View Full Version : blind spots and a red dinosaur costume

20th November 2009, 01:46 PM
I had a dream with in a dream. Something else strange about it was i had almost no sight in the center of my dream vision.

Was set at my jr. high school. I got my son to sleep and laid down for a nap myself. I dreamed something (forgot what it was already) and when I woke up I went to find my friend to tell them about it. When I walked outside the sun shown into my eyes and for the rest of the dream I was blind in the center of my vision. (That has never happened before.) I walked around the school trying to find my friend, then someone came up behind me and put their arms around me. For a minute I thought it must be my friend, it was so familiar. But then I caught sight of a small part of his face and realized it was an ex boyfriend. I thought it was weird, but then that thought was fleeting, and I just assumed the old role of girlfriend, albeit hesitantly.

I still couldn't see properly, until someone came into the hallway wearing a red dinosaur costume. I saw him! But he was hidden! Someone else came in the hallway and knocked the dinosaur guy over. It was really funny and we all were laughing.

The guy in the costume was someone I went to school with. His name was Lucky. So, this person who knocked him over kept taunting him and preventing him from getting up. "Get up, lucky!", knock him down. "Get up, Lucky!" hold him down. "Get up, Lucky!"... Pretty soon I saw that it wasn't funny anymore and that's when i woke up.

Also, third dream in as many nights that featured the color red.

20th November 2009, 03:00 PM
A blind spot, having a blind spot, not seeing what is right in front of you, not seeing what is at the center of your vision. "Blinded by the light".

Being caught up in old feelings. Falling into an old reaction, even though it feels weird, falling back into an old role. An old role related to relationships, as signified by the ex. Maybe a topic of repetition.

Red dinosaur - the reptilian brain. The most basic needs, the oldest part of our evolution. Projected outward, present as role or costume.

A hidden red dinosaur - where and how was he hidden?

Brought out into the open, openly presented, brought into the public, even mocked. It was shown how easy the dinosaur guy was to push over. Possibly a question of control. Control of the basic needs? Control of survival instincts?

Was "Lucky" upset or playing along?

A seemingly, but not really funny situation. A possible symbol for irony. Again a repetitive pattern. The repetition makes it no longer funny, maybe wanting an end to the pattern, cycle.

A luck-less Lucky. Failure to stand up. A cycle of provocation and pushing.


20th November 2009, 03:08 PM
A hidden red dinosaur - where and how was he hidden?

the person inside the costume was hidden, but i still knew who it was. It seemed strange that the first thing i really saw in the dream was hidden in a different way.

Lucky didn't have any kind of response. Eventually i remembered that Lucky had been poor and would have been made fun of. I thought this must be bringing back some bad memories for him.

20th November 2009, 03:18 PM
Maybe the fact who was in the costume was not part of that part of the symbol. So, it is just the "red dinosaur" and "costume" (role), I think.

Later on there is the pun on the guy's name. Funny how "lucky" could get pinned down. Not really funny. "Get up" - a request "not to be down".

Many references to learning - school, people from school. This about learning something. Getting back up when you are down?


20th November 2009, 03:22 PM
This about learning something. Getting back up when you are down?