View Full Version : Solar Plexus and Heart chakras

13th January 2010, 08:14 PM
I continue to work at NEW. The solar plexus and heart centers are real problems for me. All the other centers I can work with in some way, but these two are so blocked that I'm becoming stumped.

There seems to be almost a complete disconnect of the lower half of my body with the solar plexus and above. I have tried running energy 'around' the blockages, but it does not seem to be dissolving the actual blockages. Last night I pulled out my book again and re-read the part on tools...so I am trying to 'design' something that will work for what I feel.

The solar plexus feels gummed up and hardened, and the heart area feels iced up. So the ice I can work with...it's the gummed up part that I'm lost over. When I try to work with standard tools, they just get gummed up, too.

So comments are definitely welcome. Should I work in order from bottom to top? Or should I go ahead and go all out on 'defrosting' (!) and deal with the other when I can?

13th January 2010, 08:32 PM
Three recommendations that might fit you:

(1) Try working with bright, neutral gold cosmic energy, which can be quite effective at dissolving resistance (gummy patches). Perhaps the Solar Plexus is gummy because you've been in resistance to what you're doing with your energy in terms of your livelihood or down time (?)

(2) Before doing energywork again on the Solar Plexus, try doing some physical activity you love for a half hour or so. The Solar Plexus is more of a "body chakra" closely involved in our energy distribution, literally what we do with our energy. What do you like to do with your body? Figuring that out and then doing it will, I think, help energy flow naturally through that center.

Likewise, before doing energywork again the Heart, try giving yourself something you love. The Heart is about our affinities. Get your affinity flowing by giving to yourself. The "gift" might be the same thing for Solar Plexus and Heart.

(3) ...I'm just getting that being physically active might be beneficial, and safely getting out some aggression.

13th January 2010, 08:54 PM
Thank you, Dreamosis.
I like the idea of the way you described a 'bright, neutral gold' energy. I've been having trouble with visualizing a yellow that seemed right to me. Point taken re: physical activity. I've been trying to walk with my husband several times a week -- it would be good for me to see that as something that fuels that area. I live in my head a lot more than the rest of my body sometimes, and I am trying to change that. Ideally I would love to ice skate! But conditions don't permit!

After I posted, I did some surfing on different aspects of the solar plexus, including an intriguing one of this being where we process things. I have been dealing with processing issues for about a decade, specifically related to things (should they stay or should they go), and if 'gummed up' could be applied to a process, this is it. It seems that every time I manage to make a decision and move to the next, I see the list get several pages longer. Discouraging, but not something that will stop me ultimately. In more physical terms, I take several medications, some of which can 'gum up' the liver, so there is another factor (although I can keep on top of that fairly well).

As to how this applies to the heart, let's just say all those things I am processing have emotional ties -- to myself, my childhood, my family, etc. There's nothing like keeping one's heart in a deep freeze to protect it!

Thank you!

14th January 2010, 11:00 AM
Hello, Lira.

The solarplexus is strongly connected to the will, and also to making decisions.

The heart is about connecting to others, to feeling and listening inside.

If both are blocked up this might indicate an unbalanced situation between the both.

What would you say - do you tend to think a lot about your decisions, or is more feeling-based?


14th January 2010, 01:37 PM
Hi Korpo -- I'm definitely a thinker here. In Jungian (or Myers-Briggs), I'm an INTJ.

I did more reading last night about overworked centers vs. closed centers. I get the feeling (ha! so apparently it isn't always just thinking for me) that the solar plexus is more terribly overworked until it just ground to a halt, and the heart just protected itself. After a walk, I tried some more energy work on the area, and afterwards, the area actually seemed a bit 'bubbly' (for lack of a better descriptor), but I think this one is going to take a while to unstick.

14th January 2010, 07:21 PM
Have made definite progress. I used a tiny golden ball -- bigger ones were too slow -- and moved that through the area for several minutes. If someone were to come up to you and put their forefinger fairly forcefully into your chest, that is what I felt afterwards, just at the solar plexus location. Several hours later, I still feel it, albeit milder. Will keep working.

14th January 2010, 11:04 PM
Remember that effort is sometimes counterproductive with energywork, even with really gummy patches. "Hard work" is sometimes called for, but sometimes clearing a blockage is about letting go, letting up, releasing, or a gentle shift in awareness.

You could "start from the end." What would you like to feel in heart? Meditate on that. Involve yourself playfully in imagining it.

17th January 2010, 04:26 PM
I had some blockages trying the exercises described in the NEW handbook. So I gave my imagination a chance, and now I have some additions to the exercise to wake up dormant energy spots:

1.Imagine/feel your astral hand going through the chakra, and moving the energy in a circular fashion, as if you would be stirring a cup of tea with your fingers. Do that strongly, with that sense of I'm-going-to-break-it.

2.In the same way. Stab your chakra with an imaginary dagger (symbol of air), after that the outer layer of the ball (balloon) breaks and the energy from inside starts moving.

3.With my feet, or my entire body, I prefer using the imaginary water, as if I would be under a cascade of watery energy. That moves a lot.

Bruce talks about using astral tools to release blockages. The first time I tried that I didn't feel anything special, till I realized one thing. In a session I had the "fear" feeling of introducing a needle (though it was imaginary). I felt that that fear made the needle real for me, and I used it to pierce my knee to extract the blocked energy. It was a strong experience, similar to when you visit your doctor to have your blood extracted. It's painful, but you know it's good for you and that you don't have any other way.

So, enjoy that semi-masochistic exercises of using sharp and aggressive astral tools to enliven up your centres, or to break down you clogs. After they're working, you can shift to more soft or romantic means.

Good luck.