. I just was laying there in bed kind of floating and the next thing I knew I was feeling my legs lifting up. I was in a bunk bed shaped like an "L", I was on the bottom bed facing the upper bed which was 90 degrees to my body. (This bed does not exist in our house). This was all very clear and bright looking. As my feet were lifting I was trying to get my upper body and arms loose. I suddenly grabbed the blankets from the top bed with my hands and pulled myself up to a standing position. I was kind of amazed this worked. I just stood there, floating and looking around. The room was totally foreign. Then it popped in my head how I have been trying to go OBE for so long, I wanted to try it again to see if I could. I was immediately back in the bottom bed in my body. I remember just laying there, thinking I wanted to exit again. Again my legs became light and floating. This time I must have been focused on the rope technique because I saw a rope clear as day hanging from somewhere above (did not really notice a ceiling). I grabbed the rope and could see my hands going one over the other climbing up. In just a second I was standing / hovering again above the bed. The room and bed was the same as before. I briefly floated around the room (I had no agenda or plans....lol). I thought about going through the wall and I think I was trying to do so when I awoke in my real bed / bedroom. Not very exciting or anything amazing, but it was an experience. It was 10:32 am when I awoke.

12th April 2007, 02:58 AM
April 07, 2007

......I think this was an OBE, but not really sure. Here it is anyway (some of this is commical in a way, unexplainable). Went to bed around 2:00am. Was doing countdown relaxation and just focusing on nothingness. Started feeling very odd in my head like expanding vision (although it was blackness) just a feeling of getting bigger or expanding (never had this exact feeling before). Then started seeing the most amazing colors and vivid colors I have ever seen! The patterns were very intricate and bright. After a few minutes of this I began feeling buzzy all over and realized I was exiting or close to it. I proceeded to do the rope technique. Ended up having a fight with "myself" as I usually do trying to get myself out of my body. I recall parts breaking free and coming back to body. Finally, I recall grabbing the head board of the bed with my right hand and pulling hard. I guess it worked because I was then floating near the left side of the bed in our bedroom. My sight was really good, and I looked back at bed and saw "myself" sleeping there. Now knowing that I was projecting I proceeded to move toward the bedroom door. Before I got there I noticed a clock on the wall (there is not a clock on the wall in our room??) I looked at the clock and remembered reading that a clock or writing will change. It was a regular round clock, white face with black numbers, when I first looked it said 2:17. I looked away and back and the face was all jumbled, and it read what would be 4:30. I did this several times getting weirder reading every time. I even recall looking once and where 1 should be it had 1E like 13 with the 3 reversed. I eventually moved out the door into the hallway (we have a tri-level home but this hallway was like a single level). I met my wife in the hall (she was asleep in bed). I got the feeling like I have had before like I had to hide from her, or she could see me. I kind of crouched down near a wall. As she passed by she said something I did not understand. For some reason I thought it would be fun to grab her ankles, so I did. She did not respond or trip, but dragged me down the hall. I let go and kind of wandered about the house. Eventually came back into bedroom and then thought of trying to go through the wall and outside (just because it is fun). I went to a wall and pulled it open (like opening a curtain). I floated through with no resistance (there was resistance opening it). Once through, I found myself outside our house, and one story up in the air! I floated/fell toward the ground and landed rather roughly. I was kind of shocked and looked around a bit, everything looked real and accurate for our back yard. Then I noticed the moon. I have read of many doing space travel so I thought "go there!" in my mind. I shot into the air at warp speed!!! Never went this fast before, the wind I felt was enormous and everything was blurred. I looked "down" and saw the earth getting smaller and smaller behind me. I looked back forward and the moon went "zippp!!" past me.....lol. I remember thinking "oh crap" and mentally put the brakes on. I slowed down and stopped somewhere past the moon. I turned around and looked back at the moon and focused on landing on it. I went slower back torward it and landed with a bounce. So I stand there wondering what to do now, the moon looked bright gray/tan, and I remember craters around. It felt spongy under me so I bent down to touch the surface and it appeared to be like foam rubber??? No dust or dirt just squishy.....lol. (This entire time I had no fear of being in space or getting back). After a few minutes the thought entered my mind of "how am I breathing?" and then "I should get back". As sson as that thought hit me I was awake in my body. It was one of those falling into body with a thud and the bed bouncing sensations. I was wide awake and rolled over thinking about all of this and drifted off to sleep. Forgot to look at clock on stand even to see the time..............

12th April 2007, 01:53 PM
Welcome back, Russ. It's been a while.

19th September 2007, 10:27 PM
September 19, 2007

Have had only brief OOB experiences since last posting. All of them are extremely short, mostly getting maybe my legs elevated, no traveling or exploring. Have had a lot of stressors in my life as of late, this may be affecting being able to relax and exit. Just seem to be stuck again with no progress. Good luck to everyone else!!!

