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23rd September 2009, 11:52 PM
Okay, since having some astral success and pretty much chickening out of the whole thing for a couple years, I've spent lots of time working on "The Ten State" since it is safe enough even for chickens to work with. As usual, things have worked out in unusually surprising positive ways because of my initial fear. The ten bubble is only taught for the purpose of protection during OBE exercises. Only using the ten bubble for this is like only using a car as a yard ornament. The ten bubble more than just a stable platform for OBE, it is a malleable super-suit!

One day, I decided that there had to be a way to use my ten bubble without suffocating and being constantly ignored by everyone while I was doing it, which are, as many of you may know, a couple of it's side effects. One day, while driving, I had the idea of making a permanent hole in it, to allow fresh air in so I could enjoy driving with the window down. I worked as a delivery driver at the time and so it was the most natural of mistaken discoveries, really. Then came the real breakthrough: I decided that an unprotected hole was not sufficient, it must be a modulated hole of some kind. Now, I didn't think to myself anything like "I must modulate this hole somehow." No, no, I simply thought "I only want air coming through my ten bubble and nothing else, how do I do that?" Then it came to me, 'write the word "Air" inside the hole.' Viola! A thought form filter! Instantly, I felt the barometric pressure change in my sphere, and felt refreshment as the air streaming through the window of my Nissan wafted around me satisfactorily. It was only the beginning!

For months I did nothing else with this discovery except make another hole for light to brighten up my days. In the interim I discovered that the ten bubble was automatically reabsorbed every night for some reason and thus needed to be recreated every morning for unbroken utility. Unbroken utility was desired because I seemed to have a permanent "Kick Me" sign stuck to my back that only others could see and I could never find and remove!

Now, my job was to deliver items to nursing homes which eventually made me realize that there could be more mutual benefit to my visits if I could be more empathetic/empathic with residents without releasing or reflecting negativity. I decided to make a big hole where my Heart Chakra was and slowly and purposefully write "Love" in big letters in it, with the intent of a two way action. Well, it worked, but rarely one finds some people who are just not very lovable I eventually found out!!! So, further refinement became apparently necessary, smashing success notwithstanding.

Next, I discovered that the ten bubble can be shaped to fit the body and keep its shape all day after initial molding! If one wants to be taken seriously, make your ten bubble into the shape of a business suit. If you want to be laughed at, make your ten bubble into the shape of a clown costume...tanooki suit, etc. :D

In short, I do not wish to disclose the usual form I give my suit...it might make me seem like a scaredy cat or something. But I've used up to 11+ 'ten modulation filters,' such as "Hope," "Faith," "Godly Love," "Courage," and so on, located in appropriate bodily positions, with ecstatic interpersonal success.

On a more serious note, some of us who've blown our energy bodies apart need ways to temporarily replace our destroyed natural psychic barriers, scaredy cat or no! I can only invite you to give it a try before the next time you go to a public place such as work, school or the grocery store. If you get nervous easily and don't want your nervousness to resonate, this is the ticket! And don't forget, If you want to laugh and be laughed at, "humor" must be given its own special filter. I know, I know...Noone should become dependent on any crutches, psychic or otherwise, and this technique is indeed an artificial crutch. No pain, no gain.

My current standbys are "Godly Love" over the Heart Chakra and "Respectful Relationship" over the throat Chakra, in front of course. These two suffice for the main things.

Now, enjoy! :D

P.S. Real emotional stability is developed with the "Full Body Circuit." Time spent modulating ten bubbles at the expense of time spent doing the "Full Body Circuit" is time wasted. However, they are not mutually exclusive, in fact, they do not conflict at all!!! No special filters need be made for pure awareness energy as intent apparently overrides any such possible necessity.