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View Full Version : Very Much Need Healing

11th November 2009, 07:26 AM
Hi, im new and i registered after c0ming acr0ss this site, btw, my 0 key is br0ken please d0nt get mad. I really need healing f0r a certain c0nditi0n that has plagued me f0r ab0ut 5 years n0w. I have d0ne what 0thers have d0ne, ....payed f0r l0ng distance healing/reiki sessi0ns, researched, d0ne diet changes, tried t0 get int0 affirmati0ns and s0 0n and s0 f0rth. I w0uld be blessed t0 receive healing fr0m wh0ever sends it but my questi0n is, what can i d0? Can s0me0ne understand whats wr0ng with my b0dy by viewing it distantly and d0es healing 0nly w0rk thr0ugh the self 0r can it als0 w0rk thr0ugh 0thers? Any tips 0n meditati0ns 0r affirmati0ns 0r success st0ries? All this is welc0me. F0r awhile i th0ught G0d was just mad at me 0r i have a curse 0ver me thats keeping me stuck where i am in life and with my health c0nditi0ns but idk. It sure feels like that. any ideas, tips, healing w0uld be great. If r0bert bruce himself sent me 5 min 0f healing 0r insight that w0uld be great t00. I'll take what i can get!!

p.s. H0pe this didnt s0und t00 self centered and i am willing t0 send healing intenti0ns t0 0thers as well, thanks :D

11th November 2009, 08:30 AM
i th0ught G0d was just mad at me 0r i have a curse 0ver me thats keeping me stuck where i am in life and with my health c0nditi0ns
This may be the root of your issues, right here. I used to spend a lot of time in that place, too, and while you're there, that's where you stay. First, you need to get out of that mindset (that reality, as it were), and into something new, and as you do that, the health issues improve naturally, and often without any external intervention.

I say that from direct experience.

In the meantime, may you become aware of your limiting beliefs and instinctively know how to dissolve them. May you heal and become whole. And so it is.

(Note: This process can be lengthy, and is sometimes painful as you revisit old beliefs and patterns and habits and so on. It is, however, totally worth it. Blessings.)

13th November 2009, 06:16 AM
Thank u and i have heard these things t00. Ab0ut a year ag0 I kinda t00k a break 0ut fr0m Christianity because i felt like it was causing me m0re stress and guilt then I already had and I have heard this same n0ti0n ab0ut individuals literally creating their reality by their view 0n life. If that is the case, and if i d0nt believe this is a curse but still find my issues t0 be stubb0rn and unyielding, what sh0uld i d0? Sh0uld i d0 visualizati0n, affirmati0ns, 0r just n0thing. I feel like im d0ing n0thing n0w but that hasnt helped even trying t0 think 0f s0mething else. :(

13th November 2009, 06:40 AM
What works for me is a combination of intention (that is, I set my intention to do or have or know or be something) and then surrender (I let go of my need to control the situation and allow it to unfold on its own). Those two things in combination are extremely powerful.


15th November 2009, 04:07 AM
For some it's understandably hard to find Christ in christianity. Leaving christianity is usually a painful struggle, causing much guilt. Such a problem itself was prefigured in the new testament in Luke 18:12-14. A Law-Abiding Jew is thanking God for making him better than a sinner saying,

12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

In other words, the real, self-accepting sinner was more justified [read: pleasing to God] than the rigid, artificial, some might say robotic law-abiding Jew.

Perhaps it is as Carl Jung explained so well; when we do not claim our darkness, we project it into our environment, making ourselves miserable. I would suggest first drawing a dark thin line between christianity and Jesus Christ, then, claiming the guilt as your own and asking Jesus, in private, to help you deal with it. Remember, Jesus preached to Jews and Gentiles as there were no christians at the time, nor while he walked this earth! Cut out the middle man. After all, Jesus is a "priest forever after the order of Melchizedek." - Psalm 110:4. If you remember your old testament, Priests were to give spiritual gifts themselves directly to the people, not through their followers!

I'm not trying to push you back to Christianity either, just to be clear. Jesus was officially a Jew anyway, but in reality so much more!

Bless You

15th November 2009, 09:04 AM
For some it's understandably hard to find Christ in christianity. Leaving christianity is usually a painful struggle, causing much guilt. Such a problem itself was prefigured in the new testament in Luke 18:12-14. A Law-Abiding Jew is thanking God for making him better than a sinner saying,

12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

In other words, the real, self-accepting sinner was more justified [read: pleasing to God] than the rigid, artificial, some might say robotic law-abiding Jew.

Perhaps it is as Carl Jung explained so well; when we do not claim our darkness, we project it into our environment, making ourselves miserable. I would suggest first drawing a dark thin line between christianity and Jesus Christ, then, claiming the guilt as your own and asking Jesus, in private, to help you deal with it. Remember, Jesus preached to Jews and Gentiles as there were no christians at the time, nor while he walked this earth! Cut out the middle man. After all, Jesus is a "priest forever after the order of Melchizedek." - Psalm 110:4. If you remember your old testament, Priests were to give spiritual gifts themselves directly to the people, not through their followers!

I'm not trying to push you back to Christianity either, just to be clear. Jesus was officially a Jew anyway, but in reality so much more!

Bless You

Well i d0 think Jesus is real and much 0f my experience with the supernatural and supernatural 0ccurences like visi0ns, pr0phetic dreams, intuiti0n ab0ut things and even hearing what I believe was G0d's v0ice.. happened while i was a diligent Christian. I guess it was just th0se questi0ns 0f the Bible that y0u kn0w will never be answered while y0u are alive and y0u wish they were 0r y0u wish y0u had a truth t0 be sure 0f that was l0gical and easily pr0ven...that and because i am in a b0dily state that i wish were different it makes me w0nder h0w what I call G0d is feeling 0r (it's) th0ughts ab0ut my health and happiness. Maybe it w0uld be a start f0r me t0 st0p feeling s0rry f0r myself and g0 back t0 praying. wh0 kn0ws

18th November 2009, 02:01 AM
Well, since you had no trouble understanding what I said see how this suits ya: You are focused on yourself (Read: Your Self) and God (it makes me w0nder h0w what I call G0d is feeling 0r (it's) th0ughts ab0ut my health and happiness. Maybe it w0uld be a start f0r me t0 st0p feeling s0rry f0r myself and g0 back t0 praying. wh0 kn0ws) and the o key on your keyboard is busted! The synchronicity is unmistakable! Carl Jung said the self was basically round. God is almost universally imagined to be a round ball of light, and the "o" key makes the 'roundest' symbol available on the keyboard. That's three circles: two implied missing and one missing for all to see. In other words, the key to the healing you need seems all on the inside, to be found through introspection and creative expression. I'm not sure if all the external healing you could find would truly give you what you are craving. Some people just have to make art! It's not easy though, and I wouldn't have said so much if you hadn't mentioned visions and such. Serious self-exploration and confirmation is not the safest thing in the world, and is not for everyone, or even most people.

Perhaps you should consider reading the about the Tao [Read: God] in the Tao Te Ching, the Self in Dreams or Psychology and Alchemy by C.G. Jung. and get lots of pencils, paper, sketch pads, colored chalk, musical instruments, and get busy! THEN get a new keyboard :D

Don't forget though, you'll never find the true God or Self in Books, only symbols. However, the task of the artist [Read: Self-Healer] is to explain the unexplainable to experience catharsis. Symbols are the only way to do this I know of.

Bless You