2nd February 2008, 02:56 AM
Have had major cold spell in anything to do with projecting. As with last post this may be do to stressors in life, or just my general attitude of frustration. I do want to project and do energy work, relaxation and practicing daily. It just seems nothing happens.

I have been really interested and trying to meet my spirit and/orastral guides. I think it all the time and wish it upon going to bed. No success because I am not projecting.

I have very vivid dreams and remember and log all of them. This morning I got up as usual around 9:00, took my meds and went to bathroom. Was a message from my boss that I did not need to come to work, kids were off school also because of snow storm. I talked with kids for a bit and decided to lay down again. I went back to bed around 10:30am, put in earplugs and just relaxed. Drifted off to sleep and dreaming, oddly I do not recall dream. I had not even thought of projecting upon laying down, but suddenly my legs were floating. (This is typically how I begin a projection) I was amazed and played around pushing legs down and letting them pop back into air for a time. Is always weird because covers are over them. Then my thoughts shifted to arms. I messed around with them floating and moving them around. Remember it being odd because I could feel my real arms on bed, but at same time feel astral ones moving and floating. I recall struggling to get myself out completely, but do not recall it happening. I next remember walking around in my underwear, was in a totally unfamiliar house but briefly recall people around. I was then flying outside, but details are sketchy. Remember seeing land and buildings and such. Kept thinking I needed to get to a house I lived in when I was a teenager. Never arrived that I know of. I do not recall anything past this at all, no re-entry, no dreams. When I awoke I was stunned when I looked at clock and it was 4:42pm!!! I had been asleep or whatever over 6 hours!!!

2nd February 2008, 03:22 AM
Hey Russ. I see you found a way to make it work. I sent you a pm about this but you figured it out first.
Many of us have just had a dry spell with projecting, and Aunt Clair said there was some sort of 'global event' -kind of preparation happening during this time period.
Were you having weird dreams and other experiences that were not necessarily projections at this time?
Just curious about this- you're not the only one that has just started to project again after a dry spell.

5th June 2008, 03:03 AM
Not much going on as far as projecting. I have been doing energy work more religiously and attempting projecting almost daily. Have tried mornings, afternoons, evenings, laying down, sitting. No difference at all for me.

I still believe I can do this, but is very frustrating. I truly think I am trying or thinking too hard and I do not know how to stop that.

If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate input. I have terrible time clearing or putting aside thoughts in my mind. I only have brief flashes of hypnocognic images , I can get sensory feelings like smells and almost seeing a setting, but never any actual "I am there" sense.

Have only had a couple very short projections since last post. These are from or coming out of a dream state. I typically feel my legs floating up and proceed to jerk myself out of body at that point.

Only one I remember anything is about a week ago I came out of dream and felt pressure in my feet like I was pushing on something. Proceeded to focus on feet and my whole body flipped up like I am doing a headstand. I was stuck there kind of amused at the situation for several seconds. I then jerked myself down and sideways and was standing beside bed. I looked at bed and it was very blurry but I could not see anyone in bed. I wiped my eyes trying to clear vision, when I stopped and blinked everything was red tinted?? I looked at bed again and it was empty still. I had thought to get away farther and was focusing on clearing vision........I do not remember anymore happening.

5th June 2008, 03:06 PM
I think you may be trying too hard. Have you thought of 'taking a break', not from practice (your energy work, dream recall, etc.) but from 'trying'? It's possible that trying to project is not what you're supposed to try now- maybe deeper meditation with no expectation, 'empty-mind' or 'centering' exercising?

24th August 2008, 12:45 AM
This experience has a weird ending, if anyone reads I would appreciate comments..........

Prelude: Have been doing energy work daily and OBE attempts at least once a day. Think I have mentioned before I am lucky because work schedule allows me to attempt every morning. Have had several quick or partial OBE's, usually legs floating up and top of body stuck.

Also, No one was home during this next experience, family was off school shopping.......

