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View Full Version : Training for Safe Arousal

21st October 2009, 09:50 AM
Hello everyone!

It's my long-term goal to be able to safely awaken and arouse my Kundalini.

Could one suggest a daily/weekly schedual of mental/physical/spiritual training or practise in order to condition and prepare oneself for the Kundalini event? How many years under this sort of regime would one consider himself ready?

It would interesting to see the difference between a part-time training schedule (~1.5 hours per day) and a full-time schedule (how many hours? 6 per day?)

Thanks to all

22nd October 2009, 09:35 AM
Daveyboy, I'd suggest you take up yoga with a teacher and a class. Find a class that incorporates Pranayama (breathing) in the lesson (some teachers drop it because students think it's too "out there") . Then practise yoga postures, pranayama and/or meditation daily in a way that feels safe and reasonable. As you progress, ask the teacher for more advanced practices.

By joining a class you'll possibly also meet like-minded individuals and the physical postures will free your body of energetic blocks as well as making you stronger for sitting in meditation. Meditating after a good yoga workout is a joy.

You could more simply practice Roberts NEW.