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29th October 2009, 01:05 PM
But my problem has just become much more complicated.

My issue has progressed to the ponit where I cannot feel my tantien, or large parts of my energy. It's like something is paralyizing me. This caused a severe lack of energy coming into my system.

But yesterday somehow I made a connection with someone I didn't intend, and lots of energy is coming into my system. I do not wish to drain anyone, but I'm so paralyzed I cant move to cut the connection, and it's as if space has been so distorted around and within me that I can't find how the connection is made anyway.

Can anyone lend me a hand?

29th October 2009, 03:05 PM
You know how it is when a body part goes numb because the circulation is cut off, when you change position and the blood flows back in. Numb feels weird, but it is less painful than the pins and needles feeling. No matter what anyone does, helping is going to make everything seem worse before it gets better. This is not just a matter of lack of talent. The more people you have sending energy to you, the faster you can get through it. Sometimes realizing how numb you have been is actually part of the process of recovering from it because you are at least feeling something.

12th December 2009, 08:56 AM
Still having this issue - except now the tighness is extreme, and I keep gettign visualizations of different energy centers wrapping up. Looks a bit like a tether ball, when the ball wraps all the way around the pole until it can't move anymore.

I've tried everything I can think of. Just hoping maybe someone can do anything, though I'm not holding my breath.

Thanks guys.

12th December 2009, 09:09 AM
But yesterday somehow I made a connection with someone I didn't intend, and lots of energy is coming into my system. I do not wish to drain anyone, but I'm so paralyzed I cant move to cut the connection, and it's as if space has been so distorted around and within me that I can't find how the connection is made anyway.

Do you know who the person is? Why do you assume you must cut the connection?

17th December 2009, 11:44 AM
Perhaps a visit to Psyhic Self Defense (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewforum.php?f=21) would help... definitely learn how to shield and cut cords as basic energetic hygene...

19th December 2009, 03:03 PM
Damn I had a feeling it wasnt over.
Have you done much emitting of energy in your carreer? I have an idea

11th May 2010, 06:00 PM
This is getting extremely bad.

I've been getting almost no energy into my heart, and as a result have been experiencing intense sharp pains in my chest.

My system out of energy desperation is now vampirising those around me. I can't even see how the connections are being made, but I'm getting lots of energy from people around me and it's very powerful, which means I'm hurting them. My energy body is spassing out like a drowining man, and drowning people pull others down with them.

I'd rather be dead than be an energy vampire, and if that's the only way I'll take it.

But please, I need expert help and I need it fast. It's not just me dealing with this now.

11th May 2010, 06:13 PM
I wonder had you been already sucking up other peoples energy before you got your tantien blocked and your energy body encased? That would explain why someone did do that to you in the first place.

You need to learn to control this obviously, or then have your energy body closed up. I would guess there is some reason why you have started to suck in energy, I doubt you were born that way and even if so, there would be also a reason for that - in my understanding. Best as always is to find out the origin/source.

11th May 2010, 09:43 PM
No. I never did this sort of thing before. I am very concious of what I do with my energy.

But my energy and ability to control my energy is so screwed up and blocked, that my system is desperately trying to get vital energies from whatever source it can find.

I believe my chakra control centers have been seriously tampered with, and some of them might even be possessed. I'm not certain, but it's really bad.

Nothing feels right spacially. Everything feels so wrong I don't even know where to begin to fix it. I'm not even sure what I'm looking at half the time energetically. I look at the problem from as many angles as possible, but it all seems to constantly shift - like either it's an illusion or the rules of the planes surrounding me are changing - as crazy as that sounds.

I don't really understand what is going on - except that it is extremly bad and I'm trying my hardest not to move much energy at all - as any action I take just seems to make things worse.