Got up when family left, did bathroom, bowl of cereal and meds. Do not have to be at work until 12:00 so set alarm for 11:00am and lay back down. Was doing relaxation exercises, relaxing and releasing tension. Felt pressure in temples and around eyes (is my sign i am getting close). Focused on my brow chakra and began seeing images like blue amoeba's floating around in blackness. Felt kind of tingly in body but no other exit sensations. Suddenly was hovering near ceiling off to the right of bed. Vision was all blurry and black and white. Knew was because i was close to body. Looked at body and knew it was me laying there. Do not recall going outside, but next was walking on sidewalk near a McDonalds. Now all is bright and colored. Building had reds and yellows, and saw yellow arches....lol. Thought about flying and after a couple bobbles was up and away. Was over trees and homes, but not familiar. Flew around a bit, zooming around trees up and down. Then noticed some power or phone wires above me. Flew through them once which was odd, then kind of came down on them. They stretched down like rubber and shot me up high into air. Flew back down and around. Then had thought wondering how long I had been out and kind of worried about not getting up for work, missing alarm. Was back in bedroom instantly, and standing near end of bed. Looked out bedroom door and saw daughter coming out of bathroom accross hall. She slammed door and was saying something to me, like angry. She went down stairs. I went onto landing and watched her go down, wondering if she saw me. She slammed her bedroom door, then I heard her singing to her radio. Was getting really worried about time now. Went back in bedroom and looked at a clock on windowsill (there is none there in reality). Remember the four LED numbers, center two read 1:2 and outside two were spinning, unable to read. Went to other side of bed where I am laying and all four digits are spinning. Think to get in body and wake up, but nothing happens, just stand there. Finally I flop onto my body in bed face first and then spin around face up. Trying hard to wake up. Am in like a sleep paralysis state, cannot move or open eyes. Heard alarm go off, was able to move right arm/hand and shut off, but still asleep. All of a sudden I am out again, sitting on floor. Have sleep mask on and trying to get it off, is like it is glued to my eyes. finally get it peeled off, even the strap appears to be glued to head. Then am back in body and freaking out about time. Struggle what seems like forever and finally wake up. Look at clock, it is 10:50am. I just lay there until alarm did ring at 11:00. Got ready for work and drove in, all this time felt dizzy and as if my eyes were vibrating, twitching. Very odd........

7th June 2009, 03:32 AM
This is just random babbling on where I am at in all of this, energy, relaxation, OBE stuff. Any comments to any part of this are welcome and needed. I am at a loss as to where to go next.....................

I am still in a dry period as far as OBE projecting. I took advise of CF Traveler and just stopped trying to project for about 3 months after last entry. I continued doing relaxation and energy work focusing only on those. Been doing extensive reading of related materials, both Robert's and all others I can find. Learned chakra colors (which I had never bothered with) and "visualize" these now when doing energy work instead of just white energy.

I have watched several videos (mentioned in others posts) about going into trance state and enducing sleep paralysis. I am able as always to relax what I think is deeply. I have never conciously felt sleep paralysis come upon me. One video I watched says it should feel like a lead blanket being layed over you from toes to head. I have awoken from sleep paralyzed and although slightly scary, I always think it is an interesting and enjoyable state ( I'm weird I guess). I have noticed that, while relaxing and focusing on calm, relaxed state that I sometimes will do this so long that I actually become uncomfortable almost to the point of painful. When this happens (usually after an hour or more of relaxing) I will give up or quit because of discomfort. I will then stretch my entire body several times like after being deeply asleep.

I am just starting to think about projecting again now after I feel relaxed, but I feel as though I am not where I should be as far as feeling loose, ready to project that I hear others tell about. I never get those feelings at all.

I guess the frustrating thing is I want to be able to do OBE badly, I want to see the Astral places and beings, I have had glimpses of it, I believe in it, am not afraid at all (quite the opposite) but I am still unable to do this. It is like I have been teased, given a taste and now I am being told either I am not ready or it was just a joke..........

7th June 2009, 06:35 PM
I think you need to forget about expecting to feel the trance coming on. The thing is that things like 'lead blanket' are ways to describe individual experiences, and are ok as description goes, but the problem is that they make the experiencer expect a specific feeling, instead of becoming aware of how their conscious awareness is changing.
Yes, trance feels like having no body, and you can feel it coming on, but focusing on how your body feels is more likely to bring on 'false positives' and make you focus on your body instead of focusing on not feeling anything. So I say don't focus how your body feels (or doesn't feel), and focus on how your mind feels. And if you realize you don't feel your body, you're close, very close.
Did that make sense to you?

24th June 2009, 11:52 PM
I am logging this just after it occurred so bear with me, some of the details are fuzzy yet. This kind of flips from dream to OBE then mixes with dream somewhat.....

I worked until 2:00pm, wife works until 6:00 and son was at movies. It is hotter than heck here today, so I decided just to lay down and rest until supper. I fell asleep and was dreaming of my sister and husband in their old house they used to live in (very small house). The weird thing is they were there but so were my wifes youngest sister and two of her daughters (my nieces). The dream was just us being in the house and playing board games and such. However, at one point we were trying to find a book on astral projection for one of the nieces to read. I was telling her how cool it was and she really needed to read it. That is most of the details of the dream.

