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30th June 2005, 10:24 PM
Would depression be something "healable?"

2nd July 2005, 10:03 AM
Everything is healable at least to a certain extent. Every illness or problem has manifestations on the energetic level long before the physical symptoms appear. This is how some people seem to never get sick and the like. They are so positive that their own energies destroy the negativity before it manifests itself in the physical.

So to answer your quest, depression just like cancer or any other health conditions can be cured or at the very least improved in condition through energetic healing practices. But it takes time and devotion to the practice. However, regardless of the health condition energetic healing should never be used as a substitute for western medicine. Instead you should use energetic healing to suppliment western medicine.

I too suffer from depression and I can say from first hand experience the problems associated with it can be lessened greatly through energetic healing practices, but the most powerful tool for conquering depression is your own will power. Fight the negativity with your own positive thoughts. When you notice yourself slipping acknowledge it and then work on thinking about something positive. I know I make it sound simple, but I have been there I know very well that it is not. As with all things worth getting it takes patience and practice.

Very Best,

6th July 2005, 03:04 AM
...Positive thoughts? Where? Isn't that kind of what depression is? No positive thoughts?

6th July 2005, 10:07 AM
...Positive thoughts? Where? Isn't that kind of what depression is? No positive thoughts?

Positive thoughts are a relative thing. For someone suffering from depression just a simple changing of the thought pattern from negative to some neutral affirmative like, "Hey! The sun is out," is a positive alteration of your thoughts. Now on the surface that seems more like an observation than a positive thought, but at least to me it was a great tool for getting started. To me the sun symbolizes light, warmth, and activity. All positive things! Saying, "Hey! The sun is out." Was a very subtle way of changing my thoughts from the negative to a more neutral. Then as I became more accustomed to neutral thoughts I then began working developing a positive attitude.

Granted this took me MANY years to work through to the point where I was able to really enjoy life again. Having loving family and friends was a great benefit for me too, even though for the longest time I didn't recognize that they did care and even sometimes thought they wouldn't miss me if I was gone. In the end things worked out for the better and they can for you too as long as you don't give up.

Love and Light,

17th January 2007, 12:30 AM
I too suffer from depression and I can say from first hand experience the problems associated with it can be lessened greatly through energetic healing practices, but the most powerful tool for conquering depression is your own will power. Fight the negativity with your own positive thoughts. When you notice yourself slipping acknowledge it and then work on thinking about something positive. I know I make it sound simple, but I have been there I know very well that it is not. As with all things worth getting it takes patience and practice.
He is totally right. A simple positive thought is enough to shift the reality perceptions from bad to good for someone who suffers from depression.

Granted this took me MANY years to work through to the point where I was able to really enjoy life again. Having loving family and friends was a great benefit for me too, even though for the longest time I didn't recognize that they did care and even sometimes thought they wouldn't miss me if I was gone. In the end things worked out for the better and they can for you too as long as you don't give up.

Love and Light,
How bad was your condition and how long (you said years) did it take you to finally get rid of or rather transform this depression into smiles again?
What played the major role in this change? Was it LOVE mainly?

Thank you Dan,