11th May 2010, 11:29 PM
:!: I write this here, so other people/healers can be careful and shield themselves, if they should try to help in this. :!:

So, I had a look at your history of posts. Here was someone giving useful information, which was dismissed by you. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12853&p=97397#p97126 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12853&p=97397#p97126)

This might sound bit harsh, just as the person in above post did also already say. But when I did read your old posts a demon showed up here. He was very intrusive and managed to punch through some shields that did hold back so far anything else! You have made a pact with this demon by your own free will, in this life or one of your previous lives. So even when this demon gets chopped to pieces, it just returns right back to you.

About two years back someone tried to get rid of this demon problem, by encasing you and also making eventually in a rather drastic way an end to the pact. (Then you started to ask for help here.) That would have worked, but was not ok to do without your consent - in my opinion, so that entity was removed.

Now the demon was starved for over two years and therefore you are drawing so much energy from all around.

The pact does not end with death, so dying does not help. A pact can always be ended somehow, but that would require your work and dedication. The start would be to find a really competent regression therapist and find out what the pact is and how it was made. That therapist would have to know how to protect him/herself!
Or you decide to get the entity back, which is capable of ending the pact. There are usually many options and paths open, but it is your decision to make and you need to follow through with it, if you want to solve the problem.

I know this sounds drastic, but the way I see it, it really is drastic, so I just can't write it any differently.

12th May 2010, 03:50 PM
A demon showed up when you read my old posts?

I have a few questions then. Would you say reading my posts that you get a bad vibe from me?
Or that you have an instinctive desire to simply not get involved?

The reason I dismissed the other fellows advice is because it wasn't useful. I myself am "in a stranglehold", and I do my absolute best to not mess with other people's energy. In fact, I don't like having other people's energy in my body, and prefer a very clean personal space to work from spiritually. I also am a strong believer in the sanctity of an individual's personal space.

So, if any of these grievances are indeed happening, it is not somthing I am doing on purpose, and it is not based on any hidden desire. Because all I really want is to be left alone and to leave other people alone. I've had these unpleasant experiences thrust upon me.

And the fact that people around me are now being affected is causing me a great deal of mental anguish.

12th May 2010, 04:04 PM
Would you say reading my posts that you get a bad vibe from me?
Or that you have an instinctive desire to simply not get involved?

I would say, that you have a standing pact with a demon. In other words, at some point you did make a contract with a demon. That can have happened in a past life, in any case your soul is bound to that demon now. When reading your posts, I did attract the demons attention and so it did show up at my home.

Maybe it will help, to reread my last post. If need be, I will try to explain what I wrote in a different way.

Palehorse Redivivus
12th May 2010, 10:59 PM
Just wanted to toss in thar, AZT -- don't let the stigma of something like a "demonic pact" and the way it sounds, put you off the idea that this may be exactly what's going on.

There are a ton of different ways this can happen, and it pretty much always involves "agreeing" to something under duress, deception or both, and the agreement more than likely was not made by your conscious mind which can weigh options, think critically and make an informed decision. If you've ever (in any lifetime) been a fan of any of the religions, paradigms and/or practices that encourage downplaying or eroding one's personal identity (and who hasn't?), that can act as an open invitation for things like this (which is why I can sometimes seem militantly against those). "Contracts" and "agreements" of all sorts are installed as subconscious programming and maintained in this way, with all sorts of shady spins on the concept of "permission."

How that works is that it takes the part of yourself capable of self-direction and well suited for decision-making out of the equation, and thus distributes that authority to all parts of yourself without distinction whether they're capable of it or not. So hypothetically, opportunistic critter comes along, finds an aspect of you that's about as conscious as the average non-lucid dream, and pulls the equivalent of holding up a lollypop and convincing a three year old to sign a 10,000 page legal document which is designed to affect and take over the whole Self.

If this is what's going on, and it's probably going to create resistance to cultivating a strong sense of self and centralizing your own authority at this stage, one thing I've found extremely helpful for things like this is meditating on the concept / archetype of Justice (you might look up the card from a standard tarot deck and use the image and its vibe) and voiding all contracts that were instituted via force and fraud that way. More than likely you or some aspect of yourself is holding a "contract" in the form of a set of programming that ties you to this entity and causes various other effects... this can begin nullifying said programming so you can gain momentum against the critter and push it and its influence out of your space. Reaching for the help of any major figures you feel an affinity for can also be helpful; the archangel Michael is specifically associated with Justice for instance IIRC, though I recommend using the help of such figures to get back on your feet so to speak, and in a position to cultivate your own authority, rather than continually relying on someone else's.