I next remember awakening, kind of half awake, when I heard wife and son get home. I was thinking she would wake me for supper, so I just lay there. I was not thinking really anything, then realized I was bending in the middle up and down (no sexual intent or inuendo's please) just like arching up and down at the mid section. I was concerned because I actually felt my physical body was doing this, and it was making noises that I was sure my wife would hear. I was not thinking of projecting at all at first that I knew of, but then I started thinking this would be an easy way to get out of body. I also was thinking I did not have time to project (totally forgetting that astral time and real time are not always the same). All of a sudden, with no exit sensations or anything, I was literally smack up against the ceiling!! I was so close I could see a pattern in the covering of the ceiling like wallpaper. I was in our bedroom above our bed however. Although we have plain white drywall. I tried to push through the ceiling and go higher, however it was solid. So I ended up doing a push-up on the ceiling which was very interesting. I felt tinkly all over, like very high energy all around me. I did the push-up, and then turned toward the floor. I glanced at the bed and saw it briefly but did not dwell on it at all. My vision was blurry and grayish, and I knew it was because I was close to my body yet. I came down to the floor and proceeded out the door, still floating. Came down the stairs (definitely our house) and into our den. Went to our aquarium and stared at it for a bit, was saying clear vision to myself, and it seemed to clear. The aquarium had tons of fish in it which is not really how it is. Proceeded into the kitchen and as usual began to wonder if my wife could see me. Don't know why I always think or wonder that. I watched her working in kitchen, not really any details just working. I kind of wandered around house a bit.
Then I was again in my sisters old house and messing around with my nieces and sister and husband. It gets a little fuzzy now as to details. Not sure if I slipped back into dream or still OBE, still felt like OBE. I was seeing if they could see me, my wifes sister said she could see my face. The nieces did not talk at all and did not appear to see me. I was tickiling their feet and touching them trying to get them to notice me. They would act like a bug or something was on them, or twitch if I tickled their feet. My brother-in-law at one point asked me to go up into the attic and fix a heating duct if I could truly float. So I floated up through the ceiling, was like a drop ceiling and the tiles opened up. I went up into the attic and reattached the heating duct, he yelled up for me to fix a hole also where some wires came in, which I did with a piece of like tin.
This is pretty much the end. My wife came in and said supper was ready. It took me several minutes to become oriented and get up. Ate supper and logged this.

4th December 2009, 07:42 PM
Wow! It has been this long since I have posted anything. Which means it has been that long since anything has happened worth logging! I do not know if others have dry spells of this duration or not. Would appreciate it if people would reply to this and let me know.

One thing I have noticed is that since the passing of my Mother in February I am not having any sensations at all. I used to have buzzing or tingling when doing energy work and this is completely gone now. I can focus and "brush" or "spin" energy like I always have, but have no sensations of it. I wrote a post on the experience of my Mother passing and knowing the exact time (she was in a home) because of the feeling of something being ripped from my heart area. Can a traumatic experience shut down energy and astral abilities?

I hope everyone else is doing well and having great travels!!!

28th January 2010, 03:46 AM
Have been doing standard energy work and minimal attempts at OBE for sometime. As posted in here and other posts I have had a Looooong dry spell.

Came home from work today 5PM and played a computer game for an hour or so. Wife and Son are in a community band which had practice, so I thought I would take a nap until they returned. I lay down and did some quick energy raising (about 15 minutes). Fell asleep and went into a dream of a place I used to work. As with most of these dreams there is construction/remodeling going on (Seems to be a significant theme of my dreams) The offices were being changed and re-done. The dream then shifted to me being in the house (bedroom) where I lived while in Highschool. I was laying in my bed there and had feeling of OBE. I proceed to stand up on bed just like going from laying to standing in one fluid motion (no sitting). My body feels full of energy and I know I am OBE instantly. I did not try to go anywhere, just stood there briefly and then slowly fell back (feet to head) into body. I want to do it again and I do, this time I grab the light fixture in the ceiling....lol. It was very clear and was just a plain white porcelain fixture (no light or cover). I held onto the edge for a few seconds and when I let go I lowered back into body again. I focus and raise up again (almost like I am practicing). This time I just stand again and then raise arms/hands up to look at them and see if they melt away. I see hands and they are glowing brilliant gold!!! Before I can notice any melting I "Fall" back into body. It was very fast and I felt the bed bounce on impact and had the butterflies in stomach feeling. I thought "That was cool!" I stood and lay down several more times, except for hands and light fixture all is dark and fuzzy looking throughout these (probably because I was staying close). I then went into a strange dream based around being in the same bedroom. It included feeling as though I were stuck in bed and/or having a terrible time waking up. I was truly awakened when I heard voices and noises when Wife and Son got home at 9PM.

