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View Full Version : "Side-Effects" & Benefits of NEW Over Time

Ethereal Traveler
7th February 2006, 07:10 PM
I'm curious about everyone's long and short term experiences with NEW. It seems like it would be an effective and powerful system for not only the goal of Projecting, but also having many other physical, mental, emotional, and psychic "side-effects"/benefits.

Feel free to elaborate on any of the points (ie...if you developed a psychic abilitie(s), name which one(s) or maybe how long after starting NEW a certain side-effect appeared)

Dragon's Daughter
7th February 2006, 07:15 PM
Ok, now I have to share... I put "other" because what I've been experiencing is different than the other options...

I've been getting protection from Negs and Psychic Attacks - or it helps to eliminate these... My energy work had increased tremendously - higher energy, holding longer, more sensitive, more capabilities.

I also think it's increasing my natural telepathic and clairovoyant abilities.


Ethereal Traveler
7th February 2006, 07:40 PM
Cool... I guess that would make sense. The higher amount of energy and control of it you have the more your abilities could surface and be used. Also higher energy must increase your defenses.

7th February 2006, 09:18 PM
I couldn't properly vote because it allows only one option and I have received more than one benefit over time- I'm more apt to consciously project, I've remote-viewed once from the time I started, and am better at clarivoyant seeing than ever before.

9th February 2006, 02:39 AM
I couldn't properly vote because it allows only one option and I have received more than one benefit over time- I'm more apt to consciously project, I've remote-viewed once from the time I started, and am better at clarivoyant seeing than ever before.

Yes, lol It would only let me choose one :cry: so I chose none at all

9th February 2006, 05:29 AM
So far the main result has been enhancement of etheric (auric) sight.

9th February 2006, 06:07 AM
After 4 years of NEW, a bit (or more) of every option ;) So I voted "happy" for the general thing :lol:

10th February 2006, 01:58 AM
More lucid dreaming, a happier GI system (was previously VERY unhappy), ability to see auras, vastly improved energy work

13th February 2006, 02:54 PM
Side effects:
emotional outbursts
mental imbalances (re-ordering thought libraries and optimizing core perception)

As those mentioned in this thread, mainly "enhancement of etheric (auric) sight."
Also - almost immune from colds or general sickness
Read thoughts and feelings and gain empathic connection
Heart chakra and solar plexus chakra - improved happiness, wider outlook, partial ego loss
Brow chakra - clearer mental images, alpha state projection, claircognizance, precognition
Crown - The ability to meditate
Root - Kundalini (this is a double sided one, both a benefit and side affect perhaps), also responsible for the flow of much of the above.

For the most part the direct result of working with energy has been increased psychic and personal (as well as worldly) awareness.