13th May 2010, 09:16 AM
Thank you Palehorse!

And as you mentioned already Archangel Michael. He notified me, that it is not enough to ask the angels for cord cutting (or such), as that contract most likely is too well made (demons can be like lawyers), but it would be necessary to find out the contents of that contract - which I recommended the regression therapy.

But what you described might weaken the demon enough, to get a undisturbed therapy session.

And yes, there are other entities, which also jump in to those "opportunities" you mentioned and make similar contracts.

13th May 2010, 02:44 PM
To be honest with you, this idea of demonic contracts doesn't really fit in with anything I've found over the years.

A contract assumes there is a third party who can enforce the contract if either party doesn't meet their part of the deal. I've never seen anything like this ever occur.

In my experience there is no such legality in spirituality. It's more along the lines of nature. You have have two parties in a violent interchange, and the outcome depends soley on mental and spiritual strengths, finding weakness in the oppositions system, ect.

A demon attacks a person more like a virus trying to break through an immune system. The only defense is strength of mind and spirit, and also the strength of the spirits one is close to, and whom might come to one's aid. And just like in nature, spirits can be injured or even destroyed.

So I must say, I've never seen any spiritual form of legal attack or defense. I'm not so sure I believe it.

13th May 2010, 06:07 PM
To be honest with you, this idea of demonic contracts doesn't really fit in with anything I've found over the years.

A contract assumes there is a third party who can enforce the contract if either party doesn't meet their part of the deal. I've never seen anything like this ever occur.

In my experience there is no such legality in spirituality. It's more along the lines of nature. You have have two parties in a violent interchange, and the outcome depends soley on mental and spiritual strengths, finding weakness in the oppositions system, ect.

A demon attacks a person more like a virus trying to break through an immune system. The only defense is strength of mind and spirit, and also the strength of the spirits one is close to, and whom might come to one's aid. And just like in nature, spirits can be injured or even destroyed.

So I must say, I've never seen any spiritual form of legal attack or defense. I'm not so sure I believe it.

i agree. spirit is neither bound or unbound, it just is....free

but, herein folks are dealing with their thoughts (as are both you and myself), where thoughts are either bound or unbound, constructing and deconstructing faster than the speed of light.

a fine line indeed, but a line to be respected, for spirit freely appointed the line in it's place, thoughtfully so.

does one have to see for it to be? there ya go..., the power of personal thoughts. both empowering and disempowering. yet, in the end we neutrally query in pretty much what is our overall powerlessness to begin with, with anything beyond that having been illusion/delusion at best/worst.

the things i dont believe I am thankful for. the things i do believe and all the opinions attached to them i often pray for release from. go figure, this thing called believing, it changes as the wind's blowing.

i have faith that it is all working its way out, and when its all out we will be free of it all, and we may rest from all the working.

ain't my field, i just work in it till its overall time is finished. i reckon...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhxQSOvn ... re=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhxQSOvnZw4&feature=related)

Palehorse Redivivus
13th May 2010, 09:19 PM
To be honest with you, this idea of demonic contracts doesn't really fit in with anything I've found over the years.

A contract assumes there is a third party who can enforce the contract if either party doesn't meet their part of the deal. I've never seen anything like this ever occur.

In my experience there is no such legality in spirituality. It's more along the lines of nature. You have have two parties in a violent interchange, and the outcome depends soley on mental and spiritual strengths, finding weakness in the oppositions system, ect.

A demon attacks a person more like a virus trying to break through an immune system. The only defense is strength of mind and spirit, and also the strength of the spirits one is close to, and whom might come to one's aid. And just like in nature, spirits can be injured or even destroyed.

So I must say, I've never seen any spiritual form of legal attack or defense. I'm not so sure I believe it.