12th July 2010, 08:53 AM
This is the closing entry to this log. I have struggled with this decision for a long time, but I feel it is time to give this up and move on with life. I have had NO activity at all since last post. I have been doing energy work with no results, sensations, or feelings at all. Same with OBE. I do not know, nor probably ever will know what has happened. Something has changed that is obvious. The powers that be have let me have a small taste of this realm and have now caused it to cease. I am saddened by this and will always wonder why or what has happened. I have had physicals and other than being overweight a bit, my health is good.

I applaud those who have been granted the ability to do these things! I know it is real and is possible. Please to all attempting and doing this do continue if you are having success!!! I wish great and safe journeys to all! Do not be discouraged by this post, this has happened to me, not you. Continue and go forth!!!

A special message to CFTraveler......I thank you from the deepest part of my heart and soul for being my friend in here!!!! Thank you for all the advice, knowledge, encouragements and kindness over the past few years!!! I will never forget it or you! Special Blessings to you and your Family!! I hope we can stay in touch in some other media. I will send you my e-mail in a message.

Bless all!! Happy Travels!!! Goodbye...............


12th July 2010, 10:09 AM
Hello, russmi3.

If your experiences have dried out - why not change approach?

I'm not necessarily talking technique, but more like questioning your motivation. Why did you want to have an OBE?

The powers that be have let me have a small taste of this realm and have now caused it to cease. I am saddened by this and will always wonder why or what has happened.

And what might the "powers that be" want you to accomplish? They showed you that it is possible, that you can have the experience. Now you are challenged to explore what you want to do with it, I'd say.

What would you like to accomplish with OBE? Is it really worthwhile and conducive for your own growth? Is it helpful for others?

The experience of the "dry spell" means something. If there are "powers that be" they are communicating something to you by first granting the ability and then letting it dry up. If you assume the reason is a good one and it is not simply unhelpful, then you could explore what it is.

The question goes a bit wider than this - what is the purpose of spirituality? What is the purpose of you as an individual? What is the purpose of the experiences you had?


12th July 2010, 10:34 AM
PS - I would like to propose an experiment to you.

Set your intention, out loud or in writing or both, that your soul/your guides/the powers that be let you know what they want you to accomplish with OBE so that you can align with it. Be prepared to get the answer by many means, for example by dreams or by a situation from real life, or by just waking up knowing, etc. Be open for the answer to come to you.

Maybe that will help you know what is going on and why.


3rd January 2011, 07:21 PM
After reading CF's and others comments I am rethinking/focusing on what I really want to do. I really want to get in touch with my Spirit Guide(s) at this time so I am focusing on that more than just OOB. As of yet I have had very few experiences in this area. Nothing I can peg as definate contact. I have had many sensations of a tingling/chill going down my body. I read a few places that the left side is receiving and right is transmitting. Most I have start in my left arm or shoulder and are very intense/long lasting as they travel down my torso/hip and leg. They slowly dissepate around my knee or calf. I do not think that this is energy flow (Or if it is it is totally new). Energy flow I have experienced is usually in the other (up) direction and less intense, flowing faster.

So I am focusing less on OOB, continueing energy work and relaxation. Ten just opening my mind to whatever comes.

I did have a very short dream OOB on the 30th of December. I was in a dream but then had the sensation of my legs floating up and I focused on getting all the way out and finally popped out standing beside bed. A lady was there with me and I was explaining to her what it felt like and how I knew I was OOB. She even touched me once and her hand went into or through me. I had no recall of the dream, who the lady was or coming back into body. I just awoke.

I have also started a log in the dream forum of ALL my dreams (If I can) and plan on entering all I remember there. This may shed light on where I am to go or do in my journeys.

Happy New Year to all!!!!


3rd January 2011, 09:06 PM
I don't know if you've read me saying this, (and if you have sorry to be boring, lol), but I like to stay in trance for the longest possible time and just "see what's up". The more you practice going into and staying in trance (not with the intent to OBE, just to observe) you can learn to perceive other entities and eventually learn to communicate.
So, cheers.

10th January 2011, 04:28 PM
Russ, I think this one's for you.
At the EIC, Kurt Leland says:

http://www.explorations-in-consciousnes ... pic=1478.0 (http://www.explorations-in-consciousness.com/forums/index.php?topic=1478.0)

"I wonder sometimes whether we have vivid etheric body projections just to prove to ourselves that we're not our physical body. Then we have astral projections on the physical plane to prove that we really are traveling away from the body and can verify it through remote viewing. Then we have lucid dreams to prove we can wake up to a higher level of awareness in some other body on a higher plane. And then these more dramatic experiences seem to disappear. We think it's because we've retrogressed, but it may be because these experiences have fulfilled their function.

The new challenge is going out as far as we can, learning how to use our inner senses in whatever body and on whatever plane we have access to, and mastering the art of translating our adventures into images and words that help us understand them better and share them with others without falsifying them."

