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View Full Version : Busy people, do we know how tired our body really are?

8th December 2009, 02:04 AM
Of course if we are totally aware and present 24/7, we won't feel stressed at all because we would never overwork ourselves, and we also have a endless flow of inner energy to make us energetic all day long.

But once in a while when life really requires too much, this is what we find.

1. Unwinding

Sometimes when we are totally stressed and tense, we don't even know that we are tired. It is when we totally relax our body that we find how tired our body really is.

This really amazes me. I have found that if I am still excited about things from during the day, I think I am not sleepy and not tired. But once I get out of the bed to meditate, in just a few minutes, I find how tired and how sleepy my body really is.

Unwinding is essential. We are all busy people. If we don't unwind, sometimes we can't even do things that really help us, like yoga, enjoying cooking, exercise, or meditation. Our body is all tense and tight. In such tension, we would not even be interested at all in doing anything. We just want to be lazy. Our mind set can't stop, so we find something similar to keep it that way. So we watch TV to keep our mind busy. Or we find more things to worry about or think about. We might also eat or drink to feel good. We might not even fall asleep even if we try.

When we don't unwind, it's like we are not cooperating or communicating with our body. Our body and mind are doing their own things.

In meditation, we unwind by taking a few deep breaths, and then just let our body do its thing. Breathe. Feel what's inside of you. Feel what comes up. This is the unwinding it needs to set for the next stage.

2. Rocking and swaying

For me, once I totally let go of control of my body, rocking starts right away. I have found that it can be a bit distracting. But just let it rock for a while. It will stop when it's done, because I think this is the process of the inner energy trying to settle. So the body relax first to get the inner energy coming up. Then it takes a while to let the inner energy settle down on its own.

I have found that this rocking and swaying is the cause of a totally restful and healing sleep after meditation. I have related the rocking and the healing sleep. They go together. When the inner energy go through the process of settling down, it finds its suitable place and that's what we need to have total relaxation and healing of our body.

But it can also be the other way around. It's because we are totally relaxed that we are able to rock and sway freely.

Sometimes it really amazed me how tired I find I actually am, because I have worked too hard during the day.

This is one of the things I learned in this second around of awakening. The first time around, I was in awe with all kinds of happenings but didn't know why. This second time around, I am able to see what makes it work, and what doesn't work.

6th January 2010, 03:40 PM
I agree when you are too tired you cant focus and even make discision making a hard task, but if you meditait too much or they are not balanced you can become dizzy and laxadazy and tired and find it harder to focus. when i first started doing meditaion i was doing too many calming and destressing meditions and becames very tired and dizzy i done it far too much as in everything too much of anything is bad for you.