In my experience, things like "legal contract" and such shouldn't be taken so literally where interference is concerned. It seems to be more that the contract IS the enforcer -- i.e. "consent" is attained via some sort of shady means, and the programming for the contract is inserted into your system. It then basically hijacks your energy system very similar to a virus, and aligns it such that your own system is coerced into inflicting the terms of the contract on yourself.

Contracts, vows, promises and pacts of all sorts seem to have thoughtforms attached that will attempt to enforce themselves similarly. I had a similar experience with this idea of a "soul contract" where we supposedly "agree" to have various forms of suffering inflicted on us "for our own good." Same story there; "consent" was probably obtained between lives by something appearing authoritative and benevolent, which installed programming designed to modify one's energy and attract events that produce suffering and feed the entity.

In any case I used to hold similar views until relatively recently; that the nonphysical basically held to "the law of the jungle" and not much more. By default, this seems to be true. However, I've also found that even that is a law of sorts, one you've consented to, and one you could hypothetically change to impose a more developed concept of justice in your own sphere, and that will hold. Something could still hypothetically steamroll your defenses if it wanted to, but on the plus side, this tends to re-align your sphere with your concept of justice, and attract similarly aligned beings in order to make sure it's enforced and sustainable, so steamrolling and brute coercion gets a lot more difficult for offending parties. It's also useful for removing crappy contract programming; once you've adopted a basic concept of justice designed to protect against malicious force and fraud for instance, you can go through your chakras, intending that all programming inconsistent with that be cleared away.

The overall idea is to give your own system, and your allies, a baseline that can be referred to and enforced. Right now you're operating with the assumption that anything capable of more coercive force or cunning deception than you're able to defend against, can and should have its way with you -- so something has, and for someone to help you with that would violate the law of the jungle, and thus your free will. There will *always* be something bigger, stronger and capable of greater deception; the whole point of developing a system of justice is to counteract the tendency toward tyranny once beings have evolved beyond being driven by pure animalistic instinct (and the fact that we share space with beings who still operate that way).

14th May 2010, 08:13 AM
I would agree to an extent. ;)

I'd say that not taking proper care of oneself can attract all kinds of negative experiences until one does. This includes psychic protection, and being clear about things you are not willing to submit to.

It's like finding the limit in every activity - if you think giving is the highest value without any limit, you will find and attract someone who will relentlessly take. Until you see that there needs to be a limit, possibly after having exhausted yourself. This does not invalidate the concept of giving to others in general, but it shows that there are many sensible limits to it - especially when somebody takes so much that it becomes more than you can give.

You could call this unenjoyable experience a contract. Because of having no concept of protecting yourself and your needs when giving you would kind of invite somebody to abuse that. The invitation is implicit, and a dynamic is formed and will persist until one party breaks it. This kind of forces you to learn self-protection, and if you develop the awareness of protecting your own needs and act out of that awareness you are no longer really susceptible to such contracts, in my opinion.

The answer in the example I mentioned is not not giving. The answer would be more like balancing your willingness to benefit others with wanting to benefit yourself and to never sacrifice your most basic needs. Somebody who has found this balance could give without exhausting himself, and if somebody tries to take advantage of that react accordingly.

I'd say this involves staying in touch with your own value. When you value yourself, when you love yourself, you will automatically defend yourself apropriately. As you would protect a person you love, as a mother defends her child or each in a couple another, one would naturally protect oneself. If you love yourself, if you value yourself truly, you will not stand for someone to abuse or mistreat yourself. If you love yourself like you would love another, you would give yourself the protection you would extend to yourself the protection, care and compassion a lot of people seem only willing to give others.

I think this kind of self-valuation is important in finding the balance I mentioned, and also is an important form of protection.

Take care,

13th June 2010, 05:18 PM
Hello again.

Recently I've started feeling as if something has been using my energy to attack other people. I believe something has cut me off from alot of my energy and is using it to attack people.
Is there anyone here who is skilled enough to verify this or at least help me put my mind at ease?