10th January 2011, 08:17 PM
Hello, Russ.

Happy new year to you as well. :)

The statement from Kurt could also be put another way:

If you want to meet higher beings, and your spirit guides would count as such, a physical plane OBE or AP may not be the best way, and certainly not the only avenue to pursue. In exploring the astral plane itself many key skills will be developed, this includes learning to communicate with what Monroe calls Non-Verbal Communication and Kurt calls Feel/Think.

Also developing the astral body to the highest degree is helpful in being sure whom you have encountered (sensing their ident), getting a feel of their function, purpose and trustworthiness, being able to communicate with them, being able to recall the experience with enough clarity, and being able to maintain the right level of lucidity to benefit the most of such an interaction.

Dreams can open such an avenue. But even if you do it from an AP you still have to master these skills and deal with dream-like elements, but the reward might be, I think, the interaction you seek with helpful and beneficial entities on the other side.


5th February 2011, 05:49 PM
This experience happens after doing dream log for a month, discussing dreams and OBE with CF and others. And, just last night I read a very good site on lucid dreaming and techniques to make them easier. I went to sleep doing positive reinforcements to lucid dream and focusing on breathing alone.

Breakthrough on OBE last night. This was OBE also I am sure, not a lucid dream because I had definite entry and exit recall and slight sensations. I was dreaming (see dream log) and became semi-concious. I knew it was not close to the time I needed to get up so I just focused on laying still. My body was feeling very fuzzy and although I do not recall paralysis I had no desire to move. After a few minutes I started seeing hypnogogic shapes and colors. Nothing fancy just dots and patterns.

I just watched and tried to focus on them. Then I got the old feet floating up sensation and thoughts that I might be waking my wife. I ignored them and just kept floating until my entire body was detached and floating. I do not recall much for a few minutes but then found myself in another room (Not in our house). There I am with a lady that was my daughters basketball coach about 6 years ago. Have not seen her IRL at all since then.

We are talking and I tell her I am OOB and she is not convinced. I see a window (pane of glass) that is in a wall (it does not lead outside just to another room). I go to the glass and push my fingers, hands, arms and eventually entire self through the glass. The glass kind of opens as I go throw like a portal or if you were pushing through plastic wrap. As I go through I feel the glass compressing around whatever part of my body is in it, like it is elastic, resistance.

After making it through the glass, I come back into original room through an open door. The lady is amazed and I ask her if she would like to try flying. She is very hesitant and unsure. I proceed to jump up a few feet off the ground and hover there above her. She tries jumping and cannot get up in the air. I swoop down and grab her from behind in a bear hug and fly up to about tree top level with her. She is ecstatic and laughing!! We fly around admiring the vivid landscape and just having a ball. We come back in for a landing right where we started and stand there talking for a few minutes (I do not recall conversation).

For some reason I decide that is enough for now and find myself back in my bedroom above my body floating there. I ease back down very softly and re-enter my body. I become semi-concious again and back into hypnogogic images. I kind of just float there for awhile and then go back into dreaming (See dream log again).

5th February 2011, 09:49 PM
Congrats, russmi3! 8)

I also think you did just the right thing by following that impulse to return. Your experience was recalled vividly, probably because of that. You surely seem to have made the most out of it.


27th February 2011, 05:09 PM
From a dream state in which I was in the house we lived in on Broas street, Belding with my wife I had this very odd OBE.

I am taking a bath in the dream and my wife is there with me (not in the tub, but close by). I begin to have my famous feet/legs floating up sensations and end up actually standing on my head in the tub. I finally break free completely and I am standing next to my wife. She is not at all shocked that I am out of my body. It seems as if she knew I was doing it and is now there to help me and confirm that I am out.

The next I remember is being with my Brother and his wife. They are aware also that I am out of my body. I ask them "How can you see me". They reply that I look like a shadow to them. We obviously can talk to each other. They state that I am "Doing a great job" and that I should continue on my journey. I do not recall any surroundings at this point, just talking to them. When they say I should continue, I close my eyes and have the thought to go to "Megans" house. The only Megan I know is my Sons current girlfriend. When I open my eyes I am outside a strange house I have never seen. I had the sensation of moving as my eyes were closed.

Low and behold my sons Megan is there and her parents. (I have never been to their home IRL). We proceed walking around the house and then there is a garden in the foreground. Her Father is working in it. She shows me some pipes (Like PVC drain pipes) going over the garden and also into the wall of the house. There are small animals (like gophers) that are in these pipes. I am able to understand these animals by psychic means. Her Father is trying to keep them out of the garden and at the same time her and I are trying to help them not get caught. I again close my eyes.

