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4th February 2006, 04:22 AM
Matthew, your prediction was right. I had a lucid dream. Excellent fun. Excerpt below:

I’m in my car turning into the estate. Something small like a small arrow goes past. I notice it lands and it’s a little man with a pointy hat, tumbling to his feet. He’s like a little pixie. I think this is odd so I stop to take a look (there’s no other traffic).

Then I’m distracted by $50. I’m going to ignore it because of the discussion on Gnostic web about thieving tendencies being tested in dream. Then I remember the $50 G gave me a few days ago when I was on the way to yoga. I didn’t have a bag or pockets and I had my mat rolled up in one arm so I tucked it in my bra temporarily and we made jokes about it. I think it must be the same $50 and has fallen out of my bra. I go to retrieve it but the wind blows it away. I try again and again a gust takes it. I step on it. As I bend down to pick it up it turns into a wad of foreign notes. Then I realise I’m dreaming.

I remember to pull my finger and it stretches like cheap rubber, with frayed bumpy edges. I feel in control but, unbelievably, without a plan, so I let the dream develop. I don’t consider trying an OBE I’m just happy exploring lucidity.

I find myself in my childhood home. I take in the detail. I am aware of other individuals about but I don’t give this any attention. F, my son, passes through and makes conversation. There are some nice photos of me, which I appreciate because I don’t consider myself photogenic. Suddenly it all goes black but I’m still there.

I request “Clarity now”. Nothing happens. I repeat and everything returns. I’m heading towards my brother’s old bedroom. I head to the old red wardrobe and step inside. (Heck, it’s my dream I can do what I like.) I push the backboard out and step down into a well-lit courtyard. It’s tiled and there are cement planters in a classic style. It looks European and it’s the outside of a white mansion. It’s unfamiliar. I think, “I’ll try to fly.” I jump but nothing happens. I try again and again I’m unsuccessful. Unperturbed, I figure that when I use jumping as a reality check, it’s never with any real conviction and that’s why it won’t work now. (I should have considered how often I do fly in my dreams but I didn’t. So I’m lucid but not as truly conscious as I could be.)

I think to myself, I’d like to see D. I don’t know where this thought has come from. I was dreaming about someone with the same name just prior to this dream. I haven’t seen D for 9 years and he lives on the other side of the world. Then the dream starts to go pear -shaped.

It blacks out again and I request clarity. I’m inside the mansion but less lucid now. I think the dream has ended but then the deputy from my school appears. He’s telling me I’m up too early and should go back to bed but he’s wearing ladies’ red silk pyjamas. I think, “Hang on, I’m still dreaming.”

Now I’m back outside. I pull my finger again but it won’t stretch. I’m hurting myself. I know I’m still dreaming and I state this aloud. Then it stretches.

Now I’m somewhere else waiting to see D. I’m wondering if I even remember what he looks like; will my mind be able to deliver an accurate version of D? I’m near a building outside and he is approaching with a group of his friends. (I wonder when I wake up if these are different versions of D my dream mind has prepared). He does look different: taller, fairer skinned, different face and younger than he’d be. He hugs me and tells me he has now two “macs.” I ask if that’s good or bad. He chuckles and says it’s good. I wonder if “macs” represent material wealth of some type. (When I’m awake I think maybe it means kids) The dream ends.

Upon awaking all the charkas are going off and there’s strobing at the brow centre.

Matt, I had been awoken by my husband's snoring. It took about an hour to get back to sleep so I was just raising energy in that time. I was being positive about being woken, thinking it might result in a lucid dream, which it did! I'll try an OBE or something of a spiritual nature if I have more presence of mind next time.

4th February 2006, 04:17 PM
Great job, Beekeeper!
I was impressed by how you maintained lucidity the second time (with the deputy) when you thought the dream had ended. I've had this same thing happen to me umpteen times: I'll be lucid, switch locations and think I've "woken up," and then lost lucidity. I've probably only caught myself and maintained lucidity a dozen times in the past few years. I think that shows you've got a good reserve of energy. Don't be worried, though, if you have some dreams in the near future where you don't remain lucid the second time. You might need to build up energy again. (Or maybe not...again, depends on your personal energy.) Remember to look for your own dream cycles and use them to your advantage.


4th February 2006, 09:19 PM
Thanks, Matt

8th February 2006, 08:36 AM
I just realised that there's a Matt and a Matthew and it was Matt who told me I was probably close. It only took 4 days to realise my mistake. No wonder I took so long to get lucid in a dream, I'm not that lucid when I'm awake!

Thank you Matthew for acknowledging my post anyway. Very generous.

Sorry Matt for getting it wrong! :oops: