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View Full Version : Advice needed to defeat entities during core image removal

19th September 2009, 02:04 PM
While following the core image clensing method in PPSD, after creating and blessing some weapons, I tried fighting a entity for over 30 minutes without being able to fully defeat it after flipping over an image. Currently, the creature I'm dealing with is a large thought form (some parts of it did dissolve while I faught it), but the same thing has happened to me when I have used the same method to attempt to remove diffrent negative spirits.

I'm wondering if anyone could give me some possible reasons why I'm not experiencing much success with this technique. Alternatively, can anyone direct me to another useful method that would show me how to dissolve the thought form?

19th September 2009, 02:50 PM
Perhaps engaging with the entity is increasing the karmic tension that it has formed with you. Maybe minus the fighting with your work and find some alternative to minimize its presence?

Perhaps you should try a more passive countermeasure... such as a water fountain (20 dollars at Walmart, I recommend it)

I've heard many success stories with negs immediately disappearing with the presence of running water. At first I didn't believe it either since I shower all the time and the negs still don't disappear. But if you placed it in a bed room and left it running all day, the negs do in fact clear away.

Oh and the entity may not only attached to you, but your environment as well. This is often what happens when an entity attacks since the telepathic links and its connection tends to die off really quickly if it doesn't attach to your external environment. This is crucial to getting away from the neg abuse. Trust me, I was under serious invasion. When I slept at another person's house, the attacks disappeared. When I went home, the attacks manifested again. Try moving away from your usual sleep area and see if the attacks are still there.

Additionally, it is important to move to an environment that hasn't been contaminated by negs because it is when we begin to sleep is when the negs recharge their links and reattach to your being.

19th September 2009, 05:59 PM
Will the passive countermeasures and other advice (if applied) have much of an effect on the thought form?

19th September 2009, 06:07 PM
Will the passive countermeasures and other advice (if applied) have much of an effect on the thought form?

These countermeasures and the advice I gave are not only from my own experience but it comes from various other reputable sources as well, such as from Robert Bruce's Psychic Self Defense. If you don't know whether it will work or not, it's best to find out by giving it a try. If the water fountain doesn't work, you can always get a refund.

As to if it would have an affect or not on a thought form? It definitely should. Essentially, when you're under attack by an actual entity it would be intentional negative energy send into your aura. A thought form is essentially the same thing, energy with negative intentions attached to your aura, minus the sender.