I am now at a cousins house in Six Lakes (They have both passed away). An Uncle of mine is also there. We are again talking, but the conversation is not clear to me. I have like a flash of my Uncle being in a hole in the ground (large like a house basement) and working on digging it out. There is soil above him and it caves in. He is able to dig his way out. This whole time I am like watching from above.

I close my eyes again and again have the moving sensation when I open them I am outside another house and a friend of mine is inside looking out. He is the guitar player from a band we had years ago. I am pounding on the window trying to get his attention or get in. At this point Things get a bit hazy and cluttered together. I still know I am out of body and know that I am moving about and controlling where I am going. There are people present, but it is unclear who they are.

I proceed to "bounce" around rapidly from place to place doing the eye closing between each place. Instead of physical places though it seems I am bouncing from event to event in my life. What sticks out the most is my wife is like at "the home base" again and is trying to help me confirm that I am OBE and that I am proving it by the information I am gathering. As I bounce from one to the next several have calendars present and I am noting dates and then taking that info back to wife, going again, returning, so on. The dates are very clear to me and it is very important that I get them right. The dates are all around 1961, 62, 63. This is odd because I was born in 1961. There are flashes of Christmas's, family events, and also back to the animals at Megan's and then back to my wife. The whole time I am recording these dates on paper and confirming them on the calendars.

This went on for what seemed like forever. I did finally feel I had the dates correct. The ones I remember are March 16, 1961; January 28, 1962; and changing the 1961 on several calendars to 1963.

One other odd thing (Like the above was not enough) is at one point while I was in transit/hovering around I could see storm clouds and small tornadoes (I think this was also at the house where Megan was). I watch the storms grow and approach us and actually am sucked up into one tornado. I am rushed high above earth into space and there are brilliant colors swirling around in a vortex. I am out among the stars and have an awesome rushing sensation. Very excited. I only am there for a few seconds and then come just as rapidly back down to earth.

After this I awoke. After typing this I am thinking that insanity looms close by!!! :shock: It was very vivid, and I was out of body, but much of the sensation cannot be placed in written word. It all made sense and flowed while I was there. Now it seems chaotic?!?!

It sounds more like a dream now, but it was more OBEish. Will leave it posted here anyway.

28th February 2011, 04:50 PM
Hi russmi
That was an interesting OBE. I am curious about one thing. Do you believe that you actually met your deceased cousins at the house at Six Lakes :?: Or perhaps some or all of the family members that you met out of body were only dream figures or thought elementals?
Also the tornado that you saw and got caught up into was probably some type of portal to another astral location. Other people report similar portals in their OBEs although they usually are in the form of doors, windows or, sometimes, gates.

Regards 8)

2nd March 2011, 03:41 AM
I believe they were just thought forms actually. It was not like I was interacting or communicating in any way with them. I also think the tornado was a portal or gate of some kind, similar to astral wind I have experienced a couple times, but instead of wooshing me along this was a very rapid upward into space travel. The colors along it and once "up" there also would suggest arriving at a different plane. I just don't think I realized it at the time.

2nd March 2011, 03:55 AM
Strange event I do not ever recall having happened just about an hour ago. I had moved my recliner in the living room beside my aquarium and was just slightly reclined and watching the fish eat and do their thing (boring to some I know, but relaxes me). My son and wife were upstairs on next level in den. My son was working on resume' and letters on PC and wife was coaching.

I sat there doing nothing as far as relaxing or energy work when all at once I noticed I was also in the den! I had no exit sensations or anything. Just all at once I was watching fish and in the den! I kind of focused more on the den and it became clearer and I walked over to the couch and sat down. I could see my Wife and Son, and hear them discussing things. I had no feeling that they could see me as I have had in previous OBE experiences.

I sat there for a few minutes and I thought about some sign that I was really OBE. I remembered the looking at a clock thing. I looked up and the clock on the wall was saying 10:15 about. It is a dial clock with hands. I looked away and then back, the hands were still in same position, but the numbers were all messed up (12 was at 2, and 8 was at 12 as I remember, not sure where 2 went...lol).

At this time, my Son came down to has room which is just off of the living room. I freaked out completely wondering what would happen if he came over to chair and tried to get my attention! I then was back totally in my body, I came back with a jerk and sat upright quickly.

Total elapsed time of this was about 20 minutes.

13th December 2011, 05:50 AM
Brief OBE this morning after another loooooong dry spell again for me. I woke up and went to bathroom and then lay back down. I was not thinking of OBE at all just relaxing and laying there. I felt myself drifting off and then thinking maybe I could try OBE. I focused on my 3rd eye and just kind of twirling it. I have yet been able to get much of any hypnocognic stuff going on, and did not this time either. I began to feel like my eyes were going down into my skull (being pulled inward) and a buzzing feeling began in my head (Not sound). Everything then went black. Whatever I had been seeing (if anything) was now definitely gone!

I then noticed or felt my right hand was behind my head (I know I was laying with arms beside me IRL). I began to push my head upwards. I could feel my hand on back of head and the force it was pushing with. My head began to lift up followed by my upper body and after some struggle my entire body was up against the ceiling, face up. It was still almost entirely black, but I could now make out that I was in a very small room (Not real bedroom) and by looking down could "see" a small bed with body in it and a door vaguely at the foot end.

I knew that the dimness was because I was too close to body still and started to try to move toward door. I then had rushing thoughts of looking at body and the room not being "right" and plunged back down into body!!! Crap! I still sensed my hand behind head and immediately starting pushing up again. Got same results, ending up at ceiling. I floated my way toward the door and through it. Just as I made it through and was looking around the phone rang and I was awake laying on back with arms beside me.

Not sure if this is any type of progress being that I got my head free first when forever it has been my feet first.

18th December 2011, 08:58 AM
Of course it's progress! Damn phone.

19th July 2013, 03:31 AM
July 18, 2013

Hello again to everyone! I have not been into the forum in some time now. Two reasons - One I could not find how to get here from the new updated website (finally contacted tech support and they gave me direct link - THANK YOU!) Two nothing notable has been happening in my attempts at OBE :(. Anyway, I am back again and looking forward to contributing again.

29th July 2013, 11:27 AM
Just a quick explanation of last night/yestersay. Our son Brandon came home from work with severe pain in right side, my wife Jenny took him to ER and appendix needs to come out, they admitted him for surgery (Waiting for Jenny to call me as I type this). Anyway, I played some PC games and went to bed around 2am, not expecting to sleep at all. I did NO relaxation or anything as I usually do. I was actually singing songs in my head, I do this to see how many I still know the entire lyrics to (strange hobby I know). I at some point went to sleep.

Began dreaming of being at my Father-in-Laws home, many relatives were there, mostly in-Laws. We were preparing for a trip to China/Japan for some reason. The dream goes on for some time with random events going on like sleeping in a school bus? catching a loose bull calf? getting ready. I was lying in a bed in the house and had the feeling I have when I OBE of my feet raising straight up in the air, followed by struggling to get my entire self out. I succeeded and began walking around house. All in-laws were around doing various tasks. I was just watching and amazed I was out of body. One Sister-in-Law was in a room and I intentionally made a piece of wood (like a decoration) on the ceiling make a noise by pushing on it. She noticed this and was freaking out it did it. I did it again and then she kind of noticed me. I did it again and it fell, she then said out loud "Is that you Russ, and what are you doing?" I said "Yes" and explained. She said she could see me kind of as a mist, but was still dubious. I did several things like floating around, held onto her and spun her around with me off the ground and then said, "Come to the window and watch". She did and I pushed my hand through the glass. She gasped and said "OMG it is real!" She then started gathering others and showing me to them, they all started out like laughing but I did the window a few times and for my Brother-in-Law pushed my hand through a coffee table. They all were believing now and could see me as a shadow or mist. They wanted to see more so I went out the door (opening it) outside and took off flying. I flew around a bit and could here them all oohing and ahing. I then had the thought to really prove it to them I could fly to China and see what the weather was, come back and tell them, and then when we got there and I was right they would be amazed. So I began flying East fast. Would look at my watch (Our plane was going to leave at 1pm), see the time and speed up. I did this until everything was a blur and I could feel the wind rushing by. I stopped (I assume) in China. It was foggy and rainy, so I tried to take off and head home and could not! I was trying and trying. Then I remembered to just think of my body, I did this and was back in it instantly. I awoke (in the dream) and the dream proceeded weirdly, but I never said anything about the weather to anyone. I then really awoke and am recording this.

This is obviously a dream state OBE, I had no exit sensations or thoughts of OBE prior to dreaming.

29th July 2013, 12:26 PM
So how is your son?

13th December 2014, 05:41 AM
December 13, 2014

Wow ! over a year and have not been here. We have gone through some major life events (Loss of jobs, bankruptcy, foreclosure) and have basically been sent back to point zero in our lives. Except that now 35+ years are gone. I have been immersed in relapse of anxiety and depression and am back in counseling. I have been doing some energy work, but with no success on OBE or spirit contact.

I just posted in the energy forum of confusion about chakra's and hope someone can straighten that out. I have a feeling I have been doing it wrong (colors/locations) since I began 4 years ago.

On a positive note this year I have gained my first Grandson "Daniel" from my daughter. My Son Brandon was just married so I gained another "Daughter" Sydney who I adore!

I feel terrible that it has been so long posting in here. I hope all is going well for all and Blessings are sent to all !!