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View Full Version : Questions about Negative Thought Forms and Em grounding

7th November 2009, 08:26 PM
About 3 months ago, by using em grounding, I was able to remove a negative spirit that was attatched to me in about 2 weeks. Around the same time I accidentally created a large human shaped thought form after I read a section in the 1999 version of Astral Dynamics that mentioned astral hitchhikers.

For about two months now, I have tried earthing to remove the thought form but have been unsuccessful for reasons that are currently unknown to me. At first I slept with a long sheet of grounded mesh fabric tied to my wrist and now, tied around one of my body parts that the thought form shares. Switching the loaction of the mesh seems to have annoyed the thought form, but I don't know if it will actually remove it.

I'm wondering if anyone can tell me why I have met no success in the two months that have contained my use of the em grounding, and if it will be removed in time if the mesh fabric stays at its new location.

I'd also like to know what I could do (if anything) to make the em grounding set up more effective, or if there are any alternative methods that could be used to remove the thought form... So far I have also tried and failed to use sucessfully, core image clensing.

7th November 2009, 10:39 PM
Hi josh.
Most countermeasures such as moving water, grounding, etc. are for removing earth elemental-type negs, which is the usual culprit in most problems. If it's a thoughtform you created, you're dealing with a different problem, and requires a different solution, IMO.
I would say that you'd need to resolve the reason you created it in the first place, and then treat it as it's own independent entity, and I would think that what works for most voice-hears would work for you- happy music or meditative music (even noise generators might work), and some energetic shielding/and meditative techniques such as cord-cutting or attachment removal using visualization.
There are people who are very good at this type of thing that may have more to add than what I posted.

19th March 2010, 03:04 PM
Most countermeasures such as moving water, grounding, etc. are for removing earth elemental-type negs, which is the usual culprit in most problems. If it's a thoughtform you created, you're dealing with a different problem, and requires a different solution, IMO.

Can you tell me why exactly you think that different solutions are required to remove negative thought forms, and why you belive grounding isn't effective?

19th March 2010, 03:25 PM
I didn't say specifically grounding wasn't effective- I said different things work for different forms, and if it's a thoughtform you have to deal with the creator of the thoughtform.

19th March 2010, 03:41 PM
I didn't say specifically grounding wasn't effective- I said different things work for different forms, and if it's a thoughtform you have to deal with the creator of the thoughtform.

I ment not effective in the sense that it would not completely remove thoughtforms.

19th March 2010, 03:47 PM
Ok, let me explain this differently:
If a lion comes at you (a regular old lion) there are things you can do- you can kill him with guns or poison or this or that. Once you've taken care of the lion you're done, it's gone.
However, if there is an evil mad scientist that has a thing for you, and wants to harm you, and start making lion robots to go attack you, you can kill/destroy every one of them one by one, with whatever method you choose- you can blow them up, build a wall to keep them out, etc. But if you don't take care of the mad scientist he's either going to keep making new robots to go attack you, or eventually get bored and pick on someone else.
Do you see what I'm saying? Countermeasures are effective, that's not the question- the question is, if the problem is created by another person, he can keep sending things at you, until he either dies or gets bored, or gets tired of it.